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README.mdD23-Nov-2023868 3022

cfwl_barcodetp.cppD23-Nov-2023879 3019

cfwl_barcodetp.hD23-Nov-2023650 2311

cfwl_carettp.cppD23-Nov-20231.4 KiB4431

cfwl_carettp.hD23-Nov-2023782 2815

cfwl_checkboxtp.cppD23-Nov-20239.1 KiB259219

cfwl_checkboxtp.hD23-Nov-20232.1 KiB6245

cfwl_comboboxtp.cppD23-Nov-20232.6 KiB8472

cfwl_comboboxtp.hD23-Nov-2023790 2714

cfwl_datetimepickertp.cppD23-Nov-20231.6 KiB

cfwl_datetimepickertp.hD23-Nov-2023781 2613

cfwl_edittp.cppD23-Nov-20232.7 KiB7664

cfwl_edittp.hD23-Nov-2023594 2210

cfwl_listboxtp.cppD23-Nov-20232.7 KiB7866

cfwl_listboxtp.hD23-Nov-2023859 2916

cfwl_monthcalendartp.cppD23-Nov-202310.2 KiB267238

cfwl_monthcalendartp.hD23-Nov-20231.7 KiB4431

cfwl_pictureboxtp.cppD23-Nov-2023749 2615

cfwl_pictureboxtp.hD23-Nov-2023630 2210

cfwl_pushbuttontp.cppD23-Nov-20234.7 KiB126104

cfwl_pushbuttontp.hD23-Nov-20231.2 KiB4428

cfwl_scrollbartp.cppD23-Nov-20239.2 KiB252218

cfwl_scrollbartp.hD23-Nov-20231.8 KiB6044

cfwl_utils.hD23-Nov-20231.1 KiB4127

cfwl_widgettp.cppD23-Nov-202310 KiB286238

cfwl_widgettp.hD23-Nov-20233.3 KiB11892


1xfa/fwl/theme contains code for rendering XFA widgets.
3TP stands for Theme Part.
5CFWL_WidgetTP contains much of the code common to more than one widget.
7The other CFWL_TP classes derive from it and know how to draw the pieces
8specific to their respective widget.
10The inheritance hierarchy for this directory is:
12* CFWL_WidgetTP
13    * CFWL_BarcodeTP
14    * CFWL_CaretTP
15    * CFWL_CheckboxTP
16    * CFWL_ComboBowTP
17    * CFWL_DateTimePickerTP
18    * CFWL_EditTP
19    * CFWL_ListBoxTP
20    * CFWL_MonthCalendarTP
21    * CFWL_PictureBoxTP
22    * CFWL_PushButtonTP
23    * CFWL_ScrollBarTP
25All these widget TP classes are composed into CXFA_FWLTheme, which implements
26IFWL_ThemeProvider (and is the only class that does). CXFA_FWLTheme receives
27DrawBackground() calls from CFWL widgets to draw themselves and routes them to
28the TP (Theme Part) corresponding to that widget.