1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "src/kallsyms/kernel_symbol_map.h"
19 #include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
20 #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
21 #include "perfetto/ext/base/file_utils.h"
22 #include "perfetto/ext/base/metatrace.h"
23 #include "perfetto/ext/base/paged_memory.h"
24 #include "perfetto/ext/base/scoped_file.h"
25 #include "perfetto/ext/base/string_view.h"
26 #include "perfetto/ext/base/utils.h"
27 #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
29 #include <inttypes.h>
30 #include <stdio.h>
32 #include <algorithm>
33 #include <functional>
34 #include <map>
35 #include <utility>
37 namespace perfetto {
39 // On a Pixel 3 this gives an avg. lookup time of 600 ns and a memory usage
40 // of 1.1 MB for 65k symbols. See go/kallsyms-parser-bench.
41 size_t KernelSymbolMap::kSymIndexSampling = 16;
42 size_t KernelSymbolMap::kTokenIndexSampling = 4;
44 namespace {
46 using TokenId = KernelSymbolMap::TokenTable::TokenId;
47 constexpr size_t kSymNameMaxLen = 128;
48 constexpr size_t kSymMaxSizeBytes = 1024 * 1024;
50 // Reads a kallsyms file in blocks of 4 pages each and decode its lines using
51 // a simple FSM. Calls the passed lambda for each valid symbol.
52 // It skips undefined symbols and other useless stuff.
53 template <typename Lambda /* void(uint64_t, const char*) */>
ForEachSym(const std::string & kallsyms_path,Lambda fn)54 void ForEachSym(const std::string& kallsyms_path, Lambda fn) {
55   base::ScopedFile fd = base::OpenFile(kallsyms_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
56   if (!fd) {
57     PERFETTO_PLOG("Cannot open %s", kallsyms_path.c_str());
58     return;
59   }
61   // /proc/kallsyms looks as follows:
62   // 0000000000026a80 A bpf_trace_sds
63   //
64   // ffffffffc03a6000 T cpufreq_gov_powersave_init<TAB> [cpufreq_powersave]
65   // ffffffffc035d000 T cpufreq_gov_userspace_init<TAB> [cpufreq_userspace]
66   //
67   // We parse it with a state machine that has four states, one for each column.
68   // We don't care about the part in the square brackets and ignore everything
69   // after the symbol name.
71   static constexpr size_t kBufSize = 16 * 1024;
72   base::PagedMemory buffer = base::PagedMemory::Allocate(kBufSize);
73   enum { kSymAddr, kSymType, kSymName, kEatRestOfLine } state = kSymAddr;
74   uint64_t sym_addr = 0;
75   char sym_type = '\0';
76   char sym_name[kSymNameMaxLen + 1];
77   size_t sym_name_len = 0;
78   for (;;) {
79     char* buf = static_cast<char*>(buffer.Get());
80     auto rsize = base::Read(*fd, buf, kBufSize);
81     if (rsize < 0) {
82       PERFETTO_PLOG("read(%s) failed", kallsyms_path.c_str());
83       return;
84     }
85     if (rsize == 0)
86       return;  // EOF
87     for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(rsize); i++) {
88       char c = buf[i];
89       const bool is_space = c == ' ' || c == '\t';
90       switch (state) {
91         case kSymAddr:
92           if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
93             sym_addr = (sym_addr << 4) | static_cast<uint8_t>(c - '0');
94           } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
95             sym_addr = (sym_addr << 4) | static_cast<uint8_t>(c - 'a' + 10);
96           } else if (is_space) {
97             state = kSymType;
98           } else if (c == '\0') {
99             return;
100           } else {
101             PERFETTO_ELOG("kallsyms parser error: chr 0x%x @ off=%zu", c, i);
102             return;
103           }
104           break;
106         case kSymType:
107           if (is_space)
108             break;  // Eat leading spaces.
109           sym_type = c;
110           state = kSymName;
111           sym_name_len = 0;
112           break;
114         case kSymName:
115           if (is_space && sym_name_len == 0)
116             break;  // Eat leading spaces.
117           if (c && c != '\n' && !is_space && sym_name_len < kSymNameMaxLen) {
118             sym_name[sym_name_len++] = c;
119             break;
120           }
121           sym_name[sym_name_len] = '\0';
122           fn(sym_addr, sym_type, sym_name);
123           sym_addr = 0;
124           sym_type = '\0';
125           state = c == '\n' ? kSymAddr : kEatRestOfLine;
126           break;
128         case kEatRestOfLine:
129           if (c == '\n')
130             state = kSymAddr;
131           break;
132       }  // switch(state)
133     }    // for (char in buf)
134   }      // for (read chunk)
135 }
137 // Splits a symbol name into tokens using '_' as a separator, calling the passed
138 // lambda for each token. It splits tokens in a way that allows the original
139 // string to be rebuilt as-is by re-joining using a '_' between each token.
140 // For instance:
141 // _fo_a_b      ->  ["", fo, a, b]
142 // __fo_a_b     ->  [_, fo, a, b]
143 // __fo_a_b_    ->  [_, fo, a, b, ""]
144 // __fo_a_b____ ->  [_, fo, a, b, ___]
145 template <typename Lambda /* void(base::StringView) */>
Tokenize(const char * name,Lambda fn)146 void Tokenize(const char* name, Lambda fn) {
147   const char* tok_start = name;
148   bool is_start_of_token = true;
149   bool tok_is_sep = false;
150   for (const char* ptr = name;; ptr++) {
151     const char c = *ptr;
152     if (is_start_of_token) {
153       tok_is_sep = *tok_start == '_';  // Deals with tokens made of '_'s.
154       is_start_of_token = false;
155     }
156     // Scan until either the end of string or the next character (which is a '_'
157     // in nominal cases, or anything != '_' for tokens made by 1+ '_').
158     if (c == '\0' || (!tok_is_sep && c == '_') || (tok_is_sep && c != '_')) {
159       size_t tok_len = static_cast<size_t>(ptr - tok_start);
160       if (tok_is_sep && c != '\0')
161         --tok_len;
162       fn(base::StringView(tok_start, tok_len));
163       if (c == '\0')
164         return;
165       tok_start = tok_is_sep ? ptr : ptr + 1;
166       is_start_of_token = true;
167     }
168   }
169 }
171 }  // namespace
TokenTable()173 KernelSymbolMap::TokenTable::TokenTable() {
174   // Insert a null token as id 0. We can't just add "" because the empty string
175   // is special-cased and doesn't insert an actual token. So we push a string of
176   // size one that contains only the null character instead.
177   char null_tok = 0;
178   Add(std::string(&null_tok, 1));
179 }
181 KernelSymbolMap::TokenTable::~TokenTable() = default;
183 // Adds a new token to the db. Does not dedupe identical token (with the
184 // exception of the empty string). The caller has to deal with that.
185 // Supports only ASCII characters in the range [1, 127].
186 // The last character of the token will have the MSB set.
Add(const std::string & token)187 TokenId KernelSymbolMap::TokenTable::Add(const std::string& token) {
188   const size_t token_size = token.size();
189   if (token_size == 0)
190     return 0;
191   TokenId id = num_tokens_++;
193   const size_t buf_size_before_insertion = buf_.size();
194   if (id % kTokenIndexSampling == 0)
195     index_.emplace_back(buf_size_before_insertion);
197   const size_t prev_size = buf_.size();
198   buf_.resize(prev_size + token_size);
199   char* tok_wptr = &buf_[prev_size];
200   for (size_t i = 0; i < token_size - 1; i++) {
201     PERFETTO_DCHECK((token.at(i) & 0x80) == 0);  // |token| must be ASCII only.
202     *(tok_wptr++) = token.at(i) & 0x7f;
203   }
204   *(tok_wptr++) = static_cast<char>(token.at(token_size - 1) | 0x80);
205   PERFETTO_DCHECK(tok_wptr == &buf_[buf_.size()]);
206   return id;
207 }
209 // NOTE: the caller need to mask the returned chars with 0x7f. The last char of
210 // the StringView will have its MSB set (it's used as a EOF char internally).
Lookup(TokenId id)211 base::StringView KernelSymbolMap::TokenTable::Lookup(TokenId id) {
212   if (id == 0)
213     return base::StringView();
214   if (id > num_tokens_)
215     return base::StringView("<error>");
216   // We don't know precisely where the id-th token starts in the buffer. We
217   // store only one position every kTokenIndexSampling. From there, the token
218   // can be found with a linear scan of at most kTokenIndexSampling steps.
219   size_t index_off = id / kTokenIndexSampling;
220   PERFETTO_DCHECK(index_off < index_.size());
221   TokenId cur_id = static_cast<TokenId>(index_off * kTokenIndexSampling);
222   uint32_t begin = index_[index_off];
223   PERFETTO_DCHECK(begin == 0 || buf_[begin - 1] & 0x80);
224   const size_t buf_size = buf_.size();
225   for (uint32_t off = begin; off < buf_size; ++off) {
226     // Advance |off| until the end of the token (which has the MSB set).
227     if ((buf_[off] & 0x80) == 0)
228       continue;
229     if (cur_id == id)
230       return base::StringView(&buf_[begin], off - begin + 1);
231     ++cur_id;
232     begin = off + 1;
233   }
234   return base::StringView();
235 }
Parse(const std::string & kallsyms_path)237 size_t KernelSymbolMap::Parse(const std::string& kallsyms_path) {
239   using SymAddr = uint64_t;
241   struct TokenInfo {
242     uint32_t count = 0;
243     TokenId id = 0;
244   };
246   // Note if changing the container: the code below relies on stable iterators.
247   using TokenMap = std::map<std::string, TokenInfo>;
248   using TokenMapPtr = TokenMap::value_type*;
249   TokenMap tokens;
251   // Keep the (ordered) list of tokens for each symbol.
252   struct SymAddrAndTokenPtr {
253     SymAddr addr;
254     TokenMapPtr token_map_entry;
256     bool operator<(const SymAddrAndTokenPtr& other) const {
257       return addr < other.addr;
258     }
259   };
260   std::vector<SymAddrAndTokenPtr> symbol_tokens;
262   // Based on `cat /proc/kallsyms | egrep "\b[tT]\b" | wc -l`.
263   symbol_tokens.reserve(128 * 1024);
265   ForEachSym(kallsyms_path, [&](SymAddr addr, char type, const char* name) {
266     if (addr == 0 || (type != 't' && type != 'T') || name[0] == '$') {
267       return;
268     }
270     // Split each symbol name in tokens, using '_' as a separator (so that
271     // "foo_bar" -> ["foo", "bar"]). For each token hash:
272     // 1. Keep track of the frequency of each token.
273     // 2. Keep track of the list of token hashes for each symbol.
274     Tokenize(name, [&tokens, &symbol_tokens, addr](base::StringView token) {
275       // Strip the .cfi part if present.
276       if (token.substr(token.size() - 4) == ".cfi")
277         token = token.substr(0, token.size() - 4);
278       auto it_and_ins = tokens.emplace(token.ToStdString(), TokenInfo{});
279       it_and_ins.first->second.count++;
280       symbol_tokens.emplace_back(SymAddrAndTokenPtr{addr, &*it_and_ins.first});
281     });
282   });
284   symbol_tokens.shrink_to_fit();
286   // For each symbol address, T entries are inserted into |symbol_tokens|, one
287   // for each token. These symbols are added in arbitrary address (as seen in
288   // /proc/kallsyms). Here we want to sort symbols by addresses, but at the same
289   // time preserve the order of tokens within each address.
290   // For instance, if kallsyms has: {0x41: connect_socket, 0x42: write_file}:
291   // Before sort: [(0x42, write), (0x42, file), (0x41, connect), (0x41, socket)]
292   // After sort: [(0x41, connect), (0x41, socket), (0x42, write), (0x42, file)]
293   std::stable_sort(symbol_tokens.begin(), symbol_tokens.end());
295   // At this point we have broken down each symbol into a set of token hashes.
296   // Now generate the token ids, putting high freq tokens first, so they use
297   // only one byte to varint encode.
299   // This block limits the lifetime of |tokens_by_freq|.
300   {
301     std::vector<TokenMapPtr> tokens_by_freq;
302     tokens_by_freq.resize(tokens.size());
303     size_t tok_idx = 0;
304     for (auto& kv : tokens)
305       tokens_by_freq[tok_idx++] = &kv;
307     auto comparer = [](TokenMapPtr a, TokenMapPtr b) {
308       PERFETTO_DCHECK(a && b);
309       return b->second.count < a->second.count;
310     };
311     std::sort(tokens_by_freq.begin(), tokens_by_freq.end(), comparer);
312     for (TokenMapPtr tinfo : tokens_by_freq) {
313       tinfo->second.id = tokens_.Add(tinfo->first);
314     }
315   }
316   tokens_.shrink_to_fit();
318   buf_.resize(2 * 1024 * 1024);  // Based on real-word observations.
319   base_addr_ = symbol_tokens.empty() ? 0 : symbol_tokens.begin()->addr;
320   SymAddr prev_sym_addr = base_addr_;
321   uint8_t* wptr = buf_.data();
323   for (auto it = symbol_tokens.begin(); it != symbol_tokens.end();) {
324     const SymAddr sym_addr = it->addr;
326     // Find the iterator to the first token of the next symbol (or the end).
327     auto sym_start = it;
328     auto sym_end = it;
329     while (sym_end != symbol_tokens.end() && sym_end->addr == sym_addr)
330       ++sym_end;
332     // The range [sym_start, sym_end) has all the tokens for the current symbol.
333     uint32_t size_before = static_cast<uint32_t>(wptr - buf_.data());
335     // Make sure there is enough headroom to write the symbol.
336     if (buf_.size() - size_before < 1024) {
337       buf_.resize(buf_.size() + 32768);
338       wptr = buf_.data() + size_before;
339     }
341     uint32_t sym_rel_addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(sym_addr - base_addr_);
342     const size_t sym_num = num_syms_++;
343     if (sym_num % kSymIndexSampling == 0)
344       index_.emplace_back(std::make_pair(sym_rel_addr, size_before));
345     PERFETTO_DCHECK(sym_addr >= prev_sym_addr);
346     uint32_t delta = static_cast<uint32_t>(sym_addr - prev_sym_addr);
347     wptr = protozero::proto_utils::WriteVarInt(delta, wptr);
348     // Append all the token ids.
349     for (it = sym_start; it != sym_end;) {
350       PERFETTO_DCHECK(it->addr == sym_addr);
351       TokenMapPtr const token_map_entry = it->token_map_entry;
352       const TokenInfo& token_info = token_map_entry->second;
353       TokenId token_id = token_info.id << 1;
354       ++it;
355       token_id |= (it == sym_end) ? 1 : 0;  // Last one has LSB set to 1.
356       wptr = protozero::proto_utils::WriteVarInt(token_id, wptr);
357     }
358     prev_sym_addr = sym_addr;
359   }  // for (symbols)
361   buf_.resize(static_cast<size_t>(wptr - buf_.data()));
362   buf_.shrink_to_fit();
363   base::MaybeReleaseAllocatorMemToOS();  // For Scudo, b/170217718.
365   if (num_syms_ == 0) {
367         "Failed to parse kallsyms. Kernel functions will not be symbolized. On "
368         "Linux this requires either running traced_probes as root or manually "
369         "lowering /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict");
370   } else {
372         "Loaded %zu kalllsyms entries. Mem usage: %zu B (addresses) + %zu B "
373         "(tokens), total: %zu B",
374         num_syms_, addr_bytes(), tokens_.size_bytes(), size_bytes());
375   }
377   return num_syms_;
378 }
Lookup(uint64_t sym_addr)380 std::string KernelSymbolMap::Lookup(uint64_t sym_addr) {
381   if (index_.empty() || sym_addr < base_addr_)
382     return "";
384   // First find the highest symbol address <= sym_addr.
385   // Start with a binary search using the sparse index.
387   const uint32_t sym_rel_addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(sym_addr - base_addr_);
388   auto it = std::upper_bound(index_.cbegin(), index_.cend(),
389                              std::make_pair(sym_rel_addr, 0u));
390   if (it != index_.cbegin())
391     --it;
393   // Then continue with a linear scan (of at most kSymIndexSampling steps).
394   uint32_t addr = it->first;
395   uint32_t off = it->second;
396   const uint8_t* rdptr = &buf_[off];
397   const uint8_t* const buf_end = &buf_[buf_.size()];
398   bool parsing_addr = true;
399   const uint8_t* next_rdptr = nullptr;
400   uint64_t sym_start_addr = 0;
401   for (bool is_first_addr = true;; is_first_addr = false) {
402     uint64_t v = 0;
403     const auto* prev_rdptr = rdptr;
404     rdptr = protozero::proto_utils::ParseVarInt(rdptr, buf_end, &v);
405     if (rdptr == prev_rdptr)
406       break;
407     if (parsing_addr) {
408       addr += is_first_addr ? 0 : static_cast<uint32_t>(v);
409       parsing_addr = false;
410       if (addr > sym_rel_addr)
411         break;
412       next_rdptr = rdptr;
413       sym_start_addr = addr;
414     } else {
415       // This is a token. Wait for the EOF maker.
416       parsing_addr = (v & 1) == 1;
417     }
418   }
420   if (!next_rdptr)
421     return "";
423   PERFETTO_DCHECK(sym_rel_addr >= sym_start_addr);
425   // If this address is too far from the start of the symbol, this is likely
426   // a pointer to something else (e.g. some vmalloc struct) and we just picked
427   // the very last symbol for a loader region.
428   if (sym_rel_addr - sym_start_addr > kSymMaxSizeBytes)
429     return "";
431   // The address has been found. Now rejoin the tokens to form the symbol name.
433   rdptr = next_rdptr;
434   std::string sym_name;
435   sym_name.reserve(kSymNameMaxLen);
436   for (bool eof = false, is_first_token = true; !eof; is_first_token = false) {
437     uint64_t v = 0;
438     const auto* old = rdptr;
439     rdptr = protozero::proto_utils::ParseVarInt(rdptr, buf_end, &v);
440     if (rdptr == old)
441       break;
442     eof = v & 1;
443     base::StringView token = tokens_.Lookup(static_cast<TokenId>(v >> 1));
444     if (!is_first_token)
445       sym_name.push_back('_');
446     for (size_t i = 0; i < token.size(); i++)
447       sym_name.push_back(token.at(i) & 0x7f);
448   }
449   return sym_name;
450 }
452 }  // namespace perfetto