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Name Date Size #Lines LOC




AutoComplete.pyD23-Nov-20238.8 KiB230190

AutoCompleteWindow.pyD23-Nov-202316.9 KiB408322

AutoExpand.pyD23-Nov-20233.3 KiB10587

Bindings.pyD23-Nov-20232.9 KiB9279

CREDITS.txtD23-Nov-20231.8 KiB3827

CallTipWindow.pyD23-Nov-20235.9 KiB163130

CallTips.pyD23-Nov-20237.6 KiB220178

ChangeLogD23-Nov-202355.1 KiB1,5921,068

ClassBrowser.pyD23-Nov-20236.8 KiB237195

CodeContext.pyD23-Nov-20238.1 KiB177135

ColorDelegator.pyD23-Nov-20239.5 KiB259220

Debugger.pyD23-Nov-202317.8 KiB530420

Delegator.pyD23-Nov-2023665 2619

EditorWindow.pyD23-Nov-202364 KiB1,7051,341

FileList.pyD23-Nov-20233.6 KiB125107

FormatParagraph.pyD23-Nov-20237.1 KiB196153

GrepDialog.pyD23-Nov-20235 KiB160135

HISTORY.txtD23-Nov-202310.1 KiB297193

HyperParser.pyD23-Nov-202310.2 KiB256177

IOBinding.pyD23-Nov-202321.3 KiB611492

IdleHistory.pyD23-Nov-20234 KiB10593

MultiCall.pyD23-Nov-202317.3 KiB431340

MultiStatusBar.pyD23-Nov-20231.3 KiB4840

NEWS.txtD23-Nov-202345.6 KiB1,166772

ObjectBrowser.pyD23-Nov-20234.3 KiB157130

OutputWindow.pyD23-Nov-20234.5 KiB150110

ParenMatch.pyD23-Nov-20236.6 KiB179135

PathBrowser.pyD23-Nov-20232.9 KiB10687

Percolator.pyD23-Nov-20233.1 KiB10485

PyParse.pyD23-Nov-202319.1 KiB595374

PyShell.pyD23-Nov-202357.4 KiB1,6421,344

README.txtD23-Nov-20237.7 KiB231206

RemoteDebugger.pyD23-Nov-202311.4 KiB380265

RemoteObjectBrowser.pyD23-Nov-2023942 3725

ReplaceDialog.pyD23-Nov-20236.5 KiB221191

RstripExtension.pyD23-Nov-20231 KiB3422

ScriptBinding.pyD23-Nov-20238.3 KiB223175

ScrolledList.pyD23-Nov-20234.3 KiB146116

SearchDialog.pyD23-Nov-20232.6 KiB9075

SearchDialogBase.pyD23-Nov-20236.8 KiB185156

SearchEngine.pyD23-Nov-20237.3 KiB234197

StackViewer.pyD23-Nov-20234.3 KiB152125

TODO.txtD23-Nov-20238.3 KiB211162

ToolTip.pyD23-Nov-20233.1 KiB9874

TreeWidget.pyD23-Nov-202314.7 KiB468380

UndoDelegator.pyD23-Nov-202310.5 KiB366260

WidgetRedirector.pyD23-Nov-20236.7 KiB176140

WindowList.pyD23-Nov-20232.4 KiB9167

ZoomHeight.pyD23-Nov-20231.3 KiB5236

__init__.pyD23-Nov-2023288 96

aboutDialog.pyD23-Nov-20236.8 KiB152128

config-extensions.defD23-Nov-20232.9 KiB10090

config-highlight.defD23-Nov-20232.5 KiB9490

config-keys.defD23-Nov-20237.6 KiB215209

config-main.defD23-Nov-20232.5 KiB7971

configDialog.pyD23-Nov-202364.4 KiB1,4581,211

configHandler.pyD23-Nov-202331.7 KiB773656

configHelpSourceEdit.pyD23-Nov-20236.5 KiB169153

configSectionNameDialog.pyD23-Nov-20233.9 KiB9691

dynOptionMenuWidget.pyD23-Nov-20231.9 KiB5848

extend.txtD23-Nov-20233.6 KiB8465

help.htmlD23-Nov-202341.4 KiB716696

help.pyD23-Nov-202310.8 KiB278235

help.txtD23-Nov-202311.9 KiB303238

idle.batD23-Nov-2023177 54

idle.pyD23-Nov-2023453 147

idle.pywD23-Nov-2023563 1817

idlever.pyD23-Nov-2023415 1311

keybindingDialog.pyD23-Nov-202312.2 KiB269248

macosxSupport.pyD23-Nov-20238.2 KiB238174

rpc.pyD23-Nov-202319.7 KiB598479

run.pyD23-Nov-202312.2 KiB376316

tabbedpages.pyD23-Nov-202318 KiB499369

textView.pyD23-Nov-20233.4 KiB9879


1README.txt: an index to idlelib files and the IDLE menu.
3IDLE is Python's Integrated Development and Learning
4Environment.  The user documentation is part of the Library Reference and
5is available in IDLE by selecting Help => IDLE Help.  This README documents
6idlelib for IDLE developers and curious users.
8IDLELIB FILES lists files alphabetically by category,
9with a short description of each.
11IDLE MENU show the menu tree, annotated with the module
12or module object that implements the corresponding function.
14This file is descriptive, not prescriptive, and may have errors
15and omissions and lag behind changes in idlelib.
19Implemetation files not in IDLE MENU are marked (nim).
20Deprecated files and objects are listed separately as the end.
24__init__.py  # import, does nothing
25__main__.py  # -m, starts IDLE
32AutoComplete.py   # Complete attribute names or filenames.
33AutoCompleteWindow.py  # Display completions.
34AutoExpand.py     # Expand word with previous word in file.
35Bindings.py       # Define most of IDLE menu.
36CallTipWindow.py  # Display calltip.
37CallTips.py       # Create calltip text.
38ClassBrowser.py   # Create module browser window.
39CodeContext.py    # Show compound statement headers otherwise not visible.
40ColorDelegator.py # Colorize text (nim).
41Debugger.py       # Debug code run from editor; show window.
42Delegator.py      # Define base class for delegators (nim).
43EditorWindow.py   # Define most of editor and utility functions.
44FileList.py       # Open files and manage list of open windows (nim).
45FormatParagraph.py# Re-wrap multiline strings and comments.
46GrepDialog.py     # Find all occurrences of pattern in multiple files.
47HyperParser.py    # Parse code around a given index.
48IOBinding.py      # Open, read, and write files
49IdleHistory.py    # Get previous or next user input in shell (nim)
50MultiCall.py      # Wrap tk widget to allow multiple calls per event (nim).
51MultiStatusBar.py # Define status bar for windows (nim).
52ObjectBrowser.py  # Define class used in StackViewer (nim).
53OutputWindow.py   # Create window for grep output.
54ParenMatch.py     # Match fenceposts: (), [], and {}.
55PathBrowser.py    # Create path browser window.
56Percolator.py     # Manage delegator stack (nim).
57PyParse.py        # Give information on code indentation
58PyShell.py        # Start IDLE, manage shell, complete editor window
59RemoteDebugger.py # Debug code run in remote process.
60RemoteObjectBrowser.py # Communicate objects between processes with rpc (nim).
61ReplaceDialog.py  # Search and replace pattern in text.
62RstripExtension.py# Strip trailing whitespace
63ScriptBinding.py  # Check and run user code.
64ScrolledList.py   # Define ScrolledList widget for IDLE (nim).
65SearchDialog.py   # Search for pattern in text.
66SearchDialogBase.py  # Define base for search, replace, and grep dialogs.
67SearchEngine.py   # Define engine for all 3 search dialogs.
68StackViewer.py    # View stack after exception.
69TreeWidget.py     # Define tree widger, used in browsers (nim).
70UndoDelegator.py  # Manage undo stack.
71WidgetRedirector.py # Intercept widget subcommands (for percolator) (nim).
72WindowList.py     # Manage window list and define listed top level.
73ZoomHeight.py     # Zoom window to full height of screen.
74aboutDialog.py    # Display About IDLE dialog.
75configDialog.py   # Display user configuration dialogs.
76configHandler.py  # Load, fetch, and save configuration (nim).
77configHelpSourceEdit.py  # Specify help source.
78configSectionNameDialog.py  # Spefify user config section name
79dynOptionMenuWidget.py  # define mutable OptionMenu widget (nim).
80help.py           # Display IDLE's html doc.
81keybindingDialog.py  # Change keybindings.
82macosxSupport.py  # Help IDLE run on Macs (nim).
83rpc.py            # Commuicate between idle and user processes (nim).
84run.py            # Manage user code execution subprocess.
85tabbedpages.py    # Define tabbed pages widget (nim).
86textView.py       # Define read-only text widget (nim).
90config-extensions.def # Defaults for extensions
91config-highlight.def  # Defaults for colorizing
92config-keys.def       # Defaults for key bindings
93config-main.def       # Defai;ts fpr font and geneal
97CREDITS.txt  # not maintained, displayed by About IDLE
98HISTORY.txt  # NEWS up to July 2001
99NEWS.txt     # commits, displayed by About IDLE
100README.txt   # this file, displeyed by About IDLE
101TODO.txt     # needs review
102extend.txt   # about writing extensions
103help.html    # copy of idle.html in docs, displayed by IDLE Help
107Icons  # small image files
108idle_test  # files for human test and automated unit tests
110Unused and Deprecated files and objects (nim)
112EditorWindow.py: Helpdialog and helpDialog
113ToolTip.py: unused.
119Top level items and most submenu items are defined in Bindings.
120Extenstions add submenu items when active.  The names given are
121found, quoted, in one of these modules, paired with a '<<pseudoevent>>'.
122Each pseudoevent is bound to an event handler.  Some event handlers
123call another function that does the actual work.  The annotations below
124are intended to at least give the module where the actual work is done.
126File  # IOBindig except as noted
127  New File
128  Open...  # IOBinding.open
129  Open Module
130  Recent Files
131  Class Browser  # Class Browser
132  Path Browser  # Path Browser
133  ---
134  Save  # IDBinding.save
135  Save As...  # IOBinding.save_as
136  Save Copy As...  # IOBindling.save_a_copy
137  ---
138  Print Window  # IOBinding.print_window
139  ---
140  Close
141  Exit
144  Undo  # undoDelegator
145  Redo  # undoDelegator
146  ---
147  Cut
148  Copy
149  Paste
150  Select All
151  ---  # Next 5 items use SearchEngine; dialogs use SearchDialogBase
152  Find  # Search Dialog
153  Find Again
154  Find Selection
155  Find in Files...  # GrepDialog
156  Replace...  # ReplaceDialog
157  Go to Line
158  Show Completions  # AutoComplete extension and AutoCompleteWidow (&HP)
159  Expand Word  # AutoExpand extension
160  Show call tip  # Calltips extension and CalltipWindow (& Hyperparser)
161  Show surrounding parens  # ParenMatch (& Hyperparser)
163Shell  # PyShell
164  View Last Restart    # PyShell.PyShell.view_restart_mark
165  Restart Shell        # PyShell.PyShell.restart_shell
166  Interrupt Execution  # pyshell.PyShell.cancel_callback
168Debug (Shell only)
169  Go to File/Line
170  Debugger               # Debugger, RemoteDebugger, PyShell.toggle_debuger
171  Stack Viewer           # StackViewer, PyShell.open_stack_viewer
172  Auto-open Stack Viewer # StackViewer
174Format (Editor only)
175  Indent Region
176  Dedent Region
177  Comment Out Region
178  Uncomment Region
179  Tabify Region
180  Untabify Region
181  Toggle Tabs
182  New Indent Width
183  Format Paragraph  # FormatParagraph extension
184  ---
185  Strip tailing whitespace  # RstripExtension extension
187Run (Editor only)
188  Python Shell  # PyShell
189  ---
190  Check Module  # ScriptBinding
191  Run Module  # ScriptBinding
194  Configure IDLE  # configDialog
195    (tabs in the dialog)
196    Font tab  # onfig-main.def
197    Highlight tab  # configSectionNameDialog, config-highlight.def
198    Keys tab  # keybindingDialog, configSectionNameDialog, onfig-keus.def
199    General tab  # configHelpSourceEdit, config-main.def
200  Configure Extensions  # configDialog
201    Xyz tab  # xyz.py, config-extensions.def
202  ---
203  Code Context (editor only)  # CodeContext extension
206  Zoomheight  # ZoomHeight extension
207  ---
208  <open windows>  # WindowList
211  About IDLE  # aboutDialog
212  ---
213  IDLE Help  # help
214  Python Doc
215  Turtle Demo
216  ---
217  <other help sources>
219<Context Menu> (right click)
220Defined in EditorWindow, PyShell, Output
221   Cut
222   Copy
223   Paste
224   ---
225   Go to file/line (shell and output only)
226   Set Breakpoint (editor only)
227   Clear Breakpoint (editor only)
228 Defined in Debugger
229   Go to source line
230   Show stack frame