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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


3d-plot.rsD23-Nov-20231.3 KiB4839

README.mdD23-Nov-2023883 127

animation.rsD23-Nov-20231.8 KiB6453

area-chart.rsD23-Nov-20231.3 KiB5243

blit-bitmap.rsD23-Nov-20231 KiB3829

boxplot.rsD23-Nov-20236.2 KiB226204

chart.rsD23-Nov-20232.9 KiB9570

console.rsD23-Nov-20235.2 KiB198174

errorbar.rsD23-Nov-20232.6 KiB9579

histogram.rsD23-Nov-20231 KiB4033

mandelbrot.rsD23-Nov-20231.8 KiB6857

matshow.rsD23-Nov-20231.4 KiB5748

nested_coord.rsD23-Nov-20231.1 KiB4437

normal-dist.rsD23-Nov-20232 KiB6354

normal-dist2.rsD23-Nov-20232.2 KiB8064

relative_size.rsD23-Nov-20231.3 KiB5442

sierpinski.rsD23-Nov-2023974 3832

slc-temp.rsD23-Nov-20233.7 KiB170159

snowflake.rsD23-Nov-20231.6 KiB5547

stock.rsD23-Nov-20233 KiB7467

two-scales.rsD23-Nov-20231.6 KiB5748


1# plotters examples
3To run any example, from within the repo, run `cargo run --example <example_name>` where `<example name>` is the name of the file without the `.rs` extension.
5All the examples assumes the directory [plotters-doc-data](https://github.com/38/plotters-doc-data) exists, otherwise those example crashs.
7The output of these example files are used to generate the [plotters-doc-data](https://github.com/38/plotters-doc-data) repo that populates the sample images in the main README.
8We also relies on the output of examples to detect protential layout changes.
9For that reason, **they must be run with `cargo` from within the repo, or you must change the output filename in the example code to a directory that exists.**
11The examples that have their own directories and `Cargo.toml` files work differently. They are run the same way you would a standalone project.