/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY #error "Please #define RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY before #including this file" #define RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY(...) // Don't display errors in this file in IDEs. #endif // This file defines the list of keys for RuntimeOptions. // These can be used with RuntimeOptions.Get/Set/etc, for example: // RuntimeOptions opt; bool* image_dex2oat_enabled = opt.Get(RuntimeOptions::ImageDex2Oat); // // Column Descriptions: // <> <> <> // // Default values are only used by Map::GetOrDefault(K). // If a default value is omitted here, T{} is used as the default value, which is // almost-always the value of the type as if it was memset to all 0. // // Please keep the columns aligned if possible when adding new rows. // // Parse-able keys from the command line. RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, Zygote) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, PrimaryZygote) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, Help) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, ShowVersion) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (ParseStringList<':'>,BootClassPath) // std::vector RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (ParseStringList<':'>,BootClassPathLocations) // std::vector RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, ClassPath) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, Image) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, CheckJni) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, JniOptsForceCopy) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, JdwpOptions, "suspend=n,server=y") RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (JdwpProvider, JdwpProvider, JdwpProvider::kUnset) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, MemoryMaximumSize, gc::Heap::kDefaultMaximumSize) // -Xmx RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, MemoryInitialSize, gc::Heap::kDefaultInitialSize) // -Xms RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, HeapGrowthLimit) // Default is 0 for unlimited RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, HeapMinFree, gc::Heap::kDefaultMinFree) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, HeapMaxFree, gc::Heap::kDefaultMaxFree) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, NonMovingSpaceCapacity, gc::Heap::kDefaultNonMovingSpaceCapacity) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, StopForNativeAllocs, 1 * GB) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (double, HeapTargetUtilization, gc::Heap::kDefaultTargetUtilization) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (double, ForegroundHeapGrowthMultiplier, gc::Heap::kDefaultHeapGrowthMultiplier) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, ParallelGCThreads, 0u) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, ConcGCThreads) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, FinalizerTimeoutMs, 10000u) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Memory<1>, StackSize) // -Xss RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, MaxSpinsBeforeThinLockInflation,Monitor::kDefaultMaxSpinsBeforeThinLockInflation) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MillisecondsToNanoseconds, \ LongPauseLogThreshold, gc::Heap::kDefaultLongPauseLogThreshold) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MillisecondsToNanoseconds, \ LongGCLogThreshold, gc::Heap::kDefaultLongGCLogThreshold) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MillisecondsToNanoseconds, \ ThreadSuspendTimeout, ThreadList::kDefaultThreadSuspendTimeout) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, MonitorTimeoutEnable, false) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (int, MonitorTimeout, Monitor::kDefaultMonitorTimeoutMs) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, DumpGCPerformanceOnShutdown) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, DumpRegionInfoBeforeGC) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, DumpRegionInfoAfterGC) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, DumpJITInfoOnShutdown) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, IgnoreMaxFootprint) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, AlwaysLogExplicitGcs, true) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, LowMemoryMode) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, UseTLAB, (kUseTlab || kUseReadBarrier)) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, EnableHSpaceCompactForOOM, true) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, UseJitCompilation, true) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, UseProfiledJitCompilation, false) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, DumpNativeStackOnSigQuit, true) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, MadviseRandomAccess, false) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, MadviseWillNeedVdexFileSize, 0) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, MadviseWillNeedOdexFileSize, 0) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, MadviseWillNeedArtFileSize, 0) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (JniIdType, OpaqueJniIds, JniIdType::kDefault) // -Xopaque-jni-ids:{true, false, swapable} RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, AutoPromoteOpaqueJniIds, true) // testing use only. -Xauto-promote-opaque-jni-ids:{true, false} RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, JITCompileThreshold) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, JITWarmupThreshold) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, JITOsrThreshold) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, JITPriorityThreadWeight) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, JITInvokeTransitionWeight) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (int, JITPoolThreadPthreadPriority, jit::kJitPoolThreadPthreadDefaultPriority) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (int, JITZygotePoolThreadPthreadPriority, jit::kJitZygotePoolThreadPthreadDefaultPriority) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, JITCodeCacheInitialCapacity, jit::JitCodeCache::kInitialCapacity) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MemoryKiB, JITCodeCacheMaxCapacity, jit::JitCodeCache::kMaxCapacity) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (MillisecondsToNanoseconds, \ HSpaceCompactForOOMMinIntervalsMs,\ MsToNs(100 * 1000)) // 100s RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::vector, \ PropertiesList) // -D -D ... RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, JniTrace) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, Relocate, kDefaultMustRelocate) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, ImageDex2Oat, true) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, Interpret, false) // -Xint // Disable the compiler for CC (for now). RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (XGcOption, GcOption) // -Xgc: RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (gc::space::LargeObjectSpaceType, \ LargeObjectSpace, gc::Heap::kDefaultLargeObjectSpaceType) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Memory<1>, LargeObjectThreshold, gc::Heap::kDefaultLargeObjectThreshold) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (BackgroundGcOption, BackgroundGc) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, DisableExplicitGC) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, NoSigChain) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, ForceNativeBridge) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (LogVerbosity, Verbose) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, LockProfThreshold) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, StackDumpLockProfThreshold) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, MethodTrace) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, MethodTraceFile, "/data/misc/trace/method-trace-file.bin") RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, MethodTraceFileSize, 10 * MB) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, MethodTraceStreaming) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (TraceClockSource, ProfileClock, kDefaultTraceClockSource) // -Xprofile: RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (ProfileSaverOptions, ProfileSaverOpts) // -Xjitsaveprofilinginfo, -Xps-* RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, Compiler) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::vector, \ CompilerOptions) // -Xcompiler-option ... RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::vector, \ ImageCompilerOptions) // -Ximage-compiler-option ... RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (verifier::VerifyMode, \ Verify, verifier::VerifyMode::kEnable) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, TargetSdkVersion, \ static_cast(SdkVersion::kUnset)) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (hiddenapi::EnforcementPolicy, HiddenApiPolicy, hiddenapi::EnforcementPolicy::kDisabled) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (hiddenapi::EnforcementPolicy, CorePlatformApiPolicy, hiddenapi::EnforcementPolicy::kDisabled) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, NativeBridge) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, ZygoteMaxFailedBoots, 10) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, CpuAbiList) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::string, Fingerprint) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (ExperimentalFlags, Experimental, ExperimentalFlags::kNone) // -Xexperimental:{...} RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::list, AgentLib) // -agentlib:= RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::list, AgentPath) // -agentpath:= RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::vector, Plugins) // -Xplugin: // Not parse-able from command line, but can be provided explicitly. // (Do not add anything here that is defined in ParsedOptions::MakeParser) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (std::vector>*, \ BootClassPathDexList) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (InstructionSet, ImageInstructionSet, kRuntimeISA) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (CompilerCallbacks*, CompilerCallbacksPtr) // TODO: make unique_ptr RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool (*)(), HookIsSensitiveThread) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (int32_t (*)(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list ap), \ HookVfprintf, vfprintf) // Use `art::FastExit` instead of `exit` so that we won't get DCHECK failures // in global data destructors (see b/28106055). RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (void (*)(int32_t status), \ HookExit, art::FastExit) // We don't call abort(3) by default; see // Runtime::Abort. RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (void (*)(), HookAbort, nullptr) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, SlowDebug, false) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, GlobalRefAllocStackTraceLimit, 0) // 0 = off RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, UseStderrLogger) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, OnlyUseTrustedOatFiles) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (Unit, DenyArtApexDataFiles) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (unsigned int, VerifierLoggingThreshold, 100) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, FastClassNotFoundException, true) RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, VerifierMissingKThrowFatal, true) // Setting this to true causes ART to disable Zygote native fork loop. ART also // internally enables this if ZygoteJit is enabled. RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, ForceJavaZygoteForkLoop, false) // Whether to allow loading of the perfetto hprof plugin. // Even with this option set, we will still only actually load the plugin // if we are on a userdebug build or the app is debuggable or profileable. // // We do not want to enable this by default because PerfettoHprof does not // work on host, and we do not want to enable it in tests. // // Switching this on adds ~500us to the startup on userdebug builds, or for // profileable / debuggable apps. // // This is set to true in frameworks/base/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp. RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, PerfettoHprof, false) // This is to enable/disable Perfetto Java Heap Stack Profiling RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY (bool, PerfettoJavaHeapStackProf, false) #undef RUNTIME_OPTIONS_KEY