Lines Matching +full:ninja +full:- +full:linux

3 $(warning Either use '; m' or 'build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode')
11 # the top of the source tree, for example when "make -C" is used in m/mm/mmm.
36 YACC :=$= $(BISON) -d
42 # when using ninja.
43 $(shell mkdir -p $(SOONG_OUT_DIR) && \
44 echo -n $(BUILD_NUMBER) > $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/build_number.tmp; \
45 if ! cmp -s $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/build_number.tmp $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/build_number.txt; then \
71 $(shell mkdir -p $(EMPTY_DIRECTORY) && rm -rf $(EMPTY_DIRECTORY)/*)
73 # CTS-specific config.
74 -include cts/build/
75 # VTS-specific config.
76 -include test/vts/tools/vts-tradefed/build/
77 # device-tests-specific-config.
78 -include tools/tradefederation/build/suites/device-tests/
79 # general-tests-specific-config.
80 -include tools/tradefederation/build/suites/general-tests/
81 # STS-specific config.
82 -include test/sts/tools/sts-tradefed/build/
83 # CTS-Instant-specific config
84 -include test/suite_harness/tools/cts-instant-tradefed/build/
85 # MTS-specific config.
86 -include test/mts/tools/build/
87 # VTS-Core-specific config.
88 -include test/vts/tools/vts-core-tradefed/build/
89 # CSUITE-specific config.
90 -include test/app_compat/csuite/tools/build/
91 # CATBox-specific config.
92 -include test/catbox/tools/build/
93 # CTS-Root-specific config.
94 -include test/cts-root/tools/build/
97 .PHONY: clean-dex-files
98 clean-dex-files:
99 $(hide) find $(OUT_DIR) -name "*.dex" | xargs rm -f
100 …$(hide) for i in `find $(OUT_DIR) -name "*.jar" -o -name "*.apk"` ; do ((unzip -l $$i 2> /dev/null…
101 grep -q "\.dex$$" && rm -f $$i) || continue ) ; done
104 # Include the google-specific config
105 -include vendor/google/build/
113 # jacoco-enabled module.
152 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
153 # Add the product-defined properties to the build properties.
195 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
199 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
219 ADDITIONAL_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES += persist.debug.dalvik.vm.core_platform_api_policy=just-warn
234 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
303 # This must not be defined for the non-GRF devices.
356 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
394 # Turn on checkjni for non-user builds.
396 # Set device insecure for non-user builds.
416 ifneq ($(filter ro.setupwizard.mode=ENABLED, $(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES)…
418 ADDITIONAL_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES := $(filter-out ro.setupwizard.mode=%,\
419 $(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES))) \
423 # To speedup startup of non-preopted builds, don't verify or compile the boot image.
424 ADDITIONAL_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-filter=extract
452 MAKECMDGOALS := $(strip $(filter-out sdk_repo,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
454 ifneq ($(words $(sort $(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS) checkbuild emulator_tests,$(MAKECMD…
470 # ------------------------------------------------------------
472 # non-empty if that module should be installed in /system.
476 define should-install-to-system
483 define should-install-to-system
491 ifeq ($(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
502 # should-install-to-system is defined (in order for to function
503 # properly), but before readonly-final-product-vars is called.
507 $(readonly-final-product-vars)
517 # Color-coded warnings including current module info
519 define pretty-warning
520 $(shell $(call echo-warning,$(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE),$(LOCAL_MODULE): $(1)))
523 # Color-coded errors including current module info
525 define pretty-error
526 $(shell $(call echo-error,$(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE),$(LOCAL_MODULE): $(1)))
539 …ID_MK) $(file <$(OUT_DIR)/.module_paths/ $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/late-$(TARGET_PRODUCT).mk
555 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
557 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
559 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
562 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
563 define pretty-warning
567 define pretty-error
571 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
574 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
579 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
581 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
586 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
591 unknown_custom_modules := $(filter-out $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES))
593 $(call module-installed-files,$(known_custom_modules)) \
596 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
606 # Resolve the required module name to 32-bit or 64-bit variant.
611 define get-modules-for-2nd-arch
636 define resolve-bitness-for-modules
640 $(eval modules_both := $(filter-out %:32 %:64,$(2))) \
647 $(eval ### Note for 32-bit product, 32 and 64 will be added as their original module names.) \
650 $(eval modules += $(call get-modules-for-2nd-arch,$(1),$(modules_2nd_arch))), \
655 $(eval modules += $(call get-modules-for-2nd-arch,$(1),$(modules_both)))) \
660 # Resolve the required module names to 32-bit or 64-bit variant for:
671 define select-bitness-of-required-modules
676 …OR_HOST_CROSS),,$(error Only expected REQUIRED_FROM_HOST_CROSS on FOR_HOST_CROSS modules - $(m))) \
683 $(eval r_m := $(call resolve-bitness-for-modules,$(1),$(r_i))), \
685 $(eval r_i_2nd := $(call get-modules-for-2nd-arch,$(1),$(r_i))) \
700 # Resolve the required module names to 32-bit or 64-bit variant for:
704 # This is like select-bitness-of-required-modules, but it doesn't have
706 # Calls resolve-bitness-for-modules to resolve module names.
709 define select-bitness-of-target-host-required-modules
715 $(eval r_m := $(call resolve-bitness-for-modules,$(1),$(r_i))) \
725 $(call select-bitness-of-required-modules,TARGET)
726 $(call select-bitness-of-required-modules,HOST)
727 $(call select-bitness-of-required-modules,HOST_CROSS)
728 $(call select-bitness-of-target-host-required-modules,TARGET,HOST)
729 $(call select-bitness-of-target-host-required-modules,HOST,TARGET)
753 …$(info $(word 1,$(r)) module $(word 2,$(r)) requires non-existent $(word 3,$(r)) module: $(word 4,…
760 define add-required-deps
764 # Use a normal dependency instead of an order-only dependency when installing
768 define add-required-host-so-deps
774 define add-all-host-to-host-required-modules-deps
778 $(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \
781 $(eval h_r := $(filter-out $(h_m), $(h_r))) \
782 $(if $(h_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(h_m),$(h_r)))) \
786 $(call add-all-host-to-host-required-modules-deps)
790 define add-all-host-cross-to-host-cross-required-modules-deps
794 $(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \
797 $(eval hc_r := $(filter-out $(hc_m), $(hc_r))) \
798 $(if $(hc_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(hc_m),$(hc_r)))) \
802 $(call add-all-host-cross-to-host-cross-required-modules-deps)
806 define add-all-target-to-target-required-modules-deps
810 $(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \
813 $(eval t_r := $(filter-out $(t_m), $(t_r))) \
814 $(if $(t_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(t_m),$(t_r)))) \
818 $(call add-all-target-to-target-required-modules-deps)
822 define add-all-host-to-target-required-modules-deps
828 … $(eval req_file := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(call module-installed-files,$(req_mod)))) \
839 $(eval mod_files := $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, $(call module-installed-files,$(m)))) \
841 $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(mod_files),$(req_files))) \
846 $(call add-all-host-to-target-required-modules-deps)
850 define add-all-target-to-host-required-modules-deps
856 $(eval req_file := $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, $(call module-installed-files,$(req_mod)))) \
867 $(eval mod_files := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(call module-installed-files,$(m))))\
869 $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(mod_files),$(req_files))) \
874 $(call add-all-target-to-host-required-modules-deps)
887 # $(2): non-empty for 2nd arch.
888 # $(3): non-empty for host cross compile.
889 define resolve-shared-libs-depes
897 $(eval r := $(filter $($(root))/%,$(call module-installed-files,\
902 $(eval $(call add-required-host-so-deps,$(word 2,$(p)),$(r))),\
903 $(eval $(call add-required-deps,$(word 2,$(p)),$(r))))\
910 define get-all-shared-libs-deps
914 $(foreach m,$(call get-all-shared-libs-deps,$(dep)),\
923 # Scan all modules in general-tests, device-tests and other selected suites and
925 define update-host-shared-libs-deps-for-suites
926 $(foreach suite,general-tests device-tests vts tvts art-host-tests host-unit-tests,\
928 $(eval my_deps := $(call get-all-shared-libs-deps,$(m)))\
931 $(if $(filter $(suite),device-tests general-tests),\
941 $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,TARGET_)
943 $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,TARGET_,true)
945 $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_)
947 $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_,true)
949 # Update host side shared library dependencies for tests in suite device-tests and general-tests.
950 # This should be called after calling resolve-shared-libs-depes for HOST_2ND_ARCH.
951 $(call update-host-shared-libs-deps-for-suites)
953 $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_CROSS_,,true)
955 $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_CROSS_,true,true)
960 define add-elf-file-check-shared-lib
965 define resolve-shared-libs-for-elf-file-check
973 $(eval deps := $(filter $($(root))/%$($(1)SHLIB_SUFFIX),$(call module-built-files,$(deps))))\
979 $(call module-built-files,$(mod)))))\
984 $(eval $(call add-elf-file-check-shared-lib,$(stamp),$(deps))))\
988 $(call resolve-shared-libs-for-elf-file-check,TARGET_)
990 $(call resolve-shared-libs-for-elf-file-check,TARGET_,true)
998 add-required-deps :=
1005 # prefix consists of all the information needed by intermediates-dir-for:
1011 # - TARGET
1012 # - HOST
1013 # - HOST_CROSS
1015 # - _
1016 # - COMMON
1018 # - _
1019 # - 2ND_
1023 # - ...
1027 # - TYPE: the link types for this module
1028 # - MAKEFILE: Where this module was defined
1029 # - BUILT: The built module location
1030 # - DEPS: the link type prefixes for the module's dependencies
1031 # - ALLOWED: the link types to allow in this module's dependencies
1032 # - WARN: the link types to warn about in this module's dependencies
1040 define link-type-prefix
1043 define link-type-common
1046 define link-type-2ndarchprefix
1049 define link-type-class
1052 define link-type-name
1055 define link-type-os
1056 $(strip $(eval _p := $(link-type-prefix))\
1061 define link-type-arch
1062 $($(link-type-prefix)_$(link-type-2ndarchprefix)ARCH)
1064 define link-type-name-variant
1065 $(link-type-name) ($(link-type-class) $(link-type-os)-$(link-type-arch))
1070 define link-type-warning
1071 $(shell $(call echo-warning,$($(1).MAKEFILE),"$(call link-type-name,$(1)) ($($(1).TYPE)) should not…
1076 define link-type-error
1077 $(shell $(call echo-error,$($(1).MAKEFILE),"$(call link-type-name,$(1)) ($($(1).TYPE)) can not link…
1081 link-type-missing :=
1083 # Print an error message if the linked-to module is missing
1086 define link-type-missing
1087 …$(shell $(call echo-error,$($(1).MAKEFILE),"$(call link-type-name-variant,$(1)) missing $(call lin…
1088 $(eval available_variants := $(filter %:$(call link-type-name,$(2)),$(ALL_LINK_TYPES)))\
1091 … $(foreach v,$(available_variants),$(info $(space)$(space)$(call link-type-name-variant,$(v)))))\
1096 define link-type-missing
1103 define verify-link-type
1105 $(if $(filter-out $($(1).ALLOWED),$(t)),\
1107 $(call link-type-warning,$(1),$(2),$(t)),\
1108 $(call link-type-error,$(1),$(2),$(t)))))
1114 $(call verify-link-type,$(lt),$(d)),\
1115 $(call link-type-missing,$(lt),$(d)))))
1121 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
1140 $(foreach export,$(EXPORTS_LIST),$(eval $(call add-dependency,$$(EXPORTS.$$(export).USERS),$$(EXPOR…
1142 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
1151 define module-overrides
1167 define expand-required-modules
1169 $(eval _erm_new_modules := $(sort $(filter-out $($(1)),$(_erm_req)))) \
1170 $(eval _erm_new_overrides := $(call module-overrides,$(_erm_new_modules))) \
1172 $(eval _erm_new_modules := $(filter-out $(_erm_all_overrides), $(_erm_new_modules))) \
1173 $(eval $(1) := $(filter-out $(_erm_new_overrides),$($(1)))) \
1176 $(call expand-required-modules,$(1),$(_erm_new_modules),$(_erm_all_overrides)))
1179 # Same as expand-required-modules above, but does not handle module overrides, as
1186 define expand-required-host-modules
1188 $(eval _erm_new_modules := $(sort $(filter-out $($(1)),$(_erm_req)))) \
1191 $(call expand-required-host-modules,$(1),$(_erm_new_modules),$(3)))
1197 define resolve-product-relative-paths
1204 $(foreach p,$(1),$(call append-path,$(PRODUCT_OUT),$(p)$(2)))))))))
1209 define auto-included-modules
1230 # See the select-bitness-of-required-modules definition.
1232 define product-installed-files
1234 $(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES) \
1235 $(if $(filter eng,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG)) \
1236 $(if $(filter debug,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG)) \
1237 $(if $(filter tests,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS)) \
1238 … $(if $(filter asan,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG_ASAN)) \
1239 …$(if $(filter java_coverage,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG…
1240 $(call auto-included-modules) \
1243 $(eval _pif_overrides := $(call module-overrides,$(_pif_modules))) \
1244 $(eval _pif_modules := $(filter-out $(_pif_overrides), $(_pif_modules))) \
1246 $(eval _pif_modules := $(sort $(call resolve-bitness-for-modules,TARGET,$(_pif_modules)))) \
1247 $(call expand-required-modules,_pif_modules,$(_pif_modules),$(_pif_overrides)) \
1248 $(filter-out $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(call module-installed-files, $(_pif_modules))) \
1249 $(call resolve-product-relative-paths,\
1250 $(foreach cf,$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_COPY_FILES),$(call word-colon,2,$(cf))))
1253 # Similar to product-installed-files above, but handles PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES instead
1255 define host-installed-files
1256 $(eval _hif_modules := $(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES)) \
1259 $(eval _hif_modules := $(filter-out host_cross_%,$(_hif_modules))) \
1261 $(eval _hif_modules := $(sort $(call resolve-bitness-for-modules,HOST,$(_hif_modules)))) \
1262 $(eval _hcif_modules := $(sort $(call resolve-bitness-for-modules,HOST_CROSS,$(_hcif_modules)))) \
1263 $(call expand-required-host-modules,_hif_modules,$(_hif_modules),HOST) \
1264 $(call expand-required-host-modules,_hcif_modules,$(_hcif_modules),HOST_CROSS) \
1265 $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%,$(call module-installed-files, $(_hif_modules))) \
1266 $(filter $(HOST_CROSS_OUT)/%,$(call module-installed-files, $(_hcif_modules)))
1269 # Fails the build if the given list is non-empty, and prints it entries (stripping PRODUCT_OUT).
1272 define maybe-print-list-and-error
1293 $(if $(or $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).PATH),$(call get-modules-for-2nd-arch,TARGET,$(m))),,$(m)))
1294 $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(filter-out $(_allow_list),$(_nonexistent_modules)),\
1295 $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) includes non-existent modules in PRODUCT_PACKAGES)
1296 # TODO(b/182105280): Consider re-enabling this check when the ART modules
1298 #$(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(filter-out $(_nonexistent_modules),$(_allow_list)),\
1299 … # $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) includes redundant allow list entries for non-existent PRODUCT_PACKAGES)
1304 # Many host modules are Linux-only, so skip this check on Mac. If we ever have Mac-only modules,
1313 $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(_nonexistent_modules),\
1314 $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) includes non-existent modules in PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES)
1320 _modules := $(call resolve-bitness-for-modules,TARGET, \
1328 $(if $(filter-out $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\
1330 $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(sort $(_host_modules)),\
1334 product_host_FILES := $(call host-installed-files,$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT))
1335 product_target_FILES := $(call product-installed-files, $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT))
1372 $(shell mkdir -p $(PRODUCT_OUT) $(HOST_OUT))
1388 _unused := $(call copy-many-files, $(sort $(ALL_COMPATIBILITY_DIST_FILES)))
1404 $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,gnu)))
1405 target_gnu_MODULES := $(filter-out $(TARGET_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/%,$(target_gnu_MODULES))
1406 target_gnu_MODULES := $(filter-out %/,$(target_gnu_MODULES))
1407 target_gnu_MODULES := $(filter-out %/,$(target_gnu_MODULES))
1410 $(filter-out $(target_gnu_MODULES),$(modules_to_install))
1433 # top-level makefile with. It expects that ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES
1444 # fix-notice-deps replaces those unadorned module names with every built variant.
1445 $(call fix-notice-deps)
1448 #; except, it has to happen after fix-notice-deps to avoid
1450 $(call build-license-metadata)
1470 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
1487 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
1490 checkbuild: $(modules_to_check) droid_targets check-elf-files
1509 $(call dist-for-goals, userdataimage, $(BUILT_USERDATAIMAGE_TARGET))
1575 # The droidcore-unbundled target depends on the subset of targets necessary to
1577 .PHONY: droidcore-unbundled
1578 droidcore-unbundled: $(filter $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(modules_to_install)) \
1637 # The droidcore target depends on the droidcore-unbundled subset and any other
1638 # targets for a non-unbundled (full source) full system build.
1640 droidcore: droidcore-unbundled
1646 $(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/module_bp_java_deps.json)
1647 $(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(PRODUCT_OUT)/module-info.json)
1664 $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_installed_files))
1668 $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUNDLE),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUNDLE):$(m)
1669 $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_bundle_files))
1674 $(report):$(m)-$(notdir $(report))))
1675 .PHONY: lint-check
1676 lint-check: $(foreach f, $(apps_only_lint_report_files), $(call word-colon,1,$(f)))
1677 $(call dist-for-goals,lint-check, $(apps_only_lint_report_files))
1685 $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_dist_built_files))
1689 $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(JACOCO_REPORT_CLASSES_ALL))
1693 $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(PROGUARD_DICT_ZIP))
1696 $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(PROGUARD_USAGE_ZIP))
1699 $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(SYMBOLS_ZIP))
1702 $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(COVERAGE_ZIP))
1709 $(eval $(call combine-notice-files, html, \
1721 # -----------------------|------------------------------|-------------------------
1725 # true | true | droidcore-unbundled path
1728 # can include java-related targets that would cause building framework java
1731 $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \
1738 # We dist the following targets for droidcore-unbundled (and droidcore since
1739 # droidcore depends on droidcore-unbundled). The droidcore-unbundled target
1744 $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore-unbundled, \
1773 $(INSTALLED_VENDOR_BUILD_PROP_TARGET):build.prop-vendor \
1774 $(INSTALLED_PRODUCT_BUILD_PROP_TARGET):build.prop-product \
1775 $(INSTALLED_ODM_BUILD_PROP_TARGET):build.prop-odm \
1776 $(INSTALLED_SYSTEM_EXT_BUILD_PROP_TARGET):build.prop-system_ext \
1777 $(INSTALLED_RAMDISK_BUILD_PROP_TARGET):build.prop-ramdisk \
1786 $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore-unbundled, $(f)))
1789 $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \
1795 $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore-unbundled, \
1801 $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore-unbundled, \
1822 $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore-unbundled, \
1828 $(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(JACOCO_REPORT_CLASSES_ALL))
1832 …$(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_stubs_current) $(APICHEC…
1833 …$(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/system-api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_system_stubs_curr…
1834 …$(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/module-lib-api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_module_lib_st…
1835 …$(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/system-server-api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_system_ser…
1836 …$(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/test-api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_test_stubs_current)…
1838 …(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/,api.xml system-api.xml module-lib-api.xml system-server-api.xml…
1841 $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
1842 $(hide) $(APICHECK_COMMAND) --input-api-jar $< --api-xml $@
1844 $(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(api_xmls))
1849 $(call dist-for-goals,droidcore,$(f):ndk_apis/$(notdir $(f))))
1853 # droid_targets to depend on droidcore-unbundled, which will set up the full
1857 droid_targets: droidcore-unbundled
1862 # by droidcore-unbundled), we configure droid_targets also to depend on
1875 .PHONY: sdk win_sdk winsdk-tools sdk_addon
1878 $(call dist-for-goals,sdk win_sdk, \
1887 .PHONY: java native target host java-host java-target native-host native-target \
1888 java-host-tests java-target-tests native-host-tests native-target-tests \
1889 java-tests native-tests host-tests target-tests tests java-dex \
1890 native-host-cross
1892 .PHONY: host-java target-java host-native target-native \
1893 target-java-tests target-native-tests
1894 host-java : java-host
1895 target-java : java-target
1896 host-native : native-host
1897 target-native : native-target
1898 target-java-tests : java-target-tests
1899 target-native-tests : native-target-tests
1900 tests : host-tests target-tests
1903 .PHONY: javac-check
1912 findlsdumps: $(LSDUMP_PATHS_FILE) $(foreach p,$(LSDUMP_PATHS),$(call word-colon,2,$(p)))
1917 @rm -rf $@ && echo -e "$(subst :,:$(space),$(subst $(space),\n,$(PRIVATE_LSDUMP_PATHS)))" > $@
1919 .PHONY: check-elf-files
1920 check-elf-files:
1925 @echo "Available sub-modules:"
1926 @echo "$(call module-names-for-tag-list,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS))" | \
1927 tr -s ' ' '\n' | sort -u
1929 .PHONY: dump-files
1930 dump-files:
1931 @echo "Target files for $(TARGET_PRODUCT)-$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT) ($(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)):"
1932 …t $(patsubst $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%,%,$(filter $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%,$(modules_to_install)))) | tr -s ' ' '\n'
1951 $(call dist-write-file,$(KATI_PACKAGE_MK_DIR)/