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11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
119 'Avoid having multiple unary operators acting on the same variable in a method call'),
137 'Scopes on modules have no function and will soon be an error.'),
169 …'Arrays do not override equals() or hashCode, so comparisons will be done on reference equality on…
179 … '@AssistedInject and @Inject should not be used on different constructors in the same class.'),
235 'Double-checked locking on non-volatile fields is unsafe'),
273 'Calling getClass() on an enum may return a subclass of the enum type'),
293 …'Constructors on abstract classes are never directly @Injected, only the constructors of their sub…
327 'Switches on enum types should either handle all values, or have a default case.'),
367 …'Calling toString on Objects that don\'t override toString() doesn\'t provide useful information'),
383 …'Detects `/* name= */`-style comments on actual parameters where the name doesn\'t match the forma…
389 'A field on a protocol buffer was set twice in the same chained expression.'),
391 …'Protos should not be used as a key to a map, in a set, or in a contains method on a descendant of…
395 …'Qualifiers/Scope annotations on @Inject methods don\'t have any effect. Move the qualifier annota…
425 …'Synchronizing on non-final fields is not safe: if the field is ever updated, different threads ma…
435 …'Relying on the thread scheduler is discouraged; see Effective Java Item 72 (2nd edition) / 84 (3r…
443 'Truth Library assert is called on a constant.'),
451 …r that is only used in the return type is a misuse of generics: operations on the type parameter a…
453 …'Avoid hash-based containers of containers rely on equals() and hashCode(), whic…
521 'hashcode method on array does not hash array contents'),
525 'Calling toString on an array does not provide useful information'),
529 '@AssistedInject and @Inject cannot be used on the same constructor.'),
601 'Calling getClass() on an annotation may return a proxy class'),
603 …'Calling getClass() on an object of type Class returns the Class object for java.lang.Class; you p…
607 'Scope annotation on implementation class of AssistedInject factory is not allowed'),
631 'Using more than one qualifier annotation on the same element is not allowed.'),
637 'Scope annotation on an interface or abstact class is not allowed'),
673 '@javax.inject.Inject cannot be put on a final field.'),
705 …'@NoAllocation was specified on this method, but something was found that would trigger an allocat…
711 'Calling getAnnotation on an annotation that is not retained at runtime.'),
767 … 'Static and default interface methods are not natively supported on older Android devices. '),
769 'Calling toString on a Stream does not provide useful information'),