#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This script can get info out of dexfiles using libdexfile.so external API # from abc import ABC from ctypes import * import os.path import functools import zipfile libdexfile = CDLL( os.path.expandvars("$ANDROID_HOST_OUT/lib64/libdexfiled.so")) ExtDexFile = c_void_p class ExtMethodInfo(Structure): """Output format for MethodInfo""" _fields_ = [("sizeof_struct", c_size_t), ("addr", c_int32), ("size", c_int32), ("name", POINTER(c_char)), ("name_size", c_size_t)] AllMethodsCallback = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, POINTER(ExtMethodInfo)) libdexfile.ExtDexFileOpenFromMemory.argtypes = [ c_void_p, POINTER(c_size_t), c_char_p, POINTER(ExtDexFile) ] libdexfile.ExtDexFileOpenFromMemory.restype = c_int libdexfile.ExtDexFileGetAllMethodInfos.argtypes = [ ExtDexFile, c_int, AllMethodsCallback, c_void_p ] class DexClass(object): """Accessor for DexClass Data""" def __init__(self, name): self.name = name.strip() self.arrays = name.count("[") self.base_name = self.name if self.arrays == 0 else self.name[:-( self.arrays * 2)] def __repr__(self): return self.name @functools.cached_property def descriptor(self): """The name as a descriptor""" if self.base_name == "int": return "[" * self.arrays + "I" elif self.base_name == "short": return "[" * self.arrays + "S" elif self.base_name == "long": return "[" * self.arrays + "J" elif self.base_name == "char": return "[" * self.arrays + "C" elif self.base_name == "boolean": return "[" * self.arrays + "Z" elif self.base_name == "byte": return "[" * self.arrays + "B" elif self.base_name == "float": return "[" * self.arrays + "F" elif self.base_name == "double": return "[" * self.arrays + "D" elif self.base_name == "void": return "[" * self.arrays + "V" else: return "[" * self.arrays + "L{};".format("/".join( self.base_name.split("."))) class Method(object): """Method info wrapper""" def __init__(self, mi): self.offset = mi.addr self.len = mi.size self.name = string_at(mi.name, mi.name_size).decode("utf-8") def __repr__(self): return "(" + self.name + ")" @functools.cached_property def descriptor(self): """name as a descriptor""" ret = DexClass(self.name.split(" ")[0]) non_ret = self.name[len(ret.name) + 1:] arg_str = non_ret[non_ret.find("(") + 1:-1] args = [] if arg_str == "" else map( lambda a: DexClass(a.strip()).descriptor, arg_str.split(",")) class_and_meth = non_ret[0:non_ret.find("(")] class_only = DexClass(class_and_meth[0:class_and_meth.rfind(".")]) meth = class_and_meth[class_and_meth.rfind(".") + 1:] return "{cls}->{meth}({args}){ret}".format( cls=class_only.descriptor, meth=meth, args="".join(args), ret=ret.descriptor) @functools.cached_property def name_only(self): """name without the return-type or arguments in java format""" ret = DexClass(self.name.split(" ")[0]) non_ret = self.name[len(ret.name) + 1:] class_and_meth = non_ret[0:non_ret.find("(")] return class_and_meth @functools.cached_property def klass(self): """declaring DexClass.""" ret = DexClass(self.name.split(" ")[0]) non_ret = self.name[len(ret.name) + 1:] class_and_meth = non_ret[0:non_ret.find("(")] return DexClass(class_and_meth[0:class_and_meth.rfind(".")]) class BaseDexFile(ABC): """DexFile base class""" def __init__(self): self.ext_dex_file_ = None return @functools.cached_property def methods(self): """Methods in the dex-file""" meths = [] @AllMethodsCallback def my_cb(_, info): """Callback visitor for method infos""" meths.append(Method(info[0])) return 0 libdexfile.ExtDexFileGetAllMethodInfos(self.ext_dex_file_, c_int(1), my_cb, c_void_p()) return meths class MemDexFile(BaseDexFile): """DexFile using memory""" def __init__(self, dat, loc): assert type(dat) == bytes super().__init__() # Don't want GC to screw us over. self.mem_ref = (c_byte * len(dat)).from_buffer_copy(dat) res_fle_ptr = pointer(c_void_p()) res = libdexfile.ExtDexFileOpenFromMemory( self.mem_ref, byref(c_size_t(len(dat))), create_string_buffer(bytes(loc, "utf-8")), res_fle_ptr) if res != 0: raise Exception("Failed to open file: {}. Error {}.".format(loc, res)) self.ext_dex_file_ = res_fle_ptr.contents class FileDexFile(MemDexFile): """DexFile using a file""" def __init__(self, file, loc): if type(file) == str: self.file = open(file, "rb") self.loc = file else: self.file = file self.loc = "file_obj" super().__init__(self.file.read(), self.loc) def OpenJar(fle): """Opens all classes[0-9]*.dex files in a zip archive""" res = [] with zipfile.ZipFile(fle) as zf: for f in zf.namelist(): if f.endswith(".dex") and f.startswith("classes"): res.append( MemDexFile(zf.read(f), "classes" if type(fle) != str else fle)) return res