"""Compare failed tests in CTS/VTS test_result.xml.

Given two test_result.xml's (A and B), this script lists all failed tests in A,
and shows result of the same test in B.

import argparse
import collections
import csv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

PASS = 'pass'
FAIL = 'fail'
NO_DATA = 'no_data'

ATTRS_TO_SHOW = ['Result::Build.build_model',

def parse_attrib_path(attrib_path):
  first_dot = attrib_path.index('.')
  tags = attrib_path[:first_dot].split('::')
  attr_name = attrib_path[first_dot+1:]
  return tags, attr_name

def get_test_info(root):
  """Get test info from test_result.xml."""

  test_info = collections.OrderedDict()

  for attrib_path in ATTRS_TO_SHOW:
    tags, attr_name = parse_attrib_path(attrib_path)
    node = root

    while True:
      tags = tags[1:]
      if tags:
        node = node.find(tags[0])

    test_info[attr_name] = node.attrib[attr_name]

  return test_info

def print_test_infos(test_result_a, test_result_b):
  """Print test infomation of both results in table format."""

  info_a = test_result_a['info']
  info_b = test_result_b['info']

  max_key_len = max([len(k) for k in info_a])
  max_value_a_len = max([len(info_a[k]) for k in info_a])
  max_value_b_len = max([len(info_b[k]) for k in info_b])
  table_len = (max_key_len + 2 + max_value_a_len + 2 + max_value_b_len)

  line_format = '{:{}}  {:{}}  {}'

  print '=' * table_len

  for key in info_a:
    print line_format.format(key, max_key_len,
                             info_a[key], max_value_a_len,

  print '=' * table_len

def get_result(test_result, module_name, testcase_name, test_name):
  """Get result of specifc module, testcase and test name."""

  modules = test_result['modules']
  if module_name not in modules:
    return NO_DATA

  testcases = modules[module_name]
  if testcase_name not in testcases:
    return NO_DATA

  tests = testcases[testcase_name]
  if test_name not in tests:
    return NO_DATA

  return ', '.join([x + ': ' + y for x, y in tests[test_name].items()])

def read_test_result_xml(test_result_path):
  """Given the path to a test_result.xml, read that into a ordered dict."""

  tree = ET.parse(test_result_path)
  root = tree.getroot()

  test_result = collections.OrderedDict()
  test_result['info'] = get_test_info(root)

  modules = collections.OrderedDict()
  test_result['modules'] = modules

  for module in root.iter('Module'):
    abi = module.attrib['abi']

    module_name = module.attrib['name']

    if not module_name in modules:
      modules[module_name] = collections.OrderedDict()

    testcases = modules[module_name]

    for testcase in module.iter('TestCase'):
      testcase_name = testcase.attrib['name']

      if not testcase_name in testcases:
        testcases[testcase_name] = collections.OrderedDict()

      tests = testcases[testcase_name]

      for test in testcase.iter('Test'):
        test_name = test.attrib['name']

        if not test_name in tests:
          tests[test_name] = collections.OrderedDict()

        if abi in tests[test_name]:
          print '[WARNING] duplicated test:', test_name

        tests[test_name][abi] = test.attrib['result']

  return test_result

def compare_failed_tests(test_result_a, test_result_b, csvfile):
  """Do the comparison.

  Given two test result dicts (A and B), list all failed test in A and display
  result of the same test in B.

    test_result_a: the dict returned from read_test_result(test_result_a.xml)
    test_result_b: the dict returned from read_test_result(test_result_b.xml)
    csvfile: a opened file

    string: diff report, summary

  writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
  writer.writerow(['module', 'testcase', 'test', 'result in B'])

  summary = ''

  modules = test_result_a['modules']

  for module_name, testcases in modules.iteritems():
    module_sub_summary = ''

    for testcase_name, tests in testcases.iteritems():
      testcase_sub_summary = ''

      for test_name, result in tests.iteritems():
        if FAIL in result.values():
          result_b = get_result(
              test_result_b, module_name, testcase_name, test_name)

          testcase_sub_summary += '    ' + test_name + ': ' + result_b + '\n'
          writer.writerow([module_name, testcase_name, test_name, result_b])

      if testcase_sub_summary:
        module_sub_summary = '  ' + testcase_name + '\n' + testcase_sub_summary

    if module_sub_summary:
      summary += module_name + '\n' + module_sub_summary + '\n'

  return summary

def main():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

  parser.add_argument('test_result_a', help='path to first test_result.xml')
  parser.add_argument('test_result_b', help='path to second test_result.xml')
  parser.add_argument('--csv', default='diff.csv', help='path to csv output')

  args = parser.parse_args()

  test_result_a = read_test_result_xml(args.test_result_a)
  test_result_b = read_test_result_xml(args.test_result_b)

  print_test_infos(test_result_a, test_result_b)

  with open(args.csv, 'w') as csvfile:
    summary = compare_failed_tests(test_result_a, test_result_b, csvfile)

    print summary

if __name__ == '__main__':