/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace aidl::android::hardware::biometrics::fingerprint { namespace { using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; constexpr int kSensorId = 0; constexpr int kUserId = 0; class SessionCallback : public BnSessionCallback { public: ndk::ScopedAStatus onChallengeGenerated(int64_t challenge) override { auto lock = std::lock_guard{mMutex}; mOnChallengeGeneratedInvoked = true; mGeneratedChallenge = challenge; mCv.notify_one(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onChallengeRevoked(int64_t challenge) override { auto lock = std::lock_guard{mMutex}; mOnChallengeRevokedInvoked = true; mRevokedChallenge = challenge; mCv.notify_one(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onAcquired(AcquiredInfo /*info*/, int32_t /*vendorCode*/) override { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onError(Error error, int32_t /*vendorCode*/) override { auto lock = std::lock_guard{mMutex}; mError = error; mOnErrorInvoked = true; mCv.notify_one(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onEnrollmentProgress(int32_t /*enrollmentId*/, int32_t /*remaining*/) override { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onAuthenticationSucceeded( int32_t /*enrollmentId*/, const keymaster::HardwareAuthToken& /*hat*/) override { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onAuthenticationFailed() override { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onLockoutTimed(int64_t /*durationMillis*/) override { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onLockoutPermanent() override { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onLockoutCleared() override { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onInteractionDetected() override { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onEnrollmentsEnumerated( const std::vector& /*enrollmentIds*/) override { auto lock = std::lock_guard{mMutex}; mOnEnrollmentsEnumeratedInvoked = true; mCv.notify_one(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onEnrollmentsRemoved( const std::vector& /*enrollmentIds*/) override { auto lock = std::lock_guard{mMutex}; mOnEnrollmentsRemovedInvoked = true; mCv.notify_one(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onAuthenticatorIdRetrieved(int64_t /*authenticatorId*/) override { auto lock = std::lock_guard{mMutex}; mOnAuthenticatorIdRetrievedInvoked = true; mCv.notify_one(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onAuthenticatorIdInvalidated(int64_t /*newAuthenticatorId*/) override { auto lock = std::lock_guard{mMutex}; mOnAuthenticatorIdInvalidatedInvoked = true; mCv.notify_one(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus onSessionClosed() override { auto lock = std::lock_guard{mMutex}; mOnSessionClosedInvoked = true; mCv.notify_one(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } std::mutex mMutex; std::condition_variable mCv; Error mError = Error::UNKNOWN; int64_t mGeneratedChallenge = 0; int64_t mRevokedChallenge = 0; bool mOnChallengeGeneratedInvoked = false; bool mOnChallengeRevokedInvoked = false; bool mOnErrorInvoked = false; bool mOnEnrollmentsEnumeratedInvoked = false; bool mOnEnrollmentsRemovedInvoked = false; bool mOnAuthenticatorIdRetrievedInvoked = false; bool mOnAuthenticatorIdInvalidatedInvoked = false; bool mOnSessionClosedInvoked = false; }; class Fingerprint : public testing::TestWithParam { protected: void SetUp() override { // Prepare the callback. mCb = ndk::SharedRefBase::make(); int retries = 0; bool isOk = false; // If the first attempt to create a session fails, we try to create a session again. The // first attempt might fail if the framework already has an active session. The AIDL // contract doesn't allow to create a new session without closing the old one. However, we // can't close the framework's session from VTS. The expectation here is that the HAL will // crash after the first illegal attempt to create a session, then it will restart, and then // we'll be able to create a session. do { // Get an instance of the HAL. AIBinder* binder = AServiceManager_waitForService(GetParam().c_str()); ASSERT_NE(binder, nullptr); mHal = IFingerprint::fromBinder(ndk::SpAIBinder(binder)); // Create a session. isOk = mHal->createSession(kSensorId, kUserId, mCb, &mSession).isOk(); ++retries; } while (!isOk && retries < 2); ASSERT_TRUE(isOk); } void TearDown() override { // Close the mSession. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->close().isOk()); // Make sure the mSession is closed. auto lock = std::unique_lock(mCb->mMutex); mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnSessionClosedInvoked; }); } std::shared_ptr mHal; std::shared_ptr mCb; std::shared_ptr mSession; }; TEST_P(Fingerprint, GetSensorPropsWorksTest) { std::vector sensorProps; // Call the method. ASSERT_TRUE(mHal->getSensorProps(&sensorProps).isOk()); // Make sure the sensorProps aren't empty. ASSERT_FALSE(sensorProps.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(sensorProps[0].commonProps.componentInfo.empty()); } TEST_P(Fingerprint, EnrollWithBadHatResultsInErrorTest) { // Call the method. auto hat = keymaster::HardwareAuthToken{}; std::shared_ptr cancellationSignal; ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->enroll(hat, &cancellationSignal).isOk()); // Make sure an error is returned. auto lock = std::unique_lock{mCb->mMutex}; mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnErrorInvoked; }); } TEST_P(Fingerprint, GenerateChallengeProducesUniqueChallengesTest) { static constexpr int kIterations = 100; auto challenges = std::set{}; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kIterations; ++i) { // Call the method. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->generateChallenge().isOk()); // Check that the generated challenge is unique and not 0. auto lock = std::unique_lock{mCb->mMutex}; mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnChallengeGeneratedInvoked; }); ASSERT_NE(mCb->mGeneratedChallenge, 0); ASSERT_EQ(challenges.find(mCb->mGeneratedChallenge), challenges.end()); challenges.insert(mCb->mGeneratedChallenge); mCb->mOnChallengeGeneratedInvoked = false; } } TEST_P(Fingerprint, RevokeChallengeWorksForNonexistentChallengeTest) { const int64_t nonexistentChallenge = 123; // Call the method. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->revokeChallenge(nonexistentChallenge).isOk()); // Check that the challenge is revoked and matches the requested challenge. auto lock = std::unique_lock{mCb->mMutex}; mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnChallengeRevokedInvoked; }); ASSERT_EQ(mCb->mRevokedChallenge, nonexistentChallenge); } TEST_P(Fingerprint, RevokeChallengeWorksForExistentChallengeTest) { // Generate a challenge. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->generateChallenge().isOk()); // Wait for the result. auto lock = std::unique_lock{mCb->mMutex}; mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnChallengeGeneratedInvoked; }); lock.unlock(); // Revoke the challenge. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->revokeChallenge(mCb->mGeneratedChallenge).isOk()); // Check that the challenge is revoked and matches the requested challenge. lock.lock(); mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnChallengeRevokedInvoked; }); ASSERT_EQ(mCb->mRevokedChallenge, mCb->mGeneratedChallenge); } TEST_P(Fingerprint, EnumerateEnrollmentsWorksTest) { // Call the method. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->enumerateEnrollments().isOk()); // Wait for the result. auto lock = std::unique_lock{mCb->mMutex}; mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnEnrollmentsEnumeratedInvoked; }); } TEST_P(Fingerprint, RemoveEnrollmentsWorksTest) { // Call the method. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->removeEnrollments({}).isOk()); // Wait for the result. auto lock = std::unique_lock{mCb->mMutex}; mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnEnrollmentsRemovedInvoked; }); } TEST_P(Fingerprint, GetAuthenticatorIdWorksTest) { // Call the method. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->getAuthenticatorId().isOk()); // Wait for the result. auto lock = std::unique_lock{mCb->mMutex}; mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnAuthenticatorIdRetrievedInvoked; }); } TEST_P(Fingerprint, InvalidateAuthenticatorIdWorksTest) { // Call the method. ASSERT_TRUE(mSession->invalidateAuthenticatorId().isOk()); // Wait for the result. auto lock = std::unique_lock{mCb->mMutex}; mCb->mCv.wait(lock, [this] { return mCb->mOnAuthenticatorIdInvalidatedInvoked; }); } GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST(Fingerprint); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( IFingerprint, Fingerprint, testing::ValuesIn(::android::getAidlHalInstanceNames(IFingerprint::descriptor)), ::android::PrintInstanceNameToString); } // namespace } // namespace aidl::android::hardware::biometrics::fingerprint int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); ABinderProcess_setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(1); ABinderProcess_startThreadPool(); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }