/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "VtsHalGnssV1_0TargetTest" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using android::hardware::Return; using android::hardware::Void; using android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::GnssLocation; using android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::GnssLocationFlags; using android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnss; using android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssCallback; using android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssDebug; using android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnssMeasurement; using android::sp; /* * Since Utils.cpp depends on Gnss Hal 2.0, the tests for Gnss Hal 1.0 will use * there own version of IsAutomotiveDevice() instead of the common version. */ static bool IsAutomotiveDevice() { char buffer[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0}; property_get("ro.hardware.type", buffer, ""); return strncmp(buffer, "automotive", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX) == 0; } #define TIMEOUT_SEC 2 // for basic commands/responses // for command line argument on how strictly to run the test bool sAgpsIsPresent = false; // if SUPL or XTRA assistance available bool sSignalIsWeak = false; // if GNSS signals are weak (e.g. light indoor) // The main test class for GNSS HAL. class GnssHalTest : public testing::TestWithParam { public: virtual void SetUp() override { // Clean between tests capabilities_called_count_ = 0; location_called_count_ = 0; info_called_count_ = 0; notify_count_ = 0; gnss_hal_ = IGnss::getService(GetParam()); ASSERT_NE(gnss_hal_, nullptr); gnss_cb_ = new GnssCallback(*this); ASSERT_NE(gnss_cb_, nullptr); auto result = gnss_hal_->setCallback(gnss_cb_); if (!result.isOk()) { ALOGE("result of failed setCallback %s", result.description().c_str()); } ASSERT_TRUE(result.isOk()); ASSERT_TRUE(result); /* * At least one callback should trigger - it may be capabilites, or * system info first, so wait again if capabilities not received. */ EXPECT_EQ(std::cv_status::no_timeout, wait(TIMEOUT_SEC)); if (capabilities_called_count_ == 0) { EXPECT_EQ(std::cv_status::no_timeout, wait(TIMEOUT_SEC)); } /* * Generally should be 1 capabilites callback - * or possibly 2 in some recovery cases (default cached & refreshed) */ EXPECT_GE(capabilities_called_count_, 1); EXPECT_LE(capabilities_called_count_, 2); /* * Clear notify/waiting counter, allowing up till the timeout after * the last reply for final startup messages to arrive (esp. system * info.) */ while (wait(TIMEOUT_SEC) == std::cv_status::no_timeout) { } } virtual void TearDown() override { if (gnss_hal_ != nullptr) { gnss_hal_->cleanup(); } if (notify_count_ > 0) { ALOGW("%d unprocessed callbacks discarded", notify_count_); } } /* Used as a mechanism to inform the test that a callback has occurred */ inline void notify() { std::unique_lock lock(mtx_); notify_count_++; cv_.notify_one(); } /* Test code calls this function to wait for a callback */ inline std::cv_status wait(int timeoutSeconds) { std::unique_lock lock(mtx_); std::cv_status status = std::cv_status::no_timeout; auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); while (notify_count_ == 0) { status = cv_.wait_until(lock, now + std::chrono::seconds(timeoutSeconds)); if (status == std::cv_status::timeout) return status; } notify_count_--; return status; } /* * SetPositionMode: * Helper function to set positioning mode and verify output */ void SetPositionMode(const int min_interval_msec) { const int kPreferredAccuracy = 0; // Ideally perfect (matches GnssLocationProvider) const int kPreferredTimeMsec = 0; // Ideally immediate auto result = gnss_hal_->setPositionMode( IGnss::GnssPositionMode::MS_BASED, IGnss::GnssPositionRecurrence::RECURRENCE_PERIODIC, min_interval_msec, kPreferredAccuracy, kPreferredTimeMsec); ASSERT_TRUE(result.isOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(result); } /* * StartAndGetSingleLocation: * Helper function to get one Location and check fields * * returns true if a location was successfully generated */ bool StartAndGetSingleLocation(const bool checkAccuracies, const int min_interval_msec) { SetPositionMode(min_interval_msec); auto result = gnss_hal_->start(); EXPECT_TRUE(result.isOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(result); /* * GPS signals initially optional for this test, so don't expect fast fix, * or no timeout, unless signal is present */ int firstGnssLocationTimeoutSeconds = sAgpsIsPresent ? 15 : 45; if (sSignalIsWeak) { // allow more time for weak signals firstGnssLocationTimeoutSeconds += 30; } wait(firstGnssLocationTimeoutSeconds); if (sAgpsIsPresent) { EXPECT_EQ(location_called_count_, 1); } if (location_called_count_ > 0) { // don't require speed on first fix CheckLocation(last_location_, checkAccuracies, false); return true; } return false; } /* * StopAndClearLocations: * Helper function to stop locations * * returns true if a location was successfully generated */ void StopAndClearLocations() { auto result = gnss_hal_->stop(); EXPECT_TRUE(result.isOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(result); /* * Clear notify/waiting counter, allowing up till the timeout after * the last reply for final startup messages to arrive (esp. system * info.) */ while (wait(TIMEOUT_SEC) == std::cv_status::no_timeout) { } } /* * CheckLocation: * Helper function to vet Location fields */ void CheckLocation(GnssLocation& location, bool checkAccuracies, bool checkSpeed) { EXPECT_TRUE(location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_LAT_LONG); EXPECT_TRUE(location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_ALTITUDE); if (checkSpeed) { EXPECT_TRUE(location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_SPEED); } EXPECT_TRUE(location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_HORIZONTAL_ACCURACY); // New uncertainties available in O must be provided, // at least when paired with modern hardware (2017+) if (checkAccuracies) { EXPECT_TRUE(location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_VERTICAL_ACCURACY); if (checkSpeed) { EXPECT_TRUE(location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_SPEED_ACCURACY); if (location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_BEARING) { EXPECT_TRUE(location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_BEARING_ACCURACY); } } } EXPECT_GE(location.latitudeDegrees, -90.0); EXPECT_LE(location.latitudeDegrees, 90.0); EXPECT_GE(location.longitudeDegrees, -180.0); EXPECT_LE(location.longitudeDegrees, 180.0); EXPECT_GE(location.altitudeMeters, -1000.0); EXPECT_LE(location.altitudeMeters, 30000.0); if (checkSpeed) { EXPECT_GE(location.speedMetersPerSec, 0.0); EXPECT_LE(location.speedMetersPerSec, 5.0); // VTS tests are stationary. // Non-zero speeds must be reported with an associated bearing if (location.speedMetersPerSec > 0.0) { EXPECT_TRUE(location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_BEARING); } } /* * Tolerating some especially high values for accuracy estimate, in case of * first fix with especially poor geometry (happens occasionally) */ EXPECT_GT(location.horizontalAccuracyMeters, 0.0); EXPECT_LE(location.horizontalAccuracyMeters, 250.0); /* * Some devices may define bearing as -180 to +180, others as 0 to 360. * Both are okay & understandable. */ if (location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_BEARING) { EXPECT_GE(location.bearingDegrees, -180.0); EXPECT_LE(location.bearingDegrees, 360.0); } if (location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_VERTICAL_ACCURACY) { EXPECT_GT(location.verticalAccuracyMeters, 0.0); EXPECT_LE(location.verticalAccuracyMeters, 500.0); } if (location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_SPEED_ACCURACY) { EXPECT_GT(location.speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond, 0.0); EXPECT_LE(location.speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond, 50.0); } if (location.gnssLocationFlags & GnssLocationFlags::HAS_BEARING_ACCURACY) { EXPECT_GT(location.bearingAccuracyDegrees, 0.0); EXPECT_LE(location.bearingAccuracyDegrees, 360.0); } // Check timestamp > 1.48e12 (47 years in msec - 1970->2017+) EXPECT_GT(location.timestamp, 1.48e12); } /* Callback class for data & Event. */ class GnssCallback : public IGnssCallback { public: GnssHalTest& parent_; GnssCallback(GnssHalTest& parent) : parent_(parent){}; virtual ~GnssCallback() = default; // Dummy callback handlers Return gnssStatusCb( const IGnssCallback::GnssStatusValue /* status */) override { return Void(); } Return gnssSvStatusCb( const IGnssCallback::GnssSvStatus& /* svStatus */) override { return Void(); } Return gnssNmeaCb( int64_t /* timestamp */, const android::hardware::hidl_string& /* nmea */) override { return Void(); } Return gnssAcquireWakelockCb() override { return Void(); } Return gnssReleaseWakelockCb() override { return Void(); } Return gnssRequestTimeCb() override { return Void(); } // Actual (test) callback handlers Return gnssLocationCb(const GnssLocation& location) override { ALOGI("Location received"); parent_.location_called_count_++; parent_.last_location_ = location; parent_.notify(); return Void(); } Return gnssSetCapabilitesCb(uint32_t capabilities) override { ALOGI("Capabilities received %d", capabilities); parent_.capabilities_called_count_++; parent_.last_capabilities_ = capabilities; parent_.notify(); return Void(); } Return gnssSetSystemInfoCb( const IGnssCallback::GnssSystemInfo& info) override { ALOGI("Info received, year %d", info.yearOfHw); parent_.info_called_count_++; parent_.last_info_ = info; parent_.notify(); return Void(); } }; sp gnss_hal_; // GNSS HAL to call into sp gnss_cb_; // Primary callback interface /* Count of calls to set the following items, and the latest item (used by * test.) */ int capabilities_called_count_; uint32_t last_capabilities_; int location_called_count_; GnssLocation last_location_; int info_called_count_; IGnssCallback::GnssSystemInfo last_info_; private: std::mutex mtx_; std::condition_variable cv_; int notify_count_; }; /* * SetCallbackCapabilitiesCleanup: * Sets up the callback, awaits the capabilities, and calls cleanup * * Since this is just the basic operation of SetUp() and TearDown(), * the function definition is intentionally empty */ TEST_P(GnssHalTest, SetCallbackCapabilitiesCleanup) {} /* * GetLocation: * Turns on location, waits 45 second for at least 5 locations, * and checks them for reasonable validity. */ TEST_P(GnssHalTest, GetLocation) { const int kMinIntervalMsec = 500; const int kLocationTimeoutSubsequentSec = 3; const int kLocationsToCheck = 5; bool checkMoreAccuracies = (info_called_count_ > 0 && last_info_.yearOfHw >= 2017); /* * GPS signals initially optional for this test, so don't expect timeout yet. */ bool gotLocation = StartAndGetSingleLocation(checkMoreAccuracies, kMinIntervalMsec); if (gotLocation) { for (int i = 1; i < kLocationsToCheck; i++) { EXPECT_EQ(std::cv_status::no_timeout, wait(kLocationTimeoutSubsequentSec)); EXPECT_EQ(location_called_count_, i + 1); CheckLocation(last_location_, checkMoreAccuracies, true); } } StopAndClearLocations(); } /* * InjectDelete: * Ensures that calls to inject and/or delete information state are handled. */ TEST_P(GnssHalTest, InjectDelete) { // confidently, well north of Alaska auto result = gnss_hal_->injectLocation(80.0, -170.0, 1000.0); ASSERT_TRUE(result.isOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(result); // fake time, but generally reasonable values (time in Aug. 2018) result = gnss_hal_->injectTime(1534567890123L, 123456L, 10000L); ASSERT_TRUE(result.isOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(result); auto resultVoid = gnss_hal_->deleteAidingData(IGnss::GnssAidingData::DELETE_POSITION); ASSERT_TRUE(resultVoid.isOk()); resultVoid = gnss_hal_->deleteAidingData(IGnss::GnssAidingData::DELETE_TIME); ASSERT_TRUE(resultVoid.isOk()); // Ensure we can get a good location after a bad injection has been deleted StartAndGetSingleLocation(false, /* min_interval_sec= */ 1000); StopAndClearLocations(); } /* * InjectSeedLocation: * Injects a seed location and ensures the injected seed location is not fused in the resulting * GNSS location. */ TEST_P(GnssHalTest, InjectSeedLocation) { // An arbitrary position in North Pacific Ocean (where no VTS labs will ever likely be located). const double seedLatDegrees = 32.312894; const double seedLngDegrees = -172.954117; const float seedAccuracyMeters = 150.0; auto result = gnss_hal_->injectLocation(seedLatDegrees, seedLngDegrees, seedAccuracyMeters); ASSERT_TRUE(result.isOk()); EXPECT_TRUE(result); StartAndGetSingleLocation(false, /* min_interval_msec= */ 1000); // Ensure we don't get a location anywhere within 111km (1 degree of lat or lng) of the seed // location. EXPECT_TRUE(std::abs(last_location_.latitudeDegrees - seedLatDegrees) > 1.0 || std::abs(last_location_.longitudeDegrees - seedLngDegrees) > 1.0); StopAndClearLocations(); auto resultVoid = gnss_hal_->deleteAidingData(IGnss::GnssAidingData::DELETE_POSITION); ASSERT_TRUE(resultVoid.isOk()); } /* * GetAllExtentions: * Tries getting all optional extensions, and ensures a valid return * null or actual extension, no crash. * Confirms year-based required extensions (Measurement & Debug) are present */ TEST_P(GnssHalTest, GetAllExtensions) { // Basic call-is-handled checks auto gnssXtra = gnss_hal_->getExtensionXtra(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssXtra.isOk()); auto gnssRil = gnss_hal_->getExtensionAGnssRil(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssRil.isOk()); auto gnssAgnss = gnss_hal_->getExtensionAGnss(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssAgnss.isOk()); auto gnssNi = gnss_hal_->getExtensionGnssNi(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssNi.isOk()); auto gnssNavigationMessage = gnss_hal_->getExtensionGnssNavigationMessage(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssNavigationMessage.isOk()); auto gnssConfiguration = gnss_hal_->getExtensionGnssConfiguration(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssConfiguration.isOk()); auto gnssGeofencing = gnss_hal_->getExtensionGnssGeofencing(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssGeofencing.isOk()); auto gnssBatching = gnss_hal_->getExtensionGnssBatching(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssBatching.isOk()); // Verifying, in some cases, that these return actual extensions auto gnssMeasurement = gnss_hal_->getExtensionGnssMeasurement(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssMeasurement.isOk()); if (last_capabilities_ & IGnssCallback::Capabilities::MEASUREMENTS) { sp iGnssMeas = gnssMeasurement; EXPECT_NE(iGnssMeas, nullptr); } auto gnssDebug = gnss_hal_->getExtensionGnssDebug(); ASSERT_TRUE(gnssDebug.isOk()); if (!IsAutomotiveDevice() && info_called_count_ > 0 && last_info_.yearOfHw >= 2017) { sp iGnssDebug = gnssDebug; EXPECT_NE(iGnssDebug, nullptr); } } /* * MeasurementCapabilities: * Verifies that modern hardware supports measurement capabilities. */ TEST_P(GnssHalTest, MeasurementCapabilites) { if (!IsAutomotiveDevice() && info_called_count_ > 0 && last_info_.yearOfHw >= 2016) { EXPECT_TRUE(last_capabilities_ & IGnssCallback::Capabilities::MEASUREMENTS); } } /* * SchedulingCapabilities: * Verifies that 2018+ hardware supports Scheduling capabilities. */ TEST_P(GnssHalTest, SchedulingCapabilities) { if (info_called_count_ > 0 && last_info_.yearOfHw >= 2018) { EXPECT_TRUE(last_capabilities_ & IGnssCallback::Capabilities::SCHEDULING); } } GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST(GnssHalTest); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( PerInstance, GnssHalTest, testing::ValuesIn(android::hardware::getAllHalInstanceNames(IGnss::descriptor)), android::hardware::PrintInstanceNameToString); int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); /* * These arguments not used by automated VTS testing. * Only for use in manual testing, when wanting to run * stronger tests that require the presence of GPS signal. */ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-agps") == 0) { sAgpsIsPresent = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-weak") == 0) { sSignalIsWeak = true; } } return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }