 * Copyright 2019-2021 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
// This file contains messages for representing the internal state and common
// properties of aggregation algorithms, in a minimized and Lite Proto version
// for Android.
// Messages defined in this file are often stored on disk, so reader libraries
// should be able to parse all historic versions of the serialized data, and to
// merge data with different serialization formats.

syntax = "proto2";

package zetasketch.android;

option cc_enable_arenas = true;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// Enumeration of all supported aggregation algorithms. Values should
// start from 100.
enum AggregatorType {
    reserved 0, 100 to 112, 114 to 140;

    // Computes approximate quantiles using the KLL algorithm.
    KLL_QUANTILES = 113;

// Never instantiated, just for scoping an enum and associated options.
message DefaultOpsType {
    // Each value corresponds to a C++ type T.
    enum Id {
        UNKNOWN = 0;

        // SerializeToString uses varint encoding of the 2s complement.
        INT64 = 4;

        reserved 1 to 3, 5 to 20;

// Serialized state of an aggregator.
message AggregatorStateProto {
    // The type (= algorithm + implementation) of the aggregator.
    optional AggregatorType type = 1;

    optional int64 num_values = 2;

    // Version of the encoded internal state. On a per-aggregator basis, this
    // field is set to indicate that the format of the aggregator encoding has
    // changed such that the library has to decide how to decode.
    optional int32 encoding_version = 3 [default = 1];

    // Specifies the value type for the aggregation, e.g. INT64.
    // For anything which is not a custom type, this will be a value of the
    // DefaultOpsType.Id enum.
    optional int32 value_type = 4;

    // An AggregatorStateProto message object has exactly one extension field set,
    // which holds the algorithm-specific state for the aggregator.

    extensions 100 to 112, 114 to 140;

    extensions 113 to 113;  // reserved for KLL_QUANTILES.