/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <aidl/android/os/IPullAtomCallback.h> #include <aidl/android/os/IStatsCompanionService.h> #include <utils/RefBase.h> #include <list> #include <vector> #include "PullDataReceiver.h" #include "PullUidProvider.h" #include "StatsPuller.h" #include "guardrail/StatsdStats.h" #include "logd/LogEvent.h" #include "packages/UidMap.h" using aidl::android::os::IPullAtomCallback; using aidl::android::os::IStatsCompanionService; using std::shared_ptr; namespace android { namespace os { namespace statsd { typedef struct PullerKey { // The uid of the process that registers this puller. const int uid = -1; // The atom that this puller is for. const int atomTag; bool operator<(const PullerKey& that) const { if (uid < that.uid) { return true; } if (uid > that.uid) { return false; } return atomTag < that.atomTag; }; bool operator==(const PullerKey& that) const { return uid == that.uid && atomTag == that.atomTag; }; } PullerKey; class StatsPullerManager : public virtual RefBase { public: StatsPullerManager(); virtual ~StatsPullerManager() { } // Registers a receiver for tagId. It will be pulled on the nextPullTimeNs // and then every intervalNs thereafter. virtual void RegisterReceiver(int tagId, const ConfigKey& configKey, wp<PullDataReceiver> receiver, int64_t nextPullTimeNs, int64_t intervalNs); // Stop listening on a tagId. virtual void UnRegisterReceiver(int tagId, const ConfigKey& configKey, wp<PullDataReceiver> receiver); // Registers a pull uid provider for the config key. When pulling atoms, it will be used to // determine which uids to pull from. virtual void RegisterPullUidProvider(const ConfigKey& configKey, wp<PullUidProvider> provider); // Unregister a pull uid provider. virtual void UnregisterPullUidProvider(const ConfigKey& configKey, wp<PullUidProvider> provider); // Verify if we know how to pull for this matcher bool PullerForMatcherExists(int tagId) const; void OnAlarmFired(int64_t elapsedTimeNs); // Pulls the most recent data. // The data may be served from cache if consecutive pulls come within // mCoolDownNs. // Returns true if the pull was successful. // Returns false when // 1) the pull fails // 2) pull takes longer than mPullTimeoutNs (intrinsic to puller) // 3) Either a PullUidProvider was not registered for the config, or the there was no puller // registered for any of the uids for this atom. // If the metric wants to make any change to the data, like timestamps, they // should make a copy as this data may be shared with multiple metrics. virtual bool Pull(int tagId, const ConfigKey& configKey, const int64_t eventTimeNs, vector<std::shared_ptr<LogEvent>>* data); // Same as above, but directly specify the allowed uids to pull from. virtual bool Pull(int tagId, const vector<int32_t>& uids, const int64_t eventTimeNs, vector<std::shared_ptr<LogEvent>>* data); // Clear pull data cache immediately. int ForceClearPullerCache(); // Clear pull data cache if it is beyond respective cool down time. int ClearPullerCacheIfNecessary(int64_t timestampNs); void SetStatsCompanionService(shared_ptr<IStatsCompanionService> statsCompanionService); void RegisterPullAtomCallback(const int uid, const int32_t atomTag, const int64_t coolDownNs, const int64_t timeoutNs, const vector<int32_t>& additiveFields, const shared_ptr<IPullAtomCallback>& callback); void UnregisterPullAtomCallback(const int uid, const int32_t atomTag); std::map<const PullerKey, sp<StatsPuller>> kAllPullAtomInfo; private: const static int64_t kMinCoolDownNs = NS_PER_SEC; const static int64_t kMaxTimeoutNs = 10 * NS_PER_SEC; shared_ptr<IStatsCompanionService> mStatsCompanionService = nullptr; // A struct containing an atom id and a Config Key typedef struct ReceiverKey { const int atomTag; const ConfigKey configKey; inline bool operator<(const ReceiverKey& that) const { return atomTag == that.atomTag ? configKey < that.configKey : atomTag < that.atomTag; } } ReceiverKey; typedef struct { int64_t nextPullTimeNs; int64_t intervalNs; wp<PullDataReceiver> receiver; } ReceiverInfo; // mapping from Receiver Key to receivers std::map<ReceiverKey, std::list<ReceiverInfo>> mReceivers; // mapping from Config Key to the PullUidProvider for that config std::map<ConfigKey, wp<PullUidProvider>> mPullUidProviders; bool PullLocked(int tagId, const ConfigKey& configKey, const int64_t eventTimeNs, vector<std::shared_ptr<LogEvent>>* data); bool PullLocked(int tagId, const vector<int32_t>& uids, const int64_t eventTimeNs, vector<std::shared_ptr<LogEvent>>* data); // locks for data receiver and StatsCompanionService changes std::mutex mLock; void updateAlarmLocked(); int64_t mNextPullTimeNs; // Death recipient that is triggered when the process holding the IPullAtomCallback has died. ::ndk::ScopedAIBinder_DeathRecipient mPullAtomCallbackDeathRecipient; /** * Death recipient callback that is called when a pull atom callback dies. * The cookie is a pointer to a PullAtomCallbackDeathCookie. */ static void pullAtomCallbackDied(void* cookie); FRIEND_TEST(GaugeMetricE2eTest, TestRandomSamplePulledEvents); FRIEND_TEST(GaugeMetricE2eTest, TestRandomSamplePulledEvent_LateAlarm); FRIEND_TEST(GaugeMetricE2eTest, TestRandomSamplePulledEventsWithActivation); FRIEND_TEST(GaugeMetricE2eTest, TestRandomSamplePulledEventsNoCondition); FRIEND_TEST(ValueMetricE2eTest, TestPulledEvents); FRIEND_TEST(ValueMetricE2eTest, TestPulledEvents_LateAlarm); FRIEND_TEST(ValueMetricE2eTest, TestPulledEvents_WithActivation); FRIEND_TEST(StatsLogProcessorTest, TestPullUidProviderSetOnConfigUpdate); FRIEND_TEST(ConfigUpdateE2eTest, TestGaugeMetric); FRIEND_TEST(ConfigUpdateE2eTest, TestValueMetric); }; } // namespace statsd } // namespace os } // namespace android