/* * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h> #include <functional> #include <future> #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "common/bind.h" #include "dumpsys_data_generated.h" #include "os/handler.h" #include "os/log.h" #include "os/thread.h" namespace bluetooth { class Module; class ModuleDumper; class ModuleRegistry; class TestModuleRegistry; class FuzzTestModuleRegistry; class ModuleFactory { friend ModuleRegistry; friend FuzzTestModuleRegistry; public: ModuleFactory(std::function<Module*()> ctor); private: std::function<Module*()> ctor_; }; class ModuleList { friend Module; friend ModuleRegistry; public: template <class T> void add() { list_.push_back(&T::Factory); } private: std::vector<const ModuleFactory*> list_; }; using DumpsysDataFinisher = std::function<void(DumpsysDataBuilder* dumpsys_data_builder)>; // Each leaf node module must have a factory like so: // // static const ModuleFactory Factory; // // which will provide a constructor for the module registry to call. // The module registry will also use the factory as the identifier // for that module. class Module { friend ModuleDumper; friend ModuleRegistry; friend TestModuleRegistry; public: virtual ~Module() = default; protected: // Populate the provided list with modules that must start before yours virtual void ListDependencies(ModuleList* list) = 0; // You can grab your started dependencies during or after this call // using GetDependency(), or access the module registry via GetModuleRegistry() virtual void Start() = 0; // Release all resources, you're about to be deleted virtual void Stop() = 0; // Get relevant state data from the module virtual DumpsysDataFinisher GetDumpsysData(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder* builder) const; virtual std::string ToString() const = 0; ::bluetooth::os::Handler* GetHandler() const; const ModuleRegistry* GetModuleRegistry() const; template <class T> T* GetDependency() const { return static_cast<T*>(GetDependency(&T::Factory)); } template <typename Functor, typename... Args> void Call(Functor&& functor, Args&&... args) { GetHandler()->Call(std::forward<Functor>(functor), std::forward<Args>(args)...); } template <typename T, typename Functor, typename... Args> void CallOn(T* obj, Functor&& functor, Args&&... args) { GetHandler()->CallOn(obj, std::forward<Functor>(functor), std::forward<Args>(args)...); } private: Module* GetDependency(const ModuleFactory* module) const; ::bluetooth::os::Handler* handler_ = nullptr; ModuleList dependencies_; const ModuleRegistry* registry_; }; class ModuleRegistry { friend Module; friend ModuleDumper; friend class StackManager; public: template <class T> bool IsStarted() const { return IsStarted(&T::Factory); } bool IsStarted(const ModuleFactory* factory) const; // Start all the modules on this list and their dependencies // in dependency order void Start(ModuleList* modules, ::bluetooth::os::Thread* thread); template <class T> T* Start(::bluetooth::os::Thread* thread) { return static_cast<T*>(Start(&T::Factory, thread)); } Module* Start(const ModuleFactory* id, ::bluetooth::os::Thread* thread); // Stop all running modules in reverse order of start void StopAll(); protected: Module* Get(const ModuleFactory* module) const; void set_registry_and_handler(Module* instance, ::bluetooth::os::Thread* thread) const; os::Handler* GetModuleHandler(const ModuleFactory* module) const; std::map<const ModuleFactory*, Module*> started_modules_; std::vector<const ModuleFactory*> start_order_; std::string last_instance_; }; class ModuleDumper { public: ModuleDumper(const ModuleRegistry& module_registry, const char* title) : module_registry_(module_registry), title_(title) {} void DumpState(std::string* output) const; private: const ModuleRegistry& module_registry_; const std::string title_; }; class TestModuleRegistry : public ModuleRegistry { public: void InjectTestModule(const ModuleFactory* module, Module* instance) { start_order_.push_back(module); started_modules_[module] = instance; set_registry_and_handler(instance, &test_thread); instance->Start(); } Module* GetModuleUnderTest(const ModuleFactory* module) const { return Get(module); } template <class T> T* GetModuleUnderTest() const { return static_cast<T*>(GetModuleUnderTest(&T::Factory)); } os::Handler* GetTestModuleHandler(const ModuleFactory* module) const { return GetModuleHandler(module); } os::Thread& GetTestThread() { return test_thread; } bool SynchronizeModuleHandler(const ModuleFactory* module, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) const { return SynchronizeHandler(GetTestModuleHandler(module), timeout); } bool SynchronizeHandler(os::Handler* handler, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) const { std::promise<void> promise; auto future = promise.get_future(); handler->Post(common::BindOnce(&std::promise<void>::set_value, common::Unretained(&promise))); return future.wait_for(timeout) == std::future_status::ready; } private: os::Thread test_thread{"test_thread", os::Thread::Priority::NORMAL}; }; class FuzzTestModuleRegistry : public TestModuleRegistry { public: template <class T> T* Inject(const ModuleFactory* overriding) { Module* instance = T::Factory.ctor_(); InjectTestModule(overriding, instance); return static_cast<T*>(instance); } template <class T> T* Start() { return ModuleRegistry::Start<T>(&GetTestThread()); } void WaitForIdleAndStopAll() { if (!GetTestThread().GetReactor()->WaitForIdle(std::chrono::milliseconds(100))) { LOG_ERROR("idle timed out"); } StopAll(); } }; } // namespace bluetooth