# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Stop linter from complaining XXX_unittest.cc naming.
# gnlint: disable=GnLintSourceFileNames


group("all") {
  deps = [

  if (use.test) {
    deps += [

  if (use.fuzzer) {
    deps += [

pkg_config("target_defaults") {
  cflags_cc = [
  cflags = [ "-ffunction-sections" ]
  ldflags = [ "-Wl,--gc-sections" ]
  defines = [
  include_dirs = [
    # We need this include dir because we include all the local code as
    # "update_engine/...".

  pkg_deps = [

    # system_api depends on protobuf (or protobuf-lite). It must appear
    # before protobuf here or the linker flags won't be in the right
    # order.
  if (use.fuzzer) {
    pkg_deps += [ "protobuf" ]
  } else {
    pkg_deps += [ "protobuf-lite" ]

# Protobufs.
proto_library("update_metadata-protos") {
  proto_in_dir = "."
  proto_out_dir = "include/update_engine"
  sources = [ "update_metadata.proto" ]

# Chrome D-Bus bindings.
generate_dbus_adaptors("update_engine-dbus-adaptor") {
  dbus_adaptors_out_dir = "include/dbus_bindings"
  sources = [ "dbus_bindings/org.chromium.UpdateEngineInterface.dbus-xml" ]

generate_dbus_proxies("update_engine-dbus-kiosk-app-client") {
  mock_output_file = "include/kiosk-app/dbus-proxy-mocks.h"
  proxy_output_file = "include/kiosk-app/dbus-proxies.h"
  sources = [ "dbus_bindings/org.chromium.KioskAppService.dbus-xml" ]

# The payload application component and common dependencies.
static_library("libpayload_consumer") {
  sources = [
  configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
  libs = [

  # TODO(crbug.com/1082873): Remove after fixing usage of deprecated
  # declarations.
  cflags_cc = [ "-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations" ]

  # TODO(deymo): Remove unused dependencies once we stop including files
  # from the root directory.
  all_dependent_pkg_deps = [
  public_deps = [ ":update_metadata-protos" ]

# The main daemon static_library with all the code used to check for updates
# with Omaha and expose a DBus daemon.
static_library("libupdate_engine") {
  sources = [
  configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
  libs = [
  all_dependent_pkg_deps = [
  deps = [

  if (use.dlc) {
    all_dependent_pkg_deps += [ "libdlcservice-client" ]

  if (use.chrome_network_proxy) {
    sources += [ "cros/chrome_browser_proxy_resolver.cc" ]

  if (use.dlc) {
    sources += [
  } else {
    sources += [

# update_engine daemon.
executable("update_engine") {
  sources = [ "main.cc" ]
  configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
  deps = [ ":libupdate_engine" ]

# update_engine client library.
static_library("libupdate_engine_client") {
  sources = [
  include_dirs = [ "client_library/include" ]
  configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
  pkg_deps = [

# update_engine console client.
executable("update_engine_client") {
  sources = [
  configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
  deps = [ ":libupdate_engine_client" ]

# server-side code. This is used for delta_generator and unittests but not
# for any client code.
static_library("libpayload_generator") {
  sources = [
  configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
  all_dependent_pkg_deps = [
  deps = [

  # TODO(crbug.com/1082873): Remove after fixing usage of deprecated
  # declarations.
  cflags_cc = [ "-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations" ]

# server-side delta generator.
executable("delta_generator") {
  sources = [ "payload_generator/generate_delta_main.cc" ]
  configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
  configs -= [ "//common-mk:pie" ]
  deps = [

if (use.test || use.fuzzer) {
  static_library("update_engine_test_libs") {
    sources = [

    # TODO(crbug.com/887845): After library odering issue is fixed,
    # //common-mk:test can be moved in all_dependent_configs and
    # //common-mk:test in each test configs can be removed.
    configs += [
    pkg_deps = [ "libshill-client-test" ]
    deps = [ ":libupdate_engine" ]

if (use.test) {
  # Public keys used for unit testing.
  genopenssl_key("update_engine-testkeys") {
    openssl_pem_in_dir = "."
    openssl_pem_out_dir = "include/update_engine"
    sources = [

  genopenssl_key("update_engine-testkeys-ec") {
    openssl_pem_in_dir = "."
    openssl_pem_out_dir = "include/update_engine"
    openssl_pem_algorithm = "ec"
    sources = [ "unittest_key_EC.pem" ]

  # Unpacks sample images used for testing.
  tar_bunzip2("update_engine-test_images") {
    image_out_dir = "."
    sources = [ "sample_images/sample_images.tar.bz2" ]

  # Test HTTP Server.
  executable("test_http_server") {
    sources = [

    # //common-mk:test should be on the top.
    # TODO(crbug.com/887845): Remove this after library odering issue is fixed.
    configs += [

  # Test subprocess helper.
  executable("test_subprocess") {
    sources = [ "test_subprocess.cc" ]

    # //common-mk:test should be on the top.
    # TODO(crbug.com/887845): Remove this after library odering issue is fixed.
    configs += [

  # Main unittest file.
  executable("update_engine_unittests") {
    sources = [
    if (use.dlc) {
      sources += [ "cros/excluder_chromeos_unittest.cc" ]

    # //common-mk:test should be on the top.
    # TODO(crbug.com/887845): Remove this after library odering issue is fixed.
    configs += [
    pkg_deps = [
    deps = [

# Fuzzer target.
if (use.fuzzer) {
  executable("update_engine_delta_performer_fuzzer") {
    sources = [ "payload_consumer/delta_performer_fuzzer.cc" ]
    configs += [
    pkg_deps = [
    deps = [
  executable("update_engine_omaha_request_action_fuzzer") {
    sources = [ "cros/omaha_request_action_fuzzer.cc" ]
    configs += [
    pkg_deps = [
    deps = [