# Copyright 2016 - The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Common Utilities.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-lines from __future__ import print_function import base64 import binascii import collections import errno import getpass import grp import logging import os import platform import shlex import shutil import signal import struct import socket import stat import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import time import uuid import webbrowser import zipfile import six from acloud import errors from acloud.internal import constants logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SSH_KEYGEN_CMD = ["ssh-keygen", "-t", "rsa", "-b", "4096"] SSH_KEYGEN_PUB_CMD = ["ssh-keygen", "-y"] SSH_ARGS = ["-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no"] SSH_CMD = ["ssh"] + SSH_ARGS SCP_CMD = ["scp"] + SSH_ARGS GET_BUILD_VAR_CMD = ["build/soong/soong_ui.bash", "--dumpvar-mode"] DEFAULT_RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR = 1 DEFAULT_SLEEP_MULTIPLIER = 0 _SSH_TUNNEL_ARGS = ( "-i %(rsa_key_file)s -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " "%(port_mapping)s" "-N -f -l %(ssh_user)s %(ip_addr)s") PORT_MAPPING = "-L %(local_port)d: " _RELEASE_PORT_CMD = "kill $(lsof -t -i :%d)" _WEBRTC_TARGET_PORT = 8443 WEBRTC_PORTS_MAPPING = [{"local": constants.WEBRTC_LOCAL_PORT, "target": _WEBRTC_TARGET_PORT}, {"local": 15550, "target": 15550}, {"local": 15551, "target": 15551}] _ADB_CONNECT_ARGS = "connect" # Store the ports that vnc/adb are forwarded to, both are integers. ForwardedPorts = collections.namedtuple("ForwardedPorts", [constants.VNC_PORT, constants.ADB_PORT]) AVD_PORT_DICT = { constants.TYPE_GCE: ForwardedPorts(constants.GCE_VNC_PORT, constants.GCE_ADB_PORT), constants.TYPE_CF: ForwardedPorts(constants.CF_VNC_PORT, constants.CF_ADB_PORT), constants.TYPE_GF: ForwardedPorts(constants.GF_VNC_PORT, constants.GF_ADB_PORT), constants.TYPE_CHEEPS: ForwardedPorts(constants.CHEEPS_VNC_PORT, constants.CHEEPS_ADB_PORT), constants.TYPE_FVP: ForwardedPorts(None, constants.FVP_ADB_PORT), } _VNC_BIN = "ssvnc" _CMD_KILL = ["pkill", "-9", "-f"] _CMD_SG = "sg " _CMD_START_VNC = "%(bin)s vnc://" _CMD_INSTALL_SSVNC = "sudo apt-get --assume-yes install ssvnc" _ENV_DISPLAY = "DISPLAY" _SSVNC_ENV_VARS = {"SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN": "1", "SSVNC_SCALE": "auto", "VNCVIEWER_X11CURSOR": "1"} _DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCALE = 1.0 _DIST_DIR = "DIST_DIR" # For webrtc _WEBRTC_URL = "https://%(webrtc_ip)s:%(webrtc_port)d" _CONFIRM_CONTINUE = ("In order to display the screen to the AVD, we'll need to " "install a vnc client (ssvnc). \nWould you like acloud to " "install it for you? (%s) \nPress 'y' to continue or " "anything else to abort it[y/N]: ") % _CMD_INSTALL_SSVNC _EvaluatedResult = collections.namedtuple("EvaluatedResult", ["is_result_ok", "result_message"]) # dict of supported system and their distributions. _SUPPORTED_SYSTEMS_AND_DISTS = {"Linux": ["Ubuntu", "ubuntu", "Debian", "debian"]} _DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_ERR = "Function did not complete within %d secs." _SSVNC_VIEWER_PATTERN = "vnc://" class TempDir: """A context manager that ceates a temporary directory. Attributes: path: The path of the temporary directory. """ def __init__(self): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chmod(self.path, 0o700) logger.debug("Created temporary dir %s", self.path) def __enter__(self): """Enter.""" return self.path def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Exit. Args: exc_type: Exception type raised within the context manager. None if no execption is raised. exc_value: Exception instance raised within the context manager. None if no execption is raised. traceback: Traceback for exeception that is raised within the context manager. None if no execption is raised. Raises: EnvironmentError or OSError when failed to delete temp directory. """ try: if self.path: shutil.rmtree(self.path) logger.debug("Deleted temporary dir %s", self.path) except EnvironmentError as e: # Ignore error if there is no exception raised # within the with-clause and the EnvironementError is # about problem that directory or file does not exist. if not exc_type and e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 if exc_type: logger.error( "Encountered error while deleting %s: %s", self.path, str(e), exc_info=True) else: raise def RetryOnException(retry_checker, max_retries, sleep_multiplier=0, retry_backoff_factor=1): """Decorater which retries the function call if |retry_checker| returns true. Args: retry_checker: A callback function which should take an exception instance and return True if functor(*args, **kwargs) should be retried when such exception is raised, and return False if it should not be retried. max_retries: Maximum number of retries allowed. sleep_multiplier: Will sleep sleep_multiplier * attempt_count seconds if retry_backoff_factor is 1. Will sleep sleep_multiplier * ( retry_backoff_factor ** (attempt_count - 1)) if retry_backoff_factor != 1. retry_backoff_factor: See explanation of sleep_multiplier. Returns: The function wrapper. """ def _Wrapper(func): def _FunctionWrapper(*args, **kwargs): return Retry(retry_checker, max_retries, func, sleep_multiplier, retry_backoff_factor, *args, **kwargs) return _FunctionWrapper return _Wrapper def Retry(retry_checker, max_retries, functor, sleep_multiplier, retry_backoff_factor, *args, **kwargs): """Conditionally retry a function. Args: retry_checker: A callback function which should take an exception instance and return True if functor(*args, **kwargs) should be retried when such exception is raised, and return False if it should not be retried. max_retries: Maximum number of retries allowed. functor: The function to call, will call functor(*args, **kwargs). sleep_multiplier: Will sleep sleep_multiplier * attempt_count seconds if retry_backoff_factor is 1. Will sleep sleep_multiplier * ( retry_backoff_factor ** (attempt_count - 1)) if retry_backoff_factor != 1. retry_backoff_factor: See explanation of sleep_multiplier. *args: Arguments to pass to the functor. **kwargs: Key-val based arguments to pass to the functor. Returns: The return value of the functor. Raises: Exception: The exception that functor(*args, **kwargs) throws. """ attempt_count = 0 while attempt_count <= max_retries: try: attempt_count += 1 return_value = functor(*args, **kwargs) return return_value except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 if retry_checker(e) and attempt_count <= max_retries: if retry_backoff_factor != 1: sleep = sleep_multiplier * (retry_backoff_factor** (attempt_count - 1)) else: sleep = sleep_multiplier * attempt_count time.sleep(sleep) else: raise def RetryExceptionType(exception_types, max_retries, functor, *args, **kwargs): """Retry exception if it is one of the given types. Args: exception_types: A tuple of exception types, e.g. (ValueError, KeyError) max_retries: Max number of retries allowed. functor: The function to call. Will be retried if exception is raised and the exception is one of the exception_types. *args: Arguments to pass to Retry function. **kwargs: Key-val based arguments to pass to Retry functions. Returns: The value returned by calling functor. """ return Retry(lambda e: isinstance(e, exception_types), max_retries, functor, *args, **kwargs) def PollAndWait(func, expected_return, timeout_exception, timeout_secs, sleep_interval_secs, *args, **kwargs): """Call a function until the function returns expected value or times out. Args: func: Function to call. expected_return: The expected return value. timeout_exception: Exception to raise when it hits timeout. timeout_secs: Timeout seconds. If 0 or less than zero, the function will run once and we will not wait on it. sleep_interval_secs: Time to sleep between two attemps. *args: list of args to pass to func. **kwargs: dictionary of keyword based args to pass to func. Raises: timeout_exception: if the run of function times out. """ # TODO(fdeng): Currently this method does not kill # |func|, if |func| takes longer than |timeout_secs|. # We can use a more robust version from chromite. start = time.time() while True: return_value = func(*args, **kwargs) if return_value == expected_return: return if time.time() - start > timeout_secs: raise timeout_exception if sleep_interval_secs > 0: time.sleep(sleep_interval_secs) def GenerateUniqueName(prefix=None, suffix=None): """Generate a random unique name using uuid4. Args: prefix: String, desired prefix to prepend to the generated name. suffix: String, desired suffix to append to the generated name. Returns: String, a random name. """ name = uuid.uuid4().hex if prefix: name = "-".join([prefix, name]) if suffix: name = "-".join([name, suffix]) return name def MakeTarFile(src_dict, dest): """Archive files in tar.gz format to a file named as |dest|. Args: src_dict: A dictionary that maps a path to be archived to the corresponding name that appears in the archive. dest: String, path to output file, e.g. /tmp/myfile.tar.gz """ logger.info("Compressing %s into %s.", src_dict.keys(), dest) with tarfile.open(dest, "w:gz") as tar: for src, arcname in six.iteritems(src_dict): tar.add(src, arcname=arcname) def CreateSshKeyPairIfNotExist(private_key_path, public_key_path): """Create the ssh key pair if they don't exist. Case1. If the private key doesn't exist, we will create both the public key and the private key. Case2. If the private key exists but public key doesn't, we will create the public key by using the private key. Case3. If the public key exists but the private key doesn't, we will create a new private key and overwrite the public key. Args: private_key_path: Path to the private key file. e.g. ~/.ssh/acloud_rsa public_key_path: Path to the public key file. e.g. ~/.ssh/acloud_rsa.pub Raises: error.DriverError: If failed to create the key pair. """ public_key_path = os.path.expanduser(public_key_path) private_key_path = os.path.expanduser(private_key_path) public_key_exist = os.path.exists(public_key_path) private_key_exist = os.path.exists(private_key_path) if public_key_exist and private_key_exist: logger.debug( "The ssh private key (%s) and public key (%s) already exist," "will not automatically create the key pairs.", private_key_path, public_key_path) return key_folder = os.path.dirname(private_key_path) if not os.path.exists(key_folder): os.makedirs(key_folder) try: if private_key_exist: cmd = SSH_KEYGEN_PUB_CMD + ["-f", private_key_path] with open(public_key_path, 'w') as outfile: stream_content = CheckOutput(cmd) outfile.write( stream_content.rstrip('\n') + " " + getpass.getuser()) logger.info( "The ssh public key (%s) do not exist, " "automatically creating public key, calling: %s", public_key_path, " ".join(cmd)) else: cmd = SSH_KEYGEN_CMD + [ "-C", getpass.getuser(), "-f", private_key_path ] logger.info( "Creating public key from private key (%s) via cmd: %s", private_key_path, " ".join(cmd)) subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=sys.stderr, stderr=sys.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise errors.DriverError("Failed to create ssh key pair: %s" % str(e)) except OSError as e: raise errors.DriverError( "Failed to create ssh key pair, please make sure " "'ssh-keygen' is installed: %s" % str(e)) # By default ssh-keygen will create a public key file # by append .pub to the private key file name. Rename it # to what's requested by public_key_path. default_pub_key_path = "%s.pub" % private_key_path try: if default_pub_key_path != public_key_path: os.rename(default_pub_key_path, public_key_path) except OSError as e: raise errors.DriverError( "Failed to rename %s to %s: %s" % (default_pub_key_path, public_key_path, str(e))) logger.info("Created ssh private key (%s) and public key (%s)", private_key_path, public_key_path) def VerifyRsaPubKey(rsa): """Verify the format of rsa public key. Args: rsa: content of rsa public key. It should follow the format of ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA.... test@test.com Raises: DriverError if the format is not correct. """ if not rsa or not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in rsa): raise errors.DriverError( "rsa key is empty or contains non-ascii character: %s" % rsa) elements = rsa.split() if len(elements) != 3: raise errors.DriverError("rsa key is invalid, wrong format: %s" % rsa) key_type, data, _ = elements try: binary_data = base64.decodebytes(six.b(data)) # number of bytes of int type int_length = 4 # binary_data is like "7ssh-key..." in a binary format. # The first 4 bytes should represent 7, which should be # the length of the following string "ssh-key". # And the next 7 bytes should be string "ssh-key". # We will verify that the rsa conforms to this format. # ">I" in the following line means "big-endian unsigned integer". type_length = struct.unpack(">I", binary_data[:int_length])[0] if binary_data[int_length:int_length + type_length] != six.b(key_type): raise errors.DriverError("rsa key is invalid: %s" % rsa) except (struct.error, binascii.Error) as e: raise errors.DriverError( "rsa key is invalid: %s, error: %s" % (rsa, str(e))) def Decompress(sourcefile, dest=None): """Decompress .zip or .tar.gz. Args: sourcefile: A string, a source file path to decompress. dest: A string, a folder path as decompress destination. Raises: errors.UnsupportedCompressionFileType: Not supported extension. """ logger.info("Start to decompress %s!", sourcefile) dest_path = dest if dest else "." if sourcefile.endswith(".tar.gz"): with tarfile.open(sourcefile, "r:gz") as compressor: compressor.extractall(dest_path) elif sourcefile.endswith(".zip"): with zipfile.ZipFile(sourcefile, 'r') as compressor: compressor.extractall(dest_path) else: raise errors.UnsupportedCompressionFileType( "Sorry, we could only support compression file type " "for zip or tar.gz.") # pylint: disable=no-init class TextColors: """A class that defines common color ANSI code.""" HEADER = "\033[95m" OKBLUE = "\033[94m" OKGREEN = "\033[92m" WARNING = "\033[33m" FAIL = "\033[91m" ENDC = "\033[0m" BOLD = "\033[1m" UNDERLINE = "\033[4m" def PrintColorString(message, colors=TextColors.OKBLUE, **kwargs): """A helper function to print out colored text. Use print function "print(message, end="")" to show message in one line. Example code: DisplayMessages("Creating GCE instance...", end="") # Job execute 20s DisplayMessages("Done! (20s)") Display: Creating GCE instance... # After job finished, messages update as following: Creating GCE instance...Done! (20s) Args: message: String, the message text. colors: String, color code. **kwargs: dictionary of keyword based args to pass to func. """ print(colors + message + TextColors.ENDC, **kwargs) sys.stdout.flush() def InteractWithQuestion(question, colors=TextColors.WARNING): """A helper function to define the common way to run interactive cmd. Args: question: String, the question to ask user. colors: String, color code. Returns: String, input from user. """ return str(six.moves.input(colors + question + TextColors.ENDC).strip()) def GetUserAnswerYes(question): """Ask user about acloud setup question. Args: question: String of question for user. Enter is equivalent to pressing n. We should hint user with upper case N surrounded in square brackets. Ex: "Are you sure to change bucket name[y/N]:" Returns: Boolean, True if answer is "Yes", False otherwise. """ answer = InteractWithQuestion(question) return answer.lower() in constants.USER_ANSWER_YES class BatchHttpRequestExecutor: """A helper class that executes requests in batch with retry. This executor executes http requests in a batch and retry those that have failed. It iteratively updates the dictionary self._final_results with latest results, which can be retrieved via GetResults. """ def __init__(self, execute_once_functor, requests, retry_http_codes=None, max_retry=None, sleep=None, backoff_factor=None, other_retriable_errors=None): """Initializes the executor. Args: execute_once_functor: A function that execute requests in batch once. It should return a dictionary like {request_id: (response, exception)} requests: A dictionary where key is request id picked by caller, and value is a apiclient.http.HttpRequest. retry_http_codes: A list of http codes to retry. max_retry: See utils.Retry. sleep: See utils.Retry. backoff_factor: See utils.Retry. other_retriable_errors: A tuple of error types that should be retried other than errors.HttpError. """ self._execute_once_functor = execute_once_functor self._requests = requests # A dictionary that maps request id to pending request. self._pending_requests = {} # A dictionary that maps request id to a tuple (response, exception). self._final_results = {} self._retry_http_codes = retry_http_codes self._max_retry = max_retry self._sleep = sleep self._backoff_factor = backoff_factor self._other_retriable_errors = other_retriable_errors def _ShoudRetry(self, exception): """Check if an exception is retriable. Args: exception: An exception instance. """ if isinstance(exception, self._other_retriable_errors): return True if (isinstance(exception, errors.HttpError) and exception.code in self._retry_http_codes): return True return False def _ExecuteOnce(self): """Executes pending requests and update it with failed, retriable ones. Raises: HasRetriableRequestsError: if some requests fail and are retriable. """ results = self._execute_once_functor(self._pending_requests) # Update final_results with latest results. self._final_results.update(results) # Clear pending_requests self._pending_requests.clear() for request_id, result in six.iteritems(results): exception = result[1] if exception is not None and self._ShoudRetry(exception): # If this is a retriable exception, put it in pending_requests self._pending_requests[request_id] = self._requests[request_id] if self._pending_requests: # If there is still retriable requests pending, raise an error # so that Retry will retry this function with pending_requests. raise errors.HasRetriableRequestsError( "Retriable errors: %s" % [str(results[rid][1]) for rid in self._pending_requests]) def Execute(self): """Executes the requests and retry if necessary. Will populate self._final_results. """ def _ShouldRetryHandler(exc): """Check if |exc| is a retriable exception. Args: exc: An exception. Returns: True if exception is of type HasRetriableRequestsError; False otherwise. """ should_retry = isinstance(exc, errors.HasRetriableRequestsError) if should_retry: logger.info("Will retry failed requests.", exc_info=True) logger.info("%s", exc) return should_retry try: self._pending_requests = self._requests.copy() Retry( _ShouldRetryHandler, max_retries=self._max_retry, functor=self._ExecuteOnce, sleep_multiplier=self._sleep, retry_backoff_factor=self._backoff_factor) except errors.HasRetriableRequestsError: logger.debug("Some requests did not succeed after retry.") def GetResults(self): """Returns final results. Returns: results, a dictionary in the following format {request_id: (response, exception)} request_ids are those from requests; response is the http response for the request or None on error; exception is an instance of DriverError or None if no error. """ return self._final_results def DefaultEvaluator(result): """Default Evaluator always return result is ok. Args: result:the return value of the target function. Returns: _EvaluatedResults namedtuple. """ return _EvaluatedResult(is_result_ok=True, result_message=result) def ReportEvaluator(report): """Evalute the acloud operation by the report. Args: report: acloud.public.report() object. Returns: _EvaluatedResults namedtuple. """ if report is None or report.errors: return _EvaluatedResult(is_result_ok=False, result_message=report.errors) return _EvaluatedResult(is_result_ok=True, result_message=None) def BootEvaluator(boot_dict): """Evaluate if the device booted successfully. Args: boot_dict: Dict of instance_name:boot error. Returns: _EvaluatedResults namedtuple. """ if boot_dict: return _EvaluatedResult(is_result_ok=False, result_message=boot_dict) return _EvaluatedResult(is_result_ok=True, result_message=None) class TimeExecute: """Count the function execute time.""" def __init__(self, function_description=None, print_before_call=True, print_status=True, result_evaluator=DefaultEvaluator, display_waiting_dots=True): """Initializes the class. Args: function_description: String that describes function (e.g."Creating Instance...") print_before_call: Boolean, print the function description before calling the function, default True. print_status: Boolean, print the status of the function after the function has completed, default True ("OK" or "Fail"). result_evaluator: Func object. Pass func to evaluate result. Default evaluator always report result is ok and failed result will be identified only in exception case. display_waiting_dots: Boolean, if true print the function_description followed by waiting dot. """ self._function_description = function_description self._print_before_call = print_before_call self._print_status = print_status self._result_evaluator = result_evaluator self._display_waiting_dots = display_waiting_dots def __call__(self, func): def DecoratorFunction(*args, **kargs): """Decorator function. Args: *args: Arguments to pass to the functor. **kwargs: Key-val based arguments to pass to the functor. Raises: Exception: The exception that functor(*args, **kwargs) throws. """ timestart = time.time() if self._print_before_call: waiting_dots = "..." if self._display_waiting_dots else "" PrintColorString("%s %s"% (self._function_description, waiting_dots), end="") try: result = func(*args, **kargs) result_time = time.time() - timestart if not self._print_before_call: PrintColorString("%s (%ds)" % (self._function_description, result_time), TextColors.OKGREEN) if self._print_status: evaluated_result = self._result_evaluator(result) if evaluated_result.is_result_ok: PrintColorString("OK! (%ds)" % (result_time), TextColors.OKGREEN) else: PrintColorString("Fail! (%ds)" % (result_time), TextColors.FAIL) PrintColorString("Error: %s" % evaluated_result.result_message, TextColors.FAIL) return result except: if self._print_status: PrintColorString("Fail! (%ds)" % (time.time() - timestart), TextColors.FAIL) raise return DecoratorFunction def PickFreePort(): """Helper to pick a free port. Returns: Integer, a free port number. """ tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tcp_socket.bind(("", 0)) port = tcp_socket.getsockname()[1] tcp_socket.close() return port def CheckPortFree(port): """Check the availablity of the tcp port. Args: Integer, a port number. Raises: PortOccupied: This port is not available. """ tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: tcp_socket.bind(("", port)) except socket.error: raise errors.PortOccupied("Port (%d) is taken, please choose another " "port." % port) tcp_socket.close() def _ExecuteCommand(cmd, args): """Execute command. Args: cmd: Strings of execute binary name. args: List of args to pass in with cmd. Raises: errors.NoExecuteBin: Can't find the execute bin file. """ bin_path = FindExecutable(cmd) if not bin_path: raise errors.NoExecuteCmd("unable to locate %s" % cmd) command = [bin_path] + args logger.debug("Running '%s'", ' '.join(command)) with open(os.devnull, "w") as dev_null: subprocess.check_call(command, stderr=dev_null, stdout=dev_null) def ReleasePort(port): """Release local port. Args: port: Integer of local port number. """ try: with open(os.devnull, "w") as dev_null: subprocess.check_call(_RELEASE_PORT_CMD % port, stderr=dev_null, stdout=dev_null, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.debug("The port %d is available.", constants.WEBRTC_LOCAL_PORT) def EstablishWebRTCSshTunnel(ip_addr, rsa_key_file, ssh_user, extra_args_ssh_tunnel=None): """Create ssh tunnels for webrtc. # TODO(151418177): Before fully supporting webrtc feature, we establish one # WebRTC tunnel at a time. so always delete the previous connection before # establishing new one. Args: ip_addr: String, use to build the adb & vnc tunnel between local and remote instance. rsa_key_file: String, Private key file path to use when creating the ssh tunnels. ssh_user: String of user login into the instance. extra_args_ssh_tunnel: String, extra args for ssh tunnel connection. """ ReleasePort(constants.WEBRTC_LOCAL_PORT) try: port_mapping = [PORT_MAPPING % { "local_port":port["local"], "target_port":port["target"]} for port in WEBRTC_PORTS_MAPPING] ssh_tunnel_args = _SSH_TUNNEL_ARGS % { "rsa_key_file": rsa_key_file, "ssh_user": ssh_user, "ip_addr": ip_addr, "port_mapping":" ".join(port_mapping)} ssh_tunnel_args_list = shlex.split(ssh_tunnel_args) if extra_args_ssh_tunnel is not None: ssh_tunnel_args_list.extend(shlex.split(extra_args_ssh_tunnel)) _ExecuteCommand(constants.SSH_BIN, ssh_tunnel_args_list) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: PrintColorString("\n%s\nFailed to create ssh tunnels, retry with '#acloud " "reconnect'." % e, TextColors.FAIL) # TODO(147337696): create ssh tunnels tear down as adb and vnc. # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def AutoConnect(ip_addr, rsa_key_file, target_vnc_port, target_adb_port, ssh_user, client_adb_port=None, extra_args_ssh_tunnel=None): """Autoconnect to an AVD instance. Args: ip_addr: String, use to build the adb & vnc tunnel between local and remote instance. rsa_key_file: String, Private key file path to use when creating the ssh tunnels. target_vnc_port: Integer of target vnc port number. target_adb_port: Integer of target adb port number. ssh_user: String of user login into the instance. client_adb_port: Integer, Specified adb port to establish connection. extra_args_ssh_tunnel: String, extra args for ssh tunnel connection. Returns: NamedTuple of (vnc_port, adb_port) SSHTUNNEL of the connect, both are integers. """ local_adb_port = client_adb_port or PickFreePort() port_mapping = [PORT_MAPPING % { "local_port":local_adb_port, "target_port":target_adb_port}] local_free_vnc_port = None if target_vnc_port: local_free_vnc_port = PickFreePort() port_mapping += [PORT_MAPPING % { "local_port":local_free_vnc_port, "target_port":target_vnc_port}] try: ssh_tunnel_args = _SSH_TUNNEL_ARGS % { "rsa_key_file": rsa_key_file, "port_mapping": " ".join(port_mapping), "ssh_user": ssh_user, "ip_addr": ip_addr} ssh_tunnel_args_list = shlex.split(ssh_tunnel_args) if extra_args_ssh_tunnel is not None: ssh_tunnel_args_list.extend(shlex.split(extra_args_ssh_tunnel)) _ExecuteCommand(constants.SSH_BIN, ssh_tunnel_args_list) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: PrintColorString("\n%s\nFailed to create ssh tunnels, retry with '#acloud " "reconnect'." % e, TextColors.FAIL) return ForwardedPorts(vnc_port=None, adb_port=None) try: adb_connect_args = _ADB_CONNECT_ARGS % {"adb_port": local_adb_port} _ExecuteCommand(constants.ADB_BIN, adb_connect_args.split()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: PrintColorString("Failed to adb connect, retry with " "'#acloud reconnect'", TextColors.FAIL) return ForwardedPorts(vnc_port=local_free_vnc_port, adb_port=local_adb_port) def GetAnswerFromList(answer_list, enable_choose_all=False): """Get answer from a list. Args: answer_list: list of the answers to choose from. enable_choose_all: True to choose all items from answer list. Return: List holding the answer(s). """ print("[0] to exit.") start_index = 1 max_choice = len(answer_list) for num, item in enumerate(answer_list, start_index): print("[%d] %s" % (num, item)) if enable_choose_all: max_choice += 1 print("[%d] for all." % max_choice) choice = -1 while True: try: choice = six.moves.input("Enter your choice[0-%d]: " % max_choice) choice = int(choice) except ValueError: print("'%s' is not a valid integer.", choice) continue # Filter out choices if choice == 0: sys.exit(constants.EXIT_BY_USER) if enable_choose_all and choice == max_choice: return answer_list if choice < 0 or choice > max_choice: print("please choose between 0 and %d" % max_choice) else: return [answer_list[choice-start_index]] def LaunchVNCFromReport(report, avd_spec, no_prompts=False): """Launch vnc client according to the instances report. Args: report: Report object, that stores and generates report. avd_spec: AVDSpec object that tells us what we're going to create. no_prompts: Boolean, True to skip all prompts. """ for device in report.data.get("devices", []): if device.get(constants.VNC_PORT): LaunchVncClient(device.get(constants.VNC_PORT), avd_width=avd_spec.hw_property["x_res"], avd_height=avd_spec.hw_property["y_res"], no_prompts=no_prompts) else: PrintColorString("No VNC port specified, skipping VNC startup.", TextColors.FAIL) def LaunchBrowserFromReport(report): """Open browser when autoconnect to webrtc according to the instances report. Args: report: Report object, that stores and generates report. """ PrintColorString("(This is an experimental project for webrtc, and since " "the certificate is self-signed, Chrome will mark it as " "an insecure website. keep going.)", TextColors.WARNING) for device in report.data.get("devices", []): if device.get("ip"): LaunchBrowser(constants.WEBRTC_LOCAL_HOST, device.get(constants.WEBRTC_PORT, constants.WEBRTC_LOCAL_PORT)) def LaunchBrowser(ip_addr, port): """Launch browser to connect the webrtc AVD. Args: ip_addr: String, use to connect to webrtc AVD on the instance. port: Integer, port number. """ webrtc_link = _WEBRTC_URL % { "webrtc_ip": ip_addr, "webrtc_port": port} if os.environ.get(_ENV_DISPLAY, None): webbrowser.open_new_tab(webrtc_link) else: PrintColorString("Remote terminal can't support launch webbrowser.", TextColors.FAIL) PrintColorString("WebRTC AVD URL: %s "% webrtc_link) def LaunchVncClient(port, avd_width=None, avd_height=None, no_prompts=False): """Launch ssvnc. Args: port: Integer, port number. avd_width: String, the width of avd. avd_height: String, the height of avd. no_prompts: Boolean, True to skip all prompts. """ try: os.environ[_ENV_DISPLAY] except KeyError: PrintColorString("Remote terminal can't support VNC. " "Skipping VNC startup. " "VNC server is listening at{}.".format(port), TextColors.FAIL) return if IsSupportedPlatform() and not FindExecutable(_VNC_BIN): if no_prompts or GetUserAnswerYes(_CONFIRM_CONTINUE): try: PrintColorString("Installing ssvnc vnc client... ", end="") sys.stdout.flush() CheckOutput(_CMD_INSTALL_SSVNC, shell=True) PrintColorString("Done", TextColors.OKGREEN) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe: PrintColorString("Failed to install ssvnc: %s" % cpe.output, TextColors.FAIL) return else: return ssvnc_env = os.environ.copy() ssvnc_env.update(_SSVNC_ENV_VARS) # Override SSVNC_SCALE if avd_width or avd_height: scale_ratio = CalculateVNCScreenRatio(avd_width, avd_height) ssvnc_env["SSVNC_SCALE"] = str(scale_ratio) logger.debug("SSVNC_SCALE:%s", scale_ratio) ssvnc_args = _CMD_START_VNC % {"bin": FindExecutable(_VNC_BIN), "port": port} subprocess.Popen(ssvnc_args.split(), env=ssvnc_env) def PrintDeviceSummary(report): """Display summary of devices. -Display device details from the report instance. report example: 'data': [{'devices':[{'instance_name': 'ins-f6a397-none-53363', 'ip': u''}]}] -Display error message from report.error. Args: report: A Report instance. """ PrintColorString("\n") PrintColorString("Device summary:") for device in report.data.get("devices", []): adb_serial = device.get(constants.DEVICE_SERIAL) if not adb_serial: adb_port = device.get("adb_port") if adb_port: adb_serial = constants.LOCALHOST_ADB_SERIAL % adb_port else: adb_serial = "(None)" instance_name = device.get("instance_name") instance_ip = device.get("ip") instance_details = "" if not instance_name else "(%s[%s])" % ( instance_name, instance_ip) PrintColorString(" - device serial: %s %s" % (adb_serial, instance_details)) PrintColorString("\n") PrintColorString("Note: To ensure Tradefed use this AVD, please run:") PrintColorString("\texport ANDROID_SERIAL=%s" % adb_serial) # TODO(b/117245508): Help user to delete instance if it got created. if report.errors: error_msg = "\n".join(report.errors) PrintColorString("Fail in:\n%s\n" % error_msg, TextColors.FAIL) # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel def CalculateVNCScreenRatio(avd_width, avd_height): """calculate the vnc screen scale ratio to fit into user's monitor. Args: avd_width: String, the width of avd. avd_height: String, the height of avd. Return: Float, scale ratio for vnc client. """ try: import Tkinter # Some python interpreters may not be configured for Tk, just return default scale ratio. except ImportError: try: import tkinter as Tkinter except ImportError: PrintColorString( "no module named tkinter, vnc display scale were not be fit." "please run 'sudo apt-get install python3-tk' to install it.") return _DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCALE root = Tkinter.Tk() margin = 100 # leave some space on user's monitor. screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight() - margin screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() - margin scale_h = _DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCALE scale_w = _DEFAULT_DISPLAY_SCALE if float(screen_height) < float(avd_height): scale_h = round(float(screen_height) / float(avd_height), 1) if float(screen_width) < float(avd_width): scale_w = round(float(screen_width) / float(avd_width), 1) logger.debug("scale_h: %s (screen_h: %s/avd_h: %s)," " scale_w: %s (screen_w: %s/avd_w: %s)", scale_h, screen_height, avd_height, scale_w, screen_width, avd_width) # Return the larger scale-down ratio. return scale_h if scale_h < scale_w else scale_w def IsCommandRunning(command): """Check if command is running. Args: command: String of command name. Returns: Boolean, True if command is running. False otherwise. """ try: with open(os.devnull, "w") as dev_null: subprocess.check_call([constants.CMD_PGREP, "-af", command], stderr=dev_null, stdout=dev_null) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False def AddUserGroupsToCmd(cmd, user_groups): """Add the user groups to the command if necessary. As part of local host setup to enable local instance support, the user is added to certain groups. For those settings to take effect systemwide requires the user to log out and log back in. In the scenario where the user has run setup and hasn't logged out, we still want them to be able to launch a local instance so add the user to the groups as part of the command to ensure success. The reason using here-doc instead of '&' is all operations need to be ran in ths same pid. Here's an example cmd: $ sg kvm << EOF sg libvirt sg cvdnetwork launch_cvd --cpus 2 --x_res 1280 --y_res 720 --dpi 160 --memory_mb 4096 EOF Args: cmd: String of the command to prepend the user groups to. user_groups: List of user groups name.(String) Returns: String of the command with the user groups prepended to it if necessary, otherwise the same existing command. """ user_group_cmd = "" if not CheckUserInGroups(user_groups): logger.debug("Need to add user groups to the command") for idx, group in enumerate(user_groups): user_group_cmd += _CMD_SG + group if idx == 0: user_group_cmd += " <<EOF\n" else: user_group_cmd += "\n" cmd += "\nEOF" user_group_cmd += cmd logger.debug("user group cmd: %s", user_group_cmd) return user_group_cmd def CheckUserInGroups(group_name_list): """Check if the current user is in the group. Args: group_name_list: The list of group name. Returns: True if current user is in all the groups. """ logger.info("Checking if user is in following groups: %s", group_name_list) all_groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall()] for group in group_name_list: if group not in all_groups: logger.info("This group doesn't exist: %s", group) return False if getpass.getuser() not in grp.getgrnam(group).gr_mem: logger.info("Current user isn't in this group: %s", group) return False return True def IsSupportedPlatform(print_warning=False): """Check if user's os is the supported platform. platform.version() return such as '#1 SMP Debian 5.6.14-1rodete2...' and use to judge supported or not. Args: print_warning: Boolean, print the unsupported warning if True. Returns: Boolean, True if user is using supported platform. """ system = platform.system() # TODO(b/161085678): After python3 fully migrated, then use distro to fix. platform_supported = False if system in _SUPPORTED_SYSTEMS_AND_DISTS: for dist in _SUPPORTED_SYSTEMS_AND_DISTS[system]: if dist in platform.version(): platform_supported = True break logger.info("Updated supported system and dists: %s", _SUPPORTED_SYSTEMS_AND_DISTS) platform_supported_msg = ("%s[%s] %s supported platform" % (system, platform.version(), "is a" if platform_supported else "is not a")) if print_warning and not platform_supported: PrintColorString(platform_supported_msg, TextColors.WARNING) else: logger.info(platform_supported_msg) return platform_supported def GetDistDir(): """Return the absolute path to the dist dir.""" android_build_top = os.environ.get(constants.ENV_ANDROID_BUILD_TOP) if not android_build_top: return None dist_cmd = GET_BUILD_VAR_CMD[:] dist_cmd.append(_DIST_DIR) try: dist_dir = CheckOutput(dist_cmd, cwd=android_build_top) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None return os.path.join(android_build_top, dist_dir.strip()) def CleanupProcess(pattern): """Cleanup process with pattern. Args: pattern: String, string of process pattern. """ if IsCommandRunning(pattern): command_kill = _CMD_KILL + [pattern] subprocess.check_call(command_kill) def TimeoutException(timeout_secs, timeout_error=_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_ERR): """Decorater which function timeout setup and raise custom exception. Args: timeout_secs: Number of maximum seconds of waiting time. timeout_error: String to describe timeout exception. Returns: The function wrapper. """ if timeout_error == _DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_ERR: timeout_error = timeout_error % timeout_secs def _Wrapper(func): # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _HandleTimeout(signum, frame): raise errors.FunctionTimeoutError(timeout_error) def _FunctionWrapper(*args, **kwargs): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _HandleTimeout) signal.alarm(timeout_secs) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(0) return result return _FunctionWrapper return _Wrapper def GetBuildEnvironmentVariable(variable_name): """Get build environment variable. Args: variable_name: String of variable name. Returns: String, the value of the variable. Raises: errors.GetAndroidBuildEnvVarError: No environment variable found. """ try: return os.environ[variable_name] except KeyError: raise errors.GetAndroidBuildEnvVarError( "Could not get environment var: %s\n" "Try to run 'source build/envsetup.sh && lunch <target>'" % variable_name ) # pylint: disable=no-member,import-outside-toplevel def FindExecutable(filename): """A compatibility function to find execution file path. Args: filename: String of execution filename. Returns: String: execution file path. """ try: from distutils.spawn import find_executable return find_executable(filename) except ImportError: return shutil.which(filename) def GetDictItems(namedtuple_object): """A compatibility function to access the OrdereDict object from the given namedtuple object. Args: namedtuple_object: namedtuple object. Returns: collections.namedtuple.__dict__.items() when using python2. collections.namedtuple._asdict().items() when using python3. """ return (namedtuple_object.__dict__.items() if six.PY2 else namedtuple_object._asdict().items()) def CleanupSSVncviewer(vnc_port): """Cleanup the old disconnected ssvnc viewer. Args: vnc_port: Integer, port number of vnc. """ ssvnc_viewer_pattern = _SSVNC_VIEWER_PATTERN % {"vnc_port":vnc_port} CleanupProcess(ssvnc_viewer_pattern) def CheckOutput(cmd, **kwargs): """Call subprocess.check_output to get output. The subprocess.check_output return type is "bytes" in python 3, we have to convert bytes as string with .decode() in advance. Args: cmd: String of command. **kwargs: dictionary of keyword based args to pass to func. Return: String to command output. """ return subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwargs).decode() def SetExecutable(path): """Grant the persmission to execute a file. Args: path: String, the file path. Raises: OSError if any file operation fails. """ mode = os.stat(path).st_mode os.chmod(path, mode | (stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)) def SetDirectoryTreeExecutable(dir_path): """Grant the permission to execute all files in a directory. Args: dir_path: String, the directory path. Raises: OSError if any file operation fails. """ for parent_dir, _, file_names in os.walk(dir_path): for name in file_names: SetExecutable(os.path.join(parent_dir, name))