#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2020 - The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Configs the jdk.table.xml. In order to enable the feature "Attach debugger to Android process" in Android Studio or IntelliJ, AIDEGen needs the JDK and Android SDK been set-up. The class JDKTableXML parses the jdk.table.xml to find the existing JDK and Android SDK information. If they do not exist, AIDEGen will create them. Usage example: jdk_table_xml = JDKTableXML(jdk_table_xml_file, jdk_template, default_jdk_path, default_android_sdk_path) if jdk_table_xml.config_jdk_table_xml(): android_sdk_version = jdk_table_xml.android_sdk_version """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os from xml.etree import ElementTree from aidegen import constant from aidegen import templates from aidegen.lib import aidegen_metrics from aidegen.lib import common_util from aidegen.lib import xml_util from aidegen.sdk import android_sdk class JDKTableXML(): """Configs jdk.table.xml for IntelliJ and Android Studio. Attributes: _config_file: The absolute file path of the jdk.table.xml, the file might not exist. _jdk_content: A string, the content of the JDK configuration. _jdk_path: The path of JDK in android project. _default_android_sdk_path: The default path to the Android SDK. _platform_version: The version name of the platform, e.g. android-29 _android_sdk_version: The version name of the Android SDK in the jdk.table.xml, e.g. Android API 29 Platform _modify_config: A boolean, True to write new content to jdk.table.xml. _xml: An xml.etree.ElementTree object contains the XML parsing result. _sdk: An AndroidSDK object to get the Android SDK path and platform mapping. """ _JDK = 'jdk' _NAME = 'name' _TYPE = 'type' _VALUE = 'value' _SDK = 'sdk' _HOMEPATH = 'homePath' _ADDITIONAL = 'additional' _ANDROID_SDK = 'Android SDK' _JAVA_SDK = 'JavaSDK' _JDK_VERSION = 'JDK18' _APPLICATION = 'application' _COMPONENT = 'component' _PROJECTJDKTABLE = 'ProjectJdkTable' _LAST_TAG_TAIL = '\n ' _NEW_TAG_TAIL = '\n ' _ANDROID_SDK_VERSION = 'Android API {CODE_NAME} Platform' _DEFAULT_JDK_TABLE_XML = os.path.join(common_util.get_android_root_dir(), constant.AIDEGEN_ROOT_PATH, 'data', 'jdk.table.xml') _ILLEGAL_XML = ('The {XML} is not an useful XML file for IntelliJ. Do you ' 'agree AIDEGen override it?(y/n)') _IGNORE_XML_WARNING = ('The {XML} is not an useful XML file for IntelliJ. ' 'It causes the feature "Attach debugger to Android ' 'process" to be disabled.') def __init__(self, config_file, jdk_content, jdk_path, default_android_sdk_path): """JDKTableXML initialize. Args: config_file: The absolute file path of the jdk.table.xml, the file might not exist. jdk_content: A string, the content of the JDK configuration. jdk_path: The path of JDK in android project. default_android_sdk_path: The default absolute path to the Android SDK. """ self._config_file = config_file self._jdk_content = jdk_content self._jdk_path = jdk_path self._default_android_sdk_path = default_android_sdk_path self._xml = None if os.path.exists(config_file): xml_file = config_file else: xml_file = self._DEFAULT_JDK_TABLE_XML common_util.file_generate(xml_file, templates.JDK_TABLE_XML) self._xml = xml_util.parse_xml(xml_file) self._platform_version = None self._android_sdk_version = None self._modify_config = False self._sdk = android_sdk.AndroidSDK() @property def android_sdk_version(self): """Gets the Android SDK version.""" return self._android_sdk_version def _check_structure(self): """Checks the XML's structure is correct. The content of the XML file should have a root tag as <application> and a child tag <component> of it. E.g. <application> <component name="ProjectJdkTable"> ... </component> </application> Returns: Boolean: True if the structure is correct, otherwise False. """ if (not self._xml or self._xml.getroot().tag != self._APPLICATION or self._xml.find(self._COMPONENT) is None or self._xml.find(self._COMPONENT).tag != self._COMPONENT): return False return self._xml.find(self._COMPONENT).get( self._NAME) == self._PROJECTJDKTABLE def _override_xml(self): """Overrides the XML file when it's invalid. Returns: A boolean, True when developers choose to override the XML file, otherwise False. """ input_data = input(self._ILLEGAL_XML.format(XML=self._config_file)) while input_data not in ('y', 'n'): input_data = input('Please type y(Yes) or n(No): ') if input_data == 'y': # Record the exception about wrong XML format. if self._xml: aidegen_metrics.send_exception_metrics( constant.XML_PARSING_FAILURE, '', ElementTree.tostring(self._xml.getroot()), '') self._xml = xml_util.parse_xml(self._DEFAULT_JDK_TABLE_XML) return True return False def _check_jdk18_in_xml(self): """Checks if the JDK18 is already set in jdk.table.xml. Returns: Boolean: True if the JDK18 exists else False. """ for jdk in self._xml.iter(self._JDK): _name = jdk.find(self._NAME) _type = jdk.find(self._TYPE) if None in (_name, _type): continue if (_type.get(self._VALUE) == self._JAVA_SDK and _name.get(self._VALUE) == self._JDK_VERSION): return True return False def _check_android_sdk_in_xml(self): """Checks if the Android SDK is already set in jdk.table.xml. If the Android SDK exists in xml, validate the value of Android SDK path and platform version. 1. Check if the Android SDK path is valid. 2. Check if the platform version exists in the Android SDK. The Android SDK version can be used to generate enble_debugger module when condition 1 and 2 are true. Returns: Boolean: True if the Android SDK configuration exists, otherwise False. """ for tag in self._xml.iter(self._JDK): _name = tag.find(self._NAME) _type = tag.find(self._TYPE) _homepath = tag.find(self._HOMEPATH) _additional = tag.find(self._ADDITIONAL) if None in (_name, _type, _homepath, _additional): continue tag_type = _type.get(self._VALUE) home_path = _homepath.get(self._VALUE).replace( constant.USER_HOME, os.path.expanduser('~')) platform = _additional.get(self._SDK) if (tag_type != self._ANDROID_SDK or not self._sdk.is_android_sdk_path(home_path) or platform not in self._sdk.platform_mapping): continue self._android_sdk_version = _name.get(self._VALUE) self._platform_version = platform return True return False def _append_config(self, new_config): """Adds a <jdk> configuration at the last of <component>. Args: new_config: A string of new <jdk> configuration. """ node = ElementTree.fromstring(new_config) node.tail = self._NEW_TAG_TAIL component = self._xml.getroot().find(self._COMPONENT) if len(component) > 0: component[-1].tail = self._LAST_TAG_TAIL else: component.text = self._LAST_TAG_TAIL self._xml.getroot().find(self._COMPONENT).append(node) def _generate_jdk_config_string(self): """Generates the default JDK configuration.""" if self._check_jdk18_in_xml(): return self._append_config(self._jdk_content.format(JDKpath=self._jdk_path)) self._modify_config = True def _generate_sdk_config_string(self): """Generates Android SDK configuration.""" if self._check_android_sdk_in_xml(): return if self._sdk.path_analysis(self._default_android_sdk_path): # TODO(b/151582629): Revise the API_LEVEL to CODE_NAME when # abandoning the sdk_config.py. self._append_config(templates.ANDROID_SDK_XML.format( ANDROID_SDK_PATH=self._sdk.android_sdk_path, CODE_NAME=self._sdk.max_code_name)) self._android_sdk_version = self._ANDROID_SDK_VERSION.format( CODE_NAME=self._sdk.max_code_name) self._modify_config = True return # Record the exception about missing Android SDK. aidegen_metrics.send_exception_metrics( constant.LOCATE_SDK_PATH_FAILURE, '', ElementTree.tostring(self._xml.getroot()), '') def config_jdk_table_xml(self): """Configures the jdk.table.xml. 1. Generate the JDK18 configuration if it does not exist. 2. Generate the Android SDK configuration if it does not exist and save the Android SDK path. 3. Update the jdk.table.xml if AIDEGen needs to append JDK18 or Android SDK configuration. Returns: A boolean, True when get the Android SDK version, otherwise False. """ if not self._check_structure() and not self._override_xml(): print(self._IGNORE_XML_WARNING.format(XML=self._config_file)) return False self._generate_jdk_config_string() self._generate_sdk_config_string() if self._modify_config: if not os.path.exists(self._config_file): common_util.file_generate( self._config_file, templates.JDK_TABLE_XML) self._xml.write(self._config_file) return bool(self._android_sdk_version)