#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Atest tool functions.""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long from __future__ import print_function import json import logging import os import pickle import shutil import subprocess import sys import time import atest_utils as au import constants import module_info from metrics import metrics_utils MAC_UPDB_SRC = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'updatedb_darwin.sh') MAC_UPDB_DST = os.path.join(os.getenv(constants.ANDROID_HOST_OUT, ''), 'bin') UPDATEDB = 'updatedb' LOCATE = 'locate' ACLOUD_DURATION = 'duration' SEARCH_TOP = os.getenv(constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, '') MACOSX = 'Darwin' OSNAME = os.uname()[0] # When adding new index, remember to append constants to below tuple. INDEXES = (constants.CC_CLASS_INDEX, constants.CLASS_INDEX, constants.LOCATE_CACHE, constants.MODULE_INDEX, constants.PACKAGE_INDEX, constants.QCLASS_INDEX) # The list was generated by command: # find `gettop` -type d -wholename `gettop`/out -prune -o -type d -name '.*' # -print | awk -F/ '{{print $NF}}'| sort -u PRUNENAMES = ['.abc', '.appveyor', '.azure-pipelines', '.bazelci', '.buildscript', '.cache', '.ci', '.circleci', '.conan', '.config', '.externalToolBuilders', '.git', '.github', '.gitlab-ci', '.google', '.gradle', '.idea', '.intermediates', '.jenkins', '.kokoro', '.libs_cffi_backend', '.mvn', '.prebuilt_info', '.private', '__pycache__', '.repo', '.semaphore', '.settings', '.static', '.svn', '.test', '.travis', '.travis_scripts', '.tx', '.vscode'] def _mkdir_when_inexists(dirname): if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) def _install_updatedb(): """Install a customized updatedb for MacOS and ensure it is executable.""" _mkdir_when_inexists(MAC_UPDB_DST) _mkdir_when_inexists(constants.INDEX_DIR) if OSNAME == MACOSX: shutil.copy2(MAC_UPDB_SRC, os.path.join(MAC_UPDB_DST, UPDATEDB)) os.chmod(os.path.join(MAC_UPDB_DST, UPDATEDB), 0o0755) def _delete_indexes(): """Delete all available index files.""" for index in INDEXES: if os.path.isfile(index): os.remove(index) def get_report_file(results_dir, acloud_args): """Get the acloud report file path. This method can parse either string: --acloud-create '--report-file=/tmp/acloud.json' --acloud-create '--report-file /tmp/acloud.json' and return '/tmp/acloud.json' as the report file. Otherwise returning the default path(/tmp/atest_result//acloud_status.json). Args: results_dir: string of directory to store atest results. acloud_args: string of acloud create. Returns: A string path of acloud report file. """ match = constants.ACLOUD_REPORT_FILE_RE.match(acloud_args) if match: return match.group('report_file') return os.path.join(results_dir, 'acloud_status.json') def has_command(cmd): """Detect if the command is available in PATH. Args: cmd: A string of the tested command. Returns: True if found, False otherwise. """ return bool(shutil.which(cmd)) def run_updatedb(search_root=SEARCH_TOP, output_cache=constants.LOCATE_CACHE, **kwargs): """Run updatedb and generate cache in $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/indexes/mlocate.db Args: search_root: The path of the search root(-U). output_cache: The filename of the updatedb cache(-o). kwargs: (optional) prunepaths: A list of paths unwanted to be searched(-e). prunenames: A list of dirname that won't be cached(-n). """ prunenames = kwargs.pop('prunenames', ' '.join(PRUNENAMES)) prunepaths = kwargs.pop('prunepaths', os.path.join(search_root, 'out')) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs) updatedb_cmd = [UPDATEDB, '-l0'] updatedb_cmd.append('-U%s' % search_root) updatedb_cmd.append('-e%s' % prunepaths) updatedb_cmd.append('-n%s' % prunenames) updatedb_cmd.append('-o%s' % output_cache) try: _install_updatedb() except IOError as e: logging.error('Error installing updatedb: %s', e) if not has_command(UPDATEDB): return logging.debug('Running updatedb... ') try: full_env_vars = os.environ.copy() logging.debug('Executing: %s', updatedb_cmd) if subprocess.check_call(updatedb_cmd, env=full_env_vars) == 0: au.save_md5([constants.LOCATE_CACHE], constants.LOCATE_CACHE_MD5) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): logging.error('Process interrupted or failure.') def _dump_index(dump_file, output, output_re, key, value): """Dump indexed data with pickle. Args: dump_file: A string of absolute path of the index file. output: A string generated by locate and grep. output_re: An regex which is used for grouping patterns. key: A string for dictionary key, e.g. classname, package, cc_class, etc. value: A set of path. The data structure will be like: { 'Foo': {'/path/to/Foo.java', '/path2/to/Foo.kt'}, 'Boo': {'/path3/to/Boo.java'} } """ _dict = {} with open(dump_file, 'wb') as cache_file: if isinstance(output, bytes): output = output.decode() for entry in output.splitlines(): match = output_re.match(entry) if match: _dict.setdefault(match.group(key), set()).add( match.group(value)) try: pickle.dump(_dict, cache_file, protocol=2) logging.debug('Done') except IOError: os.remove(dump_file) logging.error('Failed in dumping %s', dump_file) def _get_cc_result(locatedb=None): """Search all testable cc/cpp and grep TEST(), TEST_F() or TEST_P(). Returns: A string object generated by subprocess. """ if not locatedb: locatedb = constants.LOCATE_CACHE cc_grep_re = r'^\s*TEST(_P|_F)?\s*\(\w+,' if OSNAME == MACOSX: find_cmd = (r"locate -d {0} '*.cpp' '*.cc' | grep -i test " "| xargs egrep -sH '{1}' || true") else: find_cmd = (r"locate -d {0} / | egrep -i '/*.test.*\.(cc|cpp)$' " "| xargs egrep -sH '{1}' || true") find_cc_cmd = find_cmd.format(locatedb, cc_grep_re) logging.debug('Probing CC classes:\n %s', find_cc_cmd) return subprocess.check_output(find_cc_cmd, shell=True) def _get_java_result(locatedb=None): """Search all testable java/kt and grep package. Returns: A string object generated by subprocess. """ if not locatedb: locatedb = constants.LOCATE_CACHE package_grep_re = r'^\s*package\s+[a-z][[:alnum:]]+[^{]' if OSNAME == MACOSX: find_cmd = r"locate -d%s '*.java' '*.kt'|grep -i test" % locatedb else: find_cmd = r"locate -d%s / | egrep -i '/*.test.*\.(java|kt)$'" % locatedb find_java_cmd = find_cmd + '| xargs egrep -sH \'%s\' || true' % package_grep_re logging.debug('Probing Java classes:\n %s', find_java_cmd) return subprocess.check_output(find_java_cmd, shell=True) def _index_testable_modules(index): """Dump testable modules read by tab completion. Args: index: A string path of the index file. """ logging.debug('indexing testable modules.') try: # b/178559543 The module-info.json becomes invalid after a success build is # unlikely to happen, wrap with a try-catch to prevent it from happening. testable_modules = module_info.ModuleInfo().get_testable_modules() except json.JSONDecodeError: logging.error('Invalid module-info.json detected. Will not index modules.') return with open(index, 'wb') as cache: try: pickle.dump(testable_modules, cache, protocol=2) logging.debug('Done') except IOError: os.remove(cache) logging.error('Failed in dumping %s', cache) def _index_cc_classes(output, index): """Index CC classes. The data structure is like: { 'FooTestCase': {'/path1/to/the/FooTestCase.cpp', '/path2/to/the/FooTestCase.cc'} } Args: output: A string object generated by _get_cc_result(). index: A string path of the index file. """ logging.debug('indexing CC classes.') _dump_index(dump_file=index, output=output, output_re=constants.CC_OUTPUT_RE, key='test_name', value='file_path') def _index_java_classes(output, index): """Index Java classes. The data structure is like: { 'FooTestCase': {'/path1/to/the/FooTestCase.java', '/path2/to/the/FooTestCase.kt'} } Args: output: A string object generated by _get_java_result(). index: A string path of the index file. """ logging.debug('indexing Java classes.') _dump_index(dump_file=index, output=output, output_re=constants.CLASS_OUTPUT_RE, key='class', value='java_path') def _index_packages(output, index): """Index Java packages. The data structure is like: { 'a.b.c.d': {'/path1/to/a/b/c/d/', '/path2/to/a/b/c/d/' } Args: output: A string object generated by _get_java_result(). index: A string path of the index file. """ logging.debug('indexing packages.') _dump_index(dump_file=index, output=output, output_re=constants.PACKAGE_OUTPUT_RE, key='package', value='java_dir') def _index_qualified_classes(output, index): """Index Fully Qualified Java Classes(FQCN). The data structure is like: { 'a.b.c.d.FooTestCase': {'/path1/to/a/b/c/d/FooTestCase.java', '/path2/to/a/b/c/d/FooTestCase.kt'} } Args: output: A string object generated by _get_java_result(). index: A string path of the index file. """ logging.debug('indexing qualified classes.') _dict = {} with open(index, 'wb') as cache_file: if isinstance(output, bytes): output = output.decode() for entry in output.split('\n'): match = constants.QCLASS_OUTPUT_RE.match(entry) if match: fqcn = match.group('package') + '.' + match.group('class') _dict.setdefault(fqcn, set()).add(match.group('java_path')) try: pickle.dump(_dict, cache_file, protocol=2) logging.debug('Done') except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): logging.error('Process interrupted or failure.') os.remove(index) except IOError: logging.error('Failed in dumping %s', index) def index_targets(output_cache=constants.LOCATE_CACHE, **kwargs): """The entrypoint of indexing targets. Utilise mlocate database to index reference types of CLASS, CC_CLASS, PACKAGE and QUALIFIED_CLASS. Testable module for tab completion is also generated in this method. Args: output_cache: A file path of the updatedb cache (e.g. /path/to/mlocate.db). kwargs: (optional) class_index: A path string of the Java class index. qclass_index: A path string of the qualified class index. package_index: A path string of the package index. cc_class_index: A path string of the CC class index. module_index: A path string of the testable module index. integration_index: A path string of the integration index. """ class_index = kwargs.pop('class_index', constants.CLASS_INDEX) qclass_index = kwargs.pop('qclass_index', constants.QCLASS_INDEX) package_index = kwargs.pop('package_index', constants.PACKAGE_INDEX) cc_class_index = kwargs.pop('cc_class_index', constants.CC_CLASS_INDEX) module_index = kwargs.pop('module_index', constants.MODULE_INDEX) # Uncomment below if we decide to support INTEGRATION. #integration_index = kwargs.pop('integration_index', constants.INT_INDEX) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs) try: # Step 0: generate mlocate database prior to indexing targets. run_updatedb(SEARCH_TOP, constants.LOCATE_CACHE) if not has_command(LOCATE): return # Step 1: generate output string for indexing targets. logging.debug('Indexing targets... ') cc_result = _get_cc_result(output_cache) java_result = _get_java_result(output_cache) # Step 2: index Java and CC classes. _index_cc_classes(cc_result, cc_class_index) _index_java_classes(java_result, class_index) _index_qualified_classes(java_result, qclass_index) _index_packages(java_result, package_index) # Step 3: index testable mods and TEST_MAPPING files. _index_testable_modules(module_index) # Delete indexes when mlocate.db is locked() or other CalledProcessError. # (b/141588997) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logging.error('Executing %s error.', UPDATEDB) metrics_utils.handle_exc_and_send_exit_event( constants.MLOCATEDB_LOCKED) if err.output: logging.error(err.output) _delete_indexes() # pylint: disable=consider-using-with # TODO: b/187122993 refine subprocess with 'with-statement' in fixit week. def acloud_create(report_file, args="", no_metrics_notice=True): """Method which runs acloud create with specified args in background. Args: report_file: A path string of acloud report file. args: A string of arguments. no_metrics_notice: Boolean whether sending data to metrics or not. """ notice = constants.NO_METRICS_ARG if no_metrics_notice else "" match = constants.ACLOUD_REPORT_FILE_RE.match(args) report_file_arg = '--report-file={}'.format(report_file) if not match else "" # (b/161759557) Assume yes for acloud create to streamline atest flow. acloud_cmd = ('acloud create -y {ACLOUD_ARGS} ' '{REPORT_FILE_ARG} ' '{METRICS_NOTICE} ' ).format(ACLOUD_ARGS=args, REPORT_FILE_ARG=report_file_arg, METRICS_NOTICE=notice) au.colorful_print("\nCreating AVD via acloud...", constants.CYAN) logging.debug('Executing: %s', acloud_cmd) start = time.time() proc = subprocess.Popen(acloud_cmd, shell=True) proc.communicate() acloud_duration = time.time() - start logging.info('"acloud create" process has completed.') # Insert acloud create duration into the report file. if au.is_valid_json_file(report_file): try: with open(report_file, 'r') as _rfile: result = json.load(_rfile) result[ACLOUD_DURATION] = acloud_duration with open(report_file, 'w+') as _wfile: _wfile.write(json.dumps(result)) except OSError as e: logging.error("Failed dumping duration to the report file: %s", str(e)) def probe_acloud_status(report_file): """Method which probes the 'acloud create' result status. If the report file exists and the status is 'SUCCESS', then the creation is successful. Args: report_file: A path string of acloud report file. Returns: 0: success. 8: acloud creation failure. 9: invalid acloud create arguments. """ # 1. Created but the status is not 'SUCCESS' if os.path.exists(report_file): if not au.is_valid_json_file(report_file): return constants.EXIT_CODE_AVD_CREATE_FAILURE with open(report_file, 'r') as rfile: result = json.load(rfile) if result.get('status') == 'SUCCESS': logging.info('acloud create successfully!') # Always fetch the adb of the first created AVD. adb_port = result.get('data').get('devices')[0].get('adb_port') os.environ[constants.ANDROID_SERIAL] = '{}'.format(adb_port) return constants.EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS au.colorful_print( 'acloud create failed. Please check\n{}\nfor detail'.format( report_file), constants.RED) return constants.EXIT_CODE_AVD_CREATE_FAILURE # 2. Failed to create because of invalid acloud arguments. logging.error('Invalid acloud arguments found!') return constants.EXIT_CODE_AVD_INVALID_ARGS def get_acloud_duration(report_file): """Method which gets the duration of 'acloud create' from a report file. Args: report_file: A path string of acloud report file. Returns: An float of seconds which acloud create takes. """ if not au.is_valid_json_file(report_file): return 0 with open(report_file, 'r') as rfile: return json.load(rfile).get(ACLOUD_DURATION, 0) if __name__ == '__main__': if not os.getenv(constants.ANDROID_HOST_OUT, ''): sys.exit() index_targets()