1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #define LOG_TAG "goog_sensor_environment"
19 #include "goog_sensor_environment.h"
21 #include "utils/Errors.h"
22 #include "utils/Log.h"
23 #include "utils/RefBase.h"
25 namespace android {
26 namespace camera_sensor_listener {
27 namespace {
29 using ::android::frameworks::sensorservice::V1_0::ISensorManager;
30 using ::android::frameworks::sensorservice::V1_0::Result;
31 using ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SensorInfo;
32 using ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SensorType;
GetHalSensorType(EnvironmentSensorType sensor_type)34 SensorType GetHalSensorType(EnvironmentSensorType sensor_type) {
35   switch (sensor_type) {
36     case EnvironmentSensorType::DEVICE_ORIENTATION:
37       return SensorType::DEVICE_ORIENTATION;
38     case EnvironmentSensorType::LIGHT:
39       return SensorType::LIGHT;
40     case EnvironmentSensorType::PROXIMITY:
41       return SensorType::PROXIMITY;
42     default:
43       LOG_FATAL("Unknown sensor type %d", static_cast<int>(sensor_type));
44       return SensorType::DEVICE_ORIENTATION;
45   }
46 }
48 }  // namespace
GoogSensorEnvironment(EnvironmentSensorType environment_sensor_type,size_t event_queue_size)50 GoogSensorEnvironment::GoogSensorEnvironment(
51     EnvironmentSensorType environment_sensor_type, size_t event_queue_size)
52     : GoogSensorWrapper(event_queue_size),
53       environment_sensor_type_(environment_sensor_type) {
54   ALOGD("%s %d create sensor %s", __func__, __LINE__,
55         GetSensorName(environment_sensor_type));
56 }
~GoogSensorEnvironment()58 GoogSensorEnvironment::~GoogSensorEnvironment() {
59   Disable();
60   ALOGD("%s %d destroy sensor %s", __func__, __LINE__, GetSensorName());
61 }
Create(EnvironmentSensorType environment_sensor_type,size_t event_queue_size)63 sp<GoogSensorEnvironment> GoogSensorEnvironment::Create(
64     EnvironmentSensorType environment_sensor_type, size_t event_queue_size) {
65   // Check sensor_type validity.
66   int environment_sensor_type_index = static_cast<int>(environment_sensor_type);
67   if (environment_sensor_type_index >=
68       static_cast<int>(EnvironmentSensorType::TOTAL_NUM)) {
69     ALOGE("%s %d unsupported environment sensor type %d", __func__, __LINE__,
70           environment_sensor_type_index);
71     return nullptr;
72   }
74   // Create sensor.
75   sp<GoogSensorEnvironment> sensor_ptr =
76       new GoogSensorEnvironment(environment_sensor_type, event_queue_size);
77   if (sensor_ptr == nullptr) {
78     ALOGE("%s %d failed to create GoogSensorEnvironment for %s", __func__,
79           __LINE__, GetSensorName(environment_sensor_type));
80   } else {
81     // Enable sensor.
82     status_t result = sensor_ptr->Enable();
83     if (result != 0) {
84       ALOGE("%s %d failed to enable GoogSensorEnvironment for %s", __func__,
85             __LINE__, sensor_ptr->GetSensorName());
86     } else {
87       ALOGD("%s %d successfully enabled GoogSensorEnvironment for %s", __func__,
88             __LINE__, sensor_ptr->GetSensorName());
89     }
90   }
91   return sensor_ptr;
92 }
GetLatestNSensorEvents(int num_sample,std::vector<int64_t> * event_timestamps,std::vector<float> * event_data,std::vector<int64_t> * event_arrival_timestamps) const94 void GoogSensorEnvironment::GetLatestNSensorEvents(
95     int num_sample, std::vector<int64_t>* event_timestamps,
96     std::vector<float>* event_data,
97     std::vector<int64_t>* event_arrival_timestamps) const {
98   event_timestamps->clear();
99   event_data->clear();
100   event_arrival_timestamps->clear();
102   if (num_sample < 0) {
103     return;
104   }
105   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(event_buffer_lock_);
106   int start_index =
107       std::max(0, static_cast<int>(event_buffer_.size()) - num_sample);
108   auto event = event_buffer_.begin();
109   std::advance(event, start_index);
110   for (; event != event_buffer_.end(); ++event) {
111     event_timestamps->push_back(event->sensor_event.timestamp);
112     event_data->push_back(event->sensor_event.u.scalar);
113     event_arrival_timestamps->push_back(event->event_arrival_time_ns);
114     if (event_arrival_timestamps->size() >= num_sample) {
115       break;
116     }
117   }
118 }
GetSensorHandle()120 int32_t GoogSensorEnvironment::GetSensorHandle() {
121   sp<ISensorManager> manager = ISensorManager::getService();
122   if (manager == nullptr) {
123     ALOGE("%s %d Cannot get ISensorManager for sensor %s", __func__, __LINE__,
124           GetSensorName());
125     return -1;
126   }
127   bool found = false;
128   SensorInfo sensor;
129   manager->getDefaultSensor(GetHalSensorType(environment_sensor_type_),
130                             [&sensor, &found](const auto& info, auto result) {
131                               if (result != Result::OK) {
132                                 ALOGE("%s %d Cannot find default sensor",
133                                       __func__, __LINE__);
134                                 return;
135                               }
136                               sensor = info;
137                               found = true;
138                             });
140   if (found) {
141     ALOGD("%s %d handle for %s is found.", __func__, __LINE__, GetSensorName());
142   } else {
143     ALOGE("%s %d handle for %s is not found!", __func__, __LINE__,
144           GetSensorName());
145   }
146   return found ? sensor.sensorHandle : -1;
147 }
GetSensorName(EnvironmentSensorType sensor_type)149 const char* GoogSensorEnvironment::GetSensorName(
150     EnvironmentSensorType sensor_type) {
151   static constexpr const char* kSensorNames[] = {"device_orientation", "light",
152                                                  "proximity"};
153   return kSensorNames[static_cast<int>(sensor_type)];
154 }
156 }  // namespace camera_sensor_listener
157 }  // namespace android