1 /* Copyright (c) 2011-2012, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
2  *
3  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
5  * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
6  *
7  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10  * GNU General Public License for more details.
11  *
12  */
13 #ifndef __MSM_ISP_H__
14 #define __MSM_ISP_H__
16 #define BIT(nr)			(1UL << (nr))
18 /* ISP message IDs */
19 #define MSG_ID_RESET_ACK                0
20 #define MSG_ID_START_ACK                1
21 #define MSG_ID_STOP_ACK                 2
22 #define MSG_ID_UPDATE_ACK               3
23 #define MSG_ID_OUTPUT_P                 4
24 #define MSG_ID_OUTPUT_T                 5
25 #define MSG_ID_OUTPUT_S                 6
26 #define MSG_ID_OUTPUT_V                 7
27 #define MSG_ID_SNAPSHOT_DONE            8
28 #define MSG_ID_STATS_AEC                9
29 #define MSG_ID_STATS_AF                 10
30 #define MSG_ID_STATS_AWB                11
31 #define MSG_ID_STATS_RS                 12
32 #define MSG_ID_STATS_CS                 13
33 #define MSG_ID_STATS_IHIST              14
34 #define MSG_ID_STATS_SKIN               15
35 #define MSG_ID_EPOCH1                   16
36 #define MSG_ID_EPOCH2                   17
37 #define MSG_ID_SYNC_TIMER0_DONE         18
38 #define MSG_ID_SYNC_TIMER1_DONE         19
39 #define MSG_ID_SYNC_TIMER2_DONE         20
40 #define MSG_ID_ASYNC_TIMER0_DONE        21
41 #define MSG_ID_ASYNC_TIMER1_DONE        22
42 #define MSG_ID_ASYNC_TIMER2_DONE        23
43 #define MSG_ID_ASYNC_TIMER3_DONE        24
44 #define MSG_ID_AE_OVERFLOW              25
45 #define MSG_ID_AF_OVERFLOW              26
46 #define MSG_ID_AWB_OVERFLOW             27
47 #define MSG_ID_RS_OVERFLOW              28
48 #define MSG_ID_CS_OVERFLOW              29
49 #define MSG_ID_IHIST_OVERFLOW           30
50 #define MSG_ID_SKIN_OVERFLOW            31
51 #define MSG_ID_AXI_ERROR                32
52 #define MSG_ID_CAMIF_OVERFLOW           33
53 #define MSG_ID_VIOLATION                34
54 #define MSG_ID_CAMIF_ERROR              35
55 #define MSG_ID_BUS_OVERFLOW             36
56 #define MSG_ID_SOF_ACK                  37
57 #define MSG_ID_STOP_REC_ACK             38
58 #define MSG_ID_STATS_AWB_AEC            39
59 #define MSG_ID_OUTPUT_PRIMARY           40
60 #define MSG_ID_OUTPUT_SECONDARY         41
61 #define MSG_ID_STATS_COMPOSITE          42
62 #define MSG_ID_OUTPUT_TERTIARY1         43
63 #define MSG_ID_STOP_LS_ACK              44
64 #define MSG_ID_OUTPUT_TERTIARY2         45
65 #define MSG_ID_STATS_BG                 46
66 #define MSG_ID_STATS_BF                 47
67 #define MSG_ID_STATS_BHIST              48
68 #define MSG_ID_RDI0_UPDATE_ACK          49
69 #define MSG_ID_RDI1_UPDATE_ACK          50
70 #define MSG_ID_RDI2_UPDATE_ACK          51
72 /* ISP command IDs */
73 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_0                                 0
74 #define VFE_CMD_SET_CLK                                 1
75 #define VFE_CMD_RESET                                   2
76 #define VFE_CMD_START                                   3
77 #define VFE_CMD_TEST_GEN_START                          4
78 #define VFE_CMD_OPERATION_CFG                           5
79 #define VFE_CMD_AXI_OUT_CFG                             6
80 #define VFE_CMD_CAMIF_CFG                               7
81 #define VFE_CMD_AXI_INPUT_CFG                           8
82 #define VFE_CMD_BLACK_LEVEL_CFG                         9
83 #define VFE_CMD_MESH_ROLL_OFF_CFG                       10
84 #define VFE_CMD_DEMUX_CFG                               11
85 #define VFE_CMD_FOV_CFG                                 12
86 #define VFE_CMD_MAIN_SCALER_CFG                         13
87 #define VFE_CMD_WB_CFG                                  14
88 #define VFE_CMD_COLOR_COR_CFG                           15
89 #define VFE_CMD_RGB_G_CFG                               16
90 #define VFE_CMD_LA_CFG                                  17
91 #define VFE_CMD_CHROMA_EN_CFG                           18
92 #define VFE_CMD_CHROMA_SUP_CFG                          19
93 #define VFE_CMD_MCE_CFG                                 20
94 #define VFE_CMD_SK_ENHAN_CFG                            21
95 #define VFE_CMD_ASF_CFG                                 22
96 #define VFE_CMD_S2Y_CFG                                 23
97 #define VFE_CMD_S2CbCr_CFG                              24
98 #define VFE_CMD_CHROMA_SUBS_CFG                         25
99 #define VFE_CMD_OUT_CLAMP_CFG                           26
100 #define VFE_CMD_FRAME_SKIP_CFG                          27
101 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_1                                 28
102 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_2                                 29
103 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_3                                 30
104 #define VFE_CMD_UPDATE                                  31
105 #define VFE_CMD_BL_LVL_UPDATE                           32
106 #define VFE_CMD_DEMUX_UPDATE                            33
107 #define VFE_CMD_FOV_UPDATE                              34
108 #define VFE_CMD_MAIN_SCALER_UPDATE                      35
109 #define VFE_CMD_WB_UPDATE                               36
110 #define VFE_CMD_COLOR_COR_UPDATE                        37
111 #define VFE_CMD_RGB_G_UPDATE                            38
112 #define VFE_CMD_LA_UPDATE                               39
113 #define VFE_CMD_CHROMA_EN_UPDATE                        40
114 #define VFE_CMD_CHROMA_SUP_UPDATE                       41
115 #define VFE_CMD_MCE_UPDATE                              42
116 #define VFE_CMD_SK_ENHAN_UPDATE                         43
117 #define VFE_CMD_S2CbCr_UPDATE                           44
118 #define VFE_CMD_S2Y_UPDATE                              45
119 #define VFE_CMD_ASF_UPDATE                              46
120 #define VFE_CMD_FRAME_SKIP_UPDATE                       47
121 #define VFE_CMD_CAMIF_FRAME_UPDATE                      48
122 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AF_UPDATE                         49
123 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AE_UPDATE                         50
124 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AWB_UPDATE                        51
125 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_RS_UPDATE                         52
126 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_CS_UPDATE                         53
127 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_SKIN_UPDATE                       54
128 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_IHIST_UPDATE                      55
129 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_4                                 56
130 #define VFE_CMD_EPOCH1_ACK                              57
131 #define VFE_CMD_EPOCH2_ACK                              58
132 #define VFE_CMD_START_RECORDING                         59
133 #define VFE_CMD_STOP_RECORDING                          60
134 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_5                                 61
135 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_6                                 62
136 #define VFE_CMD_CAPTURE                                 63
137 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_7                                 64
138 #define VFE_CMD_STOP                                    65
139 #define VFE_CMD_GET_HW_VERSION                          66
140 #define VFE_CMD_GET_FRAME_SKIP_COUNTS                   67
141 #define VFE_CMD_OUTPUT1_BUFFER_ENQ                      68
142 #define VFE_CMD_OUTPUT2_BUFFER_ENQ                      69
143 #define VFE_CMD_OUTPUT3_BUFFER_ENQ                      70
144 #define VFE_CMD_JPEG_OUT_BUF_ENQ                        71
145 #define VFE_CMD_RAW_OUT_BUF_ENQ                         72
146 #define VFE_CMD_RAW_IN_BUF_ENQ                          73
147 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AF_ENQ                            74
148 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AE_ENQ                            75
149 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AWB_ENQ                           76
150 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_RS_ENQ                            77
151 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_CS_ENQ                            78
152 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_SKIN_ENQ                          79
153 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_IHIST_ENQ                         80
154 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_8                                 81
155 #define VFE_CMD_JPEG_ENC_CFG                            82
156 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_9                                 83
157 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AF_START                          84
158 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AF_STOP                           85
159 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AE_START                          86
160 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AE_STOP                           87
161 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AWB_START                         88
162 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_AWB_STOP                          89
163 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_RS_START                          90
164 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_RS_STOP                           91
165 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_CS_START                          92
166 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_CS_STOP                           93
167 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_SKIN_START                        94
168 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_SKIN_STOP                         95
169 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_IHIST_START                       96
170 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_IHIST_STOP                        97
171 #define VFE_CMD_DUMMY_10                                98
172 #define VFE_CMD_SYNC_TIMER_SETTING                      99
173 #define VFE_CMD_ASYNC_TIMER_SETTING                     100
174 #define VFE_CMD_LIVESHOT                                101
175 #define VFE_CMD_LA_SETUP                                102
176 #define VFE_CMD_LINEARIZATION_CFG                       103
177 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3                              104
178 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_ABCC_CFG                     105
179 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_DBCC_CFG                     106
180 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_DBPC_CFG                     107
181 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_ABF_CFG                      108
182 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_ABCC_UPDATE                  109
183 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_DBCC_UPDATE                  110
184 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_DBPC_UPDATE                  111
185 #define VFE_CMD_XBAR_CFG                                112
186 #define VFE_CMD_MODULE_CFG                              113
187 #define VFE_CMD_ZSL                                     114
188 #define VFE_CMD_LINEARIZATION_UPDATE                    115
189 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_ABF_UPDATE                   116
190 #define VFE_CMD_CLF_CFG                                 117
191 #define VFE_CMD_CLF_LUMA_UPDATE                         118
192 #define VFE_CMD_CLF_CHROMA_UPDATE                       119
193 #define VFE_CMD_PCA_ROLL_OFF_CFG                        120
194 #define VFE_CMD_PCA_ROLL_OFF_UPDATE                     121
195 #define VFE_CMD_GET_REG_DUMP                            122
196 #define VFE_CMD_GET_LINEARIZATON_TABLE                  123
197 #define VFE_CMD_GET_MESH_ROLLOFF_TABLE                  124
198 #define VFE_CMD_GET_PCA_ROLLOFF_TABLE                   125
199 #define VFE_CMD_GET_RGB_G_TABLE                         126
200 #define VFE_CMD_GET_LA_TABLE                            127
201 #define VFE_CMD_DEMOSAICV3_UPDATE                       128
202 #define VFE_CMD_ACTIVE_REGION_CFG                       129
203 #define VFE_CMD_COLOR_PROCESSING_CONFIG                 130
204 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_WB_AEC_CONFIG                     131
205 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_WB_AEC_UPDATE                     132
206 #define VFE_CMD_Y_GAMMA_CONFIG                          133
207 #define VFE_CMD_SCALE_OUTPUT1_CONFIG                    134
208 #define VFE_CMD_SCALE_OUTPUT2_CONFIG                    135
209 #define VFE_CMD_CAPTURE_RAW                             136
210 #define VFE_CMD_STOP_LIVESHOT                           137
211 #define VFE_CMD_RECONFIG_VFE                            138
212 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_REQBUF                            139
213 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_ENQUEUEBUF                        140
214 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_FLUSH_BUFQ                        141
215 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_UNREGBUF                          142
216 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_BG_START                          143
217 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_BG_STOP                           144
218 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_BF_START                          145
219 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_BF_STOP                           146
220 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_BHIST_START                       147
221 #define VFE_CMD_STATS_BHIST_STOP                        148
222 #define VFE_CMD_RESET_2                                 149
223 #define VFE_CMD_FOV_ENC_CFG                             150
224 #define VFE_CMD_FOV_VIEW_CFG                            151
225 #define VFE_CMD_FOV_ENC_UPDATE                          152
226 #define VFE_CMD_FOV_VIEW_UPDATE                         153
227 #define VFE_CMD_SCALER_ENC_CFG                          154
228 #define VFE_CMD_SCALER_VIEW_CFG                         155
229 #define VFE_CMD_SCALER_ENC_UPDATE                       156
230 #define VFE_CMD_SCALER_VIEW_UPDATE                      157
231 #define VFE_CMD_COLORXFORM_ENC_CFG                      158
232 #define VFE_CMD_COLORXFORM_VIEW_CFG                     159
233 #define VFE_CMD_COLORXFORM_ENC_UPDATE                   160
234 #define VFE_CMD_COLORXFORM_VIEW_UPDATE                  161
235 #define VFE_CMD_TEST_GEN_CFG                            162
237 struct msm_isp_cmd {
238 	int32_t id;
239 	uint16_t length;
240 	void *value;
241 };
243 #define VPE_CMD_DUMMY_0                                 0
244 #define VPE_CMD_INIT                                    1
245 #define VPE_CMD_DEINIT                                  2
246 #define VPE_CMD_ENABLE                                  3
247 #define VPE_CMD_DISABLE                                 4
248 #define VPE_CMD_RESET                                   5
249 #define VPE_CMD_FLUSH                                   6
250 #define VPE_CMD_OPERATION_MODE_CFG                      7
251 #define VPE_CMD_INPUT_PLANE_CFG                         8
252 #define VPE_CMD_OUTPUT_PLANE_CFG                        9
253 #define VPE_CMD_INPUT_PLANE_UPDATE                      10
254 #define VPE_CMD_SCALE_CFG_TYPE                          11
255 #define VPE_CMD_ZOOM                                    13
256 #define VPE_CMD_MAX                                     14
258 #define MSM_PP_CMD_TYPE_NOT_USED        0	/* not used */
259 #define MSM_PP_CMD_TYPE_VPE             1	/* VPE cmd */
260 #define MSM_PP_CMD_TYPE_MCTL            2	/* MCTL cmd */
262 #define MCTL_CMD_DUMMY_0                0	/* not used */
263 #define MCTL_CMD_GET_FRAME_BUFFER       1	/* reserve a free frame buffer */
264 #define MCTL_CMD_PUT_FRAME_BUFFER       2	/* return the free frame buffer */
265 #define MCTL_CMD_DIVERT_FRAME_PP_PATH   3	/* divert frame for pp */
267 /* event typese sending to MCTL PP module */
268 #define MCTL_PP_EVENT_NOTUSED           0
269 #define MCTL_PP_EVENT_CMD_ACK           1
271 #define VPE_OPERATION_MODE_CFG_LEN      4
272 #define VPE_INPUT_PLANE_CFG_LEN         24
273 #define VPE_OUTPUT_PLANE_CFG_LEN        20
274 #define VPE_INPUT_PLANE_UPDATE_LEN      12
275 #define VPE_SCALER_CONFIG_LEN           260
276 #define VPE_DIS_OFFSET_CFG_LEN          12
278 #define CAPTURE_WIDTH          1280
279 #define IMEM_Y_SIZE            (CAPTURE_WIDTH*16)
280 #define IMEM_CBCR_SIZE         (CAPTURE_WIDTH*8)
282 #define IMEM_Y_PING_OFFSET     0x2E000000
288 struct msm_vpe_op_mode_cfg {
289 	uint8_t op_mode_cfg[VPE_OPERATION_MODE_CFG_LEN];
290 };
292 struct msm_vpe_input_plane_cfg {
293 	uint8_t input_plane_cfg[VPE_INPUT_PLANE_CFG_LEN];
294 };
296 struct msm_vpe_output_plane_cfg {
297 	uint8_t output_plane_cfg[VPE_OUTPUT_PLANE_CFG_LEN];
298 };
300 struct msm_vpe_input_plane_update_cfg {
301 	uint8_t input_plane_update_cfg[VPE_INPUT_PLANE_UPDATE_LEN];
302 };
304 struct msm_vpe_scaler_cfg {
305 	uint8_t scaler_cfg[VPE_SCALER_CONFIG_LEN];
306 };
308 struct msm_vpe_flush_frame_buffer {
309 	uint32_t src_buf_handle;
310 	uint32_t dest_buf_handle;
311 	int path;
312 };
314 struct msm_mctl_pp_frame_buffer {
315 	uint32_t buf_handle;
316 	int path;
317 };
318 struct msm_mctl_pp_divert_pp {
319 	int path;
320 	int enable;
321 };
322 struct msm_vpe_clock_rate {
323 	uint32_t rate;
324 };
325 struct msm_pp_crop {
326 	uint32_t src_x;
327 	uint32_t src_y;
328 	uint32_t src_w;
329 	uint32_t src_h;
330 	uint32_t dst_x;
331 	uint32_t dst_y;
332 	uint32_t dst_w;
333 	uint32_t dst_h;
334 	uint8_t update_flag;
335 };
336 #define MSM_MCTL_PP_VPE_FRAME_ACK    (1<<0)
337 #define MSM_MCTL_PP_VPE_FRAME_TO_APP (1<<1)
339 struct msm_mctl_pp_frame_cmd {
340 	uint32_t cookie;
341 	uint8_t vpe_output_action;
342 	uint32_t src_buf_handle;
343 	uint32_t dest_buf_handle;
344 	struct msm_pp_crop crop;
345 	int path;
346 	/* TBD: 3D related */
347 };
350 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_MAIN_AND_VIDEO      BIT(1)
351 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_MAIN_AND_THUMB      BIT(2)
352 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_THUMB_AND_MAIN      BIT(3)
355 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_PREVIEW             BIT(6)
356 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_VIDEO               BIT(7)
357 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_RAW                 BIT(8)
358 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_JPEG_AND_THUMB      BIT(9)
359 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_THUMB_AND_JPEG      BIT(10)
360 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_RDI0                BIT(11)
361 #define VFE_OUTPUTS_RDI1                BIT(12)
363 struct msm_frame_info {
364 	uint32_t inst_handle;
365 	uint32_t path;
366 };
368 #endif /*__MSM_ISP_H__*/