1 /******************************************************************************
2  *
3  *  Copyright 2018-2021 NXP
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  ******************************************************************************/
18 #define LOG_TAG "NxpEseHal"
19 #include <log/log.h>
21 #include <EseTransport.h>
22 #include <cutils/properties.h>
23 #include <ese_config.h>
24 #include <phNxpEseFeatures.h>
25 #include <phNxpEsePal.h>
26 #include <phNxpEseProto7816_3.h>
27 #include <phNxpEse_Internal.h>
29 #define RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF 0xA5
32 #define PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_TX(data, len) \
33   ({ phPalEse_print_packet("SEND", data, len); })
34 #define PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_RX(data, len) \
35   ({ phPalEse_print_packet("RECV", data, len); })
36 /* 32K(0x8000) Datasize + 10(0xA) Byte Max Header Size + 1 byte negative
37  * testcase support */
39 static int phNxpEse_readPacket(void* pDevHandle, uint8_t* pBuffer,
40                                int nNbBytesToRead);
41 static int phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy(void* pDevHandle, uint8_t* pBuffer,
42                                       int nNbBytesToRead);
44 static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState(void);
45 static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(phNxpEse_JcopDwnldState state);
46 static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus(void);
47 static void phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(unsigned long* pMaxTimer);
48 static unsigned char* phNxpEse_GgetTimerTlvBuffer(unsigned char* timer_buffer,
49                                                   unsigned int value);
50 static __inline bool phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(phNxpEse_initMode mode,
51                                                   ESESTATUS status);
52 static int poll_sof_chained_delay = 0;
53 static phNxpEse_OsVersion_t sOsVersion = INVALID_OS_VERSION;
54 /* To Overwrite the value of wtx_counter_limit from config file*/
55 static unsigned long int app_wtx_cnt = RESET_APP_WTX_COUNT;
57 /*********************** Global Variables *************************************/
59 /* ESE Context structure */
60 phNxpEse_Context_t nxpese_ctxt;
61 bool ese_debug_enabled = false;
63 /******************************************************************************
64  * Function         phNxpEse_SetEndPoint_Cntxt
65  *
66  * Description      This function is called set the SE endpoint
67  *
68  * Returns          None
69  *
70  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_SetEndPoint_Cntxt(uint8_t uEndPoint)72 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_SetEndPoint_Cntxt(uint8_t uEndPoint) {
74   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
75     status = phNxpEseProto7816_SetEndPoint(uEndPoint);
76     if (status == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
77       nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx = nadInfoRx_ptr[uEndPoint];
78       nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadTx = nadInfoTx_ptr[uEndPoint];
79       nxpese_ctxt.endPointInfo = uEndPoint;
80     }
81     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s: Enpoint=%d", __FUNCTION__, uEndPoint);
82   } else {
83     ALOGE("%s- Function not supported", __FUNCTION__);
84   }
85   return status;
86 }
88 /******************************************************************************
89  * Function         phNxpEse_ResetEndPoint_Cntxt
90  *
91  * Description      This function is called to reset the SE endpoint
92  *
93  * Returns          None
94  *
95  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_ResetEndPoint_Cntxt(uint8_t uEndPoint)96 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_ResetEndPoint_Cntxt(uint8_t uEndPoint) {
98   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
99     status = phNxpEseProto7816_ResetEndPoint(uEndPoint);
100   } else {
101     ALOGE("%s- Function not supported", __FUNCTION__);
102   }
103   return status;
104 }
105 /******************************************************************************
106  * Function         phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel
107  *
108  * Description      This function is called during phNxpEse_init to initialize
109  *                  debug log level.
110  *
111  * Returns          None
112  *
113  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel()115 void phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel() {
116   ese_debug_enabled =
117       (EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_SE_DEBUG_ENABLED, 0) != 0) ? true : false;
119   char valueStr[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0};
120   int len = property_get("vendor.ese.debug_enabled", valueStr, "");
121   if (len > 0) {
122     // let Android property override .conf variable
123     unsigned debug_enabled = 0;
124     sscanf(valueStr, "%u", &debug_enabled);
125     ese_debug_enabled = (debug_enabled == 0) ? false : true;
126   }
128   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s: level=%u", __func__, ese_debug_enabled);
129 }
131 /******************************************************************************
132  * Function         phNxpEse_init
133  *
134  * Description      This function is called by Jni/phNxpEse_open during the
135  *                  initialization of the ESE. It initializes protocol stack
136  *instance variable
137  *
138  * Returns          This function return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) in case of
139  *success In case of failure returns other failure value.
140  *
141  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_init(phNxpEse_initParams initParams)142 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_init(phNxpEse_initParams initParams) {
144   unsigned long int num, ifsd_value = 0;
145   unsigned long maxTimer = 0;
146   uint8_t retry = 0;
147   phNxpEseProto7816InitParam_t protoInitParam;
148   phNxpEse_memset(&protoInitParam, 0x00, sizeof(phNxpEseProto7816InitParam_t));
149   /* STATUS_OPEN */
150   nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_OPEN;
152   if (app_wtx_cnt > RESET_APP_WTX_COUNT) {
153     protoInitParam.wtx_counter_limit = app_wtx_cnt;
154     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Wtx_counter limit from app setting - %lu",
155              protoInitParam.wtx_counter_limit);
156   } else {
157     protoInitParam.wtx_counter_limit = EseConfig::getUnsigned(
159     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Wtx_counter read from config file - %lu",
160              protoInitParam.wtx_counter_limit);
161   }
162   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_RNACK_RETRY_DELAY)) {
163     num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_RNACK_RETRY_DELAY);
164     nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay = num;
165     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Rnack retry_delay read from config file - %lu",
166              num);
167   } else {
168     nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay = 7000;
169   }
170   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_MAX_RNACK_RETRY)) {
171     protoInitParam.rnack_retry_limit =
172         EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_MAX_RNACK_RETRY);
173   } else {
174     protoInitParam.rnack_retry_limit = MAX_RNACK_RETRY_LIMIT;
175   }
176   if (ESE_MODE_NORMAL ==
177       initParams.initMode) /* TZ/Normal wired mode should come here*/
178   {
179     if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_SPI_INTF_RST_ENABLE)) {
180       protoInitParam.interfaceReset =
181           (EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_SPI_INTF_RST_ENABLE) == 1) ? true
182                                                                       : false;
183     } else {
184       protoInitParam.interfaceReset = true;
185     }
186   } else /* OSU mode, no interface reset is required */
187   {
188     if (phNxpEse_doResetProtection(true)) {
189       ALOGE("%s Reset Potection failed. returning...", __FUNCTION__);
190       return ESESTATUS_FAILED;
191     }
192     protoInitParam.interfaceReset = false;
193   }
194   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_WTX_NTF_COUNT)) {
195     num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_WTX_NTF_COUNT);
196     protoInitParam.wtx_ntf_limit = num;
197     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Wtx_ntf limit from config file - %lu",
198              protoInitParam.wtx_ntf_limit);
199   } else {
200     protoInitParam.wtx_ntf_limit = PH_DEFAULT_WTX_NTF_LIMIT;
201   }
202   nxpese_ctxt.fPtr_WtxNtf = initParams.fPtr_WtxNtf;
203   /* Sharing lib context for fetching secure timer values */
204   protoInitParam.pSecureTimerParams =
205       (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams;
207   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
208            "%s secureTimer1 0x%x secureTimer2 0x%x secureTimer3 0x%x",
209            __FUNCTION__, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer1,
210            nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2,
211            nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3);
213   phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(&maxTimer);
215   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
216     wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl(maxTimer);
217     if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
218       ALOGE("%s phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl: failed", __FUNCTION__);
219     }
220   }
221 #endif
222   do {
223     /* T=1 Protocol layer open */
224     wConfigStatus = phNxpEseProto7816_Open(protoInitParam);
225     if (phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(initParams.initMode, wConfigStatus))
226       phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET);
227   } while (phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(initParams.initMode, wConfigStatus) &&
228            retry++ < 1);
229   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
230     if (ESESTATUS_TRANSCEIVE_FAILED == wConfigStatus ||
231         ESESTATUS_FAILED == wConfigStatus) {
232       nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY;
233     }
234   }
236   if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS == wConfigStatus) {
237     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEseProto7816_Open completed >>>>>");
238     /* Retrieving the IFS-D value configured in the config file and applying to
239      * Card */
240     if ((nxpese_ctxt.endPointInfo == END_POINT_ESE) &&
241         (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE))) {
242       ifsd_value = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE);
243       if ((0xFFFF > ifsd_value) && (ifsd_value > 0)) {
244         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
245                  "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment requested with %ld",
246                  ifsd_value);
247         phNxpEse_setIfs(ifsd_value);
248       } else {
249         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
250                  "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment argument invalid");
251       }
252     } else if ((nxpese_ctxt.endPointInfo == END_POINT_EUICC) &&
253                (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_EUICC_IFSD_VALUE))) {
254       ifsd_value = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_EUICC_IFSD_VALUE);
255       if ((0xFFFF > ifsd_value) && (ifsd_value > 0)) {
256         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
257                  "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment requested with %ld",
258                  ifsd_value);
259         phNxpEse_setIfs(ifsd_value);
260       } else {
261         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
262                  "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment argument invalid");
263       }
264     }
265   } else {
266     ALOGE("phNxpEseProto7816_Open failed with status = %x", wConfigStatus);
267   }
269   return wConfigStatus;
270 }
272 /******************************************************************************
273  * Function         phNxpEse_open
274  *
275  * Description      This function is called by Jni during the
276  *                  initialization of the ESE. It opens the physical connection
277  *                  with ESE and creates required NAME_NXP_MAX_RNACK_RETRYclient
278  *                  thread for operation.
279  * Returns          This function return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) in case of
280  *                  success. In case of failure returns other failure values.
281  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_open(phNxpEse_initParams initParams)282 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_open(phNxpEse_initParams initParams) {
283   phPalEse_Config_t tPalConfig;
285   unsigned long int num = 0, tpm_enable = 0;
286   char ese_dev_node[64];
287   std::string ese_node;
290   spm_state_t current_spm_state = SPM_STATE_INVALID;
291 #endif
292   /* initialize trace level */
293   phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel();
295   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEse_open Enter");
296   /*When spi channel is already opened return status as FAILED*/
297   if (nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus != ESE_STATUS_CLOSE) {
298     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "already opened\n");
299     return ESESTATUS_BUSY;
300   }
302   phNxpEse_memset(&nxpese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(nxpese_ctxt));
303   phNxpEse_memset(&tPalConfig, 0x00, sizeof(tPalConfig));
305   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "MW SEAccessKit Version");
306   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Android Version:0x%x", NXP_ANDROID_VER);
307   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Major Version:0x%x", ESELIB_MW_VERSION_MAJ);
308   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Minor Version:0x%x", ESELIB_MW_VERSION_MIN);
310   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_OS_VERSION)) {
311     num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_OS_VERSION);
312     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Chip type read from config file - %lu", num);
313     sOsVersion = (num == 1) ? OS_VERSION_4_0
314                             : ((num == 2) ? OS_VERSION_5_1 : OS_VERSION_5_2);
315   } else {
316     sOsVersion = OS_VERSION_5_2;
317     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
318              "Chip type not defined in config file osVersion- %d", sOsVersion);
319   }
320   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_TP_MEASUREMENT)) {
321     tpm_enable = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_TP_MEASUREMENT);
322     ALOGD_IF(
323         ese_debug_enabled,
324         "SPI Throughput measurement enable/disable read from config file - %lu",
325         tpm_enable);
326   } else {
327     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
328              "SPI Throughput not defined in config file - %lu", tpm_enable);
329   }
330 #if (NXP_POWER_SCHEME_SUPPORT == true)
331   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME)) {
332     num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME);
333     nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme = num;
334     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Power scheme read from config file - %lu",
335              num);
336   } else {
337     nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme = PN67T_POWER_SCHEME;
338     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Power scheme not defined in config file - %lu",
339              num);
340   }
341 #else
342   nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme = PN67T_POWER_SCHEME;
343   tpm_enable = 0x00;
344 #endif
346   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_NAD_POLL_RETRY_TIME)) {
347     num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_NAD_POLL_RETRY_TIME);
348     nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime = num;
349   } else {
350     nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime = 5;
351   }
353   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Nad poll retry time in us - %lu us",
354            nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime * GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() *
355                NAD_POLLING_SCALER);
357   /*Read device node path*/
358   ese_node = EseConfig::getString(NAME_NXP_ESE_DEV_NODE, "/dev/pn81a");
359   strlcpy(ese_dev_node, ese_node.c_str(), sizeof(ese_dev_node));
360   tPalConfig.pDevName = (int8_t*)ese_dev_node;
362   /* Initialize PAL layer */
363   wConfigStatus = phPalEse_open_and_configure(&tPalConfig);
364   if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
365     ALOGE("phPalEse_Init Failed");
366     if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
367       if (ESESTATUS_DRIVER_BUSY == wConfigStatus)
368         ALOGE("Ese Driver is Busy!!!");
369     }
370     goto clean_and_return;
371   }
372   /* Copying device handle to ESE Lib context*/
373   nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle = tPalConfig.pDevHandle;
374   if (ESE_PROTOCOL_MEDIA_SPI == initParams.mediaType) {
375     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
376              "Inform eSE about the starting of trusted Mode");
377     wConfigStatus =
378         phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_SetSecureMode, tPalConfig.pDevHandle, 0x01);
379     if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != wConfigStatus) goto clean_and_return_2;
380   }
382   /* Get the Access of ESE*/
383   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_Init(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle);
384   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
385     ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_Init Failed");
386     wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
387     goto clean_and_return_2;
388   }
389   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_SetPwrScheme(nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme);
390   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
391     ALOGE(" %s : phNxpEse_SPM_SetPwrScheme Failed", __FUNCTION__);
392     wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
393     goto clean_and_return_1;
394   }
395   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
396     wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus();
397     if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
398       ALOGE("Failed to open SPI due to VEN pin used by FW download \n");
399       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
400       goto clean_and_return_1;
401     }
402   }
403   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(&current_spm_state);
404   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
405     ALOGE(" %s : phNxpEse_SPM_GetPwrState Failed", __FUNCTION__);
406     wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
407     goto clean_and_return_1;
408   } else {
409     if (((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_SPI) |
410          (current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_SPI_PRIO)) &&
411         !(current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_SPI_FAILED)) {
412       ALOGE(" %s : SPI is already opened...second instance not allowed",
413             __FUNCTION__);
414       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
415       goto clean_and_return_1;
416     }
417   }
418   if (current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_JCOP_DWNLD) {
419     ALOGE(" %s : Denying to open JCOP Download in progress", __FUNCTION__);
420     wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
421     goto clean_and_return_1;
422   }
423   phNxpEse_memcpy(&nxpese_ctxt.initParams, &initParams,
424                   sizeof(phNxpEse_initParams));
425   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
426     /* Updating ESE power state based on the init mode */
427     if (ESE_MODE_OSU == nxpese_ctxt.initParams.initMode) {
428       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Init mode ---->OSU", __FUNCTION__);
429       wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState();
430       if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
431         ALOGE("phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState failed");
432         goto clean_and_return_1;
433       }
434     }
435   }
436   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_ENABLE);
437   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
438     ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: enabling power Failed");
439     if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_BUSY) {
440       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_BUSY;
441     } else if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_DWNLD_BUSY) {
442       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_DWNLD_BUSY;
443     } else {
444       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
445     }
446     goto clean_and_return;
447   } else {
448     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state true");
449     nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state = true;
450   }
451 #endif
452   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
453     if (tpm_enable) {
454       wConfigStatus = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_EnableThroughputMeasurement,
455                                      nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 0);
456       if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
457         ALOGE("phPalEse_IoCtl Failed");
458         goto clean_and_return;
459       }
460     }
461   }
462   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "wConfigStatus %x", wConfigStatus);
463   return wConfigStatus;
465 clean_and_return:
467   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_DISABLE);
468   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
469     ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: disabling power Failed");
470   }
471 clean_and_return_1:
472   phNxpEse_SPM_DeInit();
473 clean_and_return_2:
474 #endif
475   if (NULL != nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle) {
476     phPalEse_close(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle);
477     phNxpEse_memset(&nxpese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(nxpese_ctxt));
478   }
479   nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_CLOSE;
480   nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state = false;
481   return ESESTATUS_FAILED;
482 }
484 /******************************************************************************
485  * \ingroup spi_libese
486  *
487  * \brief  Check if libese has opened
488  *
489  * \retval return false if it is close, otherwise true.
490  **
491  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_isOpen()492 bool phNxpEse_isOpen() { return nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus != ESE_STATUS_CLOSE; }
494 /******************************************************************************
495  * Function         phNxpEse_openPrioSession
496  *
497  * Description      This function is called by Jni during the
498  *                  initialization of the ESE. It opens the physical connection
499  *                  with ESE () and creates required client thread for
500  *                  operation.  This will get priority access to ESE for timeout
501  duration.
503  * Returns          This function return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) in case of
504  success
505  *                  In case of failure returns other failure value.
506  *
507  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_openPrioSession(phNxpEse_initParams initParams)508 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_openPrioSession(phNxpEse_initParams initParams) {
509   phPalEse_Config_t tPalConfig;
511   unsigned long int num = 0, tpm_enable = 0;
513   /* initialize trace level */
514   phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel();
515   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEse_openPrioSession Enter");
518   spm_state_t current_spm_state = SPM_STATE_INVALID;
519 #endif
520   phNxpEse_memset(&nxpese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(nxpese_ctxt));
521   phNxpEse_memset(&tPalConfig, 0x00, sizeof(tPalConfig));
523   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "MW SEAccessKit Version");
524   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Android Version:0x%x", NXP_ANDROID_VER);
525   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Major Version:0x%x", ESELIB_MW_VERSION_MAJ);
526   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Minor Version:0x%x", ESELIB_MW_VERSION_MIN);
528 #if (NXP_POWER_SCHEME_SUPPORT == true)
529   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME)) {
530     num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME);
531     nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme = num;
532     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Power scheme read from config file - %lu",
533              num);
534   } else
535 #endif
536   {
537     nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme = PN67T_POWER_SCHEME;
538     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Power scheme not defined in config file - %lu",
539              num);
540   }
541   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_TP_MEASUREMENT)) {
542     tpm_enable = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_TP_MEASUREMENT);
543     ALOGD_IF(
544         ese_debug_enabled,
545         "SPI Throughput measurement enable/disable read from config file - %lu",
546         tpm_enable);
547   } else {
548     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
549              "SPI Throughput not defined in config file - %lu", num);
550   }
552   tPalConfig.pDevName = (int8_t*)"/dev/p73";
554   /* Initialize PAL layer */
555   wConfigStatus = phPalEse_open_and_configure(&tPalConfig);
556   if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
557     ALOGE("phPalEse_Init Failed");
558     goto clean_and_return;
559   }
560   /* Copying device handle to hal context*/
561   nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle = tPalConfig.pDevHandle;
564   /* Get the Access of ESE*/
565   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_Init(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle);
566   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
567     ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_Init Failed");
568     wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
569     goto clean_and_return_2;
570   }
571   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_SetPwrScheme(nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme);
572   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
573     ALOGE(" %s : phNxpEse_SPM_SetPwrScheme Failed", __FUNCTION__);
574     wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
575     goto clean_and_return_1;
576   }
577   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(&current_spm_state);
578   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
579     ALOGE(" %s : phNxpEse_SPM_GetPwrState Failed", __FUNCTION__);
580     wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
581     goto clean_and_return_1;
582   } else {
583     if ((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_SPI) |
584         (current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_SPI_PRIO)) {
585       ALOGE(" %s : SPI is already opened...second instance not allowed",
586             __FUNCTION__);
587       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
588       goto clean_and_return_1;
589     }
590     if (current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_JCOP_DWNLD) {
591       ALOGE(" %s : Denying to open JCOP Download in progress", __FUNCTION__);
592       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
593       goto clean_and_return_1;
594     }
595     if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
596       wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus();
597       if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
598         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
599                  "Failed to open SPI due to VEN pin used by FW download \n");
600         wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
601         goto clean_and_return_1;
602       }
603     }
604   }
605   phNxpEse_memcpy(&nxpese_ctxt.initParams, &initParams.initMode,
606                   sizeof(phNxpEse_initParams));
607   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
608     /* Updating ESE power state based on the init mode */
609     if (ESE_MODE_OSU == nxpese_ctxt.initParams.initMode) {
610       wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState();
611       if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
612         ALOGE("phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState failed");
613         goto clean_and_return_1;
614       }
615     }
616   }
617   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_PRIO_ENABLE);
618   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
619     ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: enabling power for spi prio Failed");
620     if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_BUSY) {
621       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_BUSY;
622     } else if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_DWNLD_BUSY) {
623       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_DWNLD_BUSY;
624     } else {
625       wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
626     }
627     goto clean_and_return;
628   } else {
629     ALOGE("nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state true");
630     nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state = true;
631   }
632 #endif
634 #ifndef SPM_INTEGRATED
635   wConfigStatus =
636       phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ResetDevice, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 2);
637   if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
638     ALOGE("phPalEse_IoCtl Failed");
639     goto clean_and_return;
640   }
641 #endif
642   wConfigStatus =
643       phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_EnableLog, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 0);
644   if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
645     ALOGE("phPalEse_IoCtl Failed");
646     goto clean_and_return;
647   }
648   wConfigStatus =
649       phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_EnablePollMode, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 1);
650   if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
651     ALOGE("phPalEse_IoCtl Failed");
652     goto clean_and_return;
653   }
654   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "wConfigStatus %x", wConfigStatus);
655   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
656     if (tpm_enable) {
657       wConfigStatus = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_EnableThroughputMeasurement,
658                                      nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 0);
659       if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
660         ALOGE("phPalEse_IoCtl Failed");
661         goto clean_and_return;
662       }
663     }
664   }
665   return wConfigStatus;
667 clean_and_return:
669   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_DISABLE);
670   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
671     ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: disabling power Failed");
672   }
673 clean_and_return_1:
674   phNxpEse_SPM_DeInit();
675 clean_and_return_2:
676 #endif
677   if (NULL != nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle) {
678     phPalEse_close(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle);
679     phNxpEse_memset(&nxpese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(nxpese_ctxt));
680   }
681   nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_CLOSE;
682   nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state = false;
683   return ESESTATUS_FAILED;
684 }
686 /******************************************************************************
687  * Function         phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState
688  *
689  * Description      This function is  used to check whether JCOP OS
690  *                  download can be started or not.
691  *
692  * Returns          returns  ESESTATUS_SUCCESS or ESESTATUS_FAILED
693  *
694  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(phNxpEse_JcopDwnldState state)695 static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(phNxpEse_JcopDwnldState state) {
697   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState Enter");
699   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
700     wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_SetJcopDwnldState(state);
701   } else {
702     ALOGE("%s function not supported", __FUNCTION__);
703   }
704   return wConfigStatus;
705 }
707 /******************************************************************************
708  * Function         phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState
709  *
710  * Description      This function is  used to check whether JCOP OS
711  *                  download can be started or not.
712  *
713  * Returns          returns  ESESTATUS_SUCCESS or ESESTATUS_BUSY
714  *
715  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState(void)716 static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState(void) {
717   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnld Enter");
719   spm_state_t current_spm_state = SPM_STATE_INVALID;
720   uint8_t ese_dwnld_retry = 0x00;
723   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(&current_spm_state);
724   if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
725     /* Check current_spm_state and update config/Spm status*/
726     if ((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_JCOP_DWNLD) ||
727         (current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_WIRED))
728       return ESESTATUS_BUSY;
730     status = phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(JCP_DWNLD_INIT);
731     if (status == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
732       while (ese_dwnld_retry < ESE_JCOP_OS_DWNLD_RETRY_CNT) {
733         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "ESE_JCOP_OS_DWNLD_RETRY_CNT retry count");
734         wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(&current_spm_state);
735         if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
736           if ((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_JCOP_DWNLD)) {
737             status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS;
738             break;
739           }
740         } else {
741           status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
742           break;
743         }
744         phNxpEse_Sleep(
745             200000); /*sleep for 200 ms checking for jcop dwnld status*/
746         ese_dwnld_retry++;
747       }
748     }
749   }
751   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState status %x", status);
752   return status;
753 }
755 /******************************************************************************
756  * Function         phNxpEse_Transceive
757  *
758  * Description      This function update the len and provided buffer
759  *
760  * Returns          On Success ESESTATUS_SUCCESS else proper error code
761  *
762  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_Transceive(phNxpEse_data * pCmd,phNxpEse_data * pRsp)763 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_Transceive(phNxpEse_data* pCmd, phNxpEse_data* pRsp) {
766   if ((NULL == pCmd) || (NULL == pRsp)) return ESESTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
768   if ((pCmd->len == 0) || pCmd->p_data == NULL) {
769     ALOGE(" phNxpEse_Transceive - Invalid Parameter no data\n");
771   } else if (pCmd->len > MAX_SUPPORTED_DATA_SIZE) {
772     ALOGE(" phNxpEse_Transceive - Invalid data size \n");
774   } else if ((ESE_STATUS_CLOSE == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) {
775     ALOGE(" %s ESE Not Initialized \n", __FUNCTION__);
777   } else if ((ESE_STATUS_BUSY == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) {
778     ALOGE(" %s ESE - BUSY \n", __FUNCTION__);
779     return ESESTATUS_BUSY;
780   } else if ((ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) {
781     ALOGE(" %s ESE - RECOVERY \n", __FUNCTION__);
783   } else {
784     nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_BUSY;
785     status = phNxpEseProto7816_Transceive((phNxpEse_data*)pCmd,
786                                           (phNxpEse_data*)pRsp);
787     if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != status) {
788       ALOGE(" %s phNxpEseProto7816_Transceive- Failed \n", __FUNCTION__);
789       if (ESESTATUS_TRANSCEIVE_FAILED == status) {
790         /*MAX WTX reached*/
791         nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY;
792       } else {
793         /*Timeout/ No response*/
794         nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_IDLE;
795       }
796     } else {
797       nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_IDLE;
798     }
799     nxpese_ctxt.rnack_sent = false;
801     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Exit status 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__,
802              status);
803     return status;
804   }
805 }
806 /******************************************************************************
807  * Function         phNxpEse_coldReset
808  *
809  * Description      This function power cycles the ESE
810  *                  (cold reset by prop. FW command) interface by
811  *                  talking to NFC HAL
812  *
813  *                  Note:
814  *                  After cold reset, phNxpEse_init need to be called to
815  *                  reset the host AP T=1 stack parameters
816  *
817  * Returns          It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if the operation is
818  *successful else
819  *                  ESESTATUS_FAILED(1)
820  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_coldReset(void)821 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_coldReset(void) {
823   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Enter \n", __FUNCTION__);
824   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
825     wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET);
826   } else {
827     wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
828     ALOGE(" %s Function not supported \n", __FUNCTION__);
829   }
830   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Exit status 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__,
831            wSpmStatus);
832   return wSpmStatus;
833 }
835 /******************************************************************************
836  * Function         phNxpEse_reset
837  *
838  * Description      This function reset the ESE interface and free all
839  *
840  * Returns          It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if the operation is
841  *successful else
842  *                  ESESTATUS_FAILED(1)
843  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_reset(void)844 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_reset(void) {
846   unsigned long maxTimer = 0;
849 #endif
851   /* TBD : Call the ioctl to reset the ESE */
852   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Enter \n", __FUNCTION__);
853   /* Do an interface reset, don't wait to see if JCOP went through a full power
854    * cycle or not */
855   status = phNxpEseProto7816_IntfReset(
856       (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams);
857   if (status) {
858     ALOGE("%s Ese status Failed", __FUNCTION__);
859   }
861   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
862            "%s secureTimer1 0x%x secureTimer2 0x%x secureTimer3 0x%x",
863            __FUNCTION__, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer1,
864            nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2,
865            nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3);
866   phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(&maxTimer);
868   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
869     status = phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl(maxTimer);
870     if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
871       ALOGE("%s phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl: failed", __FUNCTION__);
872     }
873   }
874   if ((nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme == PN67T_POWER_SCHEME) ||
875       (nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme == PN80T_LEGACY_SCHEME)) {
876     wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_RESET);
877     if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
878       ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: reset Failed");
879     }
880   }
881 #else
882   /* if arg ==2 (hard reset)
883    * if arg ==1 (soft reset)
884    */
885   status = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ResetDevice, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 2);
886   if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
887     ALOGE("phNxpEse_reset Failed");
888   }
889 #endif
890   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Exit \n", __FUNCTION__);
891   return status;
892 }
894 /******************************************************************************
895  * Function         phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate
896  *
897  * Description      This function reset the ESE interface during JCOP Update
898  *
899  * Returns          It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if the operation is
900  *successful else
901  *                  ESESTATUS_FAILED(1)
902  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate(void)903 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate(void) {
905   uint8_t retry = 0;
907   unsigned long int num = 0;
908 #endif
910   /* TBD : Call the ioctl to reset the  */
911   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Enter \n", __FUNCTION__);
913   /* Reset interface after every reset irrespective of
914   whether JCOP did a full power cycle or not. */
915   do {
916     status = phNxpEseProto7816_Reset();
917     if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET);
918   } while (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS && retry++ < 1);
920   /* Retrieving the IFS-D value configured in the config file and applying to
921    * Card */
922   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE)) {
923     unsigned long int ifsd_value = 0;
924     ifsd_value = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE);
925     if ((0xFFFF > ifsd_value) && (ifsd_value > 0)) {
926       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
927                "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment requested with %ld",
928                ifsd_value);
929       phNxpEse_setIfs(ifsd_value);
930     } else {
931       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
932                "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment argument invalid");
933     }
934   }
936 #if (NXP_POWER_SCHEME_SUPPORT == true)
937   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME)) {
938     num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME);
939     if ((num == 1) || (num == 2)) {
940       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Call Config Pwr Reset \n", __FUNCTION__);
941       status = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_RESET);
942       if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
943         ALOGE("phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate: reset Failed");
944         status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
945       }
946     } else if (num == 3) {
947       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Call eSE Chip Reset \n", __FUNCTION__);
948       status = phNxpEse_chipReset();
949       if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
950         ALOGE("phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate: chip reset Failed");
951         status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
952       }
953     } else {
954       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Invalid Power scheme \n", __FUNCTION__);
955     }
956   }
957 #else
958   {
959     status = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_RESET);
960     if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
961       ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: reset Failed");
962       status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
963     }
964   }
965 #endif
966 #else
967   /* if arg ==2 (hard reset)
968    * if arg ==1 (soft reset)
969    */
970   status = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ResetDevice, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 2);
971   if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
972     ALOGE("phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate Failed");
973   }
974 #endif
976   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Exit \n", __FUNCTION__);
977   return status;
978 }
979 /******************************************************************************
980  * Function         phNxpEse_EndOfApdu
981  *
982  * Description      This function is used to send S-frame to indicate
984  *
985  * Returns          It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if the operation is
986  *successful else
987  *                  ESESTATUS_FAILED(1)
988  *
989  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_EndOfApdu(void)990 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_EndOfApdu(void) {
992 #if (NXP_ESE_END_OF_SESSION == true)
993   status = phNxpEseProto7816_Close(
994       (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams);
995 #endif
996   return status;
997 }
999 /******************************************************************************
1000  * Function         phNxpEse_chipReset
1001  *
1002  * Description      This function is used to reset the ESE.
1003  *
1004  * Returns          Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0).
1005  *
1006  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_chipReset(void)1007 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_chipReset(void) {
1010   if (nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme == PN80T_EXT_PMU_SCHEME) {
1011     bStatus = phNxpEseProto7816_Reset();
1012     if (!bStatus) {
1013       ALOGE("Inside phNxpEse_chipReset, phNxpEseProto7816_Reset Failed");
1014     }
1015     status = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ChipRst, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 6);
1016     if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1017       ALOGE("phNxpEse_chipReset  Failed");
1018     }
1019   } else {
1020     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
1021              "phNxpEse_chipReset is not supported in legacy power scheme");
1022   }
1023   return status;
1024 }
1026 /******************************************************************************
1027  * Function         phNxpEse_GetOsMode
1028  *
1029  * Description      This function is used to get OS mode(JCOP/OSU)
1030  *
1031  * Returns          0x01 : JCOP_MODE
1032  *                  0x02 : OSU_MODE
1033  *
1034  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_GetOsMode(void)1035 phNxpEseProto7816_OsType_t phNxpEse_GetOsMode(void) {
1036   return phNxpEseProto7816_GetOsMode();
1037 }
1039 /******************************************************************************
1040  * Function         phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired
1041  *
1042  * Description      This function determines whether hard reset recovery is
1043  *                  required or not on protocol recovery failure.
1044  * Returns          TRUE(required)/FALSE(not required).
1045  *
1046  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(phNxpEse_initMode mode,ESESTATUS status)1047 static __inline bool phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(phNxpEse_initMode mode,
1048                                                   ESESTATUS status) {
1049   return (mode == ESE_MODE_OSU && status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS);
1050 }
1052 /******************************************************************************
1053  * Function         phNxpEse_doResetProtection
1054  *
1055  * Description      This function enables/disables reset protection
1056  *
1057  * Returns          SUCCESS(0)/FAIL(-1).
1058  *
1059  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_doResetProtection(bool flag)1060 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_doResetProtection(bool flag) {
1062   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Enter \n", __FUNCTION__);
1063   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1064     wSpmStatus = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ResetProtection,
1065                                 nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, flag);
1066   } else {
1067     wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
1068     ALOGE(" %s Function not supported \n", __FUNCTION__);
1069   }
1070   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, " %s Exit status 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__,
1071            wSpmStatus);
1072   return wSpmStatus;
1073 }
1075 /******************************************************************************
1076  * Function         phNxpEse_deInit
1077  *
1078  * Description      This function de-initializes all the ESE protocol params
1079  *
1080  * Returns          Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0).
1081  *
1082  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_deInit(void)1083 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_deInit(void) {
1085   unsigned long maxTimer = 0;
1086   unsigned long num = 0;
1087   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0 &&
1088       (ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus) &&
1089       ESE_PROTOCOL_MEDIA_SPI != nxpese_ctxt.initParams.mediaType) {
1090     return status;
1091   }
1092   if (nxpese_ctxt.initParams.initMode == ESE_MODE_OSU) {
1093     phNxpEse_doResetProtection(false);
1094   }
1095   /*TODO : to be removed after JCOP fix*/
1096   if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_VISO_DPD_ENABLED)) {
1097     num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_VISO_DPD_ENABLED);
1098   }
1099   if (num == 0 && nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx == EUICC_NAD_RX) {
1100     // do nothing
1101   } else {
1102     status = phNxpEseProto7816_Close(
1103         (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams);
1104     if (status == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1105       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
1106                "%s secureTimer1 0x%x secureTimer2 0x%x secureTimer3 0x%x",
1107                __FUNCTION__, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer1,
1108                nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2,
1109                nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3);
1110       phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(&maxTimer);
1111 #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED
1112       if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1113         status = phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl(maxTimer);
1114         if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1115           ALOGE("%s phNxpEseP61_DisablePwrCntrl: failed", __FUNCTION__);
1116         }
1117       } else {
1118         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Interface reset for DPD");
1119         status = phNxpEseProto7816_IntfReset(
1120             (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams);
1121         if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1122           ALOGE("%s IntfReset Failed ", __FUNCTION__);
1123         }
1124       }
1125 #endif
1126     }
1127   }
1128   return status;
1129 }
1131 /******************************************************************************
1132  * Function         phNxpEse_close
1133  *
1134  * Description      This function close the ESE interface and free all
1135  *                  resources.
1136  *
1137  * Returns          Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0).
1138  *
1139  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_close(ESESTATUS deInitStatus)1140 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_close(ESESTATUS deInitStatus) {
1142   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEse_close Enter");
1143   if ((ESE_STATUS_CLOSE == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) {
1144     ALOGE(" %s ESE Not Initialized \n", __FUNCTION__);
1146   }
1148 #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED
1150 #endif
1152 #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED
1153   /* Release the Access of  */
1154   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_DISABLE);
1155   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1156     ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: disabling power Failed");
1157   } else {
1158     nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state = false;
1159   }
1161   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1162     if (ESE_MODE_OSU == nxpese_ctxt.initParams.initMode) {
1163       status = phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(JCP_SPI_DWNLD_COMPLETE);
1164       if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1165         ALOGE("%s: phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState failed", __FUNCTION__);
1166       }
1167     }
1168   } else {
1169     if (NULL != nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle) {
1170       if (ESE_PROTOCOL_MEDIA_SPI == nxpese_ctxt.initParams.mediaType) {
1171         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Inform eSE that trusted Mode is over");
1172         status = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_SetSecureMode,
1173                                 nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 0x00);
1174         if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1175           ALOGE("%s: phPalEse_e_SetSecureMode failed", __FUNCTION__);
1176         }
1177         if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != phNxpEseProto7816_CloseAllSessions()) {
1178           ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "eSE not responding perform hard reset");
1179           phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET);
1180         }
1181       } else {
1182         if (nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus == ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY ||
1183             (deInitStatus == ESESTATUS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT) ||
1184             ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != phNxpEseProto7816_CloseAllSessions()) {
1185           ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "eSE not responding perform hard reset");
1186           phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET);
1187         }
1188       }
1189       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Interface reset for DPD");
1190       status = phNxpEseProto7816_IntfReset(
1191           (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams);
1192       if (status == ESESTATUS_TRANSCEIVE_FAILED || status == ESESTATUS_FAILED) {
1193         ALOGE("%s IntfReset Failed, perform hard reset", __FUNCTION__);
1194         // max wtx or no response of interface reset after protocol recovery
1195         phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET);
1196       }
1197     }
1198   }
1200   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_DeInit();
1201   if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1202     ALOGE("phNxpEse_SPM_DeInit Failed");
1203   }
1204 #endif
1205   if (NULL != nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle) {
1206     phPalEse_close(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle);
1207     phNxpEse_memset(&nxpese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(nxpese_ctxt));
1208     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
1209              "phNxpEse_close - ESE Context deinit completed");
1210   }
1211   /* Return success always */
1212   return status;
1213 }
1215 /******************************************************************************
1216  * Function         phNxpEse_read
1217  *
1218  * Description      This function write the data to ESE through physical
1219  *                  interface (e.g. I2C) using the  driver interface.
1220  *                  Before sending the data to ESE, phNxpEse_write_ext
1221  *                  is called to check if there is any extension processing
1222  *                  is required for the SPI packet being sent out.
1223  *
1224  * Returns          It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if read successful else
1225  *                  ESESTATUS_FAILED(1)
1226  *
1227  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_read(uint32_t * data_len,uint8_t ** pp_data)1228 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_read(uint32_t* data_len, uint8_t** pp_data) {
1230   int ret = -1;
1232   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Enter ..", __FUNCTION__);
1234   ret = phNxpEse_readPacket(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff,
1235                             MAX_DATA_LEN);
1236   if (ret < 0) {
1237     ALOGE("PAL Read status error status = %x", status);
1238     *data_len = 2;
1239     *pp_data = nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff;
1240     status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
1241   } else {
1242     PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_RX(nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff, (uint16_t)ret);
1243     *data_len = ret;
1244     *pp_data = nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff;
1245     status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS;
1246   }
1248   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Exit", __FUNCTION__);
1249   return status;
1250 }
1252 /******************************************************************************
1253  * Function         phNxpEse_readPacket
1254  *
1255  * Description      This function Reads requested number of bytes from
1256  *                  pn547 device into given buffer.
1257  *
1258  * Returns          nNbBytesToRead- number of successfully read bytes
1259  *                  -1        - read operation failure
1260  *
1261  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_readPacket(void * pDevHandle,uint8_t * pBuffer,int nNbBytesToRead)1262 static int phNxpEse_readPacket(void* pDevHandle, uint8_t* pBuffer,
1263                                int nNbBytesToRead) {
1264   bool flushData = false;
1265   int ret = -1;
1266   int sof_counter = 0; /* one read may take 1 ms*/
1267   int total_count = 0, numBytesToRead = 0, headerIndex = 0;
1269   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Enter", __FUNCTION__);
1270   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1271     int max_sof_counter = 0;
1272     /*Max retry to get SOF in case of chaining*/
1273     if (poll_sof_chained_delay == 1) {
1274       /*Wait Max for 1.3 sec before retry/recvoery*/
1275       /*(max_sof_counter(1300) * 10 us) = 1.3 sec */
1276       max_sof_counter = ESE_POLL_TIMEOUT * 10;
1277     }
1278     /*Max retry to get SOF in case of Non-chaining*/
1279     else {
1280       /*wait based on config option */
1281       /*(nadPollingRetryTime * WAKE_UP_DELAY_SN1xx * NAD_POLLING_SCALER_SN1xx)*/
1282       max_sof_counter = ((ESE_POLL_TIMEOUT * 1000) /
1283                          (nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime *
1284                           GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * NAD_POLLING_SCALER));
1285     }
1286     if (nxpese_ctxt.rnack_sent) {
1287       phPalEse_sleep(nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay);
1288     }
1289     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled,
1290              "read() max_sof_counter: "
1291              "%X ESE_POLL_TIMEOUT %2X",
1292              max_sof_counter, ESE_POLL_TIMEOUT);
1293     do {
1294       ret = -1;
1295       ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, pBuffer, 2);
1296       if (ret < 0) {
1297         /*Polling for read on spi, hence Debug log*/
1298         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X",
1299                  errno, ret);
1300       } else {
1301         if ((pBuffer[0] == nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx) ||
1302             (pBuffer[0] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF)) {
1303           /* Read the HEADR of one byte*/
1304           ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Read HDR SOF + PCB", __FUNCTION__);
1305           numBytesToRead = 1; /*Read only INF LEN*/
1306           headerIndex = 1;
1307           break;
1308         } else if (((pBuffer[0] == 0x00) || (pBuffer[0] == 0xFF)) &&
1309                    ((pBuffer[1] == nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx) ||
1310                     (pBuffer[1] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF))) {
1311           /* Read the HEADR of Two bytes*/
1312           ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Read HDR only SOF", __FUNCTION__);
1313           pBuffer[0] = pBuffer[1];
1314           numBytesToRead = 2; /*Read PCB + INF LEN*/
1315           headerIndex = 0;
1316           break;
1317         } else if (((pBuffer[0] == 0x00) && (pBuffer[1] == 0x00)) ||
1318                    ((pBuffer[0] == 0xFF) && (pBuffer[1] == 0xFF))) {
1319           // LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf("_spi_read() Buf[0]: %X Buf[1]: %X",
1320           // pBuffer[0], pBuffer[1]);
1321         } else if (ret >= 0) { /* Corruption happened during the receipt from
1322                                   Card, go flush out the data */
1323           ALOGE("_spi_read() Corruption Buf[0]: %X Buf[1]: %X ..len=%d",
1324                 pBuffer[0], pBuffer[1], ret);
1325           break;
1326         }
1327       }
1328       /*If it is Chained packet wait for 100 usec*/
1329       if (poll_sof_chained_delay == 1) {
1330         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Chained Pkt, delay read %dus",
1331                  __FUNCTION__, GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * CHAINED_PKT_SCALER);
1332         phPalEse_sleep(GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * CHAINED_PKT_SCALER);
1333       } else {
1334         /*DLOG_IF(INFO, ese_debug_enabled)
1335          << StringPrintf("%s Normal Pkt, delay read %dus", __FUNCTION__,
1336          WAKE_UP_DELAY_SN1xx * NAD_POLLING_SCALER_SN1xx);*/
1337         phPalEse_sleep(nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime * GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() *
1338                        NAD_POLLING_SCALER);
1339       }
1340       sof_counter++;
1341     } while (sof_counter < max_sof_counter);
1343     /*SOF Read timeout happened, go for frame retransmission*/
1344     if (sof_counter == max_sof_counter) {
1345       ret = -1;
1346     }
1347     if (ret < 0) {
1348       /*In case of IO Error*/
1349       ret = -2;
1350       pBuffer[0] = 0x64;
1351       pBuffer[1] = 0xFF;
1352     } else if ((pBuffer[0] == nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx) ||
1353                (pBuffer[0] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF)) {
1354       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s SOF FOUND", __FUNCTION__);
1355       /* Read the HEADR of one/Two bytes based on how two bytes read A5 PCB or
1356        * 00 A5*/
1357       ret =
1358           phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[1 + headerIndex], numBytesToRead);
1359       if (ret < 0) {
1360         ALOGE("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret);
1361         flushData = true;
1362       } else {
1363         if ((pBuffer[1] == CHAINED_PACKET_WITHOUTSEQN) ||
1364             (pBuffer[1] == CHAINED_PACKET_WITHSEQN)) {
1365           poll_sof_chained_delay = 1;
1366           ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "poll_sof_chained_delay value is %d ",
1367                    poll_sof_chained_delay);
1368         } else {
1369           poll_sof_chained_delay = 0;
1370           ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "poll_sof_chained_delay value is %d ",
1371                    poll_sof_chained_delay);
1372         }
1373         total_count = 3;
1374         uint8_t pcb;
1375         phNxpEseProto7816_PCB_bits_t pcb_bits;
1376         pcb = pBuffer[PH_PROPTO_7816_PCB_OFFSET];
1378         phNxpEse_memset(&pcb_bits, 0x00, sizeof(phNxpEseProto7816_PCB_bits_t));
1379         phNxpEse_memcpy(&pcb_bits, &pcb, sizeof(uint8_t));
1381         /*For I-Frame Only*/
1382         if (0 == pcb_bits.msb) {
1383           if (pBuffer[2] != EXTENDED_FRAME_MARKER) {
1384             nNbBytesToRead = pBuffer[2];
1385             headerIndex = 3;
1386           } else {
1387             ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[3], 2);
1388             if (ret < 0) {
1389               ALOGE("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret);
1390               flushData = true;
1391             } else {
1392               nNbBytesToRead = (pBuffer[3] << 8);
1393               nNbBytesToRead = nNbBytesToRead | pBuffer[4];
1394               /*If I-Frame received with invalid length respond with RNACK*/
1395               if ((nNbBytesToRead == 0) || (nNbBytesToRead > MAX_DATA_LEN) ||
1396                   (nNbBytesToRead > phNxpEseProto7816_GetIfs())) {
1397                 ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "I-Frame with invalid len == %d",
1398                          nNbBytesToRead);
1399                 flushData = true;
1400               } else {
1401                 ALOGE("_spi_read() [HDR]EXTENDED_FRAME_MARKER, ret=%d", ret);
1402                 total_count += 2;
1403                 headerIndex = 5;
1404               }
1405             }
1406           }
1407         } else {
1408           /*For Non-IFrame*/
1409           nNbBytesToRead = (int)pBuffer[2];
1410           headerIndex = 3;
1411         }
1412         if (!flushData) {
1413           /* Read the Complete data + one byte CRC*/
1414           ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[headerIndex],
1415                               (nNbBytesToRead + 1));
1416           if (ret < 0) {
1417             ALOGE("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret);
1418             ret = -1;
1419           } else {
1420             ret = (total_count + (nNbBytesToRead + 1));
1421           }
1422           nxpese_ctxt.rnack_sent = false;
1423         }
1424       }
1425     } else {
1426       flushData = true;
1427     }
1428     if (flushData) {
1429       /* Received corrupted frame:
1430          Flushing out data in the Rx buffer so that Card can switch the mode */
1431       uint16_t ifsd_size = phNxpEseProto7816_GetIfs();
1432       uint32_t total_frame_size = 0;
1433       ALOGE("_spi_read() corrupted, IFSD size=%d flushing it out!!", ifsd_size);
1434       /* If a non-zero byte is received while polling for NAD byte and the byte
1435          is not a valid NAD byte (0xA5 or 0xB4): 1)  Read & discard (without
1436          de-asserting SPI CS line) : a.  Max IFSD size + 5 (remaining four
1437          prologue + one LRC bytes) bytes from eSE  if max IFS size is greater
1438          than 254 bytes OR b.  Max IFSD size + 3 (remaining two prologue + one
1439          LRC bytes) bytes from eSE  if max IFS size is less than 255 bytes.
1440          2) Send R-NACK to request eSE to re-transmit the frame*/
1441       if (ifsd_size > IFSC_SIZE_SEND) {
1442         total_frame_size = ifsd_size + 4;
1443       } else {
1444         total_frame_size = ifsd_size + 2;
1445       }
1446       nxpese_ctxt.rnack_sent = true;
1447       phPalEse_sleep(nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay);
1448       ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[2], total_frame_size);
1449       if (ret < 0) {
1450         ALOGE("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret);
1451       } else { /* LRC fail expected for this frame to send R-NACK*/
1452         ALOGD_IF(
1453             ese_debug_enabled,
1454             "_spi_read() SUCCESS  ret : %X LRC fail excpected for this frame",
1455             ret);
1456         PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_RX(pBuffer, ret);
1457       }
1458       pBuffer[0] = 0x90;
1459       pBuffer[1] = RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF;
1460       ret = 0x02;
1461       phPalEse_sleep(nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay);
1462     }
1463   } else {
1464     ret = phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy(pDevHandle, pBuffer, nNbBytesToRead);
1465   }
1466   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Exit ret = %d", __FUNCTION__, ret);
1467   return ret;
1468 }
1470 /******************************************************************************
1471  * Function         phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy
1472  *
1473  * Description      This function Reads requested number of bytes from
1474  *                  pn547 device into given buffer.
1475  *
1476  * Returns          nNbBytesToRead- number of successfully read bytes
1477  *                  -1        - read operation failure
1478  *
1479  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy(void * pDevHandle,uint8_t * pBuffer,int nNbBytesToRead)1480 static int phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy(void* pDevHandle, uint8_t* pBuffer,
1481                                       int nNbBytesToRead) {
1482   int ret = -1;
1483   int sof_counter = 0; /* one read may take 1 ms*/
1484   int total_count = 0, numBytesToRead = 0, headerIndex = 0;
1485   do {
1486     sof_counter++;
1487     ret = -1;
1488     ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, pBuffer, 2);
1489     if (ret < 0) {
1490       /*Polling for read on spi, hence Debug log*/
1491       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno,
1492                ret);
1493     }
1494     if (pBuffer[0] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF) {
1495       /* Read the HEADR of one byte*/
1496       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Read HDR", __FUNCTION__);
1497       numBytesToRead = 1;
1498       headerIndex = 1;
1499       break;
1500     } else if (pBuffer[1] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF) {
1501       /* Read the HEADR of Two bytes*/
1502       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Read HDR", __FUNCTION__);
1503       pBuffer[0] = RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF;
1504       numBytesToRead = 2;
1505       headerIndex = 0;
1506       break;
1507     }
1508     /*If it is Chained packet wait for 100 usec*/
1509     if (poll_sof_chained_delay == 1) {
1510       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Chained Pkt, delay read %dus",
1511                __FUNCTION__, GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * CHAINED_PKT_SCALER);
1512       phPalEse_sleep(GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * CHAINED_PKT_SCALER);
1513     } else {
1514       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Normal Pkt, delay read %dus",
1515                __FUNCTION__, GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * NAD_POLLING_SCALER);
1516       phPalEse_sleep(GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * NAD_POLLING_SCALER);
1517     }
1518   } while (sof_counter < ESE_NAD_POLLING_MAX);
1519   if (pBuffer[0] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF) {
1520     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s SOF FOUND", __FUNCTION__);
1521     /* Read the HEADR of one/Two bytes based on how two bytes read A5 PCB or
1522      * 00 A5*/
1523     ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[1 + headerIndex], numBytesToRead);
1524     if (ret < 0) {
1525       ALOGE("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret);
1526     }
1527     if ((pBuffer[1] == CHAINED_PACKET_WITHOUTSEQN) ||
1528         (pBuffer[1] == CHAINED_PACKET_WITHSEQN)) {
1529       poll_sof_chained_delay = 1;
1530       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "poll_sof_chained_delay value is %d ",
1531                poll_sof_chained_delay);
1532     } else {
1533       poll_sof_chained_delay = 0;
1534       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "poll_sof_chained_delay value is %d ",
1535                poll_sof_chained_delay);
1536     }
1537     total_count = 3;
1538     nNbBytesToRead = (int)pBuffer[2];
1539     /* Read the Complete data + one byte CRC*/
1540     ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[3], (nNbBytesToRead + 1));
1541     if (ret < 0) {
1542       ALOGE("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret);
1543       ret = -1;
1544     } else {
1545       ret = (total_count + (nNbBytesToRead + 1));
1546     }
1547   } else if (ret < 0) {
1548     /*In case of IO Error*/
1549     ret = -2;
1550     pBuffer[0] = 0x64;
1551     pBuffer[1] = 0xFF;
1552   } else {
1553     ret = -1;
1554   }
1555   return ret;
1556 }
1558 /******************************************************************************
1559  * Function         phNxpEse_WriteFrame
1560  *
1561  * Description      This is the actual function which is being called by
1562  *                  phNxpEse_write. This function writes the data to ESE.
1563  *                  It waits till write callback provide the result of write
1564  *                  process.
1565  *
1566  * Returns          It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if write successful else
1567  *                  ESESTATUS_FAILED(1)
1568  *
1569  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_WriteFrame(uint32_t data_len,uint8_t * p_data)1570 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_WriteFrame(uint32_t data_len, uint8_t* p_data) {
1572   int32_t dwNoBytesWrRd = 0;
1573   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Enter %s ", __FUNCTION__);
1574   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1575     /* TODO where to set the nad id */
1576     p_data[0] = nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadTx;
1577   } else {
1578     p_data[0] = ESE_NAD_TX;
1579   }
1580   /* Create local copy of cmd_data */
1581   phNxpEse_memcpy(nxpese_ctxt.p_cmd_data, p_data, data_len);
1582   nxpese_ctxt.cmd_len = data_len;
1584   dwNoBytesWrRd = phPalEse_write(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, nxpese_ctxt.p_cmd_data,
1585                                  nxpese_ctxt.cmd_len);
1586   if (-1 == dwNoBytesWrRd) {
1587     ALOGE(" - Error in SPI Write.....%d\n", errno);
1588     status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
1589   } else {
1590     status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS;
1591     PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_TX(nxpese_ctxt.p_cmd_data, nxpese_ctxt.cmd_len);
1592   }
1593   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "Exit %s status %x\n", __FUNCTION__, status);
1594   return status;
1595 }
1597 /******************************************************************************
1598  * Function         phNxpEse_getAtr
1599  *
1600  * Description      This function retrieves ATR bytes from 7816-3 layer
1601  *Update.
1602  *
1603  * Returns          It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if write successful else
1604  *                  ESESTATUS_FAILED(1
1605  *
1606  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_getAtr(phNxpEse_data * pATR)1607 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_getAtr(phNxpEse_data* pATR) {
1609   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1610     status = phNxpEseProto7816_getAtr(pATR);
1611   } else {
1612     ALOGE(" %s - Function not supported\n", __FUNCTION__);
1613   }
1614   return status;
1615 }
1617 /******************************************************************************
1618  * Function         phNxpEse_setIfs
1619  *
1620  * Description      This function sets the IFS size to 240/254 support JCOP OS
1621  *Update.
1622  *
1623  * Returns          Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0).
1624  *
1625  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_setIfs(uint16_t IFS_Size)1626 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_setIfs(uint16_t IFS_Size) {
1627   phNxpEseProto7816_SetIfs(IFS_Size);
1628   return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS;
1629 }
1631 /******************************************************************************
1632  * Function         phNxpEse_Sleep
1633  *
1634  * Description      This function  suspends execution of the calling thread for
1635  *           (at least) usec microseconds
1636  *
1637  * Returns          Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0).
1638  *
1639  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_Sleep(uint32_t usec)1640 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_Sleep(uint32_t usec) {
1641   phPalEse_sleep(usec);
1642   return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS;
1643 }
1645 /******************************************************************************
1646  * Function         phNxpEse_memset
1647  *
1648  * Description      This function updates destination buffer with val
1649  *                  data in len size
1650  *
1651  * Returns          Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0).
1652  *
1653  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_memset(void * buff,int val,size_t len)1654 void* phNxpEse_memset(void* buff, int val, size_t len) {
1655   return phPalEse_memset(buff, val, len);
1656 }
1658 /******************************************************************************
1659  * Function         phNxpEse_memcpy
1660  *
1661  * Description      This function copies source buffer to  destination buffer
1662  *                  data in len size
1663  *
1664  * Returns          Return pointer to allocated memory location.
1665  *
1666  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_memcpy(void * dest,const void * src,size_t len)1667 void* phNxpEse_memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t len) {
1668   return phPalEse_memcpy(dest, src, len);
1669 }
1671 /******************************************************************************
1672  * Function         phNxpEse_Memalloc
1673  *
1674  * Description      This function allocation memory
1675  *
1676  * Returns          Return pointer to allocated memory or NULL.
1677  *
1678  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_memalloc(uint32_t size)1679 void* phNxpEse_memalloc(uint32_t size) {
1680   return phPalEse_memalloc(size);
1681   ;
1682 }
1684 /******************************************************************************
1685  * Function         phNxpEse_calloc
1686  *
1687  * Description      This is utility function for runtime heap memory allocation
1688  *
1689  * Returns          Return pointer to allocated memory or NULL.
1690  *
1691  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_calloc(size_t datatype,size_t size)1692 void* phNxpEse_calloc(size_t datatype, size_t size) {
1693   return phPalEse_calloc(datatype, size);
1694 }
1696 /******************************************************************************
1697  * Function         phNxpEse_free
1698  *
1699  * Description      This function de-allocation memory
1700  *
1701  * Returns         void.
1702  *
1703  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_free(void * ptr)1704 void phNxpEse_free(void* ptr) { return phPalEse_free(ptr); }
1706 /******************************************************************************
1707  * Function         phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer
1708  *
1709  * Description      This function finds out the max. timer value returned from
1710  *JCOP
1711  *
1712  * Returns          void.
1713  *
1714  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(unsigned long * pMaxTimer)1715 static void phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(unsigned long* pMaxTimer) {
1716   /* Finding the max. of the timer value */
1717   *pMaxTimer = nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer1;
1718   if (*pMaxTimer < nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2)
1719     *pMaxTimer = nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2;
1720   *pMaxTimer = (*pMaxTimer < nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3)
1721                    ? (nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3)
1722                    : *pMaxTimer;
1724   /* Converting timer to millisecond from sec */
1725   *pMaxTimer = SECOND_TO_MILLISECOND(*pMaxTimer);
1726   /* Add extra 5% to the timer */
1727   *pMaxTimer +=
1729   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Max timer value = %lu", __FUNCTION__,
1730            *pMaxTimer);
1731   return;
1732 }
1734 /******************************************************************************
1735  * Function         phNxpEseP61_DisablePwrCntrl
1736  *
1737  * Description      This function disables eSE GPIO power off/on control
1738  *                  when enabled
1739  *
1740  * Returns         SUCCESS/FAIL.
1741  *
1742  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_DisablePwrCntrl(void)1743 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_DisablePwrCntrl(void) {
1745   unsigned long maxTimer = 0;
1746   ALOGE("%s Enter", __FUNCTION__);
1747   phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(&maxTimer);
1748   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1749     status = phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl(maxTimer);
1750     if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1751       ALOGE("%s phNxpEseP61_DisablePwrCntrl: failed", __FUNCTION__);
1752     }
1753   } else {
1754     ALOGE("%s phNxpEseP61_DisablePwrCntrl: not supported", __FUNCTION__);
1755     status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
1756   }
1757   return status;
1758 }
1760 /******************************************************************************
1761  * Function         phNxpEse_getOsVersion
1762  *
1763  * Description      This function returns OS version from config file &
1764  *                  runtime from ATR response
1765  *
1766  * Returns         SUCCESS/FAIL.
1767  *
1768  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_getOsVersion()1769 phNxpEse_OsVersion_t phNxpEse_getOsVersion() { return sOsVersion; }
1771 /******************************************************************************
1772  * Function         phNxpEse_setOsVersion
1773  *
1774  * Description      This function sets chip type based on ATR response
1775  *
1776  * Returns         None.
1777  *
1778  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_setOsVersion(phNxpEse_OsVersion_t chipType)1779 void phNxpEse_setOsVersion(phNxpEse_OsVersion_t chipType) {
1780   sOsVersion = chipType;
1781 }
1783 /******************************************************************************
1784  * Function         phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus
1785  *
1786  * Description      This function is  used to  check whether FW download
1787  *                  is completed or not.
1788  *
1789  * Returns          returns  ESESTATUS_SUCCESS or ESESTATUS_BUSY
1790  *
1791  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus(void)1792 static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus(void) {
1793   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus Enter");
1795   spm_state_t current_spm_state = SPM_STATE_INVALID;
1796   uint8_t ese_dwnld_retry = 0x00;
1799   wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(&current_spm_state);
1800   if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1801     /* Check current_spm_state and update config/Spm status*/
1802     while (ese_dwnld_retry < ESE_FW_DWNLD_RETRY_CNT) {
1803       ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "ESE_FW_DWNLD_RETRY_CNT retry count");
1804       wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(&current_spm_state);
1805       if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) {
1806         if ((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_DWNLD)) {
1807           status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
1808         } else {
1809           ALOGE("Exit polling no FW Download ..");
1810           status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS;
1811           break;
1812         }
1813       } else {
1814         status = ESESTATUS_FAILED;
1815         break;
1816       }
1817       phNxpEse_Sleep(500000); /*sleep for 500 ms checking for fw dwnld status*/
1818       ese_dwnld_retry++;
1819     }
1820   }
1822   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus status %x", status);
1823   return status;
1824 }
1826 /******************************************************************************
1827  * Function         phNxpEse_GetEseStatus(unsigned char *timer_buffer)
1828  *
1829  * Description      This function returns the all three timer
1830  * Timeout buffer length should be minimum 18 bytes. Response will be in below
1831  format:
1832  * <0xF1><Len><Timer Value><0xF2><Len><Timer Value><0xF3><Len><Timer Value>
1833  *
1834  * Returns         SUCCESS/FAIL.
1835  * ESESTATUS_SUCCESS if 0xF1 or 0xF2 tag timeout >= 0 & 0xF3 == 0
1836  * ESESTATUS_BUSY if 0xF3 tag timeout > 0
1837  * ESESTATUS_FAILED if any other error
1839  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_GetEseStatus(phNxpEse_data * timer_buffer)1840 ESESTATUS phNxpEse_GetEseStatus(phNxpEse_data* timer_buffer) {
1843   phNxpEse_SecureTimer_t secureTimerParams;
1844   uint8_t* temp_timer_buffer = NULL;
1845   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Enter", __FUNCTION__);
1846   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1847     ALOGE("%s function not supported", __FUNCTION__);
1848     return status;
1849   }
1850   if (timer_buffer != NULL) {
1851     timer_buffer->len =
1852         (sizeof(secureTimerParams.secureTimer1) +
1853          sizeof(secureTimerParams.secureTimer2) +
1854          sizeof(secureTimerParams.secureTimer3)) +
1856     temp_timer_buffer = (uint8_t*)phNxpEse_memalloc(timer_buffer->len);
1857     timer_buffer->p_data = temp_timer_buffer;
1859     phNxpEse_memcpy(&secureTimerParams, &nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams,
1860                     sizeof(phNxpEse_SecureTimer_t));
1862     ALOGD_IF(
1863         ese_debug_enabled,
1864         "%s secureTimer1 0x%x secureTimer2 0x%x secureTimer3 0x%x len = %d",
1865         __FUNCTION__, secureTimerParams.secureTimer1,
1866         secureTimerParams.secureTimer2, secureTimerParams.secureTimer3,
1867         timer_buffer->len);
1869     *temp_timer_buffer++ = PH_PROPTO_7816_SFRAME_TIMER1;
1870     *temp_timer_buffer++ = sizeof(secureTimerParams.secureTimer1);
1871     temp_timer_buffer = phNxpEse_GgetTimerTlvBuffer(
1872         temp_timer_buffer, secureTimerParams.secureTimer1);
1873     if (temp_timer_buffer != NULL) {
1874       *temp_timer_buffer++ = PH_PROPTO_7816_SFRAME_TIMER2;
1875       *temp_timer_buffer++ = sizeof(secureTimerParams.secureTimer2);
1876       temp_timer_buffer = phNxpEse_GgetTimerTlvBuffer(
1877           temp_timer_buffer, secureTimerParams.secureTimer2);
1878       if (temp_timer_buffer != NULL) {
1879         *temp_timer_buffer++ = PH_PROPTO_7816_SFRAME_TIMER3;
1880         *temp_timer_buffer++ = sizeof(secureTimerParams.secureTimer3);
1881         temp_timer_buffer = phNxpEse_GgetTimerTlvBuffer(
1882             temp_timer_buffer, secureTimerParams.secureTimer3);
1883         if (temp_timer_buffer != NULL) {
1884           if (secureTimerParams.secureTimer3 > 0) {
1885             status = ESESTATUS_BUSY;
1886           } else {
1887             status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS;
1888           }
1889         }
1890       }
1891     }
1892   } else {
1893     ALOGE("%s Invalid timer buffer ", __FUNCTION__);
1894   }
1896   ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "%s Exit status = 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, status);
1897   return status;
1898 }
phNxpEse_GgetTimerTlvBuffer(uint8_t * timer_buffer,unsigned int value)1900 static unsigned char* phNxpEse_GgetTimerTlvBuffer(uint8_t* timer_buffer,
1901                                                   unsigned int value) {
1902   short int count = 0, shift = 3;
1903   unsigned int mask = 0x000000FF;
1904   if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) {
1905     ALOGE("%s function not supported", __FUNCTION__);
1906   } else {
1907     ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "value = %x \n", value);
1908     for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) {
1909       if (timer_buffer != NULL) {
1910         *timer_buffer = (value >> (shift * 8) & mask);
1911         ALOGD_IF(ese_debug_enabled, "*timer_buffer=0x%x shift=0x%x",
1912                  *timer_buffer, shift);
1913         timer_buffer++;
1914         shift--;
1915       } else {
1916         break;
1917       }
1918     }
1919   }
1920   return timer_buffer;
1921 }
1923 /******************************************************************************
1924  * Function         phNxpEse_NotifySEWtxRequest
1925  *
1926  * Description      This function notifies SE hal service if it registers
1927  *                  about WTX ongoing & end status
1928  *
1929  * Returns          None
1930  *
1931  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_NotifySEWtxRequest(phNxpEse_wtxState state)1932 void phNxpEse_NotifySEWtxRequest(phNxpEse_wtxState state) {
1933   if (nxpese_ctxt.fPtr_WtxNtf) {
1934     (nxpese_ctxt.fPtr_WtxNtf)(state);
1935   } else {
1936     ALOGE("%s function not supported", __FUNCTION__);
1937   }
1938 }
1940 /******************************************************************************
1941  * Function         phNxpEse_setWtxCountLimit
1942  *
1943  * Description      This function sets the counter limit for wtx
1944  *
1945  * Returns          None
1946  *
1947  ******************************************************************************/
phNxpEse_setWtxCountLimit(unsigned long int wtxCount)1948 void phNxpEse_setWtxCountLimit(unsigned long int wtxCount) {
1949   app_wtx_cnt = wtxCount;
1950 }