1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.media.cts;
19 import android.content.Context;
20 import android.content.res.Resources;
21 import android.media.MediaCodec;
22 import android.media.MediaCodec.CodecException;
23 import android.media.MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities;
24 import android.media.MediaCodecList;
25 import android.media.MediaCodecInfo;
26 import android.media.MediaFormat;
27 import android.os.Bundle;
28 import android.os.Environment;
29 import android.os.Looper;
30 import android.os.Handler;
31 import android.platform.test.annotations.AppModeFull;
32 import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
33 import android.util.Log;
35 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.MediaUtils;
37 import java.io.File;
38 import java.io.FileInputStream;
39 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
40 import java.io.InputStream;
41 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
42 import java.util.ArrayList;
43 import java.util.Locale;
44 import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
45 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
47 /**
48  * Verification test for video encoder and decoder.
49  *
50  * A raw yv12 stream is encoded at various settings and written to an IVF
51  * file. Encoded stream bitrate and key frame interval are checked against target values.
52  * The stream is later decoded by the decoder to verify frames are decodable and to
53  * calculate PSNR values for various bitrates.
54  */
55 @AppModeFull(reason = "Instant apps cannot access the SD card")
56 public class VideoCodecTestBase extends AndroidTestCase {
58     protected static final String TAG = "VideoCodecTestBase";
59     protected static final String VP8_MIME = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8;
60     protected static final String VP9_MIME = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9;
61     protected static final String AVC_MIME = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC;
62     protected static final String HEVC_MIME = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC;
63     protected static final String SDCARD_DIR =
64             Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
65     static final String mInpPrefix = WorkDir.getMediaDirString();
67     // Default timeout for MediaCodec buffer dequeue - 200 ms.
68     protected static final long DEFAULT_DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT_US = 200000;
69     // Default timeout for MediaEncoderAsync - 30 sec.
70     protected static final long DEFAULT_ENCODE_TIMEOUT_MS = 30000;
71     // Default sync frame interval in frames
72     private static final int SYNC_FRAME_INTERVAL = 30;
73     // Video bitrate type - should be set to OMX_Video_ControlRateConstant from OMX_Video.h
74     protected static final int VIDEO_ControlRateVariable = 1;
75     protected static final int VIDEO_ControlRateConstant = 2;
76     // NV12 color format supported by QCOM codec, but not declared in MediaCodec -
77     // see /hardware/qcom/media/mm-core/inc/OMX_QCOMExtns.h
78     private static final int COLOR_QCOM_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m = 0x7FA30C04;
79     // Allowable color formats supported by codec - in order of preference.
80     private static final int[] mSupportedColorList = {
81             CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar,
82             CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar,
83             CodecCapabilities.COLOR_QCOM_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar,
84             COLOR_QCOM_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m
85     };
86     // Scaled image cache list - contains scale factors, for which up-scaled frames
87     // were calculated and were written to yuv file.
88     ArrayList<Integer> mScaledImages = new ArrayList<Integer>();
90     private Resources mResources;
92     @Override
setContext(Context context)93     public void setContext(Context context) {
94         super.setContext(context);
95         mResources = mContext.getResources();
96     }
98     /**
99      *  Video codec properties generated by getVideoCodecProperties() function.
100      */
101     private class CodecProperties {
CodecProperties(String codecName, int colorFormat)102         CodecProperties(String codecName, int colorFormat) {
103             this.codecName = codecName;
104             this.colorFormat = colorFormat;
105         }
106         public final String codecName; // OpenMax component name for Video codec.
107         public final int colorFormat;  // Color format supported by codec.
108     }
110     /**
111      * Function to find Video codec.
112      *
113      * Iterates through the list of available codecs and tries to find
114      * Video codec, which can support either YUV420 planar or NV12 color formats.
115      * If forceGoogleCodec parameter set to true the function always returns
116      * Google Video codec.
117      * If forceGoogleCodec parameter set to false the functions looks for platform
118      * specific Video codec first. If no platform specific codec exist, falls back to
119      * Google Video codec.
120      *
121      * @param isEncoder     Flag if encoder is requested.
122      * @param forceGoogleCodec  Forces to use Google codec.
123      */
getVideoCodecProperties( boolean isEncoder, MediaFormat format, boolean forceGoogleCodec)124     private CodecProperties getVideoCodecProperties(
125             boolean isEncoder,
126             MediaFormat format,
127             boolean forceGoogleCodec) throws Exception {
128         CodecProperties codecProperties = null;
129         String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
131         // Loop through the list of codec components in case platform specific codec
132         // is requested.
133         MediaCodecList mcl = new MediaCodecList(MediaCodecList.REGULAR_CODECS);
134         for (MediaCodecInfo codecInfo : mcl.getCodecInfos()) {
135             if (isEncoder != codecInfo.isEncoder()) {
136                 continue;
137             }
138             Log.v(TAG, codecInfo.getName());
139             // TODO: remove dependence of Google from the test
140             // Check if this is Google codec - we should ignore it.
141             if (codecInfo.isVendor() && forceGoogleCodec) {
142                 continue;
143             }
145             for (String type : codecInfo.getSupportedTypes()) {
146                 if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase(mime)) {
147                     continue;
148                 }
149                 CodecCapabilities capabilities = codecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType(type);
150                 if (!capabilities.isFormatSupported(format)) {
151                     continue;
152                 }
154                 // Get candidate codec properties.
155                 Log.v(TAG, "Found candidate codec " + codecInfo.getName());
156                 for (int colorFormat: capabilities.colorFormats) {
157                     Log.v(TAG, "   Color: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(colorFormat));
158                 }
160                 // Check supported color formats.
161                 for (int supportedColorFormat : mSupportedColorList) {
162                     for (int codecColorFormat : capabilities.colorFormats) {
163                         if (codecColorFormat == supportedColorFormat) {
164                             codecProperties = new CodecProperties(codecInfo.getName(),
165                                     codecColorFormat);
166                             Log.v(TAG, "Found target codec " + codecProperties.codecName +
167                                     ". Color: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(codecColorFormat));
168                             // return first vendor codec (hopefully HW) found
169                             if (codecInfo.isVendor()) {
170                                 return codecProperties;
171                             }
172                         }
173                     }
174                 }
175             }
176         }
177         if (codecProperties == null) {
178             Log.i(TAG, "no suitable " + (forceGoogleCodec ? "google " : "")
179                     + (isEncoder ? "encoder " : "decoder ") + "found for " + format);
180         }
181         return codecProperties;
182     }
184     /**
185      * Parameters for encoded video stream.
186      */
187     protected class EncoderOutputStreamParameters {
188         // Name of raw YUV420 input file. When the value of this parameter
189         // is set to null input file descriptor from inputResource parameter
190         // is used instead.
191         public String inputYuvFilename;
192         // Name of scaled YUV420 input file.
193         public String scaledYuvFilename;
194         // File descriptor for the raw input file (YUV420). Used only if
195         // inputYuvFilename parameter is null.
196         public String inputResource;
197         // Name of the IVF file to write encoded bitsream
198         public String outputIvfFilename;
199         // Mime Type of the Encoded content.
200         public String codecMimeType;
201         // Force to use Google Video encoder.
202         boolean forceGoogleEncoder;
203         // Number of frames to encode.
204         int frameCount;
205         // Frame rate of input file in frames per second.
206         int frameRate;
207         // Encoded frame width.
208         public int frameWidth;
209         // Encoded frame height.
210         public int frameHeight;
211         // Encoding bitrate array in bits/second for every frame. If array length
212         // is shorter than the total number of frames, the last value is re-used for
213         // all remaining frames. For constant bitrate encoding single element
214         // array can be used with first element set to target bitrate value.
215         public int[] bitrateSet;
216         // Encoding bitrate type - VBR or CBR
217         public int bitrateType;
218         // Number of temporal layers
219         public int temporalLayers;
220         // Desired key frame interval - codec is asked to generate key frames
221         // at a period defined by this parameter.
222         public int syncFrameInterval;
223         // Optional parameter - forced key frame interval. Used to
224         // explicitly request the codec to generate key frames using
225         // MediaCodec.PARAMETER_KEY_REQUEST_SYNC_FRAME parameter.
226         public int syncForceFrameInterval;
227         // Buffer timeout
228         long timeoutDequeue;
229         // Flag if encoder should run in Looper thread.
230         boolean runInLooperThread;
231         // Flag if use NdkMediaCodec
232         boolean useNdk;
233     }
getCodecSuffix(String codecMimeType)235     private String getCodecSuffix(String codecMimeType) {
236         switch(codecMimeType) {
237         case VP8_MIME:
238             return "vp8";
239         case VP9_MIME:
240             return "vp9";
241         case AVC_MIME:
242             return "avc";
243         case HEVC_MIME:
244             return "hevc";
245         default:
246             Log.w(TAG, "getCodecSuffix got an unexpected codecMimeType.");
247         }
248         return "video";
249     }
251     /**
252      * Generates an array of default parameters for encoder output stream based on
253      * upscaling value.
254      */
getDefaultEncodingParameterList( String inputYuvName, String outputIvfBaseName, String codecMimeType, int encodeSeconds, int[] resolutionScales, int frameWidth, int frameHeight, int frameRate, int bitrateMode, int[] bitrates, boolean syncEncoding)255     protected ArrayList<EncoderOutputStreamParameters> getDefaultEncodingParameterList(
256             String inputYuvName,
257             String outputIvfBaseName,
258             String codecMimeType,
259             int encodeSeconds,
260             int[] resolutionScales,
261             int frameWidth,
262             int frameHeight,
263             int frameRate,
264             int bitrateMode,
265             int[] bitrates,
266             boolean syncEncoding) {
267         assertTrue(resolutionScales.length == bitrates.length);
268         int numCodecs = resolutionScales.length;
269         ArrayList<EncoderOutputStreamParameters> outputParameters =
270                 new ArrayList<EncoderOutputStreamParameters>(numCodecs);
271         for (int i = 0; i < numCodecs; i++) {
272             EncoderOutputStreamParameters params = new EncoderOutputStreamParameters();
273             if (inputYuvName != null) {
274                 params.inputYuvFilename = SDCARD_DIR + File.separator + inputYuvName;
275             } else {
276                 params.inputYuvFilename = null;
277             }
278             params.scaledYuvFilename = SDCARD_DIR + File.separator +
279                     outputIvfBaseName + resolutionScales[i]+ ".yuv";
280             params.inputResource = "football_qvga.yuv";
281             params.codecMimeType = codecMimeType;
282             String codecSuffix = getCodecSuffix(codecMimeType);
283             params.outputIvfFilename = SDCARD_DIR + File.separator +
284                     outputIvfBaseName + resolutionScales[i] + "_" + codecSuffix + ".ivf";
285             params.forceGoogleEncoder = false;
286             params.frameCount = encodeSeconds * frameRate;
287             params.frameRate = frameRate;
288             params.frameWidth = Math.min(frameWidth * resolutionScales[i], 1280);
289             params.frameHeight = Math.min(frameHeight * resolutionScales[i], 720);
290             params.bitrateSet = new int[1];
291             params.bitrateSet[0] = bitrates[i];
292             params.bitrateType = bitrateMode;
293             params.temporalLayers = 0;
294             params.syncFrameInterval = SYNC_FRAME_INTERVAL;
295             params.syncForceFrameInterval = 0;
296             if (syncEncoding) {
297                 params.timeoutDequeue = DEFAULT_DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT_US;
298                 params.runInLooperThread = false;
299             } else {
300                 params.timeoutDequeue = 0;
301                 params.runInLooperThread = true;
302             }
303             outputParameters.add(params);
304         }
305         return outputParameters;
306     }
getDefaultEncodingParameters( String inputYuvName, String outputIvfBaseName, String codecMimeType, int encodeSeconds, int frameWidth, int frameHeight, int frameRate, int bitrateMode, int bitrate, boolean syncEncoding)308     protected EncoderOutputStreamParameters getDefaultEncodingParameters(
309             String inputYuvName,
310             String outputIvfBaseName,
311             String codecMimeType,
312             int encodeSeconds,
313             int frameWidth,
314             int frameHeight,
315             int frameRate,
316             int bitrateMode,
317             int bitrate,
318             boolean syncEncoding) {
319         int[] scaleValues = { 1 };
320         int[] bitrates = { bitrate };
321         return getDefaultEncodingParameterList(
322                 inputYuvName,
323                 outputIvfBaseName,
324                 codecMimeType,
325                 encodeSeconds,
326                 scaleValues,
327                 frameWidth,
328                 frameHeight,
329                 frameRate,
330                 bitrateMode,
331                 bitrates,
332                 syncEncoding).get(0);
333     }
335     /**
336      * Converts (interleaves) YUV420 planar to NV12.
337      * Assumes packed, macroblock-aligned frame with no cropping
338      * (visible/coded row length == stride).
339      */
YUV420ToNV(int width, int height, byte[] yuv)340     private static byte[] YUV420ToNV(int width, int height, byte[] yuv) {
341         byte[] nv = new byte[yuv.length];
342         // Y plane we just copy.
343         System.arraycopy(yuv, 0, nv, 0, width * height);
345         // U & V plane we interleave.
346         int u_offset = width * height;
347         int v_offset = u_offset + u_offset / 4;
348         int nv_offset = width * height;
349         for (int i = 0; i < width * height / 4; i++) {
350             nv[nv_offset++] = yuv[u_offset++];
351             nv[nv_offset++] = yuv[v_offset++];
352         }
353         return nv;
354     }
356     /**
357      * Converts (de-interleaves) NV12 to YUV420 planar.
358      * Stride may be greater than width, slice height may be greater than height.
359      */
NV12ToYUV420(int width, int height, int stride, int sliceHeight, byte[] nv12)360     private static byte[] NV12ToYUV420(int width, int height,
361             int stride, int sliceHeight, byte[] nv12) {
362         byte[] yuv = new byte[width * height * 3 / 2];
364         // Y plane we just copy.
365         for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
366             System.arraycopy(nv12, i * stride, yuv, i * width, width);
367         }
369         // U & V plane - de-interleave.
370         int u_offset = width * height;
371         int v_offset = u_offset + u_offset / 4;
372         int nv_offset;
373         for (int i = 0; i < height / 2; i++) {
374             nv_offset = stride * (sliceHeight + i);
375             for (int j = 0; j < width / 2; j++) {
376                 yuv[u_offset++] = nv12[nv_offset++];
377                 yuv[v_offset++] = nv12[nv_offset++];
378             }
379         }
380         return yuv;
381     }
383     /**
384      * Packs YUV420 frame by moving it to a smaller size buffer with stride and slice
385      * height equal to the crop window.
386      */
PackYUV420(int left, int top, int width, int height, int stride, int sliceHeight, byte[] src)387     private static byte[] PackYUV420(int left, int top, int width, int height,
388             int stride, int sliceHeight, byte[] src) {
389         byte[] dst = new byte[width * height * 3 / 2];
390         // Y copy.
391         for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
392             System.arraycopy(src, (i + top) * stride + left, dst, i * width, width);
393         }
394         // U and V copy.
395         int u_src_offset = stride * sliceHeight;
396         int v_src_offset = u_src_offset + u_src_offset / 4;
397         int u_dst_offset = width * height;
398         int v_dst_offset = u_dst_offset + u_dst_offset / 4;
399         // Downsample and align to floor-2 for crop origin.
400         left /= 2;
401         top /= 2;
402         for (int i = 0; i < height / 2; i++) {
403             System.arraycopy(src, u_src_offset + (i + top) * (stride / 2) + left,
404                     dst, u_dst_offset + i * (width / 2), width / 2);
405             System.arraycopy(src, v_src_offset + (i + top) * (stride / 2) + left,
406                     dst, v_dst_offset + i * (width / 2), width / 2);
407         }
408         return dst;
409     }
imageUpscale1To2(byte[] src, int srcByteOffset, int srcStride, byte[] dst, int dstByteOffset, int dstWidth, int dstHeight)412     private static void imageUpscale1To2(byte[] src, int srcByteOffset, int srcStride,
413             byte[] dst, int dstByteOffset, int dstWidth, int dstHeight) {
414         for (int i = 0; i < dstHeight/2 - 1; i++) {
415             int dstOffset0 = 2 * i * dstWidth + dstByteOffset;
416             int dstOffset1 = dstOffset0 + dstWidth;
417             int srcOffset0 = i * srcStride + srcByteOffset;
418             int srcOffset1 = srcOffset0 + srcStride;
419             int pixel00 = (int)src[srcOffset0++] & 0xff;
420             int pixel10 = (int)src[srcOffset1++] & 0xff;
421             for (int j = 0; j < dstWidth/2 - 1; j++) {
422                 int pixel01 = (int)src[srcOffset0++] & 0xff;
423                 int pixel11 = (int)src[srcOffset1++] & 0xff;
424                 dst[dstOffset0++] = (byte)pixel00;
425                 dst[dstOffset0++] = (byte)((pixel00 + pixel01 + 1) / 2);
426                 dst[dstOffset1++] = (byte)((pixel00 + pixel10 + 1) / 2);
427                 dst[dstOffset1++] = (byte)((pixel00 + pixel01 + pixel10 + pixel11 + 2) / 4);
428                 pixel00 = pixel01;
429                 pixel10 = pixel11;
430             }
431             // last column
432             dst[dstOffset0++] = (byte)pixel00;
433             dst[dstOffset0++] = (byte)pixel00;
434             dst[dstOffset1++] = (byte)((pixel00 + pixel10 + 1) / 2);
435             dst[dstOffset1++] = (byte)((pixel00 + pixel10 + 1) / 2);
436         }
438         // last row
439         int dstOffset0 = (dstHeight - 2) * dstWidth + dstByteOffset;
440         int dstOffset1 = dstOffset0 + dstWidth;
441         int srcOffset0 = (dstHeight/2 - 1) * srcStride + srcByteOffset;
442         int pixel00 = (int)src[srcOffset0++] & 0xff;
443         for (int j = 0; j < dstWidth/2 - 1; j++) {
444             int pixel01 = (int)src[srcOffset0++] & 0xff;
445             dst[dstOffset0++] = (byte)pixel00;
446             dst[dstOffset0++] = (byte)((pixel00 + pixel01 + 1) / 2);
447             dst[dstOffset1++] = (byte)pixel00;
448             dst[dstOffset1++] = (byte)((pixel00 + pixel01 + 1) / 2);
449             pixel00 = pixel01;
450         }
451         // the very last pixel - bottom right
452         dst[dstOffset0++] = (byte)pixel00;
453         dst[dstOffset0++] = (byte)pixel00;
454         dst[dstOffset1++] = (byte)pixel00;
455         dst[dstOffset1++] = (byte)pixel00;
456     }
458     /**
459     * Up-scale image.
460     * Scale factor is defined by source and destination width ratio.
461     * Only 1:2 and 1:4 up-scaling is supported for now.
462     * For 640x480 -> 1280x720 conversion only top 640x360 part of the original
463     * image is scaled.
464     */
imageScale(byte[] src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int dstWidth, int dstHeight)465     private static byte[] imageScale(byte[] src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
466             int dstWidth, int dstHeight) throws Exception {
467         int srcYSize = srcWidth * srcHeight;
468         int dstYSize = dstWidth * dstHeight;
469         byte[] dst = null;
470         if (dstWidth == 2 * srcWidth && dstHeight <= 2 * srcHeight) {
471             // 1:2 upscale
472             dst = new byte[dstWidth * dstHeight * 3 / 2];
473             imageUpscale1To2(src, 0, srcWidth,
474                     dst, 0, dstWidth, dstHeight);                                 // Y
475             imageUpscale1To2(src, srcYSize, srcWidth / 2,
476                     dst, dstYSize, dstWidth / 2, dstHeight / 2);                  // U
477             imageUpscale1To2(src, srcYSize * 5 / 4, srcWidth / 2,
478                     dst, dstYSize * 5 / 4, dstWidth / 2, dstHeight / 2);          // V
479         } else if (dstWidth == 4 * srcWidth && dstHeight <= 4 * srcHeight) {
480             // 1:4 upscale - in two steps
481             int midWidth = 2 * srcWidth;
482             int midHeight = 2 * srcHeight;
483             byte[] midBuffer = imageScale(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, midWidth, midHeight);
484             dst = imageScale(midBuffer, midWidth, midHeight, dstWidth, dstHeight);
486         } else {
487             throw new RuntimeException("Can not find proper scaling function");
488         }
490         return dst;
491     }
cacheScaledImage( String srcYuvFilename, String srcResource, int srcFrameWidth, int srcFrameHeight, String dstYuvFilename, int dstFrameWidth, int dstFrameHeight)493     private void cacheScaledImage(
494             String srcYuvFilename, String srcResource, int srcFrameWidth, int srcFrameHeight,
495             String dstYuvFilename, int dstFrameWidth, int dstFrameHeight) throws Exception {
496         InputStream srcStream = OpenFileOrResource(srcYuvFilename, srcResource);
497         FileOutputStream dstFile = new FileOutputStream(dstYuvFilename, false);
498         int srcFrameSize = srcFrameWidth * srcFrameHeight * 3 / 2;
499         byte[] srcFrame = new byte[srcFrameSize];
500         byte[] dstFrame = null;
501         Log.d(TAG, "Scale to " + dstFrameWidth + " x " + dstFrameHeight + ". -> " + dstYuvFilename);
502         while (true) {
503             int bytesRead = srcStream.read(srcFrame);
504             if (bytesRead != srcFrame.length) {
505                 break;
506             }
507             if (dstFrameWidth == srcFrameWidth && dstFrameHeight == srcFrameHeight) {
508                 dstFrame = srcFrame;
509             } else {
510                 dstFrame = imageScale(srcFrame, srcFrameWidth, srcFrameHeight,
511                         dstFrameWidth, dstFrameHeight);
512             }
513             dstFile.write(dstFrame);
514         }
515         srcStream.close();
516         dstFile.close();
517     }
520     /**
521      * A basic check if an encoded stream is decodable.
522      *
523      * The most basic confirmation we can get about a frame
524      * being properly encoded is trying to decode it.
525      * (Especially in realtime mode encode output is non-
526      * deterministic, therefore a more thorough check like
527      * md5 sum comparison wouldn't work.)
528      *
529      * Indeed, MediaCodec will raise an IllegalStateException
530      * whenever video decoder fails to decode a frame, and
531      * this test uses that fact to verify the bitstream.
532      *
533      * @param inputIvfFilename  The name of the IVF file containing encoded bitsream.
534      * @param outputYuvFilename The name of the output YUV file (optional).
535      * @param frameRate         Frame rate of input file in frames per second
536      * @param forceGoogleDecoder    Force to use Google Video decoder.
537      * @param codecConfigs      Codec config buffers to be added to the format
538      */
decode( String inputIvfFilename, String outputYuvFilename, String codecMimeType, int frameRate, boolean forceGoogleDecoder, ArrayList<ByteBuffer> codecConfigs)539     protected ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> decode(
540             String inputIvfFilename,
541             String outputYuvFilename,
542             String codecMimeType,
543             int frameRate,
544             boolean forceGoogleDecoder,
545             ArrayList<ByteBuffer> codecConfigs) throws Exception {
546         ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos = new ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>();
548         // Open input/output.
549         IvfReader ivf = new IvfReader(inputIvfFilename);
550         int frameWidth = ivf.getWidth();
551         int frameHeight = ivf.getHeight();
552         int frameCount = ivf.getFrameCount();
553         int frameStride = frameWidth;
554         int frameSliceHeight = frameHeight;
555         int cropLeft = 0;
556         int cropTop = 0;
557         int cropWidth = frameWidth;
558         int cropHeight = frameHeight;
559         assertTrue(frameWidth > 0);
560         assertTrue(frameHeight > 0);
561         assertTrue(frameCount > 0);
563         // Create decoder.
564         MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(
565                 codecMimeType, ivf.getWidth(), ivf.getHeight());
566         CodecProperties properties = getVideoCodecProperties(
567                 false /* encoder */, format, forceGoogleDecoder);
568         if (properties == null) {
569             ivf.close();
570             return null;
571         }
572         int frameColorFormat = properties.colorFormat;
573         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, properties.colorFormat);
574         int csdIndex = 0;
575         for (ByteBuffer config : codecConfigs) {
576             format.setByteBuffer("csd-" + csdIndex, config);
577             ++csdIndex;
578         }
580         FileOutputStream yuv = null;
581         if (outputYuvFilename != null) {
582             yuv = new FileOutputStream(outputYuvFilename, false);
583         }
585         Log.d(TAG, "Creating decoder " + properties.codecName +
586                 ". Color format: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(frameColorFormat) +
587                 ". " + frameWidth + " x " + frameHeight);
588         Log.d(TAG, "  Format: " + format);
589         Log.d(TAG, "  In: " + inputIvfFilename + ". Out:" + outputYuvFilename);
590         MediaCodec decoder = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(properties.codecName);
591         decoder.configure(format,
592                           null,  // surface
593                           null,  // crypto
594                           0);    // flags
595         decoder.start();
597         ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers = decoder.getInputBuffers();
598         ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers = decoder.getOutputBuffers();
599         MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
601         // decode loop
602         int inputFrameIndex = 0;
603         int outputFrameIndex = 0;
604         long inPresentationTimeUs = 0;
605         long outPresentationTimeUs = 0;
606         boolean sawOutputEOS = false;
607         boolean sawInputEOS = false;
609         while (!sawOutputEOS) {
610             if (!sawInputEOS) {
611                 int inputBufIndex = decoder.dequeueInputBuffer(DEFAULT_DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT_US);
612                 if (inputBufIndex >= 0) {
613                     byte[] frame = ivf.readFrame(inputFrameIndex);
615                     if (inputFrameIndex == frameCount - 1) {
616                         Log.d(TAG, "  Input EOS for frame # " + inputFrameIndex);
617                         sawInputEOS = true;
618                     }
620                     inputBuffers[inputBufIndex].clear();
621                     inputBuffers[inputBufIndex].put(frame);
622                     inputBuffers[inputBufIndex].rewind();
623                     inPresentationTimeUs = (inputFrameIndex * 1000000) / frameRate;
625                     decoder.queueInputBuffer(
626                             inputBufIndex,
627                             0,  // offset
628                             frame.length,
629                             inPresentationTimeUs,
630                             sawInputEOS ? MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM : 0);
632                     inputFrameIndex++;
633                 }
634             }
636             int result = decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, DEFAULT_DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT_US);
637             while (result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED ||
638                     result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
639                 if (result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
640                     outputBuffers = decoder.getOutputBuffers();
641                 } else  if (result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
642                     // Process format change
643                     format = decoder.getOutputFormat();
644                     frameWidth = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
645                     frameHeight = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
646                     frameColorFormat = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT);
647                     Log.d(TAG, "Decoder output format change. Color: 0x" +
648                             Integer.toHexString(frameColorFormat));
649                     Log.d(TAG, "Format: " + format.toString());
651                     // Parse frame and slice height from undocumented values
652                     if (format.containsKey("stride")) {
653                         frameStride = format.getInteger("stride");
654                     } else {
655                         frameStride = frameWidth;
656                     }
657                     if (format.containsKey("slice-height")) {
658                         frameSliceHeight = format.getInteger("slice-height");
659                     } else {
660                         frameSliceHeight = frameHeight;
661                     }
662                     Log.d(TAG, "Frame stride and slice height: " + frameStride +
663                             " x " + frameSliceHeight);
664                     frameStride = Math.max(frameWidth, frameStride);
665                     frameSliceHeight = Math.max(frameHeight, frameSliceHeight);
667                     // Parse crop window for the area of recording decoded frame data.
668                     if (format.containsKey("crop-left")) {
669                         cropLeft = format.getInteger("crop-left");
670                     }
671                     if (format.containsKey("crop-top")) {
672                         cropTop = format.getInteger("crop-top");
673                     }
674                     if (format.containsKey("crop-right")) {
675                         cropWidth = format.getInteger("crop-right") - cropLeft + 1;
676                     } else {
677                         cropWidth = frameWidth;
678                     }
679                     if (format.containsKey("crop-bottom")) {
680                         cropHeight = format.getInteger("crop-bottom") - cropTop + 1;
681                     } else {
682                         cropHeight = frameHeight;
683                     }
684                     Log.d(TAG, "Frame crop window origin: " + cropLeft + " x " + cropTop
685                             + ", size: " + cropWidth + " x " + cropHeight);
686                     cropWidth = Math.min(frameWidth - cropLeft, cropWidth);
687                     cropHeight = Math.min(frameHeight - cropTop, cropHeight);
688                 }
689                 result = decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, DEFAULT_DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT_US);
690             }
691             if (result >= 0) {
692                 int outputBufIndex = result;
693                 outPresentationTimeUs = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
694                 Log.v(TAG, "Writing buffer # " + outputFrameIndex +
695                         ". Size: " + bufferInfo.size +
696                         ". InTime: " + (inPresentationTimeUs + 500)/1000 +
697                         ". OutTime: " + (outPresentationTimeUs + 500)/1000);
698                 if ((bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
699                     sawOutputEOS = true;
700                     Log.d(TAG, "   Output EOS for frame # " + outputFrameIndex);
701                 }
703                 if (bufferInfo.size > 0) {
704                     // Save decoder output to yuv file.
705                     if (yuv != null) {
706                         byte[] frame = new byte[bufferInfo.size];
707                         outputBuffers[outputBufIndex].position(bufferInfo.offset);
708                         outputBuffers[outputBufIndex].get(frame, 0, bufferInfo.size);
709                         // Convert NV12 to YUV420 if necessary.
710                         if (frameColorFormat != CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
711                             frame = NV12ToYUV420(frameWidth, frameHeight,
712                                     frameStride, frameSliceHeight, frame);
713                         }
714                         int writeLength = Math.min(cropWidth * cropHeight * 3 / 2, frame.length);
715                         // Pack frame if necessary.
716                         if (writeLength < frame.length &&
717                                 (frameStride > cropWidth || frameSliceHeight > cropHeight)) {
718                             frame = PackYUV420(cropLeft, cropTop, cropWidth, cropHeight,
719                                     frameStride, frameSliceHeight, frame);
720                         }
721                         yuv.write(frame, 0, writeLength);
722                     }
723                     outputFrameIndex++;
725                     // Update statistics - store presentation time delay in offset
726                     long presentationTimeUsDelta = inPresentationTimeUs - outPresentationTimeUs;
727                     MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfoCopy = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
728                     bufferInfoCopy.set((int)presentationTimeUsDelta, bufferInfo.size,
729                             outPresentationTimeUs, bufferInfo.flags);
730                     bufferInfos.add(bufferInfoCopy);
731                 }
732                 decoder.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufIndex, false);
733             }
734         }
735         decoder.stop();
736         decoder.release();
737         ivf.close();
738         if (yuv != null) {
739             yuv.close();
740         }
742         return bufferInfos;
743     }
746     /**
747      * Helper function to return InputStream from either fully specified filename (if set)
748      * or resource name within test assets (if filename is not set).
749      */
OpenFileOrResource(String filename, final String resource)750     private InputStream OpenFileOrResource(String filename, final String resource)
751             throws Exception {
752         if (filename != null) {
753             Preconditions.assertTestFileExists(filename);
754             return new FileInputStream(filename);
755         }
756         Preconditions.assertTestFileExists(mInpPrefix + resource);
757         return new FileInputStream(mInpPrefix + resource);
758     }
760     /**
761      * Results of frame encoding.
762      */
763     protected class MediaEncoderOutput {
764         public long inPresentationTimeUs;
765         public long outPresentationTimeUs;
766         public boolean outputGenerated;
767         public int flags;
768         public byte[] buffer;
769     }
771     protected class MediaEncoderAsyncHelper {
772         private final EncoderOutputStreamParameters mStreamParams;
773         private final CodecProperties mProperties;
774         private final ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> mBufferInfos;
775         private final IvfWriter mIvf;
776         private final ArrayList<ByteBuffer> mCodecConfigs;
777         private final byte[] mSrcFrame;
779         private InputStream mYuvStream;
780         private int mInputFrameIndex;
MediaEncoderAsyncHelper( EncoderOutputStreamParameters streamParams, CodecProperties properties, ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos, IvfWriter ivf, ArrayList<ByteBuffer> codecConfigs)782         MediaEncoderAsyncHelper(
783                 EncoderOutputStreamParameters streamParams,
784                 CodecProperties properties,
785                 ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos,
786                 IvfWriter ivf,
787                 ArrayList<ByteBuffer> codecConfigs)
788                 throws Exception {
789             mStreamParams = streamParams;
790             mProperties = properties;
791             mBufferInfos = bufferInfos;
792             mIvf = ivf;
793             mCodecConfigs = codecConfigs;
795             int srcFrameSize = streamParams.frameWidth * streamParams.frameHeight * 3 / 2;
796             mSrcFrame = new byte[srcFrameSize];
798             mYuvStream = OpenFileOrResource(
799                     streamParams.inputYuvFilename, streamParams.inputResource);
800         }
getInputFrame()802         public byte[] getInputFrame() {
803             // Check EOS
804             if (mStreamParams.frameCount == 0
805                     || (mStreamParams.frameCount > 0
806                             && mInputFrameIndex >= mStreamParams.frameCount)) {
807                 Log.d(TAG, "---Sending EOS empty frame for frame # " + mInputFrameIndex);
808                 return null;
809             }
811             try {
812                 int bytesRead = mYuvStream.read(mSrcFrame);
814                 if (bytesRead == -1) {
815                     // rewind to beginning of file
816                     mYuvStream.close();
817                     mYuvStream = OpenFileOrResource(
818                             mStreamParams.inputYuvFilename, mStreamParams.inputResource);
819                     bytesRead = mYuvStream.read(mSrcFrame);
820                 }
821             } catch (Exception e) {
822                 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to read YUV file.");
823                 return null;
824             }
825             mInputFrameIndex++;
827             // Convert YUV420 to NV12 if necessary
828             if (mProperties.colorFormat != CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
829                 return YUV420ToNV(mStreamParams.frameWidth, mStreamParams.frameHeight,
830                         mSrcFrame);
831             } else {
832                 return mSrcFrame;
833             }
834         }
saveOutputFrame(MediaEncoderOutput out)836         public boolean saveOutputFrame(MediaEncoderOutput out) {
837             if (out.outputGenerated) {
838                 if ((out.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
839                     Log.d(TAG, "Storing codec config separately");
840                     ByteBuffer csdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(out.buffer.length).put(out.buffer);
841                     csdBuffer.rewind();
842                     mCodecConfigs.add(csdBuffer);
843                     out.buffer = new byte[0];
844                 }
845                 if (out.buffer.length > 0) {
846                     // Save frame
847                     try {
848                         mIvf.writeFrame(out.buffer, out.outPresentationTimeUs);
849                     } catch (Exception e) {
850                         Log.d(TAG, "Failed to write frame");
851                         return true;
852                     }
854                     // Update statistics - store presentation time delay in offset
855                     long presentationTimeUsDelta = out.inPresentationTimeUs -
856                             out.outPresentationTimeUs;
857                     MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfoCopy = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
858                     bufferInfoCopy.set((int)presentationTimeUsDelta, out.buffer.length,
859                             out.outPresentationTimeUs, out.flags);
860                     mBufferInfos.add(bufferInfoCopy);
861                 }
862                 // Detect output EOS
863                 if ((out.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
864                     Log.d(TAG, "----Output EOS ");
865                     return true;
866                 }
867             }
868             return false;
869         }
870     }
872     /**
873      * Video encoder wrapper class.
874      * Allows to run the encoder either in a callee's thread or in a looper thread
875      * using buffer dequeue ready notification callbacks.
876      *
877      * Function feedInput() is used to send raw video frame to the encoder input. When encoder
878      * is configured to run in async mode the function will run in a looper thread.
879      * Encoded frame can be retrieved by calling getOutput() function.
880      */
881     protected class MediaEncoderAsync extends Thread {
882         private int mId;
883         private MediaCodecWrapper mCodec;
884         private ByteBuffer[] mInputBuffers;
885         private ByteBuffer[] mOutputBuffers;
886         private int mInputFrameIndex;
887         private int mOutputFrameIndex;
888         private int mInputBufIndex;
889         private int mFrameRate;
890         private long mTimeout;
891         private MediaCodec.BufferInfo mBufferInfo;
892         private long mInPresentationTimeUs;
893         private long mOutPresentationTimeUs;
894         private boolean mAsync;
895         // Flag indicating if input frame was consumed by the encoder in feedInput() call.
896         private boolean mConsumedInput;
897         // Result of frame encoding returned by getOutput() call.
898         private MediaEncoderOutput mOutput;
899         // Object used to signal that looper thread has started and Handler instance associated
900         // with looper thread has been allocated.
901         private final Object mThreadEvent = new Object();
902         // Object used to signal that MediaCodec buffer dequeue notification callback
903         // was received.
904         private final Object mCallbackEvent = new Object();
905         private Handler mHandler;
906         private boolean mCallbackReceived;
907         private MediaEncoderAsyncHelper mHelper;
908         private final Object mCompletionEvent = new Object();
909         private boolean mCompleted;
910         private boolean mInitialSyncFrameReceived;
912         private MediaCodec.Callback mCallback = new MediaCodec.Callback() {
913             @Override
914             public void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index) {
915                 if (mHelper == null) {
916                     Log.e(TAG, "async helper not available");
917                     return;
918                 }
920                 byte[] encFrame = mHelper.getInputFrame();
921                 boolean inputEOS = (encFrame == null);
923                 int encFrameLength = 0;
924                 int flags = 0;
925                 if (inputEOS) {
926                     flags = MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM;
927                 } else {
928                     encFrameLength = encFrame.length;
930                     ByteBuffer byteBuffer = mCodec.getInputBuffer(index);
931                     byteBuffer.put(encFrame);
932                     byteBuffer.rewind();
934                     mInPresentationTimeUs = (mInputFrameIndex * 1000000) / mFrameRate;
936                     Log.v(TAG, "Enc" + mId + ". Frame in # " + mInputFrameIndex +
937                             ". InTime: " + (mInPresentationTimeUs + 500)/1000);
939                     mInputFrameIndex++;
940                 }
942                 mCodec.queueInputBuffer(
943                         index,
944                         0,  // offset
945                         encFrameLength,  // size
946                         mInPresentationTimeUs,
947                         flags);
948             }
950             @Override
951             public void onOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec,
952                     int index, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info) {
953                 if (mHelper == null) {
954                     Log.e(TAG, "async helper not available");
955                     return;
956                 }
958                 MediaEncoderOutput out = new MediaEncoderOutput();
960                 out.buffer = new byte[info.size];
961                 ByteBuffer outputBuffer = mCodec.getOutputBuffer(index);
962                 outputBuffer.get(out.buffer, 0, info.size);
963                 mOutPresentationTimeUs = info.presentationTimeUs;
965                 String logStr = "Enc" + mId + ". Frame # " + mOutputFrameIndex;
966                 if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
967                     logStr += " CONFIG. ";
968                 }
969                 if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME) != 0) {
970                     logStr += " KEY. ";
971                     if (!mInitialSyncFrameReceived) {
972                         mInitialSyncFrameReceived = true;
973                     }
974                 }
975                 if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
976                     logStr += " EOS. ";
977                 }
978                 logStr += " Size: " + info.size;
979                 logStr += ". InTime: " + (mInPresentationTimeUs + 500)/1000 +
980                         ". OutTime: " + (mOutPresentationTimeUs + 500)/1000;
981                 Log.v(TAG, logStr);
983                 if (!mInitialSyncFrameReceived
984                         && (info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) == 0) {
985                     throw new RuntimeException("Non codec_config_frame before first sync.");
986                 }
988                 if (info.size > 0) {
989                     mOutputFrameIndex++;
990                     out.inPresentationTimeUs = mInPresentationTimeUs;
991                     out.outPresentationTimeUs = mOutPresentationTimeUs;
992                 }
993                 mCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(index, false);
995                 out.flags = info.flags;
996                 out.outputGenerated = true;
998                 if (mHelper.saveOutputFrame(out)) {
999                     // output EOS
1000                     signalCompletion();
1001                 }
1002             }
1004             @Override
1005             public void onError(MediaCodec codec, CodecException e) {
1006                 Log.e(TAG, "onError: " + e
1007                         + ", transient " + e.isTransient()
1008                         + ", recoverable " + e.isRecoverable()
1009                         + ", error " + e.getErrorCode());
1010             }
1012             @Override
1013             public void onOutputFormatChanged(MediaCodec codec, MediaFormat format) {
1014                 Log.i(TAG, "onOutputFormatChanged: " + format.toString());
1015             }
1016         };
requestStart()1018         private synchronized void requestStart() throws Exception {
1019             mHandler = null;
1020             start();
1021             // Wait for Hander allocation
1022             synchronized (mThreadEvent) {
1023                 while (mHandler == null) {
1024                     mThreadEvent.wait();
1025                 }
1026             }
1027         }
setAsyncHelper(MediaEncoderAsyncHelper helper)1029         public void setAsyncHelper(MediaEncoderAsyncHelper helper) {
1030             mHelper = helper;
1031         }
1033         @Override
run()1034         public void run() {
1035             Looper.prepare();
1036             synchronized (mThreadEvent) {
1037                 mHandler = new Handler();
1038                 mThreadEvent.notify();
1039             }
1040             Looper.loop();
1041         }
runCallable(final Callable<?> callable)1043         private void runCallable(final Callable<?> callable) throws Exception {
1044             if (mAsync) {
1045                 final Exception[] exception = new Exception[1];
1046                 final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
1047                 mHandler.post( new Runnable() {
1048                     @Override
1049                     public void run() {
1050                         try {
1051                             callable.call();
1052                         } catch (Exception e) {
1053                             exception[0] = e;
1054                         } finally {
1055                             countDownLatch.countDown();
1056                         }
1057                     }
1058                 } );
1060                 // Wait for task completion
1061                 countDownLatch.await();
1062                 if (exception[0] != null) {
1063                     throw exception[0];
1064                 }
1065             } else {
1066                 callable.call();
1067             }
1068         }
requestStop()1070         private synchronized void requestStop() throws Exception {
1071             mHandler.post( new Runnable() {
1072                 @Override
1073                 public void run() {
1074                     // This will run on the Looper thread
1075                     Log.v(TAG, "MediaEncoder looper quitting");
1076                     Looper.myLooper().quitSafely();
1077                 }
1078             } );
1079             // Wait for completion
1080             join();
1081             mHandler = null;
1082         }
createCodecInternal(final String name, final MediaFormat format, final long timeout, boolean useNdk)1084         private void createCodecInternal(final String name,
1085                 final MediaFormat format, final long timeout, boolean useNdk) throws Exception {
1086             mBufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
1087             mFrameRate = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE);
1088             mTimeout = timeout;
1089             mInputFrameIndex = 0;
1090             mOutputFrameIndex = 0;
1091             mInPresentationTimeUs = 0;
1092             mOutPresentationTimeUs = 0;
1094             if (useNdk) {
1095                 mCodec = new NdkMediaCodec(name);
1096             } else {
1097                 mCodec = new SdkMediaCodec(MediaCodec.createByCodecName(name), mAsync);
1098             }
1099             if (mAsync) {
1100                 mCodec.setCallback(mCallback);
1101             }
1102             mCodec.configure(format, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE);
1103             mCodec.start();
1105             // get the cached input/output only in sync mode
1106             if (!mAsync) {
1107                 mInputBuffers = mCodec.getInputBuffers();
1108                 mOutputBuffers = mCodec.getOutputBuffers();
1109             }
1110         }
createCodec(int id, final String name, final MediaFormat format, final long timeout, boolean async, final boolean useNdk)1112         public void createCodec(int id, final String name, final MediaFormat format,
1113                 final long timeout, boolean async, final boolean useNdk)  throws Exception {
1114             mId = id;
1115             mAsync = async;
1116             if (mAsync) {
1117                 requestStart(); // start looper thread
1118             }
1119             runCallable( new Callable<Void>() {
1120                 @Override
1121                 public Void call() throws Exception {
1122                     createCodecInternal(name, format, timeout, useNdk);
1123                     return null;
1124                 }
1125             } );
1126         }
feedInputInternal(final byte[] encFrame, final boolean inputEOS)1128         private void feedInputInternal(final byte[] encFrame, final boolean inputEOS) {
1129             mConsumedInput = false;
1130             // Feed input
1131             mInputBufIndex = mCodec.dequeueInputBuffer(mTimeout);
1133             if (mInputBufIndex >= 0) {
1134                 ByteBuffer inputBuffer = mCodec.getInputBuffer(mInputBufIndex);
1135                 inputBuffer.clear();
1136                 inputBuffer.put(encFrame);
1137                 inputBuffer.rewind();
1138                 int encFrameLength = encFrame.length;
1139                 int flags = 0;
1140                 if (inputEOS) {
1141                     encFrameLength = 0;
1142                     flags = MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM;
1143                 }
1144                 if (!inputEOS) {
1145                     Log.v(TAG, "Enc" + mId + ". Frame in # " + mInputFrameIndex +
1146                             ". InTime: " + (mInPresentationTimeUs + 500)/1000);
1147                     mInPresentationTimeUs = (mInputFrameIndex * 1000000) / mFrameRate;
1148                     mInputFrameIndex++;
1149                 }
1151                 mCodec.queueInputBuffer(
1152                         mInputBufIndex,
1153                         0,  // offset
1154                         encFrameLength,  // size
1155                         mInPresentationTimeUs,
1156                         flags);
1158                 mConsumedInput = true;
1159             } else {
1160                 Log.v(TAG, "In " + mId + " - TRY_AGAIN_LATER");
1161             }
1162             mCallbackReceived = false;
1163         }
feedInput(final byte[] encFrame, final boolean inputEOS)1165         public boolean feedInput(final byte[] encFrame, final boolean inputEOS) throws Exception {
1166             runCallable( new Callable<Void>() {
1167                 @Override
1168                 public Void call() throws Exception {
1169                     feedInputInternal(encFrame, inputEOS);
1170                     return null;
1171                 }
1172             } );
1173             return mConsumedInput;
1174         }
getOutputInternal()1176         private void getOutputInternal() {
1177             mOutput = new MediaEncoderOutput();
1178             mOutput.inPresentationTimeUs = mInPresentationTimeUs;
1179             mOutput.outPresentationTimeUs = mOutPresentationTimeUs;
1180             mOutput.outputGenerated = false;
1182             // Get output from the encoder
1183             int result = mCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, mTimeout);
1184             while (result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED ||
1185                     result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
1186                 if (result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
1187                     mOutputBuffers = mCodec.getOutputBuffers();
1188                 } else if (result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
1189                     Log.d(TAG, "Format changed: " + mCodec.getOutputFormatString());
1190                 }
1191                 result = mCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, mTimeout);
1192             }
1193             if (result == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
1194                 Log.v(TAG, "Out " + mId + " - TRY_AGAIN_LATER");
1195             }
1197             if (result >= 0) {
1198                 int outputBufIndex = result;
1199                 mOutput.buffer = new byte[mBufferInfo.size];
1200                 ByteBuffer outputBuffer = mCodec.getOutputBuffer(outputBufIndex);
1201                 outputBuffer.position(mBufferInfo.offset);
1202                 outputBuffer.get(mOutput.buffer, 0, mBufferInfo.size);
1203                 mOutPresentationTimeUs = mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
1205                 String logStr = "Enc" + mId + ". Frame # " + mOutputFrameIndex;
1206                 if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
1207                     logStr += " CONFIG. ";
1208                 }
1209                 if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME) != 0) {
1210                     logStr += " KEY. ";
1211                     if (!mInitialSyncFrameReceived) {
1212                         mInitialSyncFrameReceived = true;
1213                     }
1214                 }
1215                 if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
1216                     logStr += " EOS. ";
1217                 }
1218                 logStr += " Size: " + mBufferInfo.size;
1219                 logStr += ". InTime: " + (mInPresentationTimeUs + 500)/1000 +
1220                         ". OutTime: " + (mOutPresentationTimeUs + 500)/1000;
1221                 Log.v(TAG, logStr);
1223                 if (!mInitialSyncFrameReceived
1224                         && (mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) == 0) {
1225                     throw new RuntimeException("Non codec_config_frame before first sync.");
1226                 }
1228                 if (mBufferInfo.size > 0) {
1229                     mOutputFrameIndex++;
1230                     mOutput.outPresentationTimeUs = mOutPresentationTimeUs;
1231                 }
1232                 mCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufIndex, false);
1234                 mOutput.flags = mBufferInfo.flags;
1235                 mOutput.outputGenerated = true;
1236             }
1237             mCallbackReceived = false;
1238         }
getOutput()1240         public MediaEncoderOutput getOutput() throws Exception {
1241             runCallable( new Callable<Void>() {
1242                 @Override
1243                 public Void call() throws Exception {
1244                     getOutputInternal();
1245                     return null;
1246                 }
1247             } );
1248             return mOutput;
1249         }
forceSyncFrame()1251         public void forceSyncFrame() throws Exception {
1252             final Bundle syncFrame = new Bundle();
1253             syncFrame.putInt(MediaCodec.PARAMETER_KEY_REQUEST_SYNC_FRAME, 0);
1254             runCallable( new Callable<Void>() {
1255                 @Override
1256                 public Void call() throws Exception {
1257                     mCodec.setParameters(syncFrame);
1258                     return null;
1259                 }
1260             } );
1261         }
updateBitrate(int bitrate)1263         public void updateBitrate(int bitrate) throws Exception {
1264             final Bundle bitrateUpdate = new Bundle();
1265             bitrateUpdate.putInt(MediaCodec.PARAMETER_KEY_VIDEO_BITRATE, bitrate);
1266             runCallable( new Callable<Void>() {
1267                 @Override
1268                 public Void call() throws Exception {
1269                     mCodec.setParameters(bitrateUpdate);
1270                     return null;
1271                 }
1272             } );
1273         }
waitForBufferEvent()1276         public void waitForBufferEvent() throws Exception {
1277             Log.v(TAG, "----Enc" + mId + " waiting for bufferEvent");
1278             if (mAsync) {
1279                 synchronized (mCallbackEvent) {
1280                     if (!mCallbackReceived) {
1281                         mCallbackEvent.wait(1000); // wait 1 sec for a callback
1282                         // throw an exception if callback was not received
1283                         if (!mCallbackReceived) {
1284                             throw new RuntimeException("MediaCodec callback was not received");
1285                         }
1286                     }
1287                 }
1288             } else {
1289                 Thread.sleep(5);
1290             }
1291             Log.v(TAG, "----Waiting for bufferEvent done");
1292         }
waitForCompletion(long timeoutMs)1295         public void waitForCompletion(long timeoutMs) throws Exception {
1296             synchronized (mCompletionEvent) {
1297                 long timeoutExpiredMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
1299                 while (!mCompleted) {
1300                     mCompletionEvent.wait(timeoutExpiredMs - System.currentTimeMillis());
1301                     if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= timeoutExpiredMs) {
1302                         throw new RuntimeException("encoding has timed out!");
1303                     }
1304                 }
1305             }
1306         }
signalCompletion()1308         public void signalCompletion() {
1309             synchronized (mCompletionEvent) {
1310                 mCompleted = true;
1311                 mCompletionEvent.notify();
1312             }
1313         }
deleteCodec()1315         public void deleteCodec() throws Exception {
1316             runCallable( new Callable<Void>() {
1317                 @Override
1318                 public Void call() throws Exception {
1319                     mCodec.stop();
1320                     mCodec.release();
1321                     return null;
1322                 }
1323             } );
1324             if (mAsync) {
1325                 requestStop(); // Stop looper thread
1326             }
1327         }
1328     }
1330     /**
1331      * @see #encode(EncoderOutputStreamParameters, ArrayList<ByteBuffer>)
1332      */
encode( EncoderOutputStreamParameters streamParams)1333     protected ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> encode(
1334             EncoderOutputStreamParameters streamParams) throws Exception {
1335         return encode(streamParams, new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>());
1336     }
1338     /**
1339      * Video encoding loop supporting encoding single streams with an option
1340      * to run in a looper thread and use buffer ready notification callbacks.
1341      *
1342      * Output stream is described by encodingParams parameters.
1343      *
1344      * MediaCodec will raise an IllegalStateException
1345      * whenever video encoder fails to encode a frame.
1346      *
1347      * Color format of input file should be YUV420, and frameWidth,
1348      * frameHeight should be supplied correctly as raw input file doesn't
1349      * include any header data.
1350      *
1351      * @param streamParams  Structure with encoder parameters
1352      * @param codecConfigs  List to be filled with codec config buffers
1353      * @return              Returns array of encoded frames information for each frame.
1354      */
encode( EncoderOutputStreamParameters streamParams, ArrayList<ByteBuffer> codecConfigs)1355     protected ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> encode(
1356             EncoderOutputStreamParameters streamParams,
1357             ArrayList<ByteBuffer> codecConfigs) throws Exception {
1359         ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos = new ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>();
1360         Log.d(TAG, "Source resolution: "+streamParams.frameWidth + " x " +
1361                 streamParams.frameHeight);
1362         int bitrate = streamParams.bitrateSet[0];
1364         // Create minimal media format signifying desired output.
1365         MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(
1366                 streamParams.codecMimeType, streamParams.frameWidth,
1367                 streamParams.frameHeight);
1368         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, bitrate);
1369         CodecProperties properties = getVideoCodecProperties(
1370                 true, format, streamParams.forceGoogleEncoder);
1371         if (properties == null) {
1372             return null;
1373         }
1375         // Open input/output
1376         InputStream yuvStream = OpenFileOrResource(
1377                 streamParams.inputYuvFilename, streamParams.inputResource);
1378         IvfWriter ivf = new IvfWriter(
1379                 streamParams.outputIvfFilename, streamParams.codecMimeType,
1380                 streamParams.frameWidth, streamParams.frameHeight);
1382         // Create a media format signifying desired output.
1383         if (streamParams.bitrateType == VIDEO_ControlRateConstant) {
1384             format.setInteger("bitrate-mode", VIDEO_ControlRateConstant); // set CBR
1385         }
1386         if (streamParams.temporalLayers > 0) {
1387             format.setInteger("ts-layers", streamParams.temporalLayers); // 1 temporal layer
1388         }
1389         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, properties.colorFormat);
1390         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, streamParams.frameRate);
1391         int syncFrameInterval = (streamParams.syncFrameInterval + streamParams.frameRate/2) /
1392                 streamParams.frameRate;
1393         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, syncFrameInterval);
1395         // Create encoder
1396         Log.d(TAG, "Creating encoder " + properties.codecName +
1397                 ". Color format: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(properties.colorFormat)+ " : " +
1398                 streamParams.frameWidth + " x " + streamParams.frameHeight +
1399                 ". Bitrate: " + bitrate + " Bitrate type: " + streamParams.bitrateType +
1400                 ". Fps:" + streamParams.frameRate + ". TS Layers: " + streamParams.temporalLayers +
1401                 ". Key frame:" + syncFrameInterval * streamParams.frameRate +
1402                 ". Force keyFrame: " + streamParams.syncForceFrameInterval);
1403         Log.d(TAG, "  Format: " + format);
1404         Log.d(TAG, "  Output ivf:" + streamParams.outputIvfFilename);
1405         MediaEncoderAsync codec = new MediaEncoderAsync();
1406         codec.createCodec(0, properties.codecName, format,
1407                 streamParams.timeoutDequeue, streamParams.runInLooperThread, streamParams.useNdk);
1409         // encode loop
1410         boolean sawInputEOS = false;  // no more data
1411         boolean consumedInputEOS = false; // EOS flag is consumed dy encoder
1412         boolean sawOutputEOS = false;
1413         boolean inputConsumed = true;
1414         int inputFrameIndex = 0;
1415         int lastBitrate = bitrate;
1416         int srcFrameSize = streamParams.frameWidth * streamParams.frameHeight * 3 / 2;
1417         byte[] srcFrame = new byte[srcFrameSize];
1419         while (!sawOutputEOS) {
1421             // Read and feed input frame
1422             if (!consumedInputEOS) {
1424                 // Read new input buffers - if previous input was consumed and no EOS
1425                 if (inputConsumed && !sawInputEOS) {
1426                     int bytesRead = yuvStream.read(srcFrame);
1428                     // Check EOS
1429                     if (streamParams.frameCount > 0 && inputFrameIndex >= streamParams.frameCount) {
1430                         sawInputEOS = true;
1431                         Log.d(TAG, "---Sending EOS empty frame for frame # " + inputFrameIndex);
1432                     }
1434                     if (!sawInputEOS && bytesRead == -1) {
1435                         if (streamParams.frameCount == 0) {
1436                             sawInputEOS = true;
1437                             Log.d(TAG, "---Sending EOS empty frame for frame # " + inputFrameIndex);
1438                         } else {
1439                             yuvStream.close();
1440                             yuvStream = OpenFileOrResource(
1441                                     streamParams.inputYuvFilename, streamParams.inputResource);
1442                             bytesRead = yuvStream.read(srcFrame);
1443                         }
1444                     }
1446                     // Force sync frame if syncForceFrameinterval is set.
1447                     if (!sawInputEOS && inputFrameIndex > 0 &&
1448                             streamParams.syncForceFrameInterval > 0 &&
1449                             (inputFrameIndex % streamParams.syncForceFrameInterval) == 0) {
1450                         Log.d(TAG, "---Requesting sync frame # " + inputFrameIndex);
1451                         codec.forceSyncFrame();
1452                     }
1454                     // Dynamic bitrate change.
1455                     if (!sawInputEOS && streamParams.bitrateSet.length > inputFrameIndex) {
1456                         int newBitrate = streamParams.bitrateSet[inputFrameIndex];
1457                         if (newBitrate != lastBitrate) {
1458                             Log.d(TAG, "--- Requesting new bitrate " + newBitrate +
1459                                     " for frame " + inputFrameIndex);
1460                             codec.updateBitrate(newBitrate);
1461                             lastBitrate = newBitrate;
1462                         }
1463                     }
1465                     // Convert YUV420 to NV12 if necessary
1466                     if (properties.colorFormat != CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
1467                         srcFrame = YUV420ToNV(streamParams.frameWidth, streamParams.frameHeight,
1468                                 srcFrame);
1469                     }
1470                 }
1472                 inputConsumed = codec.feedInput(srcFrame, sawInputEOS);
1473                 if (inputConsumed) {
1474                     inputFrameIndex++;
1475                     consumedInputEOS = sawInputEOS;
1476                 }
1477             }
1479             // Get output from the encoder
1480             MediaEncoderOutput out = codec.getOutput();
1481             if (out.outputGenerated) {
1482                 // Detect output EOS
1483                 if ((out.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
1484                     Log.d(TAG, "----Output EOS ");
1485                     sawOutputEOS = true;
1486                 }
1487                 if ((out.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
1488                     Log.d(TAG, "Storing codec config separately");
1489                     ByteBuffer csdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(out.buffer.length).put(out.buffer);
1490                     csdBuffer.rewind();
1491                     codecConfigs.add(csdBuffer);
1492                     out.buffer = new byte[0];
1493                 }
1495                 if (out.buffer.length > 0) {
1496                     // Save frame
1497                     ivf.writeFrame(out.buffer, out.outPresentationTimeUs);
1499                     // Update statistics - store presentation time delay in offset
1500                     long presentationTimeUsDelta = out.inPresentationTimeUs -
1501                             out.outPresentationTimeUs;
1502                     MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfoCopy = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
1503                     bufferInfoCopy.set((int)presentationTimeUsDelta, out.buffer.length,
1504                             out.outPresentationTimeUs, out.flags);
1505                     bufferInfos.add(bufferInfoCopy);
1506                 }
1507             }
1509             // If codec is not ready to accept input/poutput - wait for buffer ready callback
1510             if ((!inputConsumed || consumedInputEOS) && !out.outputGenerated) {
1511                 codec.waitForBufferEvent();
1512             }
1513         }
1515         codec.deleteCodec();
1516         ivf.close();
1517         yuvStream.close();
1519         return bufferInfos;
1520     }
1522     /**
1523      * Video encoding run in a looper thread and use buffer ready callbacks.
1524      *
1525      * Output stream is described by encodingParams parameters.
1526      *
1527      * MediaCodec will raise an IllegalStateException
1528      * whenever video encoder fails to encode a frame.
1529      *
1530      * Color format of input file should be YUV420, and frameWidth,
1531      * frameHeight should be supplied correctly as raw input file doesn't
1532      * include any header data.
1533      *
1534      * @param streamParams  Structure with encoder parameters
1535      * @param codecConfigs  List to be filled with codec config buffers
1536      * @return              Returns array of encoded frames information for each frame.
1537      */
encodeAsync( EncoderOutputStreamParameters streamParams, ArrayList<ByteBuffer> codecConfigs)1538     protected ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> encodeAsync(
1539             EncoderOutputStreamParameters streamParams,
1540             ArrayList<ByteBuffer> codecConfigs) throws Exception {
1541         if (!streamParams.runInLooperThread) {
1542             throw new RuntimeException("encodeAsync should run with a looper thread!");
1543         }
1545         ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos = new ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>();
1546         Log.d(TAG, "Source resolution: "+streamParams.frameWidth + " x " +
1547                 streamParams.frameHeight);
1548         int bitrate = streamParams.bitrateSet[0];
1550         // Create minimal media format signifying desired output.
1551         MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(
1552                 streamParams.codecMimeType, streamParams.frameWidth,
1553                 streamParams.frameHeight);
1554         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, bitrate);
1555         CodecProperties properties = getVideoCodecProperties(
1556                 true, format, streamParams.forceGoogleEncoder);
1557         if (properties == null) {
1558             return null;
1559         }
1561         // Open input/output
1562         IvfWriter ivf = new IvfWriter(
1563                 streamParams.outputIvfFilename, streamParams.codecMimeType,
1564                 streamParams.frameWidth, streamParams.frameHeight);
1566         // Create a media format signifying desired output.
1567         if (streamParams.bitrateType == VIDEO_ControlRateConstant) {
1568             format.setInteger("bitrate-mode", VIDEO_ControlRateConstant); // set CBR
1569         }
1570         if (streamParams.temporalLayers > 0) {
1571             format.setInteger("ts-layers", streamParams.temporalLayers); // 1 temporal layer
1572         }
1573         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, properties.colorFormat);
1574         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, streamParams.frameRate);
1575         int syncFrameInterval = (streamParams.syncFrameInterval + streamParams.frameRate/2) /
1576                 streamParams.frameRate;
1577         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, syncFrameInterval);
1579         // Create encoder
1580         Log.d(TAG, "Creating encoder " + properties.codecName +
1581                 ". Color format: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(properties.colorFormat)+ " : " +
1582                 streamParams.frameWidth + " x " + streamParams.frameHeight +
1583                 ". Bitrate: " + bitrate + " Bitrate type: " + streamParams.bitrateType +
1584                 ". Fps:" + streamParams.frameRate + ". TS Layers: " + streamParams.temporalLayers +
1585                 ". Key frame:" + syncFrameInterval * streamParams.frameRate +
1586                 ". Force keyFrame: " + streamParams.syncForceFrameInterval);
1587         Log.d(TAG, "  Format: " + format);
1588         Log.d(TAG, "  Output ivf:" + streamParams.outputIvfFilename);
1590         MediaEncoderAsync codec = new MediaEncoderAsync();
1591         MediaEncoderAsyncHelper helper = new MediaEncoderAsyncHelper(
1592                 streamParams, properties, bufferInfos, ivf, codecConfigs);
1594         codec.setAsyncHelper(helper);
1595         codec.createCodec(0, properties.codecName, format,
1596                 streamParams.timeoutDequeue, streamParams.runInLooperThread, streamParams.useNdk);
1597         codec.waitForCompletion(DEFAULT_ENCODE_TIMEOUT_MS);
1599         codec.deleteCodec();
1600         ivf.close();
1602         return bufferInfos;
1603     }
1605     /**
1606      * Video encoding loop supporting encoding multiple streams at a time.
1607      * Each output stream is described by encodingParams parameters allowing
1608      * simultaneous encoding of various resolutions, bitrates with an option to
1609      * control key frame and dynamic bitrate for each output stream indepandently.
1610      *
1611      * MediaCodec will raise an IllegalStateException
1612      * whenever video encoder fails to encode a frame.
1613      *
1614      * Color format of input file should be YUV420, and frameWidth,
1615      * frameHeight should be supplied correctly as raw input file doesn't
1616      * include any header data.
1617      *
1618      * @param srcFrameWidth     Frame width of input yuv file
1619      * @param srcFrameHeight    Frame height of input yuv file
1620      * @param encodingParams    Encoder parameters
1621      * @param codecConfigs      List to be filled with codec config buffers
1622      * @return                  Returns 2D array of encoded frames information for each stream and
1623      *                          for each frame.
1624      */
encodeSimulcast( int srcFrameWidth, int srcFrameHeight, ArrayList<EncoderOutputStreamParameters> encodingParams, ArrayList<ArrayList<ByteBuffer>> codecConfigs)1625     protected ArrayList<ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>> encodeSimulcast(
1626             int srcFrameWidth,
1627             int srcFrameHeight,
1628             ArrayList<EncoderOutputStreamParameters> encodingParams,
1629             ArrayList<ArrayList<ByteBuffer>> codecConfigs) throws Exception {
1630         int numEncoders = encodingParams.size();
1632         // Create arrays of input/output, formats, bitrates etc
1633         ArrayList<ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>> bufferInfos =
1634                 new ArrayList<ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>>(numEncoders);
1635         InputStream yuvStream[] = new InputStream[numEncoders];
1636         IvfWriter[] ivf = new IvfWriter[numEncoders];
1637         FileOutputStream[] yuvScaled = new FileOutputStream[numEncoders];
1638         MediaFormat[] format = new MediaFormat[numEncoders];
1639         MediaEncoderAsync[] codec = new MediaEncoderAsync[numEncoders];
1640         int[] inputFrameIndex = new int[numEncoders];
1641         boolean[] sawInputEOS = new boolean[numEncoders];
1642         boolean[] consumedInputEOS = new boolean[numEncoders];
1643         boolean[] inputConsumed = new boolean[numEncoders];
1644         boolean[] bufferConsumed = new boolean[numEncoders];
1645         boolean[] sawOutputEOS = new boolean[numEncoders];
1646         byte[][] srcFrame = new byte[numEncoders][];
1647         boolean sawOutputEOSTotal = false;
1648         boolean bufferConsumedTotal = false;
1649         CodecProperties[] codecProperties = new CodecProperties[numEncoders];
1651         numEncoders = 0;
1652         for (EncoderOutputStreamParameters params : encodingParams) {
1653             int i = numEncoders;
1654             Log.d(TAG, "Source resolution: " + params.frameWidth + " x " +
1655                     params.frameHeight);
1656             int bitrate = params.bitrateSet[0];
1658             // Create minimal media format signifying desired output.
1659             format[i] = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(
1660                     params.codecMimeType, params.frameWidth,
1661                     params.frameHeight);
1662             format[i].setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, bitrate);
1663             CodecProperties properties = getVideoCodecProperties(
1664                     true, format[i], params.forceGoogleEncoder);
1665             if (properties == null) {
1666                 continue;
1667             }
1669             // Check if scaled image was created
1670             int scale = params.frameWidth / srcFrameWidth;
1671             if (!mScaledImages.contains(scale)) {
1672                 // resize image
1673                 cacheScaledImage(params.inputYuvFilename, params.inputResource,
1674                         srcFrameWidth, srcFrameHeight,
1675                         params.scaledYuvFilename, params.frameWidth, params.frameHeight);
1676                 mScaledImages.add(scale);
1677             }
1679             // Create buffer info storage
1680             bufferInfos.add(new ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>());
1682             // Create YUV reader
1683             yuvStream[i] = new FileInputStream(params.scaledYuvFilename);
1685             // Create IVF writer
1686             ivf[i] = new IvfWriter(
1687                     params.outputIvfFilename, params.codecMimeType,
1688                     params.frameWidth, params.frameHeight);
1690             // Frame buffer
1691             int frameSize = params.frameWidth * params.frameHeight * 3 / 2;
1692             srcFrame[i] = new byte[frameSize];
1694             // Create a media format signifying desired output.
1695             if (params.bitrateType == VIDEO_ControlRateConstant) {
1696                 format[i].setInteger("bitrate-mode", VIDEO_ControlRateConstant); // set CBR
1697             }
1698             if (params.temporalLayers > 0) {
1699                 format[i].setInteger("ts-layers", params.temporalLayers); // 1 temporal layer
1700             }
1701             format[i].setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, properties.colorFormat);
1702             format[i].setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, params.frameRate);
1703             int syncFrameInterval = (params.syncFrameInterval + params.frameRate/2) /
1704                     params.frameRate; // in sec
1705             format[i].setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, syncFrameInterval);
1706             // Create encoder
1707             Log.d(TAG, "Creating encoder #" + i +" : " + properties.codecName +
1708                     ". Color format: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(properties.colorFormat)+ " : " +
1709                     params.frameWidth + " x " + params.frameHeight +
1710                     ". Bitrate: " + bitrate + " Bitrate type: " + params.bitrateType +
1711                     ". Fps:" + params.frameRate + ". TS Layers: " + params.temporalLayers +
1712                     ". Key frame:" + syncFrameInterval * params.frameRate +
1713                     ". Force keyFrame: " + params.syncForceFrameInterval);
1714             Log.d(TAG, "  Format: " + format[i]);
1715             Log.d(TAG, "  Output ivf:" + params.outputIvfFilename);
1717             // Create encoder
1718             codec[i] = new MediaEncoderAsync();
1719             codec[i].createCodec(i, properties.codecName, format[i],
1720                     params.timeoutDequeue, params.runInLooperThread, params.useNdk);
1721             codecProperties[i] = new CodecProperties(properties.codecName, properties.colorFormat);
1723             inputConsumed[i] = true;
1724             ++numEncoders;
1725         }
1726         if (numEncoders == 0) {
1727             Log.i(TAG, "no suitable encoders found for any of the streams");
1728             return null;
1729         }
1731         while (!sawOutputEOSTotal) {
1732             // Feed input buffer to all encoders
1733             for (int i = 0; i < numEncoders; i++) {
1734                 bufferConsumed[i] = false;
1735                 if (consumedInputEOS[i]) {
1736                     continue;
1737                 }
1739                 EncoderOutputStreamParameters params = encodingParams.get(i);
1740                 // Read new input buffers - if previous input was consumed and no EOS
1741                 if (inputConsumed[i] && !sawInputEOS[i]) {
1742                     int bytesRead = yuvStream[i].read(srcFrame[i]);
1744                     // Check EOS
1745                     if (params.frameCount > 0 && inputFrameIndex[i] >= params.frameCount) {
1746                         sawInputEOS[i] = true;
1747                         Log.d(TAG, "---Enc" + i +
1748                                 ". Sending EOS empty frame for frame # " + inputFrameIndex[i]);
1749                     }
1751                     if (!sawInputEOS[i] && bytesRead == -1) {
1752                         if (params.frameCount == 0) {
1753                             sawInputEOS[i] = true;
1754                             Log.d(TAG, "---Enc" + i +
1755                                     ". Sending EOS empty frame for frame # " + inputFrameIndex[i]);
1756                         } else {
1757                             yuvStream[i].close();
1758                             yuvStream[i] = new FileInputStream(params.scaledYuvFilename);
1759                             bytesRead = yuvStream[i].read(srcFrame[i]);
1760                         }
1761                     }
1763                     // Convert YUV420 to NV12 if necessary
1764                     if (codecProperties[i].colorFormat !=
1765                             CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
1766                         srcFrame[i] =
1767                             YUV420ToNV(params.frameWidth, params.frameHeight, srcFrame[i]);
1768                     }
1769                 }
1771                 inputConsumed[i] = codec[i].feedInput(srcFrame[i], sawInputEOS[i]);
1772                 if (inputConsumed[i]) {
1773                     inputFrameIndex[i]++;
1774                     consumedInputEOS[i] = sawInputEOS[i];
1775                     bufferConsumed[i] = true;
1776                 }
1778             }
1780             // Get output from all encoders
1781             for (int i = 0; i < numEncoders; i++) {
1782                 if (sawOutputEOS[i]) {
1783                     continue;
1784                 }
1786                 MediaEncoderOutput out = codec[i].getOutput();
1787                 if (out.outputGenerated) {
1788                     bufferConsumed[i] = true;
1789                     // Detect output EOS
1790                     if ((out.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
1791                         Log.d(TAG, "----Enc" + i + ". Output EOS ");
1792                         sawOutputEOS[i] = true;
1793                     }
1794                     if ((out.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
1795                         Log.d(TAG, "----Enc" + i + ". Storing codec config separately");
1796                         ByteBuffer csdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(out.buffer.length).put(out.buffer);
1797                         csdBuffer.rewind();
1798                         codecConfigs.get(i).add(csdBuffer);
1799                         out.buffer = new byte[0];
1800                     }
1802                     if (out.buffer.length > 0) {
1803                         // Save frame
1804                         ivf[i].writeFrame(out.buffer, out.outPresentationTimeUs);
1806                         // Update statistics - store presentation time delay in offset
1807                         long presentationTimeUsDelta = out.inPresentationTimeUs -
1808                                 out.outPresentationTimeUs;
1809                         MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfoCopy = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
1810                         bufferInfoCopy.set((int)presentationTimeUsDelta, out.buffer.length,
1811                                 out.outPresentationTimeUs, out.flags);
1812                         bufferInfos.get(i).add(bufferInfoCopy);
1813                     }
1814                 }
1815             }
1817             // If codec is not ready to accept input/output - wait for buffer ready callback
1818             bufferConsumedTotal = false;
1819             for (boolean bufferConsumedCurrent : bufferConsumed) {
1820                 bufferConsumedTotal |= bufferConsumedCurrent;
1821             }
1822             if (!bufferConsumedTotal) {
1823                 // Pick the encoder to wait for
1824                 for (int i = 0; i < numEncoders; i++) {
1825                     if (!bufferConsumed[i] && !sawOutputEOS[i]) {
1826                         codec[i].waitForBufferEvent();
1827                         break;
1828                     }
1829                 }
1830             }
1832             // Check if EOS happened for all encoders
1833             sawOutputEOSTotal = true;
1834             for (boolean sawOutputEOSStream : sawOutputEOS) {
1835                 sawOutputEOSTotal &= sawOutputEOSStream;
1836             }
1837         }
1839         for (int i = 0; i < numEncoders; i++) {
1840             codec[i].deleteCodec();
1841             ivf[i].close();
1842             yuvStream[i].close();
1843             if (yuvScaled[i] != null) {
1844                 yuvScaled[i].close();
1845             }
1846         }
1848         return bufferInfos;
1849     }
1851     /**
1852      * Some encoding statistics.
1853      */
1854     protected class VideoEncodingStatistics {
VideoEncodingStatistics()1855         VideoEncodingStatistics() {
1856             mBitrates = new ArrayList<Integer>();
1857             mFrames = new ArrayList<Integer>();
1858             mKeyFrames = new ArrayList<Integer>();
1859             mMinimumKeyFrameInterval = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
1860         }
1862         public ArrayList<Integer> mBitrates;// Bitrate values for each second of the encoded stream.
1863         public ArrayList<Integer> mFrames; // Number of frames in each second of the encoded stream.
1864         public int mAverageBitrate;         // Average stream bitrate.
1865         public ArrayList<Integer> mKeyFrames;// Stores the position of key frames in a stream.
1866         public int mAverageKeyFrameInterval; // Average key frame interval.
1867         public int mMaximumKeyFrameInterval; // Maximum key frame interval.
1868         public int mMinimumKeyFrameInterval; // Minimum key frame interval.
1869     }
1871     /**
1872      * Calculates average bitrate and key frame interval for the encoded streams.
1873      * Output mBitrates field will contain bitrate values for every second
1874      * of the encoded stream.
1875      * Average stream bitrate will be stored in mAverageBitrate field.
1876      * mKeyFrames array will contain the position of key frames in the encoded stream and
1877      * mKeyFrameInterval - average key frame interval.
1878      */
computeEncodingStatistics(int encoderId, ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos )1879     protected VideoEncodingStatistics computeEncodingStatistics(int encoderId,
1880             ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos ) {
1881         VideoEncodingStatistics statistics = new VideoEncodingStatistics();
1883         int totalSize = 0;
1884         int frames = 0;
1885         int framesPerSecond = 0;
1886         int totalFrameSizePerSecond = 0;
1887         int maxFrameSize = 0;
1888         int currentSecond;
1889         int nextSecond = 0;
1890         String keyFrameList = "  IFrame List: ";
1891         String bitrateList = "  Bitrate list: ";
1892         String framesList = "  FPS list: ";
1895         for (int j = 0; j < bufferInfos.size(); j++) {
1896             MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = bufferInfos.get(j);
1897             currentSecond = (int)(info.presentationTimeUs / 1000000);
1898             boolean lastFrame = (j == bufferInfos.size() - 1);
1899             if (!lastFrame) {
1900                 nextSecond = (int)(bufferInfos.get(j+1).presentationTimeUs / 1000000);
1901             }
1903             totalSize += info.size;
1904             totalFrameSizePerSecond += info.size;
1905             maxFrameSize = Math.max(maxFrameSize, info.size);
1906             framesPerSecond++;
1907             frames++;
1909             // Update the bitrate statistics if the next frame will
1910             // be for the next second
1911             if (lastFrame || nextSecond > currentSecond) {
1912                 int currentBitrate = totalFrameSizePerSecond * 8;
1913                 bitrateList += (currentBitrate + " ");
1914                 framesList += (framesPerSecond + " ");
1915                 statistics.mBitrates.add(currentBitrate);
1916                 statistics.mFrames.add(framesPerSecond);
1917                 totalFrameSizePerSecond = 0;
1918                 framesPerSecond = 0;
1919             }
1921             // Update key frame statistics.
1922             if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME) != 0) {
1923                 statistics.mKeyFrames.add(j);
1924                 keyFrameList += (j + "  ");
1925             }
1926         }
1927         int duration = (int)(bufferInfos.get(bufferInfos.size() - 1).presentationTimeUs / 1000);
1928         duration = (duration + 500) / 1000;
1929         statistics.mAverageBitrate = (int)(((long)totalSize * 8) / duration);
1930         Log.d(TAG, "Statistics for encoder # " + encoderId);
1931         // Calculate average key frame interval in frames.
1932         int keyFrames = statistics.mKeyFrames.size();
1933         if (keyFrames > 1) {
1934             statistics.mAverageKeyFrameInterval =
1935                     statistics.mKeyFrames.get(keyFrames - 1) - statistics.mKeyFrames.get(0);
1936             statistics.mAverageKeyFrameInterval =
1937                     Math.round((float)statistics.mAverageKeyFrameInterval / (keyFrames - 1));
1938             for (int j = 1; j < keyFrames; j++) {
1939                 int keyFrameInterval =
1940                         statistics.mKeyFrames.get(j) - statistics.mKeyFrames.get(j - 1);
1941                 statistics.mMaximumKeyFrameInterval =
1942                         Math.max(statistics.mMaximumKeyFrameInterval, keyFrameInterval);
1943                 statistics.mMinimumKeyFrameInterval =
1944                         Math.min(statistics.mMinimumKeyFrameInterval, keyFrameInterval);
1945             }
1946             Log.d(TAG, "  Key frame intervals: Max: " + statistics.mMaximumKeyFrameInterval +
1947                     ". Min: " + statistics.mMinimumKeyFrameInterval +
1948                     ". Avg: " + statistics.mAverageKeyFrameInterval);
1949         }
1950         Log.d(TAG, "  Frames: " + frames + ". Duration: " + duration +
1951                 ". Total size: " + totalSize + ". Key frames: " + keyFrames);
1952         Log.d(TAG, keyFrameList);
1953         Log.d(TAG, bitrateList);
1954         Log.d(TAG, framesList);
1955         Log.d(TAG, "  Bitrate average: " + statistics.mAverageBitrate);
1956         Log.d(TAG, "  Maximum frame size: " + maxFrameSize);
1958         return statistics;
1959     }
computeEncodingStatistics( ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos )1961     protected VideoEncodingStatistics computeEncodingStatistics(
1962             ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos ) {
1963         return computeEncodingStatistics(0, bufferInfos);
1964     }
computeSimulcastEncodingStatistics( ArrayList<ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>> bufferInfos)1966     protected ArrayList<VideoEncodingStatistics> computeSimulcastEncodingStatistics(
1967             ArrayList<ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo>> bufferInfos) {
1968         int numCodecs = bufferInfos.size();
1969         ArrayList<VideoEncodingStatistics> statistics = new ArrayList<VideoEncodingStatistics>();
1971         for (int i = 0; i < numCodecs; i++) {
1972             VideoEncodingStatistics currentStatistics =
1973                     computeEncodingStatistics(i, bufferInfos.get(i));
1974             statistics.add(currentStatistics);
1975         }
1976         return statistics;
1977     }
1979     /**
1980      * Calculates maximum latency for encoder/decoder based on buffer info array
1981      * generated either by encoder or decoder.
1982      */
maxPresentationTimeDifference(ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos)1983     protected int maxPresentationTimeDifference(ArrayList<MediaCodec.BufferInfo> bufferInfos) {
1984         int maxValue = 0;
1985         for (MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo : bufferInfos) {
1986             maxValue = Math.max(maxValue,  bufferInfo.offset);
1987         }
1988         maxValue = (maxValue + 500) / 1000; // mcs -> ms
1989         return maxValue;
1990     }
1992     /**
1993      * Decoding PSNR statistics.
1994      */
1995     protected class VideoDecodingStatistics {
VideoDecodingStatistics()1996         VideoDecodingStatistics() {
1997             mMinimumPSNR = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
1998         }
1999         public double mAveragePSNR;
2000         public double mMinimumPSNR;
2001     }
2003     /**
2004      * Calculates PSNR value between two video frames.
2005      */
computePSNR(byte[] data0, byte[] data1)2006     private double computePSNR(byte[] data0, byte[] data1) {
2007         long squareError = 0;
2008         assertTrue(data0.length == data1.length);
2009         int length = data0.length;
2010         for (int i = 0 ; i < length; i++) {
2011             int diff = ((int)data0[i] & 0xff) - ((int)data1[i] & 0xff);
2012             squareError += diff * diff;
2013         }
2014         double meanSquareError = (double)squareError / length;
2015         double psnr = 10 * Math.log10((double)255 * 255 / meanSquareError);
2016         return psnr;
2017     }
2019     /**
2020      * Calculates average and minimum PSNR values between
2021      * set of reference and decoded video frames.
2022      * Runs PSNR calculation for the full duration of the decoded data.
2023      */
computeDecodingStatistics( String referenceYuvFilename, String referenceYuvRaw, String decodedYuvFilename, int width, int height)2024     protected VideoDecodingStatistics computeDecodingStatistics(
2025             String referenceYuvFilename,
2026             String referenceYuvRaw,
2027             String decodedYuvFilename,
2028             int width,
2029             int height) throws Exception {
2030         VideoDecodingStatistics statistics = new VideoDecodingStatistics();
2031         InputStream referenceStream =
2032                 OpenFileOrResource(referenceYuvFilename, referenceYuvRaw);
2033         InputStream decodedStream = new FileInputStream(decodedYuvFilename);
2035         int ySize = width * height;
2036         int uvSize = width * height / 4;
2037         byte[] yRef = new byte[ySize];
2038         byte[] yDec = new byte[ySize];
2039         byte[] uvRef = new byte[uvSize];
2040         byte[] uvDec = new byte[uvSize];
2042         int frames = 0;
2043         double averageYPSNR = 0;
2044         double averageUPSNR = 0;
2045         double averageVPSNR = 0;
2046         double minimumYPSNR = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
2047         double minimumUPSNR = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
2048         double minimumVPSNR = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
2049         int minimumPSNRFrameIndex = 0;
2051         while (true) {
2052             // Calculate Y PSNR.
2053             int bytesReadRef = referenceStream.read(yRef);
2054             int bytesReadDec = decodedStream.read(yDec);
2055             if (bytesReadDec == -1) {
2056                 break;
2057             }
2058             if (bytesReadRef == -1) {
2059                 // Reference file wrapping up
2060                 referenceStream.close();
2061                 referenceStream =
2062                         OpenFileOrResource(referenceYuvFilename, referenceYuvRaw);
2063                 bytesReadRef = referenceStream.read(yRef);
2064             }
2065             double curYPSNR = computePSNR(yRef, yDec);
2066             averageYPSNR += curYPSNR;
2067             minimumYPSNR = Math.min(minimumYPSNR, curYPSNR);
2068             double curMinimumPSNR = curYPSNR;
2070             // Calculate U PSNR.
2071             bytesReadRef = referenceStream.read(uvRef);
2072             bytesReadDec = decodedStream.read(uvDec);
2073             double curUPSNR = computePSNR(uvRef, uvDec);
2074             averageUPSNR += curUPSNR;
2075             minimumUPSNR = Math.min(minimumUPSNR, curUPSNR);
2076             curMinimumPSNR = Math.min(curMinimumPSNR, curUPSNR);
2078             // Calculate V PSNR.
2079             bytesReadRef = referenceStream.read(uvRef);
2080             bytesReadDec = decodedStream.read(uvDec);
2081             double curVPSNR = computePSNR(uvRef, uvDec);
2082             averageVPSNR += curVPSNR;
2083             minimumVPSNR = Math.min(minimumVPSNR, curVPSNR);
2084             curMinimumPSNR = Math.min(curMinimumPSNR, curVPSNR);
2086             // Frame index for minimum PSNR value - help to detect possible distortions
2087             if (curMinimumPSNR < statistics.mMinimumPSNR) {
2088                 statistics.mMinimumPSNR = curMinimumPSNR;
2089                 minimumPSNRFrameIndex = frames;
2090             }
2092             String logStr = String.format(Locale.US, "PSNR #%d: Y: %.2f. U: %.2f. V: %.2f",
2093                     frames, curYPSNR, curUPSNR, curVPSNR);
2094             Log.v(TAG, logStr);
2096             frames++;
2097         }
2099         averageYPSNR /= frames;
2100         averageUPSNR /= frames;
2101         averageVPSNR /= frames;
2102         statistics.mAveragePSNR = (4 * averageYPSNR + averageUPSNR + averageVPSNR) / 6;
2104         Log.d(TAG, "PSNR statistics for " + frames + " frames.");
2105         String logStr = String.format(Locale.US,
2106                 "Average PSNR: Y: %.1f. U: %.1f. V: %.1f. Average: %.1f",
2107                 averageYPSNR, averageUPSNR, averageVPSNR, statistics.mAveragePSNR);
2108         Log.d(TAG, logStr);
2109         logStr = String.format(Locale.US,
2110                 "Minimum PSNR: Y: %.1f. U: %.1f. V: %.1f. Overall: %.1f at frame %d",
2111                 minimumYPSNR, minimumUPSNR, minimumVPSNR,
2112                 statistics.mMinimumPSNR, minimumPSNRFrameIndex);
2113         Log.d(TAG, logStr);
2115         referenceStream.close();
2116         decodedStream.close();
2117         return statistics;
2118     }
2119 }