1# Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15import datetime
16import inspect
17import logging
18import json
20import endpoints
21from protorpc import messages
22from protorpc import remote
23from google.appengine.ext import ndb
25from webapp.src import vtslab_status as Status
26from webapp.src.proto import model
30COUNT_REQUEST_RESOURCE = endpoints.ResourceContainer(model.CountRequestMessage)
31GET_REQUEST_RESOURCE = endpoints.ResourceContainer(model.GetRequestMessage)
34class EndpointBase(remote.Service):
35    """A base class for endpoint implementation."""
37    def GetCommonAttributes(self, resource, reference):
38        """Gets a list of common attribute names.
40        This method finds the attributes assigned in 'resource' instance, and
41        filters out if the attributes are not a member of 'reference' class.
43        Args:
44            resource: either a protorpc.messages.Message instance,
45                      or a ndb.Model instance.
46            reference: either a protorpc.messages.Message class,
47                       or a ndb.Model class.
49        Returns:
50            a list of string, attribute names exist on resource and reference.
52        Raises:
53            ValueError if resource or reference is not supported class.
54        """
55        # check resource type and absorb list of assigned attributes.
56        resource_attrs = self.GetAttributes(resource, assigned_only=True)
57        reference_attrs = self.GetAttributes(reference)
58        return [x for x in resource_attrs if x in reference_attrs]
60    def GetAttributes(self, value, assigned_only=False):
61        """Gets a list of attributes.
63        Args:
64            value: a class instance or a class itself.
65            assigned_only: True to get only assigned attributes when value is
66                           an instance, False to get all attributes.
68        Raises:
69            ValueError if value is not supported class.
70        """
71        attrs = []
72        if inspect.isclass(value):
73            if assigned_only:
74                logging.warning(
75                    "Please use a class instance for 'resource' argument.")
77            if (issubclass(value, messages.Message)
78                    or issubclass(value, ndb.Model)):
79                attrs = [
80                    x[0] for x in value.__dict__.items()
81                    if not x[0].startswith("_")
82                ]
83            else:
84                raise ValueError("Only protorpc.messages.Message or ndb.Model "
85                                 "class are supported.")
86        else:
87            if isinstance(value, messages.Message):
88                attrs = [
89                    x.name for x in value.all_fields()
90                    if not assigned_only or (
91                        value.get_assigned_value(x.name) not in [None, []])
92                ]
93            elif isinstance(value, ndb.Model):
94                attrs = [
95                    x for x in list(value.to_dict())
96                    if not assigned_only or (
97                        getattr(value, x, None) not in [None, []])
98                ]
99            else:
100                raise ValueError("Only protorpc.messages.Message or ndb.Model "
101                                 "class are supported.")
103        return attrs
105    def Count(self, metaclass, filters=None):
106        """Counts entities from datastore with options.
108        Args:
109            metaclass: a metaclass for ndb model.
110            filters: a list of tuples. Each tuple consists of three values:
111                     key, method, and value.
113        Returns:
114            a number of entities.
115        """
116        query, _ = self.CreateQueryFilter(metaclass=metaclass, filters=filters)
117        return query.count()
119    def Fetch(self,
120              metaclass,
121              size,
122              offset=0,
123              filters=None,
124              sort_key="",
125              direction="asc"):
126        """Fetches entities from datastore with options.
128        Args:
129            metaclass: a metaclass for ndb model.
130            size: an integer, max number of entities to fetch at once.
131            offset: an integer, number of query results to skip.
132            filters: a list of filter tuple, a form of (key: string,
133                     method: integer, value: string).
134            sort_key: a string, key name to sort by.
135            direction: a string, "asc" for ascending order and "desc" for
136                       descending order.
138        Returns:
139            a list of fetched entities.
140            a boolean, True if there is next page or False if not.
141        """
142        query, empty_repeated_field = self.CreateQueryFilter(
143            metaclass=metaclass, filters=filters)
144        sorted_query = self.SortQuery(
145            query=query,
146            metaclass=metaclass,
147            sort_key=sort_key,
148            direction=direction)
150        if size:
151            entities, _, more = sorted_query.fetch_page(
152                page_size=size, offset=offset)
153        else:
154            entities = sorted_query.fetch()
155            more = False
157        if empty_repeated_field:
158            entities = [
159                x for x in entities
160                if all([not getattr(x, attr) for attr in empty_repeated_field])
161            ]
163        return entities, more
165    def CreateQueryFilter(self, metaclass, filters):
166        """Creates a query with the given filters.
168        Args:
169            metaclass: a metaclass for ndb model.
170            filters: a list of tuples. Each tuple consists of three values:
171                     key, method, and value.
173        Returns:
174            a filtered query for the given metaclass.
175            a list of strings that failed to create the query due to its empty
176            value for the repeated property.
177        """
178        empty_repeated_field = []
179        query = metaclass.query()
180        if not filters:
181            return query, empty_repeated_field
183        for _filter in filters:
184            property_key = _filter["key"]
185            method = _filter["method"]
186            value = _filter["value"]
187            if type(value) is str or type(value) is unicode:
188                if isinstance(metaclass._properties[property_key],
189                              ndb.BooleanProperty):
190                    value = value.lower() in ("yes", "true", "1")
191                elif isinstance(metaclass._properties[property_key],
192                                ndb.IntegerProperty):
193                    value = int(value)
194            if metaclass._properties[property_key]._repeated:
195                if value:
196                    value = [value]
197                    if method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[Status.FILTER_Has]:
198                        query = query.filter(
199                            getattr(metaclass, property_key).IN(value))
200                    else:
201                        logging.warning(
202                            "You cannot compare repeated "
203                            "properties except 'IN(has)' operation.")
204                else:
205                    logging.debug("Empty repeated list cannot be queried.")
206                    empty_repeated_field.append(value)
207            elif isinstance(metaclass._properties[property_key],
208                            ndb.DateTimeProperty):
209                if method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[Status.FILTER_LessThan]:
210                    query = query.filter(
211                        getattr(metaclass, property_key) < datetime.datetime.
212                        now() - datetime.timedelta(hours=int(value)))
213                elif method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[Status.FILTER_GreaterThan]:
214                    query = query.filter(
215                        getattr(metaclass, property_key) > datetime.datetime.
216                        now() - datetime.timedelta(hours=int(value)))
217                else:
218                    logging.debug("DateTimeProperty only allows <=(less than) "
219                                  "and >=(greater than) operation.")
220            else:
221                if method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[Status.FILTER_EqualTo]:
222                    query = query.filter(
223                        getattr(metaclass, property_key) == value)
224                elif method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[Status.FILTER_LessThan]:
225                    query = query.filter(
226                        getattr(metaclass, property_key) < value)
227                elif method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[Status.FILTER_GreaterThan]:
228                    query = query.filter(
229                        getattr(metaclass, property_key) > value)
230                elif method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[
231                        Status.FILTER_LessThanOrEqualTo]:
232                    query = query.filter(
233                        getattr(metaclass, property_key) <= value)
234                elif method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[
235                        Status.FILTER_GreaterThanOrEqualTo]:
236                    query = query.filter(
237                        getattr(metaclass, property_key) >= value)
238                elif method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[Status.FILTER_NotEqualTo]:
239                    query = query.filter(
240                        getattr(metaclass, property_key) != value).order(
241                            getattr(metaclass, property_key), metaclass.key)
242                elif method == Status.FILTER_METHOD[Status.FILTER_Has]:
243                    query = query.filter(
244                        getattr(metaclass, property_key).IN(value)).order(
245                            getattr(metaclass, property_key), metaclass.key)
246                else:
247                    logging.warning(
248                        "{} is not supported filter method.".format(method))
249        return query, empty_repeated_field
251    def SortQuery(self, query, metaclass, sort_key, direction):
252        """Sorts the given query with sort_key and direction.
254        Args:
255            query: a ndb query to sort.
256            metaclass: a metaclass for ndb model.
257            sort_key: a string, key name to sort by.
258            direction: a string, "asc" for ascending order and "desc" for
259                       descending order.
260        """
261        if sort_key:
262            if direction == "desc":
263                query = query.order(-getattr(metaclass, sort_key))
264            else:
265                query = query.order(getattr(metaclass, sort_key))
267        return query
269    def CreateFilterList(self, filter_string, metaclass):
270        """Creates a list of filters.
272        Args:
273            filter_string: a string, stringified JSON which contains 'key',
274                           'method', 'value' to build filter information.
275            metaclass: a metaclass for ndb model.
277        Returns:
278            a list of tuples where each tuple consists of three values:
279            key, method, and value.
280        """
281        model_properties = self.GetAttributes(metaclass)
282        filters = []
283        if filter_string:
284            filters = json.loads(filter_string)
285            for _filter in filters:
286                if _filter["key"] not in model_properties:
287                    filters.remove(_filter)
288        return filters
290    def Get(self, request, metaclass, message):
291        """Handles a request through /get endpoints API to retrieves entities.
293        Args:
294            request: a request body message received through /get API.
295            metaclass: a metaclass for ndb model. This method will fetch the
296                       'metaclass' type of model from datastore.
297            message: a Protocol RPC message class. Fetched entities will be
298                     converted to this message class instances.
300        Returns:
301            a list of fetched entities.
302            a boolean, True if there is next page or False if not.
303        """
304        size = request.size if request.size else MAX_QUERY_SIZE
305        offset = request.offset if request.offset else 0
307        filters = self.CreateFilterList(
308            filter_string=request.filter, metaclass=metaclass)
310        entities, more = self.Fetch(
311            metaclass=metaclass,
312            size=size,
313            filters=filters,
314            offset=offset,
315            sort_key=request.sort,
316            direction=request.direction,
317        )
319        return_list = []
320        for entity in entities:
321            entity_dict = {}
322            assigned_attributes = self.GetCommonAttributes(
323                resource=entity, reference=message)
324            for attr in assigned_attributes:
325                entity_dict[attr] = getattr(entity, attr, None)
326            if hasattr(message, "urlsafe_key"):
327                entity_dict["urlsafe_key"] = entity.key.urlsafe()
328            return_list.append(entity_dict)
330        return return_list, more