1<!-- Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5     You may obtain a copy of the License at
7          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13     limitations under the License.
16  <div @click="onClick($event)">
17    <flat-card v-if="hasDataView(file)">
18      <md-card-header>
19        <md-card-header-text>
20          <div class="md-title">
21            <button class="toggle-view-button" @click="toggleView">
22              <i aria-hidden="true" class="md-icon md-theme-default material-icons">
23                {{ isShowFileType(file.type) ? "expand_more" : "chevron_right" }}
24              </i>
25            </button>
26            <md-icon>{{ TRACE_ICONS[file.type] }}</md-icon>
27            {{ file.type }}
28          </div>
29        </md-card-header-text>
30        <md-button
31          :href="file.blobUrl"
32          :download="file.type"
33          class="md-icon-button"
34        >
35          <md-icon>save_alt</md-icon>
36        </md-button>
37      </md-card-header>
38      <AccessibilityTraceView
39        v-if="showInAccessibilityTraceView(file) && isShowFileType(file.type)"
40        :store="store"
41        :file="file"
42        ref="view"
43      />
44      <WindowManagerTraceView
45        v-if="showInWindowManagerTraceView(file) && isShowFileType(file.type)"
46        :store="store"
47        :file="file"
48        :presentTags="presentTags"
49        :presentErrors="presentErrors"
50        ref="view"
51      />
52      <SurfaceFlingerTraceView
53        v-else-if="showInSurfaceFlingerTraceView(file) && isShowFileType(file.type)"
54        :store="store"
55        :file="file"
56        :presentTags="presentTags"
57        :presentErrors="presentErrors"
58        ref="view"
59      />
60      <transactionsview
61        v-else-if="isTransactions(file) && isShowFileType(file.type)"
62        :trace="file"
63        ref="view"
64      />
65      <logview
66        v-else-if="isLog(file) && isShowFileType(file.type)"
67        :file="file"
68        ref="view"
69      />
70      <traceview
71        v-else-if="showInTraceView(file) && isShowFileType(file.type)"
72        :store="store"
73        :file="file"
74        :presentTags="[]"
75        :presentErrors="[]"
76        ref="view"
77      />
78      <div v-else>
79        <h1 v-if="isShowFileType(file.type)" class="bad">Unrecognized DataType</h1>
80      </div>
82    </flat-card>
83  </div>
86import TraceView from '@/TraceView.vue';
87import AccessibilityTraceView from '@/AccessibilityTraceView.vue';
88import WindowManagerTraceView from '@/WindowManagerTraceView.vue';
89import SurfaceFlingerTraceView from '@/SurfaceFlingerTraceView.vue';
90import TransactionsView from '@/TransactionsView.vue';
91import LogView from '@/LogView.vue';
92import FileType from '@/mixins/FileType.js';
93import FlatCard from '@/components/FlatCard.vue';
95import {TRACE_ICONS} from '@/decode.js';
97export default {
98  name: 'dataview',
99  data() {
100    return {
101      TRACE_ICONS,
102    };
103  },
104  methods: {
105    // Recursively search for an arrowUp method in the children
106    // This is necessary because the VueComponent hierarchy has
107    // different depths depending on the source
108    depthFirstSearchArrowUp(component) {
109      if (component.arrowUp) {
110        component.arrowUp();
111        return true;
112      } else {
113        for (let i = 0; i < component.$children.length; i++) {
114          var child = component.$children[i];
115          if (this.depthFirstSearchArrowUp(child)) {
116            return true;
117          }
118        }
119        return false;
120      }
121    },
122    // Recursively search for an arrowUp method in the children
123    // This is necessary because the VueComponent hierarchy has
124    // different depths depending on the source
125    depthFirstSearchArrowDown(component) {
126      if (component.arrowDown) {
127        component.arrowDown();
128        return true
129      } else {
130        for (let i = 0; i < component.$children.length; i++) {
131          var child = component.$children[i];
132          if (this.depthFirstSearchArrowDown(child)) {
133            return true;
134          }
135        }
136        return false;
137      }
138    },
139    arrowUp() {
140      for (let i = 0; i < this.$children.length; i++) {
141        var child = this.$children[i];
142        let done = this.depthFirstSearchArrowUp(child);
143        if (done) {
144          return true;
145        }
146      }
147      return false;
148    },
149    arrowDown() {
150      for (let i = 0; i < this.$children.length; i++) {
151        var child = this.$children[i];
152        let done = this.depthFirstSearchArrowDown(child);
153        if (done) {
154          return true;
155        }
156      }
157      return false;
158    },
159    onClick(e) {
160      // Pass click event to parent, so that click event handler can be attached
161      // to component.
162      this.$emit('click', e);
163      this.newEventOccurred(e.toString());
164    },
165    /** Filter data view files by current show settings */
166    updateShowFileTypes() {
167      this.store.showFileTypes = this.dataViewFiles
168        .filter((file) => file.show)
169        .map(file => file.type);
170    },
171    /** Expand or collapse data view */
172    toggleView() {
173      this.file.show = !this.file.show;
174      this.updateShowFileTypes();
175    },
176    /** Check if data view file should be shown */
177    isShowFileType(type) {
178      return this.store.showFileTypes.find(fileType => fileType===type);
179    },
180  },
181  props: ['store', 'file', 'presentTags', 'presentErrors', 'dataViewFiles'],
182  mixins: [FileType],
183  components: {
184    'traceview': TraceView,
185    'transactionsview': TransactionsView,
186    'logview': LogView,
187    'flat-card': FlatCard,
188    AccessibilityTraceView,
189    WindowManagerTraceView,
190    SurfaceFlingerTraceView,
191  },
195.bad {
196  margin: 1em 1em 1em 1em;
197  font-size: 4em;
198  color: red;
201.toggle-view-button {
202  background: none;
203  color: inherit;
204  border: none;
205  font: inherit;
206  cursor: pointer;
207  padding-right: 10px;
208  display: inline-block;
211.md-title {
212  display: inline-block;