2  ~ Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3  ~
4  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
5  ~ may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
6  ~ obtain a copy of the License at
7  ~
8  ~     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  ~
10  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  ~ implied. See the License for the specific language governing
14  ~ permissions and limitations under the License.
15  --%>
16<%@ page contentType='text/html;charset=UTF-8' language='java' %>
17<%@ taglib prefix='fn' uri='http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions' %>
18<%@ taglib prefix='c' uri='http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core'%>
21  <link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/dashboard_main.css'>
22  <%@ include file='header.jsp' %>
23  <body>
24    <script>
25        var allTests = ${allTestsJson};
26        var testSet = new Set(allTests);
27        var subscriptionMap = ${subscriptionMapJson};
29        var addFavorite = function() {
30            if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
31                return;
32            }
33            var test = $('#input-box').val();
34            if (!testSet.has(test) || test in subscriptionMap) {
35                return;
36            }
37            $('#add-button').addClass('disabled');
38            $.post('/api/favorites', { testName: test}).then(function(data) {
39                if (!data.key) {
40                    return;
41                }
42                subscriptionMap[test] = data.key;
43                var wrapper = $('<div></div>');
44                var a = $('<a></a>')
45                    .attr('href', '${resultsUrl}?testName=' + test);
46                var div = $('<div class="col s11 card hoverable option"></div>');
47                div.addClass('valign-wrapper waves-effect');
48                div.appendTo(a);
49                var span = $('<span class="entry valign"></span>').text(test);
50                span.appendTo(div);
51                a.appendTo(wrapper);
53                var btnContainer = $('<div class="col s1 center btn-container"></div>');
54                var silence = $('<a class="col s6 btn-flat notification-button active"></a>');
55                silence.append('<i class="material-icons">notifications_active</i>');
56                silence.attr('test', test);
57                silence.attr('title', 'Disable notifications');
58                silence.appendTo(btnContainer);
59                silence.click(toggleNotifications);
61                var clear = $('<a class="col s6 btn-flat remove-button"></a>');
62                clear.append('<i class="material-icons">clear</i>');
63                clear.attr('test', test);
64                clear.attr('title', 'Remove favorite');
65                clear.appendTo(btnContainer);
66                clear.click(removeFavorite);
68                btnContainer.appendTo(wrapper);
70                wrapper.prependTo('#options').hide()
71                                          .slideDown(150);
72                $('#input-box').val(null);
73                Materialize.updateTextFields();
74            }).always(function() {
75                $('#add-button').removeClass('disabled');
76            });
77        }
79        var toggleNotifications = function() {
80            var self = $(this);
81            if (self.hasClass('disabled')) {
82                return;
83            }
84            self.addClass('disabled');
85            var test = self.attr('test');
86            if (!(test in subscriptionMap)) {
87                return;
88            }
89            var muteStatus = self.hasClass('active');
90            var element = self;
91            $.post('/api/favorites', { userFavoritesKey: subscriptionMap[test], muteNotifications: muteStatus}).then(function(data) {
92                element = self.clone();
93                if (element.hasClass('active')) {
94                    element.find('i').text('notifications_off')
95                    element.removeClass('active');
96                    element.addClass('inactive');
97                    element.attr('title', 'Enable notifications');
98                } else {
99                    element.find('i').text('notifications_active')
100                    element.removeClass('inactive');
101                    element.addClass('active');
102                    element.attr('title', 'Disable notifications');
103                }
104                element.click(toggleNotifications);
105                self.replaceWith(function() {
106                    return element;
107                });
108            }).always(function() {
109                element.removeClass('disabled');
110            });
111        }
113        var removeFavorite = function() {
114            var self = $(this);
115            if (self.hasClass('disabled')) {
116                return;
117            }
118            var test = self.attr('test');
119            if (!(test in subscriptionMap)) {
120                return;
121            }
122            self.addClass('disabled');
123            $.ajax({
124                url: '/api/favorites/' + subscriptionMap[test],
125                type: 'DELETE'
126            }).always(function() {
127                self.removeClass('disabled');
128            }).then(function() {
129                delete subscriptionMap[test];
130                self.parent().parent().slideUp(150, function() {
131                    self.remove();
132                });
133            });
134        }
136        var addFavoriteButton = function() {
137          var self = $(this);
138          var test = self.attr('test');
140          $.post('/api/favorites', { testName: test}).then(function(data) {
141            if (data.key) {
142              subscriptionMap[test] = data.key;
144              self.children().text("star");
145              self.switchClass("add-fav-button", "min-fav-button", 0);
147              self.off('click', addFavoriteButton);
148              self.on('click', removeFavoriteButton);
149            }
150          })
151          .fail(function() {
152            alert( "Error occurred on registering your favorite test case!" );
153          });
154        }
156        var removeFavoriteButton = function() {
157          var self = $(this);
158          var test = self.attr('test');
160          $.ajax({
161            url: '/api/favorites/' + subscriptionMap[test],
162            type: 'DELETE'
163          }).then(function() {
164            delete subscriptionMap[test];
166            self.children().text("star_border");
167            self.switchClass("min-fav-button", "add-fav-button", 0);
169            self.off('click', removeFavoriteButton);
170            self.on('click', addFavoriteButton);
171          });
172        }
174        $.widget('custom.sizedAutocomplete', $.ui.autocomplete, {
175            _resizeMenu: function() {
176                this.menu.element.outerWidth($('#input-box').width());
177            }
178        });
180        $(function() {
181            $('#input-box').sizedAutocomplete({
182                source: allTests,
183                classes: {
184                    'ui-autocomplete': 'card'
185                }
186            });
188            $('#input-box').keyup(function(event) {
189                if (event.keyCode == 13) {  // return button
190                    $('#add-button').click();
191                }
192            });
194            $('.remove-button').click(removeFavorite);
195            $('.notification-button').click(toggleNotifications);
196            $('#add-button').click(addFavorite);
198            $('.add-fav-button').click(addFavoriteButton);
200            $('.min-fav-button').click(removeFavoriteButton);
202            $('#favoritesLink').click(function() {
203                window.open('/', '_self');
204            });
205            $('#allLink').click(function() {
206                window.open('/?showAll=true', '_self');
207            });
208            $('#acksLink').click(function() {
209                window.open('/show_test_acknowledgments', '_self');
210            });
211        });
212    </script>
213    <div class='container wide'>
215      <c:if test="${!showAll}">
216        <ul id="guide_collapsible" class="collapsible" data-collapsible="accordion">
217          <li>
218            <div class="collapsible-header">
219              <i class="material-icons">library_books</i>
220              Notice
221              <span class="new badge right" style="position: inherit;">1</span>
222            </div>
223            <div class="collapsible-body">
224              <div class='row'>
225                <div class='col s12' style="margin: 15px 0px 0px 30px;">
226                  <c:choose>
227                    <c:when test="${fn:endsWith(serverName, 'googleplex.com')}">
228                      <c:set var="dataVersion" scope="page" value="new"/>
229                      <c:choose>
230                        <c:when test="${fn:startsWith(serverName, 'android-vts-internal')}">
231                          <c:set var="dataLink" scope="page" value="https://android-vts.appspot.com"/>
232                        </c:when>
233                        <c:when test="${fn:startsWith(serverName, 'android-vts-staging')}">
234                          <c:set var="dataLink" scope="page" value="https://android-vts-staging.appspot.com"/>
235                        </c:when>
236                        <c:otherwise>
237                          <c:set var="dataLink" scope="page" value="https://android-vts-staging.appspot.com"/>
238                        </c:otherwise>
239                      </c:choose>
240                    </c:when>
241                    <c:when test="${fn:endsWith(serverName, 'appspot.com')}">
242                      <c:set var="dataVersion" scope="page" value="previous"/>
243                      <c:choose>
244                        <c:when test="${fn:startsWith(serverName, 'android-vts-staging')}">
245                          <c:set var="dataLink" scope="page" value="https://android-vts-staging.googleplex.com"/>
246                        </c:when>
247                        <c:when test="${fn:startsWith(serverName, 'android-vts')}">
248                          <c:set var="dataLink" scope="page" value="https://android-vts-internal.googleplex.com"/>
249                        </c:when>
250                        <c:otherwise>
251                          <c:set var="dataLink" scope="page" value="https://android-vts-staging.googleplex.com"/>
252                        </c:otherwise>
253                      </c:choose>
254                    </c:when>
255                    <c:otherwise>
256                      <c:set var="dataVersion" scope="page" value="local dev"/>
257                      <c:set var="dataLink" scope="page" value="http://localhost"/>
258                    </c:otherwise>
259                  </c:choose>
260                  Recently, we launched new appspot servers for dashboard. Thus you will have two diffrent versions of server for each staging and production data.
261                  <br/>
262                  If you want to find the <c:out value = "${dataVersion}"/> test data, please visit the next url <a href="<c:out value = "${dataLink}"/>"><c:out value = "${dataLink}"/></a>.
263                </div>
264              </div>
265            </div>
266          </li>
267        </ul>
268      </c:if>
270      <c:choose>
271        <c:when test='${not empty error}'>
272          <div id='error-container' class='row card'>
273            <div class='col s12 center-align'>
274              <h5>${error}</h5>
275            </div>
276          </div>
277        </c:when>
278        <c:otherwise>
279          <div class='row home-tabs-row'>
280            <div class='col s12'>
281              <ul class='tabs'>
282                <li class='tab col s4' id='favoritesLink'><a class='${showAll ? "inactive" : "active"}'>Favorites</a></li>
283                <li class='tab col s4' id='allLink'><a class='${showAll ? "active" : "inactive"}'>All Tests</a></li>
284                <li class='tab col s4' id='acksLink'><a>Test Acknowledgements</a></li>
285              </ul>
286            </div>
287          </div>
288          <c:set var='width' value='${showAll ? 11 : 11}' />
289          <c:if test='${not showAll}'>
290            <div class='row'>
291              <div class='input-field col s8'>
292                <input type='text' id='input-box'></input>
293                <label for='input-box'>Search for tests to add to favorites</label>
294              </div>
295              <div id='add-button-wrapper' class='col s1 valign-wrapper'>
296                <a id='add-button' class='btn-floating btn waves-effect waves-light red valign'><i class='material-icons'>add</i></a>
297              </div>
298            </div>
299          </c:if>
300          <div class='row' id='options'>
301            <c:forEach items='${testNames}' var='test'>
302              <div>
303                <a href='${resultsUrl}?testName=${test.name}'>
304                  <div class='col s${width} card hoverable option valign-wrapper waves-effect'>
305                    <span class='entry valign'>${test.name}
306                      <c:if test='${test.failCount >= 0 && test.passCount >= 0}'>
307                        <c:set var='color' value='${test.failCount > 0 ? "red" : (test.passCount > 0 ? "green" : "grey")}' />
308                        <span class='indicator right center ${color}'>
309                          ${test.passCount} / ${test.passCount + test.failCount}
310                        </span>
311                      </c:if>
312                    </span>
313                  </div>
314                </a>
315                <c:choose>
316                  <c:when test="${showAll}">
317                    <div class="col s1 center btn-container">
318                      <c:choose>
319                        <c:when test="${test.isFavorite}">
320                          <a class="col s6 btn-flat min-fav-button" test="${test.name}" title="Remove favorite">
321                            <i class="material-icons">star</i>
322                          </a>
323                        </c:when>
324                        <c:otherwise>
325                          <a class="col s6 btn-flat add-fav-button" test="${test.name}" title="Add favorite">
326                            <i class="material-icons">star_border</i>
327                          </a>
328                        </c:otherwise>
329                      </c:choose>
330                    </div>
331                  </c:when>
332                  <c:otherwise>
333                    <div class='col s1 center btn-container'>
334                      <a class='col s6 btn-flat notification-button ${test.muteNotifications ? "inactive" : "active"}' test='${test.name}' title='${test.muteNotifications ? "Enable" : "Disable"} notifications'>
335                        <i class='material-icons'>notifications_${test.muteNotifications ? "off" : "active"}</i>
336                      </a>
337                      <a class='col s6 btn-flat remove-button' test='${test.name}' title='Remove favorite'>
338                        <i class='material-icons'>clear</i>
339                      </a>
340                    </div>
341                  </c:otherwise>
342                </c:choose>
343              </div>
344            </c:forEach>
345          </div>
346        </c:otherwise>
347      </c:choose>
348    </div>
349    <%@ include file='footer.jsp' %>
350  </body>