1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18import adb
19import argparse
20import json
21import logging
22import os
23import posixpath
24import re
25import shutil
26import subprocess
27import sys
28import tempfile
29import textwrap
31# Shared functions across gdbclient.py and ndk-gdb.py.
32import gdbrunner
34g_temp_dirs = []
37def read_toolchain_config(root):
38    """Finds out current toolchain path and version."""
39    def get_value(str):
40        return str[str.index('"') + 1:str.rindex('"')]
42    config_path = os.path.join(root, 'build', 'soong', 'cc', 'config',
43                               'global.go')
44    with open(config_path) as f:
45        contents = f.readlines()
46    clang_base = ""
47    clang_version = ""
48    for line in contents:
49        line = line.strip()
50        if line.startswith('ClangDefaultBase'):
51            clang_base = get_value(line)
52        elif line.startswith('ClangDefaultVersion'):
53            clang_version = get_value(line)
54    return (clang_base, clang_version)
57def get_gdbserver_path(root, arch):
58    path = "{}/prebuilts/misc/gdbserver/android-{}/gdbserver{}"
59    if arch.endswith("64"):
60        return path.format(root, arch, "64")
61    else:
62        return path.format(root, arch, "")
65def get_lldb_path(toolchain_path):
66    for lldb_name in ['lldb.sh', 'lldb.cmd', 'lldb', 'lldb.exe']:
67        debugger_path = os.path.join(toolchain_path, "bin", lldb_name)
68        if os.path.isfile(debugger_path):
69            return debugger_path
70    return None
73def get_lldb_server_path(root, clang_base, clang_version, arch):
74    arch = {
75        'arm': 'arm',
76        'arm64': 'aarch64',
77        'x86': 'i386',
78        'x86_64': 'x86_64',
79    }[arch]
80    return os.path.join(root, clang_base, "linux-x86",
81                        clang_version, "runtimes_ndk_cxx", arch, "lldb-server")
84def get_tracer_pid(device, pid):
85    if pid is None:
86        return 0
88    line, _ = device.shell(["grep", "-e", "^TracerPid:", "/proc/{}/status".format(pid)])
89    tracer_pid = re.sub('TracerPid:\t(.*)\n', r'\1', line)
90    return int(tracer_pid)
93def parse_args():
94    parser = gdbrunner.ArgumentParser()
96    group = parser.add_argument_group(title="attach target")
97    group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
98    group.add_argument(
99        "-p", dest="target_pid", metavar="PID", type=int,
100        help="attach to a process with specified PID")
101    group.add_argument(
102        "-n", dest="target_name", metavar="NAME",
103        help="attach to a process with specified name")
104    group.add_argument(
105        "-r", dest="run_cmd", metavar="CMD", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
106        help="run a binary on the device, with args")
108    parser.add_argument(
109        "--port", nargs="?", default="5039",
110        help="override the port used on the host [default: 5039]")
111    parser.add_argument(
112        "--user", nargs="?", default="root",
113        help="user to run commands as on the device [default: root]")
114    parser.add_argument(
115        "--setup-forwarding", default=None,
116        choices=["gdb", "lldb", "vscode", "vscode-gdb", "vscode-lldb"],
117        help=("Setup the gdbserver/lldb-server and port forwarding. Prints commands or " +
118              ".vscode/launch.json configuration needed to connect the debugging " +
119              "client to the server. If 'gdb' and 'vscode-gdb' are only valid if " +
120              "'--no-lldb' is passed. 'vscode' with llbd and 'vscode-lldb' both " +
121              "require the 'vadimcn.vscode-lldb' extension. 'vscode' with '--no-lldb' " +
122              "and 'vscode-gdb' require the 'ms-vscode.cpptools' extension."))
124    lldb_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
125    lldb_group.add_argument("--lldb", action="store_true", help="Use lldb.")
126    lldb_group.add_argument("--no-lldb", action="store_true", help="Do not use lldb.")
128    parser.add_argument(
129        "--env", nargs=1, action="append", metavar="VAR=VALUE",
130        help="set environment variable when running a binary")
132    return parser.parse_args()
135def verify_device(root, device):
136    names = set([device.get_prop("ro.build.product"), device.get_prop("ro.product.name")])
137    target_device = os.environ["TARGET_PRODUCT"]
138    if target_device not in names:
139        msg = "TARGET_PRODUCT ({}) does not match attached device ({})"
140        sys.exit(msg.format(target_device, ", ".join(names)))
143def get_remote_pid(device, process_name):
144    processes = gdbrunner.get_processes(device)
145    if process_name not in processes:
146        msg = "failed to find running process {}".format(process_name)
147        sys.exit(msg)
148    pids = processes[process_name]
149    if len(pids) > 1:
150        msg = "multiple processes match '{}': {}".format(process_name, pids)
151        sys.exit(msg)
153    # Fetch the binary using the PID later.
154    return pids[0]
157def make_temp_dir(prefix):
158    global g_temp_dirs
159    result = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gdbclient-linker-')
160    g_temp_dirs.append(result)
161    return result
164def ensure_linker(device, sysroot, interp):
165    """Ensure that the device's linker exists on the host.
167    PT_INTERP is usually /system/bin/linker[64], but on the device, that file is
168    a symlink to /apex/com.android.runtime/bin/linker[64]. The symbolized linker
169    binary on the host is located in ${sysroot}/apex, not in ${sysroot}/system,
170    so add the ${sysroot}/apex path to the solib search path.
172    PT_INTERP will be /system/bin/bootstrap/linker[64] for executables using the
173    non-APEX/bootstrap linker. No search path modification is needed.
175    For a tapas build, only an unbundled app is built, and there is no linker in
176    ${sysroot} at all, so copy the linker from the device.
178    Returns:
179        A directory to add to the soinfo search path or None if no directory
180        needs to be added.
181    """
183    # Static executables have no interpreter.
184    if interp is None:
185        return None
187    # gdb will search for the linker using the PT_INTERP path. First try to find
188    # it in the sysroot.
189    local_path = os.path.join(sysroot, interp.lstrip("/"))
190    if os.path.exists(local_path):
191        return None
193    # If the linker on the device is a symlink, search for the symlink's target
194    # in the sysroot directory.
195    interp_real, _ = device.shell(["realpath", interp])
196    interp_real = interp_real.strip()
197    local_path = os.path.join(sysroot, interp_real.lstrip("/"))
198    if os.path.exists(local_path):
199        if posixpath.basename(interp) == posixpath.basename(interp_real):
200            # Add the interpreter's directory to the search path.
201            return os.path.dirname(local_path)
202        else:
203            # If PT_INTERP is linker_asan[64], but the sysroot file is
204            # linker[64], then copy the local file to the name gdb expects.
205            result = make_temp_dir('gdbclient-linker-')
206            shutil.copy(local_path, os.path.join(result, posixpath.basename(interp)))
207            return result
209    # Pull the system linker.
210    result = make_temp_dir('gdbclient-linker-')
211    device.pull(interp, os.path.join(result, posixpath.basename(interp)))
212    return result
215def handle_switches(args, sysroot):
216    """Fetch the targeted binary and determine how to attach gdb.
218    Args:
219        args: Parsed arguments.
220        sysroot: Local sysroot path.
222    Returns:
223        (binary_file, attach_pid, run_cmd).
224        Precisely one of attach_pid or run_cmd will be None.
225    """
227    device = args.device
228    binary_file = None
229    pid = None
230    run_cmd = None
232    args.su_cmd = ["su", args.user] if args.user else []
234    if args.target_pid:
235        # Fetch the binary using the PID later.
236        pid = args.target_pid
237    elif args.target_name:
238        # Fetch the binary using the PID later.
239        pid = get_remote_pid(device, args.target_name)
240    elif args.run_cmd:
241        if not args.run_cmd[0]:
242            sys.exit("empty command passed to -r")
243        run_cmd = args.run_cmd
244        if not run_cmd[0].startswith("/"):
245            try:
246                run_cmd[0] = gdbrunner.find_executable_path(device, args.run_cmd[0],
247                                                            run_as_cmd=args.su_cmd)
248            except RuntimeError:
249              sys.exit("Could not find executable '{}' passed to -r, "
250                       "please provide an absolute path.".format(args.run_cmd[0]))
252        binary_file, local = gdbrunner.find_file(device, run_cmd[0], sysroot,
253                                                 run_as_cmd=args.su_cmd)
254    if binary_file is None:
255        assert pid is not None
256        try:
257            binary_file, local = gdbrunner.find_binary(device, pid, sysroot,
258                                                       run_as_cmd=args.su_cmd)
259        except adb.ShellError:
260            sys.exit("failed to pull binary for PID {}".format(pid))
262    if not local:
263        logging.warning("Couldn't find local unstripped executable in {},"
264                        " symbols may not be available.".format(sysroot))
266    return (binary_file, pid, run_cmd)
268def generate_vscode_lldb_script(root, sysroot, binary_name, port, solib_search_path):
269    # TODO It would be nice if we didn't need to copy this or run the
270    #      gdbclient.py program manually. Doing this would probably require
271    #      writing a vscode extension or modifying an existing one.
272    # TODO: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/vscode-api#debug and
273    #       https://code.visualstudio.com/api/extension-guides/debugger-extension and
274    #       https://github.com/vadimcn/vscode-lldb/blob/6b775c439992b6615e92f4938ee4e211f1b060cf/extension/pickProcess.ts#L6
275    res = {
276        "name": "(lldbclient.py) Attach {} (port: {})".format(binary_name.split("/")[-1], port),
277        "type": "lldb",
278        "request": "custom",
279        "relativePathBase": root,
280        "sourceMap": { "/b/f/w" : root, '': root, '.': root },
281        "initCommands": ['settings append target.exec-search-paths {}'.format(' '.join(solib_search_path))],
282        "targetCreateCommands": ["target create {}".format(binary_name),
283                                 "target modules search-paths add / {}/".format(sysroot)],
284        "processCreateCommands": ["gdb-remote {}".format(port)]
285    }
286    return json.dumps(res, indent=4)
288def generate_vscode_gdb_script(gdbpath, root, sysroot, binary_name, port, dalvik_gdb_script, solib_search_path):
289    # TODO It would be nice if we didn't need to copy this or run the
290    #      gdbclient.py program manually. Doing this would probably require
291    #      writing a vscode extension or modifying an existing one.
292    res = {
293        "name": "(gdbclient.py) Attach {} (port: {})".format(binary_name.split("/")[-1], port),
294        "type": "cppdbg",
295        "request": "launch",  # Needed for gdbserver.
296        "cwd": root,
297        "program": binary_name,
298        "MIMode": "gdb",
299        "miDebuggerServerAddress": "localhost:{}".format(port),
300        "miDebuggerPath": gdbpath,
301        "setupCommands": [
302            {
303                # Required for vscode.
304                "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
305                "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
306                "ignoreFailures": True,
307            },
308            {
309                "description": "gdb command: dir",
310                "text": "-environment-directory {}".format(root),
311                "ignoreFailures": False
312            },
313            {
314                "description": "gdb command: set solib-search-path",
315                "text": "-gdb-set solib-search-path {}".format(":".join(solib_search_path)),
316                "ignoreFailures": False
317            },
318            {
319                "description": "gdb command: set solib-absolute-prefix",
320                "text": "-gdb-set solib-absolute-prefix {}".format(sysroot),
321                "ignoreFailures": False
322            },
323        ]
324    }
325    if dalvik_gdb_script:
326        res["setupCommands"].append({
327            "description": "gdb command: source art commands",
328            "text": "-interpreter-exec console \"source {}\"".format(dalvik_gdb_script),
329            "ignoreFailures": False,
330        })
331    return json.dumps(res, indent=4)
333def generate_gdb_script(root, sysroot, binary_name, port, dalvik_gdb_script, solib_search_path, connect_timeout):
334    solib_search_path = ":".join(solib_search_path)
336    gdb_commands = ""
337    gdb_commands += "file '{}'\n".format(binary_name)
338    gdb_commands += "directory '{}'\n".format(root)
339    gdb_commands += "set solib-absolute-prefix {}\n".format(sysroot)
340    gdb_commands += "set solib-search-path {}\n".format(solib_search_path)
341    if dalvik_gdb_script:
342        gdb_commands += "source {}\n".format(dalvik_gdb_script)
344    # Try to connect for a few seconds, sometimes the device gdbserver takes
345    # a little bit to come up, especially on emulators.
346    gdb_commands += """
349def target_remote_with_retry(target, timeout_seconds):
350  import time
351  end_time = time.time() + timeout_seconds
352  while True:
353    try:
354      gdb.execute("target extended-remote " + target)
355      return True
356    except gdb.error as e:
357      time_left = end_time - time.time()
358      if time_left < 0 or time_left > timeout_seconds:
359        print("Error: unable to connect to device.")
360        print(e)
361        return False
362      time.sleep(min(0.25, time_left))
364target_remote_with_retry(':{}', {})
367""".format(port, connect_timeout)
369    return gdb_commands
372def generate_lldb_script(root, sysroot, binary_name, port, solib_search_path):
373    commands = []
374    commands.append(
375        'settings append target.exec-search-paths {}'.format(' '.join(solib_search_path)))
377    commands.append('target create {}'.format(binary_name))
378    # For RBE support.
379    commands.append("settings append target.source-map '/b/f/w' '{}'".format(root))
380    commands.append("settings append target.source-map '' '{}'".format(root))
381    commands.append('target modules search-paths add / {}/'.format(sysroot))
382    commands.append('gdb-remote {}'.format(port))
383    return '\n'.join(commands)
386def generate_setup_script(debugger_path, sysroot, linker_search_dir, binary_file, is64bit, port, debugger, connect_timeout=5):
387    # Generate a setup script.
388    # TODO: Detect the zygote and run 'art-on' automatically.
389    root = os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"]
390    symbols_dir = os.path.join(sysroot, "system", "lib64" if is64bit else "lib")
391    vendor_dir = os.path.join(sysroot, "vendor", "lib64" if is64bit else "lib")
393    solib_search_path = []
394    symbols_paths = ["", "hw", "ssl/engines", "drm", "egl", "soundfx"]
395    vendor_paths = ["", "hw", "egl"]
396    solib_search_path += [os.path.join(symbols_dir, x) for x in symbols_paths]
397    solib_search_path += [os.path.join(vendor_dir, x) for x in vendor_paths]
398    if linker_search_dir is not None:
399        solib_search_path += [linker_search_dir]
401    dalvik_gdb_script = os.path.join(root, "development", "scripts", "gdb", "dalvik.gdb")
402    if not os.path.exists(dalvik_gdb_script):
403        logging.warning(("couldn't find {} - ART debugging options will not " +
404                         "be available").format(dalvik_gdb_script))
405        dalvik_gdb_script = None
407    if debugger == "vscode-gdb":
408        return generate_vscode_gdb_script(
409            debugger_path, root, sysroot, binary_file.name, port, dalvik_gdb_script, solib_search_path)
410    if debugger == "vscode-lldb":
411        return generate_vscode_lldb_script(
412            root, sysroot, binary_file.name, port, solib_search_path)
413    elif debugger == "gdb":
414        return generate_gdb_script(root, sysroot, binary_file.name, port, dalvik_gdb_script, solib_search_path, connect_timeout)
415    elif debugger == 'lldb':
416        return generate_lldb_script(
417            root, sysroot, binary_file.name, port, solib_search_path)
418    else:
419        raise Exception("Unknown debugger type " + debugger)
422def do_main():
423    required_env = ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP",
424                    "ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT", "TARGET_PRODUCT"]
425    for env in required_env:
426        if env not in os.environ:
427            sys.exit(
428                "Environment variable '{}' not defined, have you run lunch?".format(env))
430    args = parse_args()
431    device = args.device
433    if device is None:
434        sys.exit("ERROR: Failed to find device.")
436    use_lldb = not args.no_lldb
437    # Error check forwarding.
438    if args.setup_forwarding:
439        if use_lldb and (args.setup_forwarding == "gdb" or args.setup_forwarding == "vscode-gdb"):
440            sys.exit("Error: --setup-forwarding={} requires '--no-lldb'.".format(
441                     args.setup_forwarding))
442        elif (not use_lldb) and (args.setup_forwarding == 'lldb' or args.setup_forwarding == 'vscode-lldb'):
443            sys.exit("Error: --setup-forwarding={} requires '--lldb'.".format(
444                     args.setup_forwarding))
445    # Pick what vscode-debugger type to use.
446    if args.setup_forwarding == 'vscode':
447        args.setup_forwarding = 'vscode-lldb' if use_lldb else 'vscode-gdb'
449    root = os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"]
450    sysroot = os.path.join(os.environ["ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT"], "symbols")
452    # Make sure the environment matches the attached device.
453    verify_device(root, device)
455    debug_socket = "/data/local/tmp/debug_socket"
456    pid = None
457    run_cmd = None
459    # Fetch binary for -p, -n.
460    binary_file, pid, run_cmd = handle_switches(args, sysroot)
462    with binary_file:
463        if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
464            platform_name = "linux-x86"
465        elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
466            platform_name = "darwin-x86"
467        else:
468            sys.exit("Unknown platform: {}".format(sys.platform))
470        arch = gdbrunner.get_binary_arch(binary_file)
471        is64bit = arch.endswith("64")
473        # Make sure we have the linker
474        clang_base, clang_version = read_toolchain_config(root)
475        toolchain_path = os.path.join(root, clang_base, platform_name,
476                                      clang_version)
477        llvm_readobj_path = os.path.join(toolchain_path, "bin", "llvm-readobj")
478        interp = gdbrunner.get_binary_interp(binary_file.name, llvm_readobj_path)
479        linker_search_dir = ensure_linker(device, sysroot, interp)
481        tracer_pid = get_tracer_pid(device, pid)
482        if os.path.basename(__file__) == 'gdbclient.py' and not args.lldb:
483            print("gdb is deprecated in favor of lldb. "
484                  "If you can't use lldb, please set --no-lldb and file a bug asap.")
485        if tracer_pid == 0:
486            cmd_prefix = args.su_cmd
487            if args.env:
488                cmd_prefix += ['env'] + [v[0] for v in args.env]
490            # Start gdbserver.
491            if use_lldb:
492                server_local_path = get_lldb_server_path(
493                    root, clang_base, clang_version, arch)
494                server_remote_path = "/data/local/tmp/{}-lldb-server".format(
495                    arch)
496            else:
497                server_local_path = get_gdbserver_path(root, arch)
498                server_remote_path = "/data/local/tmp/{}-gdbserver".format(
499                    arch)
500            gdbrunner.start_gdbserver(
501                device, server_local_path, server_remote_path,
502                target_pid=pid, run_cmd=run_cmd, debug_socket=debug_socket,
503                port=args.port, run_as_cmd=cmd_prefix, lldb=use_lldb)
504        else:
505            print(
506                "Connecting to tracing pid {} using local port {}".format(
507                    tracer_pid, args.port))
508            gdbrunner.forward_gdbserver_port(device, local=args.port,
509                                             remote="tcp:{}".format(args.port))
511        if use_lldb:
512            debugger_path = get_lldb_path(toolchain_path)
513            debugger = args.setup_forwarding or 'lldb'
514        else:
515            debugger_path = os.path.join(
516                root, "prebuilts", "gdb", platform_name, "bin", "gdb")
517            debugger = args.setup_forwarding or "gdb"
519        # Generate a gdb/lldb script.
520        setup_commands = generate_setup_script(debugger_path=debugger_path,
521                                               sysroot=sysroot,
522                                               linker_search_dir=linker_search_dir,
523                                               binary_file=binary_file,
524                                               is64bit=is64bit,
525                                               port=args.port,
526                                               debugger=debugger)
528        if not args.setup_forwarding:
529            # Print a newline to separate our messages from the GDB session.
530            print("")
532            # Start gdb.
533            gdbrunner.start_gdb(debugger_path, setup_commands, lldb=use_lldb)
534        else:
535            debugger_name = "lldb" if use_lldb else "gdb"
536            print("")
537            print(setup_commands)
538            print("")
539            if args.setup_forwarding == "vscode-{}".format(debugger_name):
540                print(textwrap.dedent("""
541                        Paste the above json into .vscode/launch.json and start the debugger as
542                        normal. Press enter in this terminal once debugging is finished to shutdown
543                        the gdbserver and close all the ports."""))
544            else:
545                print(textwrap.dedent("""
546                        Paste the above {name} commands into the {name} frontend to setup the
547                        gdbserver connection. Press enter in this terminal once debugging is
548                        finished to shutdown the gdbserver and close all the ports.""".format(name=debugger_name)))
549            print("")
550            raw_input("Press enter to shutdown gdbserver")
553def main():
554    try:
555        do_main()
556    finally:
557        global g_temp_dirs
558        for temp_dir in g_temp_dirs:
559            shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
562if __name__ == "__main__":
563    main()