1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17"""A tool for inserting values from the build system into a manifest."""
19from __future__ import print_function
21import argparse
22import sys
23from xml.dom import minidom
26from manifest import android_ns
27from manifest import compare_version_gt
28from manifest import ensure_manifest_android_ns
29from manifest import find_child_with_attribute
30from manifest import get_children_with_tag
31from manifest import get_indent
32from manifest import parse_manifest
33from manifest import write_xml
36def parse_args():
37  """Parse commandline arguments."""
39  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
40  parser.add_argument('--minSdkVersion', default='', dest='min_sdk_version',
41                      help='specify minSdkVersion used by the build system')
42  parser.add_argument('--targetSdkVersion', default='', dest='target_sdk_version',
43                      help='specify targetSdkVersion used by the build system')
44  parser.add_argument('--raise-min-sdk-version', dest='raise_min_sdk_version', action='store_true',
45                      help='raise the minimum sdk version in the manifest if necessary')
46  parser.add_argument('--library', dest='library', action='store_true',
47                      help='manifest is for a static library')
48  parser.add_argument('--uses-library', dest='uses_libraries', action='append',
49                      help='specify additional <uses-library> tag to add. android:requred is set to true')
50  parser.add_argument('--optional-uses-library', dest='optional_uses_libraries', action='append',
51                      help='specify additional <uses-library> tag to add. android:requred is set to false')
52  parser.add_argument('--uses-non-sdk-api', dest='uses_non_sdk_api', action='store_true',
53                      help='manifest is for a package built against the platform')
54  parser.add_argument('--logging-parent', dest='logging_parent', default='',
55                      help=('specify logging parent as an additional <meta-data> tag. '
56                            'This value is ignored if the logging_parent meta-data tag is present.'))
57  parser.add_argument('--use-embedded-dex', dest='use_embedded_dex', action='store_true',
58                      help=('specify if the app wants to use embedded dex and avoid extracted,'
59                            'locally compiled code. Must not conflict if already declared '
60                            'in the manifest.'))
61  parser.add_argument('--extract-native-libs', dest='extract_native_libs',
62                      default=None, type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == 'true'),
63                      help=('specify if the app wants to use embedded native libraries. Must not conflict '
64                            'if already declared in the manifest.'))
65  parser.add_argument('--has-no-code', dest='has_no_code', action='store_true',
66                      help=('adds hasCode="false" attribute to application. Ignored if application elem '
67                            'already has a hasCode attribute.'))
68  parser.add_argument('input', help='input AndroidManifest.xml file')
69  parser.add_argument('output', help='output AndroidManifest.xml file')
70  return parser.parse_args()
73def raise_min_sdk_version(doc, min_sdk_version, target_sdk_version, library):
74  """Ensure the manifest contains a <uses-sdk> tag with a minSdkVersion.
76  Args:
77    doc: The XML document.  May be modified by this function.
78    min_sdk_version: The requested minSdkVersion attribute.
79    target_sdk_version: The requested targetSdkVersion attribute.
80    library: True if the manifest is for a library.
81  Raises:
82    RuntimeError: invalid manifest
83  """
85  manifest = parse_manifest(doc)
87  # Get or insert the uses-sdk element
88  uses_sdk = get_children_with_tag(manifest, 'uses-sdk')
89  if len(uses_sdk) > 1:
90    raise RuntimeError('found multiple uses-sdk elements')
91  elif len(uses_sdk) == 1:
92    element = uses_sdk[0]
93  else:
94    element = doc.createElement('uses-sdk')
95    indent = get_indent(manifest.firstChild, 1)
96    manifest.insertBefore(element, manifest.firstChild)
98    # Insert an indent before uses-sdk to line it up with the indentation of the
99    # other children of the <manifest> tag.
100    manifest.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), manifest.firstChild)
102  # Get or insert the minSdkVersion attribute.  If it is already present, make
103  # sure it as least the requested value.
104  min_attr = element.getAttributeNodeNS(android_ns, 'minSdkVersion')
105  if min_attr is None:
106    min_attr = doc.createAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:minSdkVersion')
107    min_attr.value = min_sdk_version
108    element.setAttributeNode(min_attr)
109  else:
110    if compare_version_gt(min_sdk_version, min_attr.value):
111      min_attr.value = min_sdk_version
113  # Insert the targetSdkVersion attribute if it is missing.  If it is already
114  # present leave it as is.
115  target_attr = element.getAttributeNodeNS(android_ns, 'targetSdkVersion')
116  if target_attr is None:
117    target_attr = doc.createAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:targetSdkVersion')
118    if library:
119      # TODO(b/117122200): libraries shouldn't set targetSdkVersion at all, but
120      # ManifestMerger treats minSdkVersion="Q" as targetSdkVersion="Q" if it
121      # is empty.  Set it to something low so that it will be overriden by the
122      # main manifest, but high enough that it doesn't cause implicit
123      # permissions grants.
124      target_attr.value = '16'
125    else:
126      target_attr.value = target_sdk_version
127    element.setAttributeNode(target_attr)
130def add_logging_parent(doc, logging_parent_value):
131  """Add logging parent as an additional <meta-data> tag.
133  Args:
134    doc: The XML document. May be modified by this function.
135    logging_parent_value: A string representing the logging
136      parent value.
137  Raises:
138    RuntimeError: Invalid manifest
139  """
140  manifest = parse_manifest(doc)
142  logging_parent_key = 'android.content.pm.LOGGING_PARENT'
143  elems = get_children_with_tag(manifest, 'application')
144  application = elems[0] if len(elems) == 1 else None
145  if len(elems) > 1:
146    raise RuntimeError('found multiple <application> tags')
147  elif not elems:
148    application = doc.createElement('application')
149    indent = get_indent(manifest.firstChild, 1)
150    first = manifest.firstChild
151    manifest.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), first)
152    manifest.insertBefore(application, first)
154  indent = get_indent(application.firstChild, 2)
156  last = application.lastChild
157  if last is not None and last.nodeType != minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
158    last = None
160  if not find_child_with_attribute(application, 'meta-data', android_ns,
161                                   'name', logging_parent_key):
162    ul = doc.createElement('meta-data')
163    ul.setAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:name', logging_parent_key)
164    ul.setAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:value', logging_parent_value)
165    application.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), last)
166    application.insertBefore(ul, last)
167    last = application.lastChild
169  # align the closing tag with the opening tag if it's not
170  # indented
171  if last and last.nodeType != minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
172    indent = get_indent(application.previousSibling, 1)
173    application.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(indent))
176def add_uses_libraries(doc, new_uses_libraries, required):
177  """Add additional <uses-library> tags
179  Args:
180    doc: The XML document. May be modified by this function.
181    new_uses_libraries: The names of libraries to be added by this function.
182    required: The value of android:required attribute. Can be true or false.
183  Raises:
184    RuntimeError: Invalid manifest
185  """
187  manifest = parse_manifest(doc)
188  elems = get_children_with_tag(manifest, 'application')
189  application = elems[0] if len(elems) == 1 else None
190  if len(elems) > 1:
191    raise RuntimeError('found multiple <application> tags')
192  elif not elems:
193    application = doc.createElement('application')
194    indent = get_indent(manifest.firstChild, 1)
195    first = manifest.firstChild
196    manifest.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), first)
197    manifest.insertBefore(application, first)
199  indent = get_indent(application.firstChild, 2)
201  last = application.lastChild
202  if last is not None and last.nodeType != minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
203    last = None
205  for name in new_uses_libraries:
206    if find_child_with_attribute(application, 'uses-library', android_ns,
207                                 'name', name) is not None:
208      # If the uses-library tag of the same 'name' attribute value exists,
209      # respect it.
210      continue
212    ul = doc.createElement('uses-library')
213    ul.setAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:name', name)
214    ul.setAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:required', str(required).lower())
216    application.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), last)
217    application.insertBefore(ul, last)
219  # align the closing tag with the opening tag if it's not
220  # indented
221  if application.lastChild.nodeType != minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
222    indent = get_indent(application.previousSibling, 1)
223    application.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(indent))
226def add_uses_non_sdk_api(doc):
227  """Add android:usesNonSdkApi=true attribute to <application>.
229  Args:
230    doc: The XML document. May be modified by this function.
231  Raises:
232    RuntimeError: Invalid manifest
233  """
235  manifest = parse_manifest(doc)
236  elems = get_children_with_tag(manifest, 'application')
237  application = elems[0] if len(elems) == 1 else None
238  if len(elems) > 1:
239    raise RuntimeError('found multiple <application> tags')
240  elif not elems:
241    application = doc.createElement('application')
242    indent = get_indent(manifest.firstChild, 1)
243    first = manifest.firstChild
244    manifest.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), first)
245    manifest.insertBefore(application, first)
247  attr = application.getAttributeNodeNS(android_ns, 'usesNonSdkApi')
248  if attr is None:
249    attr = doc.createAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:usesNonSdkApi')
250    attr.value = 'true'
251    application.setAttributeNode(attr)
254def add_use_embedded_dex(doc):
255  manifest = parse_manifest(doc)
256  elems = get_children_with_tag(manifest, 'application')
257  application = elems[0] if len(elems) == 1 else None
258  if len(elems) > 1:
259    raise RuntimeError('found multiple <application> tags')
260  elif not elems:
261    application = doc.createElement('application')
262    indent = get_indent(manifest.firstChild, 1)
263    first = manifest.firstChild
264    manifest.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), first)
265    manifest.insertBefore(application, first)
267  attr = application.getAttributeNodeNS(android_ns, 'useEmbeddedDex')
268  if attr is None:
269    attr = doc.createAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:useEmbeddedDex')
270    attr.value = 'true'
271    application.setAttributeNode(attr)
272  elif attr.value != 'true':
273    raise RuntimeError('existing attribute mismatches the option of --use-embedded-dex')
276def add_extract_native_libs(doc, extract_native_libs):
277  manifest = parse_manifest(doc)
278  elems = get_children_with_tag(manifest, 'application')
279  application = elems[0] if len(elems) == 1 else None
280  if len(elems) > 1:
281    raise RuntimeError('found multiple <application> tags')
282  elif not elems:
283    application = doc.createElement('application')
284    indent = get_indent(manifest.firstChild, 1)
285    first = manifest.firstChild
286    manifest.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), first)
287    manifest.insertBefore(application, first)
289  value = str(extract_native_libs).lower()
290  attr = application.getAttributeNodeNS(android_ns, 'extractNativeLibs')
291  if attr is None:
292    attr = doc.createAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:extractNativeLibs')
293    attr.value = value
294    application.setAttributeNode(attr)
295  elif attr.value != value:
296    raise RuntimeError('existing attribute extractNativeLibs="%s" conflicts with --extract-native-libs="%s"' %
297                       (attr.value, value))
300def set_has_code_to_false(doc):
301  manifest = parse_manifest(doc)
302  elems = get_children_with_tag(manifest, 'application')
303  application = elems[0] if len(elems) == 1 else None
304  if len(elems) > 1:
305    raise RuntimeError('found multiple <application> tags')
306  elif not elems:
307    application = doc.createElement('application')
308    indent = get_indent(manifest.firstChild, 1)
309    first = manifest.firstChild
310    manifest.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), first)
311    manifest.insertBefore(application, first)
313  attr = application.getAttributeNodeNS(android_ns, 'hasCode')
314  if attr is not None:
315    # Do nothing if the application already has a hasCode attribute.
316    return
317  attr = doc.createAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:hasCode')
318  attr.value = 'false'
319  application.setAttributeNode(attr)
322def main():
323  """Program entry point."""
324  try:
325    args = parse_args()
327    doc = minidom.parse(args.input)
329    ensure_manifest_android_ns(doc)
331    if args.raise_min_sdk_version:
332      raise_min_sdk_version(doc, args.min_sdk_version, args.target_sdk_version, args.library)
334    if args.uses_libraries:
335      add_uses_libraries(doc, args.uses_libraries, True)
337    if args.optional_uses_libraries:
338      add_uses_libraries(doc, args.optional_uses_libraries, False)
340    if args.uses_non_sdk_api:
341      add_uses_non_sdk_api(doc)
343    if args.logging_parent:
344      add_logging_parent(doc, args.logging_parent)
346    if args.use_embedded_dex:
347      add_use_embedded_dex(doc)
349    if args.has_no_code:
350      set_has_code_to_false(doc)
352    if args.extract_native_libs is not None:
353      add_extract_native_libs(doc, args.extract_native_libs)
355    with open(args.output, 'wb') as f:
356      write_xml(f, doc)
358  # pylint: disable=broad-except
359  except Exception as err:
360    print('error: ' + str(err), file=sys.stderr)
361    sys.exit(-1)
363if __name__ == '__main__':
364  main()