1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17"""Project information."""
19from __future__ import absolute_import
21import logging
22import os
23import time
25from aidegen import constant
26from aidegen.lib import aidegen_metrics
27from aidegen.lib import common_util
28from aidegen.lib import errors
29from aidegen.lib import module_info
30from aidegen.lib import project_config
31from aidegen.lib import source_locator
32from aidegen.idea import iml
34from atest import atest_utils
36_CONVERT_MK_URL = ('https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/soong/'
37                   '#convert-android_mk-files')
38_ROBOLECTRIC_MODULE = 'Robolectric_all'
39_NOT_TARGET = ('The module %s does not contain any Java or Kotlin file, '
40               'therefore we skip this module in the project.')
41# The module fake-framework have the same package name with framework but empty
42# content. It will impact the dependency for framework when referencing the
43# package from fake-framework in IntelliJ.
44_EXCLUDE_MODULES = ['fake-framework']
45# When we use atest_utils.build(), there is a command length limit on
46# soong_ui.bash. We reserve 5000 characters for rewriting the command line
47# in soong_ui.bash.
49# For each argument, it need a space to separate following argument.
51_CORE_MODULES = [constant.FRAMEWORK_ALL, constant.CORE_ALL,
52                 'org.apache.http.legacy.stubs.system']
55class ProjectInfo:
56    """Project information.
58    Users should call config_project first before starting using ProjectInfo.
60    Class attributes:
61        modules_info: An AidegenModuleInfo instance whose name_to_module_info is
62                      combining module-info.json with module_bp_java_deps.json.
63        projects: A list of instances of ProjectInfo that are generated in an
64                  AIDEGen command.
66    Attributes:
67        project_absolute_path: The absolute path of the project.
68        project_relative_path: The relative path of the project to
69                               common_util.get_android_root_dir().
70        project_module_names: A set of module names under project_absolute_path
71                              directory or it's subdirectories.
72        dep_modules: A dict has recursively dependent modules of
73                     project_module_names.
74        iml_path: The project's iml file path.
75        source_path: A dictionary to keep following data:
76                     source_folder_path: A set contains the source folder
77                                         relative paths.
78                     test_folder_path: A set contains the test folder relative
79                                       paths.
80                     jar_path: A set contains the jar file paths.
81                     jar_module_path: A dictionary contains the jar file and
82                                      the module's path mapping, only used in
83                                      Eclipse.
84                     r_java_path: A set contains the relative path to the
85                                  R.java files, only used in Eclipse.
86                     srcjar_path: A source content descriptor only used in
87                                  IntelliJ.
88                                  e.g. out/.../aapt2.srcjar!/
89                                  The "!/" is a content descriptor for
90                                  compressed files in IntelliJ.
91        is_main_project: A boolean to verify the project is main project.
92        dependencies: A list of dependency projects' iml file names, e.g. base,
93                      framework-all.
94        iml_name: The iml project file name of this project.
95        rel_out_soong_jar_path: A string of relative project path in the
96                                'out/soong/.intermediates' directory, e.g., if
97                                self.project_relative_path = 'frameworks/base'
98                                the rel_out_soong_jar_path should be
99                                'out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/'.
100    """
102    modules_info = None
104    def __init__(self, target=None, is_main_project=False):
105        """ProjectInfo initialize.
107        Args:
108            target: Includes target module or project path from user input, when
109                    locating the target, project with matching module name of
110                    the given target has a higher priority than project path.
111            is_main_project: A boolean, default is False. True if the target is
112                             the main project, otherwise False.
113        """
114        rel_path, abs_path = common_util.get_related_paths(
115            self.modules_info, target)
116        self.module_name = self.get_target_name(target, abs_path)
117        self.is_main_project = is_main_project
118        self.project_module_names = set(
119            self.modules_info.get_module_names(rel_path))
120        self.project_relative_path = rel_path
121        self.project_absolute_path = abs_path
122        self.iml_path = ''
123        self._set_default_modues()
124        self._init_source_path()
125        if target == constant.FRAMEWORK_ALL:
126            self.dep_modules = self.get_dep_modules([target])
127        else:
128            self.dep_modules = self.get_dep_modules()
129        self._filter_out_modules()
130        self.dependencies = []
131        self.iml_name = iml.IMLGenerator.get_unique_iml_name(abs_path)
132        self.rel_out_soong_jar_path = self._get_rel_project_out_soong_jar_path()
134    def _set_default_modues(self):
135        """Append default hard-code modules, source paths and jar files.
137        1. framework: Framework module is always needed for dependencies but it
138            might not always be located by module dependency.
139        2. org.apache.http.legacy.stubs.system: The module can't be located
140            through module dependency. Without it, a lot of java files will have
141            error of "cannot resolve symbol" in IntelliJ since they import
142            packages android.Manifest and com.android.internal.R.
143        """
144        # Set the default modules framework-all and core-all as the core
145        # dependency modules.
146        self.project_module_names.update(_CORE_MODULES)
148    def _init_source_path(self):
149        """Initialize source_path dictionary."""
150        self.source_path = {
151            'source_folder_path': set(),
152            'test_folder_path': set(),
153            'jar_path': set(),
154            'jar_module_path': dict(),
155            'r_java_path': set(),
156            'srcjar_path': set()
157        }
159    def _search_android_make_files(self):
160        """Search project and dependency modules contain Android.mk files.
162        If there is only Android.mk but no Android.bp, we'll show the warning
163        message, otherwise we won't.
165        Yields:
166            A string: the relative path of Android.mk.
167        """
168        if (common_util.exist_android_mk(self.project_absolute_path) and
169                not common_util.exist_android_bp(self.project_absolute_path)):
170            yield '\t' + os.path.join(self.project_relative_path,
171                                      constant.ANDROID_MK)
172        for mod_name in self.dep_modules:
173            rel_path, abs_path = common_util.get_related_paths(
174                self.modules_info, mod_name)
175            if rel_path and abs_path:
176                if (common_util.exist_android_mk(abs_path)
177                        and not common_util.exist_android_bp(abs_path)):
178                    yield '\t' + os.path.join(rel_path, constant.ANDROID_MK)
180    def _get_modules_under_project_path(self, rel_path):
181        """Find qualified modules under the rel_path.
183        Find modules which contain any Java or Kotlin file as a target module.
184        If it's the whole source tree project, add all modules into it.
186        Args:
187            rel_path: A string, the project's relative path.
189        Returns:
190            A set of module names.
191        """
192        logging.info('Find modules contain any Java or Kotlin file under %s.',
193                     rel_path)
194        if rel_path == '':
195            return self.modules_info.name_to_module_info.keys()
196        modules = set()
197        root_dir = common_util.get_android_root_dir()
198        for name, data in self.modules_info.name_to_module_info.items():
199            if module_info.AidegenModuleInfo.is_project_path_relative_module(
200                    data, rel_path):
201                if common_util.check_java_or_kotlin_file_exists(
202                        os.path.join(root_dir, data[constant.KEY_PATH][0])):
203                    modules.add(name)
204                else:
205                    logging.debug(_NOT_TARGET, name)
206        return modules
208    def _get_robolectric_dep_module(self, modules):
209        """Return the robolectric module set as dependency if any module is a
210           robolectric test.
212        Args:
213            modules: A set of modules.
215        Returns:
216            A set with a robolectric_all module name if one of the modules
217            needs the robolectric test module. Otherwise return empty list.
218        """
219        for module in modules:
220            if self.modules_info.is_robolectric_test(module):
221                return {_ROBOLECTRIC_MODULE}
222        return set()
224    def _filter_out_modules(self):
225        """Filter out unnecessary modules."""
226        for module in _EXCLUDE_MODULES:
227            self.dep_modules.pop(module, None)
229    def get_dep_modules(self, module_names=None, depth=0):
230        """Recursively find dependent modules of the project.
232        Find dependent modules by dependencies parameter of each module.
233        For example:
234            The module_names is ['m1'].
235            The modules_info is
236            {
237                'm1': {'dependencies': ['m2'], 'path': ['path_to_m1']},
238                'm2': {'path': ['path_to_m4']},
239                'm3': {'path': ['path_to_m1']}
240                'm4': {'path': []}
241            }
242            The result dependent modules are:
243            {
244                'm1': {'dependencies': ['m2'], 'path': ['path_to_m1']
245                       'depth': 0},
246                'm2': {'path': ['path_to_m4'], 'depth': 1},
247                'm3': {'path': ['path_to_m1'], 'depth': 0}
248            }
249            Note that:
250                1. m4 is not in the result as it's not among dependent modules.
251                2. m3 is in the result as it has the same path to m1.
253        Args:
254            module_names: A set of module names.
255            depth: An integer shows the depth of module dependency referenced by
256                   source. Zero means the max module depth.
258        Returns:
259            deps: A dict contains all dependent modules data of given modules.
260        """
261        dep = {}
262        children = set()
263        if not module_names:
264            module_names = self.project_module_names
265            module_names.update(
266                self._get_modules_under_project_path(
267                    self.project_relative_path))
268            module_names.update(self._get_robolectric_dep_module(module_names))
269            self.project_module_names = set()
270        for name in module_names:
271            if (name in self.modules_info.name_to_module_info
272                    and name not in self.project_module_names):
273                dep[name] = self.modules_info.name_to_module_info[name]
274                dep[name][constant.KEY_DEPTH] = depth
275                self.project_module_names.add(name)
276                if (constant.KEY_DEPENDENCIES in dep[name]
277                        and dep[name][constant.KEY_DEPENDENCIES]):
278                    children.update(dep[name][constant.KEY_DEPENDENCIES])
279        if children:
280            dep.update(self.get_dep_modules(children, depth + 1))
281        return dep
283    @staticmethod
284    def generate_projects(targets):
285        """Generate a list of projects in one time by a list of module names.
287        Args:
288            targets: A list of target modules or project paths from user input,
289                     when locating the target, project with matched module name
290                     of the target has a higher priority than project path.
292        Returns:
293            List: A list of ProjectInfo instances.
294        """
295        return [ProjectInfo(target, i == 0) for i, target in enumerate(targets)]
297    @staticmethod
298    def get_target_name(target, abs_path):
299        """Get target name from target's absolute path.
301        If the project is for entire Android source tree, change the target to
302        source tree's root folder name. In this way, we give IDE project file
303        a more specific name. e.g, master.iml.
305        Args:
306            target: Includes target module or project path from user input, when
307                    locating the target, project with matching module name of
308                    the given target has a higher priority than project path.
309            abs_path: A string, target's absolute path.
311        Returns:
312            A string, the target name.
313        """
314        if abs_path == common_util.get_android_root_dir():
315            return os.path.basename(abs_path)
316        return target
318    def locate_source(self, build=True):
319        """Locate the paths of dependent source folders and jar files.
321        Try to reference source folder path as dependent module unless the
322        dependent module should be referenced to a jar file, such as modules
323        have jars and jarjar_rules parameter.
324        For example:
325            Module: asm-6.0
326                java_import {
327                    name: 'asm-6.0',
328                    host_supported: true,
329                    jars: ['asm-6.0.jar'],
330                }
331            Module: bouncycastle
332                java_library {
333                    name: 'bouncycastle',
334                    ...
335                    target: {
336                        android: {
337                            jarjar_rules: 'jarjar-rules.txt',
338                        },
339                    },
340                }
342        Args:
343            build: A boolean default to true. If false, skip building jar and
344                   srcjar files, otherwise build them.
346        Example usage:
347            project.source_path = project.locate_source()
348            E.g.
349                project.source_path = {
350                    'source_folder_path': ['path/to/source/folder1',
351                                           'path/to/source/folder2', ...],
352                    'test_folder_path': ['path/to/test/folder', ...],
353                    'jar_path': ['path/to/jar/file1', 'path/to/jar/file2', ...]
354                }
355        """
356        if not hasattr(self, 'dep_modules') or not self.dep_modules:
357            raise errors.EmptyModuleDependencyError(
358                'Dependent modules dictionary is empty.')
359        rebuild_targets = set()
360        for module_name, module_data in self.dep_modules.items():
361            module = self._generate_moduledata(module_name, module_data)
362            module.locate_sources_path()
363            self.source_path['source_folder_path'].update(set(module.src_dirs))
364            self.source_path['test_folder_path'].update(set(module.test_dirs))
365            self.source_path['r_java_path'].update(set(module.r_java_paths))
366            self.source_path['srcjar_path'].update(set(module.srcjar_paths))
367            self._append_jars_as_dependencies(module)
368            rebuild_targets.update(module.build_targets)
369        config = project_config.ProjectConfig.get_instance()
370        if config.is_skip_build:
371            return
372        if rebuild_targets:
373            if build:
374                logging.info('\nThe batch_build_dependencies function is '
375                             'called by ProjectInfo\'s locate_source method.')
376                batch_build_dependencies(rebuild_targets)
377                self.locate_source(build=False)
378            else:
379                logging.warning('Jar or srcjar files build skipped:\n\t%s.',
380                                '\n\t'.join(rebuild_targets))
382    def _generate_moduledata(self, module_name, module_data):
383        """Generate a module class to collect dependencies in IDE.
385        The rules of initialize a module data instance: if ide_object isn't None
386        and its ide_name is 'eclipse', we'll create an EclipseModuleData
387        instance otherwise create a ModuleData instance.
389        Args:
390            module_name: Name of the module.
391            module_data: A dictionary holding a module information.
393        Returns:
394            A ModuleData class.
395        """
396        ide_name = project_config.ProjectConfig.get_instance().ide_name
397        if ide_name == constant.IDE_ECLIPSE:
398            return source_locator.EclipseModuleData(
399                module_name, module_data, self.project_relative_path)
400        depth = project_config.ProjectConfig.get_instance().depth
401        return source_locator.ModuleData(module_name, module_data, depth)
403    def _append_jars_as_dependencies(self, module):
404        """Add given module's jar files into dependent_data as dependencies.
406        Args:
407            module: A ModuleData instance.
408        """
409        if module.jar_files:
410            self.source_path['jar_path'].update(module.jar_files)
411            for jar in list(module.jar_files):
412                self.source_path['jar_module_path'].update({
413                    jar:
414                    module.module_path
415                })
416        # Collecting the jar files of default core modules as dependencies.
417        if constant.KEY_DEPENDENCIES in module.module_data:
418            self.source_path['jar_path'].update([
419                x for x in module.module_data[constant.KEY_DEPENDENCIES]
420                if common_util.is_target(x, constant.TARGET_LIBS)
421            ])
423    def _get_rel_project_out_soong_jar_path(self):
424        """Gets the projects' jar path in 'out/soong/.intermediates' folder.
426        Gets the relative project's jar path in the 'out/soong/.intermediates'
427        directory. For example, if the self.project_relative_path is
428        'frameworks/base', the returned value should be
429        'out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/'.
431        Returns:
432            A string of relative project path in out/soong/.intermediates/
433            directory, e.g. 'out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/'.
434        """
435        rdir = os.path.relpath(common_util.get_soong_out_path(),
436                               common_util.get_android_root_dir())
437        return os.sep.join(
438            [rdir, constant.INTERMEDIATES, self.project_relative_path]) + os.sep
440    @classmethod
441    def multi_projects_locate_source(cls, projects):
442        """Locate the paths of dependent source folders and jar files.
444        Args:
445            projects: A list of ProjectInfo instances. Information of a project
446                      such as project relative path, project real path, project
447                      dependencies.
448        """
449        cls.projects = projects
450        for project in projects:
451            project.locate_source()
452            _update_iml_dep_modules(project)
455class MultiProjectsInfo(ProjectInfo):
456    """Multiple projects info.
458    Usage example:
459        if folder_base:
460            project = MultiProjectsInfo(['module_name'])
461            project.collect_all_dep_modules()
462            project.gen_folder_base_dependencies()
463        else:
464            ProjectInfo.generate_projects(['module_name'])
466    Attributes:
467        _targets: A list of module names or project paths.
468        path_to_sources: A dictionary of modules' sources, the module's path
469                         as key and the sources as value.
470                         e.g.
471                         {
472                             'frameworks/base': {
473                                 'src_dirs': [],
474                                 'test_dirs': [],
475                                 'r_java_paths': [],
476                                 'srcjar_paths': [],
477                                 'jar_files': [],
478                                 'dep_paths': [],
479                             }
480                         }
481    """
483    def __init__(self, targets=None):
484        """MultiProjectsInfo initialize.
486        Args:
487            targets: A list of module names or project paths from user's input.
488        """
489        super().__init__(targets[0], True)
490        self._targets = targets
491        self.path_to_sources = {}
493    def _clear_srcjar_paths(self, module):
494        """Clears the srcjar_paths.
496        Args:
497            module: A ModuleData instance.
498        """
499        module.srcjar_paths = []
501    def _collect_framework_srcjar_info(self, module):
502        """Clears the framework's srcjars.
504        Args:
505            module: A ModuleData instance.
506        """
507        if module.module_path == constant.FRAMEWORK_PATH:
508            framework_srcjar_path = os.path.join(constant.FRAMEWORK_PATH,
509                                                 constant.FRAMEWORK_SRCJARS)
510            if module.module_name == constant.FRAMEWORK_ALL:
511                self.path_to_sources[framework_srcjar_path] = {
512                    'src_dirs': [],
513                    'test_dirs': [],
514                    'r_java_paths': [],
515                    'srcjar_paths': module.srcjar_paths,
516                    'jar_files': [],
517                    'dep_paths': [constant.FRAMEWORK_PATH],
518                }
519            # In the folder base case, AIDEGen has to ignore all module's srcjar
520            # files under the frameworks/base except the framework-all. Because
521            # there are too many duplicate srcjars of modules under the
522            # frameworks/base. So that AIDEGen keeps the srcjar files only from
523            # the framework-all module. Other modeuls' srcjar files will be
524            # removed. However, when users choose the module base case, srcjar
525            # files will be collected by the ProjectInfo class, so that the
526            # removing srcjar_paths in this class does not impact the
527            # srcjar_paths collection of modules in the ProjectInfo class.
528            self._clear_srcjar_paths(module)
530    def collect_all_dep_modules(self):
531        """Collects all dependency modules for the projects."""
532        self.project_module_names.clear()
533        module_names = set(_CORE_MODULES)
534        for target in self._targets:
535            relpath, _ = common_util.get_related_paths(self.modules_info,
536                                                       target)
537            module_names.update(self._get_modules_under_project_path(relpath))
538        module_names.update(self._get_robolectric_dep_module(module_names))
539        self.dep_modules = self.get_dep_modules(module_names)
541    def gen_folder_base_dependencies(self, module):
542        """Generates the folder base dependencies dictionary.
544        Args:
545            module: A ModuleData instance.
546        """
547        mod_path = module.module_path
548        if not mod_path:
549            logging.debug('The %s\'s path is empty.', module.module_name)
550            return
551        self._collect_framework_srcjar_info(module)
552        if mod_path not in self.path_to_sources:
553            self.path_to_sources[mod_path] = {
554                'src_dirs': module.src_dirs,
555                'test_dirs': module.test_dirs,
556                'r_java_paths': module.r_java_paths,
557                'srcjar_paths': module.srcjar_paths,
558                'jar_files': module.jar_files,
559                'dep_paths': module.dep_paths,
560            }
561        else:
562            for key, val in self.path_to_sources[mod_path].items():
563                val.extend([v for v in getattr(module, key) if v not in val])
566def batch_build_dependencies(rebuild_targets):
567    """Batch build the jar or srcjar files of the modules if they don't exist.
569    Command line has the max length limit, MAX_ARG_STRLEN, and
570    MAX_ARG_STRLEN = (PAGE_SIZE * 32).
571    If the build command is longer than MAX_ARG_STRLEN, this function will
572    separate the rebuild_targets into chunks with size less or equal to
573    MAX_ARG_STRLEN to make sure it can be built successfully.
575    Args:
576        rebuild_targets: A set of jar or srcjar files which do not exist.
577    """
578    start_time = time.time()
579    logging.info('Ready to build the jar or srcjar files. Files count = %s',
580                 str(len(rebuild_targets)))
581    arg_max = os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') * 32 - _CMD_LENGTH_BUFFER
582    rebuild_targets = list(rebuild_targets)
583    for start, end in iter(_separate_build_targets(rebuild_targets, arg_max)):
584        _build_target(rebuild_targets[start:end])
585    duration = time.time() - start_time
586    logging.debug('Build Time,  duration = %s', str(duration))
587    aidegen_metrics.performance_metrics(constant.TYPE_AIDEGEN_BUILD_TIME,
588                                        duration)
591def _build_target(targets):
592    """Build the jar or srcjar files.
594    Use -k to keep going when some targets can't be built or build failed.
595    Use -j to speed up building.
597    Args:
598        targets: A list of jar or srcjar files which need to build.
599    """
600    build_cmd = ['-k', '-j']
601    build_cmd.extend(list(targets))
602    verbose = True
603    if not atest_utils.build(build_cmd, verbose):
604        message = ('Build failed!\n{}\nAIDEGen will proceed but dependency '
605                   'correctness is not guaranteed if not all targets being '
606                   'built successfully.'.format('\n'.join(targets)))
607        print('\n{} {}\n'.format(common_util.COLORED_INFO('Warning:'), message))
610def _separate_build_targets(build_targets, max_length):
611    """Separate the build_targets by limit the command size to max command
612    length.
614    Args:
615        build_targets: A list to be separated.
616        max_length: The max number of each build command length.
618    Yields:
619        The start index and end index of build_targets.
620    """
621    arg_len = 0
622    first_item_index = 0
623    for i, item in enumerate(build_targets):
624        arg_len = arg_len + len(item) + _BLANK_SIZE
625        if arg_len > max_length:
626            yield first_item_index, i
627            first_item_index = i
628            arg_len = len(item) + _BLANK_SIZE
629    if first_item_index < len(build_targets):
630        yield first_item_index, len(build_targets)
633def _update_iml_dep_modules(project):
634    """Gets the dependent modules in the project's iml file.
636    The jar files which have the same source codes as cls.projects' source files
637    should be removed from the dependencies.iml file's jar paths. The codes are
638    written in aidegen.project.project_splitter.py.
639    We should also add the jar project's unique iml name into self.dependencies
640    which later will be written into its own iml project file. If we don't
641    remove these files in dependencies.iml, it will cause the duplicated codes
642    in IDE and raise issues. For example, when users do 'refactor' and rename a
643    class in the IDE, it will search all sources and dependencies' jar paths and
644    lead to the error.
645    """
646    keys = ('source_folder_path', 'test_folder_path', 'r_java_path',
647            'srcjar_path', 'jar_path')
648    for key in keys:
649        for jar in project.source_path[key]:
650            for prj in ProjectInfo.projects:
651                if prj is project:
652                    continue
653                if (prj.rel_out_soong_jar_path in jar and
654                        jar.endswith(constant.JAR_EXT)):
655                    if prj.iml_name not in project.dependencies:
656                        project.dependencies.append(prj.iml_name)
657                    break