/development/samples/SimpleJNI/jni/ |
D | native.cpp | 17 #define LOG_TAG "simplejni native.cpp" macro 24 #define ALOGV(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) 25 #define ALOGD(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) 26 #define ALOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) 27 #define ALOGW(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) 28 #define ALOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)
/development/samples/browseable/SwipeRefreshListFragment/src/com.example.android.swiperefreshlistfragment/ |
D | SwipeRefreshListFragmentFragment.java | 51 private static final String LOG_TAG = SwipeRefreshListFragmentFragment.class.getSimpleName(); field in SwipeRefreshListFragmentFragment 93 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onRefresh called from SwipeRefreshLayout"); in onViewCreated() 121 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Refresh menu item selected"); in onOptionsItemSelected() 133 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "setColorScheme #1"); in onOptionsItemSelected() 143 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "setColorScheme #2"); in onOptionsItemSelected() 153 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "setColorScheme #3"); in onOptionsItemSelected() 173 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "initiateRefresh"); in initiateRefresh() 188 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onRefreshComplete"); in onRefreshComplete()
/development/samples/browseable/SwipeRefreshMultipleViews/src/com.example.android.swiperefreshmultipleviews/ |
D | SwipeRefreshMultipleViewsFragment.java | 50 private static final String LOG_TAG = SwipeRefreshMultipleViewsFragment.class.getSimpleName(); field in SwipeRefreshMultipleViewsFragment 143 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onRefresh called from SwipeRefreshLayout"); in onViewCreated() 166 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Clear menu item selected"); in onOptionsItemSelected() 171 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Refresh menu item selected"); in onOptionsItemSelected() 194 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "initiateRefresh"); in initiateRefresh() 209 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onRefreshComplete"); in onRefreshComplete()
/development/samples/browseable/SwipeRefreshLayoutBasic/src/com.example.android.swiperefreshlayoutbasic/ |
D | SwipeRefreshLayoutBasicFragment.java | 49 private static final String LOG_TAG = SwipeRefreshLayoutBasicFragment.class.getSimpleName(); field in SwipeRefreshLayoutBasicFragment 131 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onRefresh called from SwipeRefreshLayout"); in onViewCreated() 154 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Refresh menu item selected"); in onOptionsItemSelected() 177 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "initiateRefresh"); in initiateRefresh() 192 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onRefreshComplete"); in onRefreshComplete()
/development/samples/browseable/WearHighBandwidthNetworking/src/com.example.android.wearable.wear.wearhighbandwidthnetworking/ |
D | MainActivity.java | 43 private static final String LOG_TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName(); field in MainActivity 115 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Network connection timeout"); in onCreate() 143 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Unregistering network callback"); in unregisterNetworkCallback() 173 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Requesting high-bandwidth network"); in requestHighBandwidthNetwork() 195 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "ConnectivityManager.bindProcessToNetwork()" in requestHighBandwidthNetwork() 199 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Network available"); in requestHighBandwidthNetwork() 212 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Network capabilities changed"); in requestHighBandwidthNetwork() 219 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Network lost"); in requestHighBandwidthNetwork()
/development/samples/training/threadsample/src/com/example/android/threadsample/ |
D | PhotoDecodeRunnable.java | 42 private static final String LOG_TAG = "PhotoDecodeRunnable"; field in PhotoDecodeRunnable 232 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Out of memory in decode stage. Throttling."); in run() 268 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Download failed in PhotoDecodeRunnable"); in run()
D | PhotoFragment.java | 34 private static final String LOG_TAG = "ImageDownloaderThread"; field in PhotoFragment 138 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onDestroyView"); in onDestroyView() 158 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onDetach"); in onDetach()
/development/samples/browseable/SlidingTabsBasic/src/com.example.android.slidingtabsbasic/ |
D | SlidingTabsBasicFragment.java | 38 static final String LOG_TAG = "SlidingTabsBasicFragment"; field in SlidingTabsBasicFragment 143 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "instantiateItem() [position: " + position + "]"); in instantiateItem() 156 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "destroyItem() [position: " + position + "]"); in destroyItem()
/development/samples/XmlAdapters/src/com/example/android/xmladapters/ |
D | XmlDocumentProvider.java | 136 private static final String LOG_TAG = "XmlDocumentProvider"; field in XmlDocumentProvider 197 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "I/O error while parsing XML " + uri, e); in query() 199 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while parsing XML " + uri, e); in query() 222 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unable to create XmlPullParser", e); in getUriXmlPullParser() 238 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while retrieving XML file " + url, e); in getUriXmlPullParser() 245 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while reading XML file from " + url, e); in getUriXmlPullParser() 295 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "XML resource not found: " + resourceUri.toString(), e); in getResourceXmlPullParser()
D | ImageDownloader.java | 56 private static final String LOG_TAG = "ImageDownloader"; field in ImageDownloader 297 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "I/O error while retrieving bitmap from " + url, e); in doInBackground() 300 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Incorrect URL: " + url); in doInBackground() 303 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while retrieving bitmap from " + url, e); in doInBackground()
/development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/accessibility/ |
D | TaskBackService.java | 39 private static final String LOG_TAG = "TaskBackService/onAccessibilityEvent"; field in TaskBackService 70 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Text-To-Speech engine not ready. Bailing out."); in onAccessibilityEvent() 140 Log.d(LOG_TAG, utterance.toString()); in onAccessibilityEvent()
D | MagnificationService.java | 39 private static final String LOG_TAG = "MagnificationService"; field in MagnificationService 160 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Magnification scale is now " + scale); in onServiceConnected()
D | ClockBackService.java | 64 private static final String LOG_TAG = "ClockBackService"; field in ClockBackService 286 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Registered for but not handling action " + action); 489 Log.i(LOG_TAG, mProvidedFeedbackType + " " + event.toString()); in onAccessibilityEvent()
/development/apps/WidgetPreview/src/com/android/widgetpreview/ |
D | WidgetPreviewActivity.java | 49 private static final String LOG_TAG = "WidgetPreviewActivity"; field in WidgetPreviewActivity 158 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Configuration activity not found: " + e); in setAppWidget() 253 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "External storage not present"); in saveImage() 262 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Failed to compress image"); in saveImage() 267 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Error writing to disk: " + e); in saveImage() 274 Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Could not close file: " + e); in saveImage()
/development/apps/launchperf/src/com/android/launchperf/ |
D | SimpleActivityLaunchPerformance.java | 30 public static final String LOG_TAG = "SimpleActivityLaunchPerformance"; field in SimpleActivityLaunchPerformance
D | PhoneLaunchPerformance.java | 30 public static final String LOG_TAG = "PhoneLaunchPerformance"; field in PhoneLaunchPerformance
D | HelloWorldLaunchPerformance.java | 30 public static final String LOG_TAG = "HelloWorldLaunchPerformance"; field in HelloWorldLaunchPerformance
D | EmptyActivityLaunchPerformance.java | 30 public static final String LOG_TAG = "EmptyActivityLaunchPerformance"; field in EmptyActivityLaunchPerformance
D | NotePadLaunchPerformance.java | 30 public static final String LOG_TAG = "NotePadLaunchPerformance"; field in NotePadLaunchPerformance
D | ComplexActivityLaunchPerformance.java | 31 public static final String LOG_TAG = "ComplexActivityLaunchPerformance"; field in ComplexActivityLaunchPerformance
/development/samples/UiAutomator/src/com/android/test/uiautomator/demos/ |
D | LogBuildNumber.java | 36 public static final String LOG_TAG = LogBuildNumber.class.getSimpleName(); field in LogBuildNumber 106 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Build = " + buildNum); in testDemo()
/development/samples/Home/src/com/example/android/home/ |
D | Wallpaper.java | 43 private static final String LOG_TAG = "Home"; field in Wallpaper 103 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to set wallpaper " + e); in selectWallpaper()
D | Home.java | 75 private static final String LOG_TAG = "Home"; field in Home 245 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to clear wallpaper " + e); in setDefaultWallpaper() 275 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't find or open favorites file " + favFile); in bindFavorites() 314 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Got exception parsing favorites.", e); in bindFavorites() 316 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Got exception parsing favorites.", e); in bindFavorites()
/development/samples/ControllerSample/src/com/example/inputmanagercompat/ |
D | InputManagerV9.java | 34 private static final String LOG_TAG = "InputManagerV9"; field in InputManagerV9 179 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unknown Message Type"); in run()
/development/samples/browseable/DisplayingBitmaps/src/com.example.android.displayingbitmaps/util/ |
D | AsyncTask.java | 198 private static final String LOG_TAG = "AsyncTask"; field in AsyncTask 323 android.util.Log.w(LOG_TAG, e); in AsyncTask()