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README.mdD22-Nov-20231.3 KiB1816

add_avd_img.shD22-Nov-20233.3 KiB10172

batch_add_avd_img.shD22-Nov-20231.8 KiB6137

create_avd.shD22-Nov-20235.2 KiB186139

patch_all_avds.shD22-Nov-20232.4 KiB9363

patch_avd.shD22-Nov-20232 KiB7952

set_avds_force_cold_boot.shD22-Nov-20233.4 KiB12384

test_add_avd_img.shD22-Nov-2023831 257

test_create_avd.shD22-Nov-20231.2 KiB

test_patch_all_avds.shD22-Nov-20231.1 KiB3210

test_set_avds_force_cold_boot.shD22-Nov-20231.1 KiB


1# Developer Tools for [AVD as a Development Platform](https://source.android.com/devices/automotive/start/avd)
2This is a collection of developer tools to use AAOS AVDs for a better produtivity.
4## Use Android Studio & Emulator
5These scripts provide simple steps to add AVD images. So users can use them by the AVD manager GUI or [the command line](https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-commandline).
7### Add new AVD images
8* add_avd_img.sh adds an AVD image to Android SDK dir.
9    * test_avd_avd_image.sh is the test & also examples of how to use it.
10* batch_add_avd_img.sh adds all AVD images listed in the input CSV file & properly patch to be used for Automotive device profiles.
11    * avd_img_list.csv is the default CSV file if non is provided & also as an example.
12* create_avd.sh creates a minimal AVD configuration from an AVD image.
13    * test_create_avd.sh is the test & also examples of how to use it.
14* patch_avd.sh changes an AVD configuration for bigger RAM, heap & data disk. So it can perform properly.
15* patch_all_avds.sh changes all AVD configuration for more RAM & heap. So it can perform properly.
16    * test_patch_all_avds.sh is the test & also examples of how to use it.
17* set_avds_force_cold_boot.sh sets Cold Boot or Quick Boot for all AVD configurations.
18    * test_set_avds_force_cold_boot.sh is the test & also examples of how to use it.