# PTS testing helpers # Secure connections only mode. # PTS_SecurePairOnly=true # Disable LE Connection updates #PTS_DisableConnUpdates=true # Use EATT for the notifications #PTS_ForceEattForNotifications=true # PTS L2CAP Ecoc upper tester (hijack eatt) #PTS_L2capEcocUpperTester=true # PTS L2CAP initial number of channels #note: PTS_EnableL2capUpperTester shall be true #PTS_L2capEcocInitialChanCnt=3 # PTS Min key size for L2CAP ECOC upper tester # note: PTS_EnableL2capUpperTester shall be true #PTS_L2capEcocMinKeySize=16 # PTS Send connect request after connect confirmation # note: PTS_L2capEcocInitialChanCnt shall be less than 5 #PTS_L2capEcocConnectRemaining=true #PTS L2CAP CoC schedule sending data after connection # note: PTS_EnableL2capUpperTester shall be true #PTS_L2capEcocSendNumOfSdu=2 # Start EATT without validation Server Supported Features # note: PTS_EnableL2capUpperTester shall be true #PTS_ConnectEattUncondictionally=true # Trigger reconfiguration after connection # note: PTS_EnableL2capUpperTester shall be true #PTS_L2capEcocReconfigure=true # Start EATT on unecrypted link # note: PTS_EnableL2capUpperTester shall be true #PTS_ConnectEattUnencrypted=true # Force EATT implementation to connect EATT as a peripheral for collision test case # note: PTS_EnableL2capUpperTester shall be true #PTS_EattPeripheralCollionSupport=true # Disable BR/EDR discovery after LE pairing to avoid cross key derivation errors #PTS_DisableSDPOnLEPair=true # SMP Pair options (formatted as hex bytes) auth, io, ikey, rkey, ksize #PTS_SmpOptions=0xD,0x4,0xf,0xf,0x10 # PTS AVRCP Test mode #PTS_AvrcpTest=true # Start broadcast with unecryption mode #PTS_BroadcastUnencrypted=true # Use EATT for all services #PTS_UseEattForAllServices=true # Suspend stream after some timeout in LE Audio client module #PTS_LeAudioSuspendStreaming=true # Force to update metadata with multiple CCIDs #PTS_ForceLeAudioMultipleContextsMetadata=true # SMP Certification Failure Cases # Set any of the following SMP error values (from smp_api_types.h) # to induce pairing failues for various PTS SMP test cases. # Setting PTS_SmpFailureCase to 0 means normal operation. # Failure modes: # # SMP_PASSKEY_ENTRY_FAIL = 1 # SMP_PAIR_AUTH_FAIL = 3 # SMP_CONFIRM_VALUE_ERR = 4 # SMP_PAIR_NOT_SUPPORT = 5 # SMP_ENC_KEY_SIZE = 6 # SMP_PAIR_FAIL_UNKNOWN = 8 # SMP_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS = 9 # SMP_NUMERIC_COMPAR_FAIL = 12 #PTS_SmpFailureCase=0 # PTS Broadcast audio configuration option # Option: # lc3_stereo_48_1_2 # lc3_stereo_48_2_2 # lc3_stereo_48_3_2 # lc3_stereo_48_4_2 #PTS_BroadcastAudioConfigOption=lc3_stereo_48_1_2