Lines Matching refs:or

2 abide - v. dwell; inhabit or live in
3 abound - v. be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities
5 absorb - v. assimilate or take in
7 absurd - j. inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense
9 abusive - j. characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment
10 academic - j. associated with school or learning
12 accept - v. consider or hold as true
13 access - v. reach or gain access to
16 accommodate - v. provide with something desired or needed
17 accompany - v. go or travel along with
19 account - v. furnish a justifying analysis or explanation
20 accurate - j. conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with tota…
21 accusation - n. an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence
22 accuse - v. blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against
23 acid - j. biting, sarcastic, or scornful
24 acknowledge - v. declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
25 acquire - v. come into the possession of something concrete or abstract
26 acquisition - n. something acquired or received
28 adjacent - j. having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching
29 administrator - n. someone who manages a government agency or department
31 adverse - j. contrary to your interests or welfare
32 advisory - n. an announcement that usually advises or warns the public of some threat
33 advocacy - n. active support of an idea or cause etc.; especially the act of pleading or arguing fo…
34 advocate - v. speak, plead, or argue in favor of
35 affect - n. the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
36 affirmative - j. affirming or giving assent
38 airy - j. not practical or realizable; speculative
39 album - n. a book of blank pages with pockets or envelopes; for organizing photographs or stamp col…
40 alcohol - n. a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent
41 alien - j. being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world
42 allegiance - n. the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)
44 alliance - n. a formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other g…
45 ally - n. an associate who provides cooperation or assistance
46 altar - n. a raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made
48 alternate - j. serving or used in place of another
49 alternative - j. serving or used in place of another
50 altitude - n. elevation especially above sea level or above the earth's surface
51 amateur - j. lacking professional skill or expertise
53 ambitious - j. having a strong desire for success or achievement
54 ambivalent - j. uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow
57 analyze - v. break down into components or essential features
60 annual - j. occurring or payable every year
61 anonymous - j. having no known name or identity or known source
62 antichrist - n. the adversary of Christ (or Christianity) mentioned in the New Testament
63 antique - j. made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age
64 anxious - j. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
65 apartheid - n. a social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal dis…
66 apocalyptic - j. prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom
69 apparent - j. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
71 appropriate - j. suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
73 arbitrary - j. based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or c…
75 arrange - v. put into a proper or systematic order
76 arrangement - n. an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit; the result of arr…
79 arrogant - j. having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride
80 articulate - j. expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language
82 assess - v. set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
83 assets - n. anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company
84 asylum - n. a shelter from danger or hardship
87 aura - n. a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing
88 austere - j. of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect
89 authentic - j. not counterfeit or copied
97 barring - n. the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
99 batter - n. a liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking
101 beneficial - j. promoting or enhancing well-being
102 benefit - n. something that aids or promotes well-being
103 benign - j. not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor)
113 botanical - j. of or relating to plants or botany
116 breach - n. an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification)
117 broadcast - n. message that is transmitted by radio or television
123 butt - v. to strike, thrust or shove against
125 caliber - n. a degree or grade of excellence or worth
126 campaign - n. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end
127 canon - n. a rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fund…
130 casual - j. without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand
133 causal - j. involving or constituting a cause; causing
134 censure - n. harsh criticism or disapproval
137 ceremonial - j. marked by pomp or ceremony or formality
140 chronic - j. being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering
142 cite - v. refer to for illustration or proof
143 clumsy - j. not elegant or graceful in expression
144 coalition - n. an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty
147 collapse - v. break down, literally or metaphorically
149 collective - j. set up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the workers …
152 commemorate - v. mark by some ceremony or observation
153 commentary - n. a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other…
155 commitment - n. the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action
158 comparable - j. able to be compared or worthy of comparison
160 compassionate - j. showing or having compassion
162 competence - n. the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually
163 competent - j. properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient
164 competitive - j. involving competition or competitiveness
167 …a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system
172 concession - n. a point conceded or yielded
173 confederate - j. united in a group or league
175 confident - j. having or marked by confidence or assurance
176 confront - v. oppose, as in hostility or a competition
180 consensus - n. agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole
181 conservatism - n. a political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in…
183 consistency - n. a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts
184 conspicuous - j. obvious to the eye or mind
185 conspiracy - n. a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
187 consume - v. use up (resources or materials)
188 consumer - n. a person who uses goods or services
193 contentious - j. inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law s…
195 continuous - j. continuing in time or space without interruption
196 contradiction - n. opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas
198 contribution - n. a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause
199 contributor - n. someone who contributes (or promises to contribute) a sum of money
201 conversion - n. the act of changing from one use or function or purpose to another
202 convertible - j. designed to be changed from one use or form to another
203 conviction - n. an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence
204 corporate - j. of or belonging to a corporation
206 corruption - n. destroying someone's (or some group's) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integr…
208 cosmopolitan - j. of worldwide scope or applicability
209 counsel - n. something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
210 counterpart - n. a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another
211 courageous - j. able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching
212 course - n. a connected series of events or actions or developments
213 courtesy - n. a courteous or respectful or considerate act
214 credible - j. appearing to merit belief or acceptance
216 …xert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a …
217 crush - v. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition
218 curator - n. the custodian of a collection (as a museum or library)
222 daring - n. the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger
227 decent - j. socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous
229 decree - n. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a co…
232 defendant - n. a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the per…
233 defensive - j. attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing
237 demise - v. transfer by a lease or by a will
238 demonstrate - v. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment
242 depth - n. the attribute or quality of being deep, strong, or intense
245 desert - n. arid land with little or no vegetation
246 designate - v. give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
247 despair - n. a state in which all hope is lost or absent
248 desperate - j. showing extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or desire
249 detect - v. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
251 determination - n. the quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose
253 diagnosis - n. identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon
255 difference - n. the quality of being unlike or dissimilar
256 dignity - n. the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect
257 dilemma - n. state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally un…
260 diplomatic - j. using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people
262 disappear - v. become invisible or unnoticeable
264 discipline - n. a system of rules of conduct or method of practice
266 discourse - n. extended verbal expression in speech or writing
268 discriminate - v. treat differently on the basis of sex or race
271 dishonest - j. deceptive or fraudulent; disposed to cheat or defraud or deceive
273 dismay - v. fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised
275 disparity - n. inequality or difference in some respect
278 distant - j. separated in space or coming from or going to a distance
281 distrust - v. regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in
283 diversion - n. an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates
288 domain - n. territory over which rule or control is exercised
289 dominance - n. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another
290 dominant - j. exercising influence or control
293 donate - v. give to a charity or good cause
297 dubious - j. open to doubt or suspicion
300 eccentric - n. a person with an unusual or odd personality
301 eclectic - j. selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
302 editorial - n. an article giving opinions or perspectives
304 effective - j. works well as a means or remedy
307 elaborate - v. add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a lea…
308 …aturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination const…
309 eligible - j. qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen
310 eliminate - v. terminate, end, or take out
313 embrace - n. the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)
315 emergence - n. the gradual beginning or coming forth
317 emphasis - n. intensity or forcefulness of expression
320 employer - n. a person or firm that employs workers
321 emulate - v. imitate the function of (another system), as by modifying the hardware or the software
323 encourage - v. inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to
326 enduring - j. patiently bearing continual wrongs or trouble
327 energetic - j. possessing or exerting or displaying energy
328 enhance - v. make better or more attractive
329 enormous - j. extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
330 enthusiastic - j. having or showing great excitement and interest
331 entity - n. that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living…
332 epic - j. very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)
334 episode - n. a brief section of a literary or dramatic work that forms part of a connected series
338 error - n. a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention
340 essence - n. the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
341 evangelical - j. relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the i…
343 …which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage)
344 exceed - v. be greater in scope or size than some standard
347 excess - j. more than is needed, desired, or required
348 exclude - v. prevent from being included or considered or accepted
350 exempt - v. grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to
352 exit - v. move out of or depart from
353 exotic - j. strikingly strange or unusual
354 expand - v. become larger in size or volume or quantity
355 expansion - n. the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope
356 expect - v. regard something as probable or likely
360 explicit - j. precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication
362 exploit - v. use or manipulate to one's advantage
363 explosion - n. the act of exploding or bursting
364 …tance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck
365 exposure - n. vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain
368 extensive - j. large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity
369 exterior - n. the outer side or surface of something
370 external - j. happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface
371 …e surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually under th…
372 extraordinary - j. beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable
376 facial - j. of or concerning the face
377 …signed and created to serve a particular function and to afford a particular convenience or service
379 faulty - j. characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules
381 felony - n. a serious crime (such as murder or arson)
384 fetus - n. an unborn or unhatched vertebrate in the later stages of development showing the main re…
386 feudal - j. of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism
389 finite - j. bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent
400 foreign - j. relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world
402 formation - n. an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit
403 formidable - j. extremely impressive in strength or excellence
405 forte - n. an asset of special worth or utility
406 forth - a. forward in time or order or degree
408 fragile - j. easily broken or damaged or destroyed
409 frantic - j. excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion
412 fringe - n. a social group holding marginal or extreme views
413 frivolous - j. not serious in content or attitude or behavior
415 fundamental - j. being or involving basic facts or principles
417 futile - j. producing no result or effect
420 …ment for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain e…
422 generic - j. applicable to an entire class or group
423 generosity - n. the trait of being willing to give your money or time
425 gesture - n. motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling
426 gigantic - j. so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth
427 gist - n. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
428 glimpse - n. a brief or incomplete view
430 grandeur - n. the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand
431 grandiose - j. impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval
432 grave - j. of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought
435 grotesque - j. distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous
437 guise - n. an artful or simulated semblance
439 hale - j. exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health
441 harbor - v. hold back a thought or feeling about
442 hazard - n. a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune
443 heir - n. a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another
445 hilarious - j. marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter
446 hollow - j. not solid; having a space or gap or cavity
449 humane - j. marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering
451 hush - v. become quiet or still; fall silent
452 …ally dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of d…
453 hypocrisy - n. insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not rea…
454 …world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena
455 hysteria - n. excessive or uncontrollable fear
457 ideology - n. an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation
460 imitation - n. something copied or derived from an original
461 immense - j. unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope
464 immoral - j. not adhering to ethical or moral principles
469 imply - v. express or state indirectly
471 improper - j. not suitable or right or appropriate
477 incidentally - a. of a minor or subordinate nature
478 inclined - j. at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position
479 incompetence - n. lack of physical or intellectual ability or qualifications
481 inconvenient - j. not suited to your comfort, purpose or needs
484 indifferent - j. showing no care or concern in attitude or action
489 inevitable - j. incapable of being avoided or prevented
490 inexpensive - j. relatively low in price or charging low prices
492 infinite - j. having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude
493 influence - n. a power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc
494 influential - j. having or exercising influence or power
498 injunction - n. (law) a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuin…
499 inland - a. towards or into the interior of a region
501 insistence - n. the state of demanding notice or attention
505 insufficient - j. of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement
508 intellectual - j. appealing to or using the intellect
510 intensive - j. characterized by a high degree or intensity; often used as a combining form
512 interact - v. act together or towards others or with others
513 interim - n. the time between one event, process, or period and another
514 intermediate - j. lying between two extremes in time or space or state
515 intervene - v. get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force
517 intimacy - n. close or warm friendship
520 inventive - j. (used of persons or artifacts) marked by independence and creativity in thought or a…
523 invincible - j. incapable of being overcome or subdued
528 irrational - j. not consistent with or using reason
529 irrelevant - j. having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
532 judgment - n. the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclus…
533 judicial - j. belonging or appropriate to the office of a judge
535 junction - n. something that joins or connects
537 juror - n. someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury
538 justification - n. something (such as a fact or circumstance) that shows an action to be reasonable…
539 juvenile - j. of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people
540 ken - n. range of what one can know or understand
542 …ted by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine
544 landmark - n. the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape
546 lapse - n. a break or intermission in the occurrence of something
549 lax - j. lacking in rigor or strictness
551 legislative - j. relating to a legislature or composed of members of a legislature
552 legitimacy - n. lawfulness by virtue of being authorized or in accordance with law
553 legitimate - j. in accordance with recognized or accepted standards or principles
565 literal - j. avoiding embellishment or exaggeration (used for emphasis)
567 logic - n. the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation
569 lovable - j. having characteristics that attract love or affection
571 ludicrous - j. broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce
573 machinery - n. machines or machine systems collectively
576 magnitude - n. the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small)
577 maintain - v. state or assert
579 makeup - n. the way in which someone or something is composed
583 manifesto - n. a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government)
584 marine - j. native to or inhabiting the sea
585 maritime - j. relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
586 martial - j. suggesting war or military life
589 massive - j. imposing in size or bulk or solidity
590 masterpiece - n. the most outstanding work of a creative artist or craftsman
592 maternal - j. relating to or derived from one's mother
593 maze - n. complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost
595 medicine - n. something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
598 …tion - n. continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a …
602 mentality - n. a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret …
603 mentor - v. serve as a teacher or trusted counselor
608 metropolitan - j. relating to or characteristic of a densely populated urban area
610 militant - j. disposed to warfare or hard-line policies
613 minimize - v. make small or insignificant
615 minority - n. being or relating to the smaller in number of two parts
616 minute - j. infinitely or immeasurably small
618 missile - n. a rocket carrying a warhead of conventional or nuclear explosives
619 momentum - n. an impelling force or strength
622 monetary - j. relating to or involving money
625 morality - n. concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good …
626 motto - n. a favorite saying of a sect or political group
627 mundane - j. concerned with the world or worldly matters; ordinary
629 muster - v. gather or bring together
632 mythology - n. myths collectively; the body of stories associated with a culture or institution or
633 …ells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or
636 naval - j. connected with or belonging to or used in a navy
639 network - n. an interconnected system of things or people
642 noisy - j. full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds
643 nomination - n. the condition of having been proposed as a suitable candidate for appointment or el…
645 norm - n. a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical
649 objective - j. undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena
652 obstruction - n. something that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted
656 ominous - j. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
658 operator - n. an agent that operates some apparatus or machine
659 opinion - n. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
664 oral - j. of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth
665 ordeal - n. a severe or trying experience
669 outcry - n. a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
671 outrageous - j. grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror
672 outright - a. without reservation or concealment
673 overhaul - v. make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to
675 overthrow - n. the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)
677 pact - n. a written agreement between two states or sovereigns
685 parody - v. make a spoof of or make fun of
688 partisan - n. an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity
689 partition - v. divide into parts, pieces, or sections
690 passive - j. lacking in energy or will
692 patron - n. someone who supports or champions something
694 peaceful - j. not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war
695 pedestrian - j. lacking wit or imagination
696 penalty - n. a punishment for a crime or offense
701 perceive - v. to become aware of or conscious of
704 perform - v. carry out or perform an action
706 permanent - j. continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place
707 perpetual - j. continuing forever or indefinitely
709 personal - j. concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality
713 persuade - v. cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebo…
714 pervasive - j. spreading or spread throughout
716 phenomenal - j. exceedingly or unbelievably great
717 phenomenon - n. any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning
718 philharmonic - j. composing or characteristic of an orchestral group
719 philosophy - n. any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation
730 plead - v. appeal or request earnestly
731 pleasant - j. affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings
733 poetic - j. of or relating to poetry
736 portfolio - n. a set of pieces of creative work collected to be shown to potential customers or emp…
737 positive - j. characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc.
738 possess - v. have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill
740 potent - j. having a strong physiological or chemical effect
743 precise - j. sharply exact or accurate or delimited
744 precision - n. the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
745 predecessor - n. one who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office)
750 prejudice - n. a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
751 premature - j. too soon or too hasty
754 preparation - n. the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose
756 prescription - n. written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the for…
757 preservation - n. the activity of protecting something from loss or danger
758 pretentious - j. making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or dist…
759 prevalent - j. most frequent or common
764 principle - n. a basic truth or law or assumption
765 principled - j. based on or manifesting objectively defined standards of rightness or morality
766 pristine - j. completely free from dirt or contamination
767 privilege - n. a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all
769 probe - v. question or examine thoroughly and closely
770 procedure - n. a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved …
771 proceed - v. move ahead; travel onward in time or space
772 productive - j. producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly)
773 profession - n. an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or scienc…
774 professor - n. someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university
776 progressive - j. favoring or promoting progress
777 prohibition - n. the action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof)
787 protection - n. the activity of protecting someone or something
788 protective - j. intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind
789 protestant - j. of or relating to Protestants or Protestantism
790 provincial - j. characteristic of the provinces or their people
791 provoke - v. evoke or provoke to appear or occur
793 prudence - n. knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress
797 qualify - v. make fit or prepared
799 radical - j. markedly new or introducing extreme change
801 rapid - j. characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed
803 reaction - n. a response that reveals a person's feelings or attitude
811 recover - v. get or find back; recover the use of
812 recruit - v. cause to assemble or enlist in the military
813 redemption - n. (theology) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil
814 refer - v. send or direct for treatment, information, or a decision
815 reflection - n. the image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material)
817 refuge - n. a shelter from danger or hardship
819 regime - n. the government or governing authority of a political unit
820 regional - j. related or limited to a particular region
822 relevant - j. having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
828 render - v. give or supply
833 resemblance - n. similarity in appearance or external or superficial details
834 resent - v. feel bitter or indignant about
836 resistance - n. the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with
839 resource - n. a source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed
840 restore - v. bring back into original existence, use, function, or position
843 retrospective - j. concerned with or related to the past
844 revelation - n. communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency
845 revive - v. be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength
846 rhetoric - n. using language effectively to please or persuade
849 robust - j. sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction
850 rue - n. sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment
851 rural - j. living in or characteristic of farming or country life
852 rustic - j. characteristic of the fields or country
853 sacrifice - v. kill or destroy
854 savage - v. criticize harshly or violently
855 scholarly - j. characteristic of learning or studying
856 scope - n. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control
857 script - n. a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a perf…
858 secession - n. formal separation from an alliance or federation
861 secular - j. not concerned with or devoted to religion
863 selective - j. characterized by very careful or fastidious choices
866 sensibility - n. refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions
870 sequel - n. a part added to a book or play that continues and extends it
871 sequence - n. serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern
872 sergeant - n. any of several noncommissioned officer ranks in the Army or Air Force or Marines rank…
873 servitude - n. state of subjection to an owner or master or forced labor imposed as punishment
875 shallow - j. lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious
876 sheer - j. complete and without restriction or qualification
879 significance - n. the quality of being important in effect or meaning
880 significant - j. important in effect or meaning
882 sinister - j. stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable
884 slack - j. not tense or taut
885 slight - n. a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval)
888 socialist - j. advocating or following the socialist principles of state ownership
890 solar - j. relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun
891 soldier - n. an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army
892 somber - j. grave or even gloomy in character
893 sophisticated - j. having or appealing to those having worldly knowledge and refinement
895 specialty - n. an asset of special worth or utility
899 spectrum - n. a broad range of related objects or ideas or activities
900 speculate - v. consider in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient…
901 spontaneous - j. said or done without having been planned or written in advance
903 stature - n. high level of respect gained by impressive development or achievement
908 submission - n. something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of a…
909 subsequent - j. following in time or order
911 substantive - j. having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or consi…
912 subtle - j. difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze
916 superficial - j. concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; not deep or pene…
917 suppress - v. reduce the incidence or severity of or stop
920 suspension - n. an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
922 sympathetic - j. expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow …
929 technology - n. the practical application of science to commerce or industry
932 …endency - n. a characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or c…
933 tense - j. taut or rigid; stretched tight
934 tentative - j. unsettled in mind or opinion
936 terminal - j. being or situated at an end
939 theological - j. of or relating to or concerning the study of religion
942 theorist - n. someone who theorizes (especially in science or art)
944 titanic - j. of great force or power
945 tolerance - n. willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others
946 tolerant - j. showing respect for the rights or opinions or practices of others
948 …ng that has been transcribed; a written record (usually typewritten) of dictated or recorded speech
950 transition - v. make or undergo a transition (from one state or system to another)
955 tremendous - j. extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
959 trivial - j. of little substance or significance
960 truthful - j. expressing or given to expressing the truth
962 typical - j. exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category
964 ultimate - j. furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme
966 uncommon - j. not common or ordinarily encountered; unusually great in amount or remarkable in char…
967 … - j. not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead
968 undermine - v. destroy property or hinder normal operations
970 unlimited - j. having no limits in range or scope
972 urban - j. located in or characteristic of a city or city life
977 valid - j. well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force
978 variation - n. an artifact that deviates from a norm or standard
979 vegetarian - n. eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) an…
980 vegetation - n. all the plant life in a particular region or period
984 vertical - j. at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line
985 veto - n. the power or right to prohibit or reject a proposed or intended act (especially the power…
986 vigorous - j. strong and active physically or mentally
987 violation - n. an act that disregards an agreement or a right
989 visual - j. relating to or using sight
992 volatile - j. liable to lead to sudden change or violence
993 vulnerable - j. capable of being wounded or hurt
994 warrant - v. stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of
996 wholly - a. to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent ('whole' is often used informally …
998 zeal - n. excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end