Lines Matching refs:Disconnected
136 * Disconnected because of an unknown or unspecified reason.
141 * Disconnected because there was an error, such as a problem with the network.
146 * Disconnected because of a local user-initiated action, such as hanging up.
151 * Disconnected because of a remote user-initiated action, such as the other party hanging up
157 * Disconnected because it has been canceled.
162 * Disconnected because there was no response to an incoming call.
167 * Disconnected because the user rejected an incoming call.
172 * Disconnected because the other party was busy.
177 * Disconnected because of a restriction on placing the call, such as dialing in airplane
183 * Disconnected for reason not described by other disconnect codes.
188 * Disconnected because the connection manager did not support the call. The call will be tried
194 * Disconnected because the user did not locally answer the incoming call, but it was answered
200 * Disconnected because the call was pulled from the current device to another device.