/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "base/arena_allocator.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/malloc_arena_pool.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "parallel_move_resolver.h" #include "gtest/gtest-typed-test.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace art HIDDEN { constexpr int kScratchRegisterStartIndexForTest = 100; static void DumpRegisterForTest(std::ostream& os, int reg) { if (reg >= kScratchRegisterStartIndexForTest) { os << "T" << reg - kScratchRegisterStartIndexForTest; } else { os << reg; } } static void DumpLocationForTest(std::ostream& os, Location location) { if (location.IsConstant()) { os << "C"; } else if (location.IsPair()) { DumpRegisterForTest(os, location.low()); os << ","; DumpRegisterForTest(os, location.high()); } else if (location.IsRegister()) { DumpRegisterForTest(os, location.reg()); } else if (location.IsStackSlot()) { os << location.GetStackIndex() << "(sp)"; } else { DCHECK(location.IsDoubleStackSlot())<< location; os << "2x" << location.GetStackIndex() << "(sp)"; } } class TestParallelMoveResolverWithSwap : public ParallelMoveResolverWithSwap { public: explicit TestParallelMoveResolverWithSwap(ArenaAllocator* allocator) : ParallelMoveResolverWithSwap(allocator) {} void EmitMove(size_t index) override { MoveOperands* move = moves_[index]; if (!message_.str().empty()) { message_ << " "; } message_ << "("; DumpLocationForTest(message_, move->GetSource()); message_ << " -> "; DumpLocationForTest(message_, move->GetDestination()); message_ << ")"; } void EmitSwap(size_t index) override { MoveOperands* move = moves_[index]; if (!message_.str().empty()) { message_ << " "; } message_ << "("; DumpLocationForTest(message_, move->GetSource()); message_ << " <-> "; DumpLocationForTest(message_, move->GetDestination()); message_ << ")"; } void SpillScratch([[maybe_unused]] int reg) override {} void RestoreScratch([[maybe_unused]] int reg) override {} std::string GetMessage() const { return message_.str(); } private: std::ostringstream message_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestParallelMoveResolverWithSwap); }; class TestParallelMoveResolverNoSwap : public ParallelMoveResolverNoSwap { public: explicit TestParallelMoveResolverNoSwap(ArenaAllocator* allocator) : ParallelMoveResolverNoSwap(allocator), scratch_index_(kScratchRegisterStartIndexForTest) {} void PrepareForEmitNativeCode() override { scratch_index_ = kScratchRegisterStartIndexForTest; } void FinishEmitNativeCode() override {} Location AllocateScratchLocationFor(Location::Kind kind) override { if (kind == Location::kStackSlot || kind == Location::kFpuRegister || kind == Location::kRegister) { kind = Location::kRegister; } else { // Allocate register pair for double stack slot which simulates 32-bit backend's behavior. kind = Location::kRegisterPair; } Location scratch = GetScratchLocation(kind); if (scratch.Equals(Location::NoLocation())) { AddScratchLocation(Location::RegisterLocation(scratch_index_)); AddScratchLocation(Location::RegisterLocation(scratch_index_ + 1)); AddScratchLocation(Location::RegisterPairLocation(scratch_index_, scratch_index_ + 1)); scratch = (kind == Location::kRegister) ? Location::RegisterLocation(scratch_index_) : Location::RegisterPairLocation(scratch_index_, scratch_index_ + 1); scratch_index_ += 2; } return scratch; } void FreeScratchLocation([[maybe_unused]] Location loc) override {} void EmitMove(size_t index) override { MoveOperands* move = moves_[index]; if (!message_.str().empty()) { message_ << " "; } message_ << "("; DumpLocationForTest(message_, move->GetSource()); message_ << " -> "; DumpLocationForTest(message_, move->GetDestination()); message_ << ")"; } std::string GetMessage() const { return message_.str(); } private: std::ostringstream message_; int scratch_index_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestParallelMoveResolverNoSwap); }; static HParallelMove* BuildParallelMove(ArenaAllocator* allocator, const size_t operands[][2], size_t number_of_moves) { HParallelMove* moves = new (allocator) HParallelMove(allocator); for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_moves; ++i) { moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(operands[i][0]), Location::RegisterLocation(operands[i][1]), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); } return moves; } template class ParallelMoveTest : public ::testing::Test { public: static const bool has_swap; }; template<> const bool ParallelMoveTest::has_swap = true; template<> const bool ParallelMoveTest::has_swap = false; using ParallelMoveResolverTestTypes = ::testing::Types; TYPED_TEST_CASE(ParallelMoveTest, ParallelMoveResolverTestTypes); TYPED_TEST(ParallelMoveTest, Dependency) { MallocArenaPool pool; ArenaAllocator allocator(&pool); { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); static constexpr size_t moves[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}}; resolver.EmitNativeCode(BuildParallelMove(&allocator, moves, arraysize(moves))); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(1 -> 2) (0 -> 1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(1 -> 2) (0 -> 1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); static constexpr size_t moves[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {1, 4}}; resolver.EmitNativeCode(BuildParallelMove(&allocator, moves, arraysize(moves))); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(2 -> 3) (1 -> 2) (1 -> 4) (0 -> 1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(2 -> 3) (1 -> 2) (0 -> 1) (2 -> 4)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } } TYPED_TEST(ParallelMoveTest, Cycle) { MallocArenaPool pool; ArenaAllocator allocator(&pool); { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); static constexpr size_t moves[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}}; resolver.EmitNativeCode(BuildParallelMove(&allocator, moves, arraysize(moves))); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(1 <-> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(1 -> T0) (0 -> 1) (T0 -> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); static constexpr size_t moves[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 0}}; resolver.EmitNativeCode(BuildParallelMove(&allocator, moves, arraysize(moves))); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(1 -> 2) (1 <-> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(1 -> 2) (0 -> 1) (2 -> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); static constexpr size_t moves[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, 2}}; resolver.EmitNativeCode(BuildParallelMove(&allocator, moves, arraysize(moves))); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0 -> 2) (1 <-> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(0 -> 2) (1 -> 0) (2 -> 1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); static constexpr size_t moves[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 0}}; resolver.EmitNativeCode(BuildParallelMove(&allocator, moves, arraysize(moves))); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(4 <-> 0) (3 <-> 4) (2 <-> 3) (1 <-> 2)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(4 -> T0) (3 -> 4) (2 -> 3) (1 -> 2) (0 -> 1) (T0 -> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } } TYPED_TEST(ParallelMoveTest, ConstantLast) { MallocArenaPool pool; ArenaAllocator allocator(&pool); TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::ConstantLocation(new (&allocator) HIntConstant(0)), Location::RegisterLocation(0), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(1), Location::RegisterLocation(2), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); ASSERT_STREQ("(1 -> 2) (C -> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } TYPED_TEST(ParallelMoveTest, Pairs) { MallocArenaPool pool; ArenaAllocator allocator(&pool); { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(2), Location::RegisterLocation(4), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); ASSERT_STREQ("(2 -> 4) (0,1 -> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(2), Location::RegisterLocation(4), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); ASSERT_STREQ("(2 -> 4) (0,1 -> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(2), Location::RegisterLocation(0), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 <-> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(2 -> T0) (0,1 -> 2,3) (T0 -> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(2), Location::RegisterLocation(7), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(7), Location::RegisterLocation(1), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 <-> 2,3) (7 -> 1) (0 -> 7)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 -> T0,T1) (7 -> 1) (2 -> 7) (T0,T1 -> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(2), Location::RegisterLocation(7), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(7), Location::RegisterLocation(1), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 <-> 2,3) (7 -> 1) (0 -> 7)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 -> T0,T1) (7 -> 1) (2 -> 7) (T0,T1 -> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(2), Location::RegisterLocation(7), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(7), Location::RegisterLocation(1), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 <-> 2,3) (7 -> 1) (0 -> 7)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(7 -> T0) (2 -> 7) (0,1 -> 2,3) (T0 -> 1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(2,3 <-> 0,1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(2,3 -> T0,T1) (0,1 -> 2,3) (T0,T1 -> 0,1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 <-> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 -> T0,T1) (2,3 -> 0,1) (T0,T1 -> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } } TYPED_TEST(ParallelMoveTest, MultiCycles) { MallocArenaPool pool; ArenaAllocator allocator(&pool); { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); static constexpr size_t moves[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {2, 3}, {3, 2}}; resolver.EmitNativeCode(BuildParallelMove(&allocator, moves, arraysize(moves))); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(1 <-> 0) (3 <-> 2)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(1 -> T0) (0 -> 1) (T0 -> 0) (3 -> T0) (2 -> 3) (T0 -> 2)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(2), Location::RegisterLocation(0), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(3), Location::RegisterLocation(1), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 <-> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(2 -> T0) (3 -> T1) (0,1 -> 2,3) (T0 -> 0) (T1 -> 1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(2), Location::RegisterLocation(0), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(3), Location::RegisterLocation(1), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0,1 <-> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(3 -> T0) (0,1 -> T2,T3) (T0 -> 1) (2 -> 0) (T2,T3 -> 2,3)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { // Test involving registers used in single context and pair context. TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(10), Location::RegisterLocation(5), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(4, 5), Location::DoubleStackSlot(32), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::DoubleStackSlot(32), Location::RegisterPairLocation(10, 11), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(2x32(sp) <-> 10,11) (4,5 <-> 2x32(sp)) (4 -> 5)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(2x32(sp) -> T0,T1) (4,5 -> 2x32(sp)) (10 -> 5) (T0,T1 -> 10,11)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } } // Test that we do 64bits moves before 32bits moves. TYPED_TEST(ParallelMoveTest, CyclesWith64BitsMoves) { MallocArenaPool pool; ArenaAllocator allocator(&pool); { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(0), Location::RegisterLocation(1), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(1), Location::StackSlot(48), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::StackSlot(48), Location::RegisterLocation(0), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(0 <-> 1) (48(sp) <-> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(48(sp) -> T0) (1 -> 48(sp)) (0 -> 1) (T0 -> 0)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), Location::DoubleStackSlot(32), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::DoubleStackSlot(32), Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(2x32(sp) <-> 0,1) (2,3 <-> 2x32(sp))", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(2x32(sp) -> T0,T1) (2,3 -> 2x32(sp)) (0,1 -> 2,3) (T0,T1 -> 0,1)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } } TYPED_TEST(ParallelMoveTest, CyclesWith64BitsMoves2) { MallocArenaPool pool; ArenaAllocator allocator(&pool); { TypeParam resolver(&allocator); HParallelMove* moves = new (&allocator) HParallelMove(&allocator); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(0), Location::RegisterLocation(3), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterPairLocation(2, 3), Location::RegisterPairLocation(0, 1), DataType::Type::kInt64, nullptr); moves->AddMove( Location::RegisterLocation(7), Location::RegisterLocation(2), DataType::Type::kInt32, nullptr); resolver.EmitNativeCode(moves); if (TestFixture::has_swap) { ASSERT_STREQ("(2,3 <-> 0,1) (2 -> 3) (7 -> 2)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("(2,3 -> T0,T1) (0 -> 3) (T0,T1 -> 0,1) (7 -> 2)", resolver.GetMessage().c_str()); } } } } // namespace art