/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "common_art_test.h" #include <dirent.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <ftw.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/capability.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <cstdio> #include <filesystem> #include <functional> #include "android-base/file.h" #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "android-base/process.h" #include "android-base/scopeguard.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "android-base/strings.h" #include "android-base/unique_fd.h" #include "art_field-inl.h" #include "base/file_utils.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/mem_map.h" #include "base/mutex.h" #include "base/os.h" #include "base/runtime_debug.h" #include "base/scoped_cap.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/testing.h" #include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h" #include "dex/art_dex_file_loader.h" #include "dex/dex_file-inl.h" #include "dex/dex_file_loader.h" #include "dex/primitive.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "nativehelper/scoped_local_ref.h" namespace art { using android::base::StringPrintf; ScratchDir::ScratchDir(bool keep_files) : keep_files_(keep_files) { // ANDROID_DATA needs to be set CHECK_NE(static_cast<char*>(nullptr), getenv("ANDROID_DATA")) << "Are you subclassing RuntimeTest?"; path_ = getenv("ANDROID_DATA"); path_ += "/tmp-XXXXXX"; bool ok = (mkdtemp(&path_[0]) != nullptr); CHECK(ok) << strerror(errno) << " for " << path_; path_ += "/"; } ScratchDir::~ScratchDir() { if (!keep_files_) { std::filesystem::remove_all(path_); } } ScratchFile::ScratchFile() { // ANDROID_DATA needs to be set CHECK_NE(static_cast<char*>(nullptr), getenv("ANDROID_DATA")) << "Are you subclassing RuntimeTest?"; filename_ = getenv("ANDROID_DATA"); filename_ += "/TmpFile-XXXXXX"; int fd = mkstemp(&filename_[0]); CHECK_NE(-1, fd) << strerror(errno) << " for " << filename_; file_.reset(new File(fd, GetFilename(), true)); } ScratchFile::ScratchFile(const ScratchFile& other, const char* suffix) : ScratchFile(other.GetFilename() + suffix) {} ScratchFile::ScratchFile(const std::string& filename) : filename_(filename) { int fd = open(filename_.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0666); CHECK_NE(-1, fd); file_.reset(new File(fd, GetFilename(), true)); } ScratchFile::ScratchFile(File* file) { CHECK(file != nullptr); filename_ = file->GetPath(); file_.reset(file); } ScratchFile::ScratchFile(ScratchFile&& other) noexcept { *this = std::move(other); } ScratchFile& ScratchFile::operator=(ScratchFile&& other) noexcept { if (GetFile() != other.GetFile()) { std::swap(filename_, other.filename_); std::swap(file_, other.file_); } return *this; } ScratchFile::~ScratchFile() { Unlink(); } int ScratchFile::GetFd() const { return file_->Fd(); } void ScratchFile::Close() { if (file_ != nullptr) { if (file_->FlushCloseOrErase() != 0) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Error closing scratch file."; } file_.reset(); } } void ScratchFile::Unlink() { if (!OS::FileExists(filename_.c_str())) { return; } Close(); int unlink_result = unlink(filename_.c_str()); CHECK_EQ(0, unlink_result); } // Temporarily drops all root capabilities when the test is run as root. This is a noop otherwise. android::base::ScopeGuard<std::function<void()>> ScopedUnroot() { ScopedCap old_cap(cap_get_proc()); CHECK_NE(old_cap.Get(), nullptr); ScopedCap new_cap(cap_dup(old_cap.Get())); CHECK_NE(new_cap.Get(), nullptr); CHECK_EQ(cap_clear_flag(new_cap.Get(), CAP_EFFECTIVE), 0); CHECK_EQ(cap_set_proc(new_cap.Get()), 0); // `old_cap` is actually not shared with anyone else, but we have to wrap it with a `shared_ptr` // because `std::function` requires captures to be copyable. return android::base::make_scope_guard( [old_cap = std::make_shared<ScopedCap>(std::move(old_cap))]() { CHECK_EQ(cap_set_proc(old_cap->Get()), 0); }); } // Temporarily drops write permission on a file/directory. android::base::ScopeGuard<std::function<void()>> ScopedInaccessible(const std::string& path) { std::filesystem::perms old_perms = std::filesystem::status(path).permissions(); std::filesystem::permissions(path, std::filesystem::perms::none); return android::base::make_scope_guard([=]() { std::filesystem::permissions(path, old_perms); }); } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidBuildTop() { CHECK(IsHost()); std::string android_build_top; // Look at how we were invoked to find the expected directory. std::string argv; if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/self/cmdline", &argv)) { // /proc/self/cmdline is the programs 'argv' with elements delimited by '\0'. std::filesystem::path path(argv.substr(0, argv.find('\0'))); path = std::filesystem::absolute(path); // Walk up until we find the one of the well-known directories. for (; path.parent_path() != path; path = path.parent_path()) { // We are running tests from out/host/linux-x86 on developer machine. if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("linux-x86")) { android_build_top = path.parent_path().parent_path().parent_path(); break; } // We are running tests from testcases (extracted from zip) on tradefed. // The first path is for remote runs and the second path for local runs. if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("testcases") || path.filename().string().starts_with("host_testcases")) { android_build_top = path.append("art_common"); break; } } } CHECK(!android_build_top.empty()); // Check that the expected directory matches the environment variable. const char* android_build_top_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"); android_build_top = std::filesystem::path(android_build_top).string(); CHECK(!android_build_top.empty()); if (android_build_top_from_env != nullptr) { if (std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(android_build_top).string() != std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(android_build_top_from_env).string()) { android_build_top = android_build_top_from_env; } } else { setenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", android_build_top.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/0); } if (android_build_top.back() != '/') { android_build_top += '/'; } return android_build_top; } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidHostOut() { CHECK(IsHost()); // Check that the expected directory matches the environment variable. // ANDROID_HOST_OUT is set by envsetup or unset and is the full path to host binaries/libs const char* android_host_out_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT"); // OUT_DIR is a user-settable ENV_VAR that controls where soong puts build artifacts. It can // either be relative to ANDROID_BUILD_TOP or a concrete path. const char* android_out_dir = getenv("OUT_DIR"); // Take account of OUT_DIR setting. if (android_out_dir == nullptr) { android_out_dir = "out"; } std::string android_host_out; if (android_out_dir[0] == '/') { android_host_out = (std::filesystem::path(android_out_dir) / "host" / "linux-x86").string(); } else { android_host_out = (std::filesystem::path(GetAndroidBuildTop()) / android_out_dir / "host" / "linux-x86") .string(); } std::filesystem::path expected(android_host_out); if (android_host_out_from_env != nullptr) { std::filesystem::path from_env(std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(android_host_out_from_env)); if (std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(expected).string() != from_env.string()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Execution path (" << expected << ") not below ANDROID_HOST_OUT (" << from_env << ")! Using env-var."; expected = from_env; } } else { setenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", android_host_out.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/0); } return expected.string(); } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetHostBootClasspathInstallRoot() { CHECK(IsHost()); std::string build_install_root = GetAndroidHostOut() + "/testcases/art_common/out/host/linux-x86"; // Look for the `apex` subdirectory as a discriminator to check the location. if (OS::DirectoryExists((build_install_root + "/apex").c_str())) { // This is the path where "m art-host-tests" installs support files for host // tests, so use it when the tests are run in a build tree (which is the // case when testing locally). return build_install_root; } if (OS::DirectoryExists((GetAndroidRoot() + "/apex").c_str())) { // This is the location for host tests in CI when the files are unzipped // from art-host-tests.zip. return GetAndroidRoot(); } LOG(ERROR) << "Neither location has a boot classpath (forgot \"m art-host-tests\"?): " << build_install_root << " or " << GetAndroidRoot(); return "<no boot classpath found>"; } void CommonArtTestImpl::SetUpAndroidRootEnvVars() { if (IsHost()) { std::string android_host_out = GetAndroidHostOut(); // Environment variable ANDROID_ROOT is set on the device, but not // necessarily on the host. const char* android_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT"); if (android_root_from_env == nullptr) { // Use ANDROID_HOST_OUT for ANDROID_ROOT. setenv("ANDROID_ROOT", android_host_out.c_str(), 1); android_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT"); } // Environment variable ANDROID_I18N_ROOT is set on the device, but not // necessarily on the host. It needs to be set so that various libraries // like libcore / icu4j / icu4c can find their data files. const char* android_i18n_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_I18N_ROOT"); if (android_i18n_root_from_env == nullptr) { // Use ${ANDROID_I18N_OUT}/com.android.i18n for ANDROID_I18N_ROOT. std::string android_i18n_root = android_host_out; android_i18n_root += "/com.android.i18n"; setenv("ANDROID_I18N_ROOT", android_i18n_root.c_str(), 1); } // Environment variable ANDROID_ART_ROOT is set on the device, but not // necessarily on the host. It needs to be set so that various libraries // like libcore / icu4j / icu4c can find their data files. const char* android_art_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_ART_ROOT"); if (android_art_root_from_env == nullptr) { // Use ${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/com.android.art for ANDROID_ART_ROOT. std::string android_art_root = android_host_out; android_art_root += "/com.android.art"; setenv("ANDROID_ART_ROOT", android_art_root.c_str(), 1); } // Environment variable ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT is set on the device, but not // necessarily on the host. It needs to be set so that various libraries // like libcore / icu4j / icu4c can find their data files. const char* android_tzdata_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT"); if (android_tzdata_root_from_env == nullptr) { // Use ${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/com.android.tzdata for ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT. std::string android_tzdata_root = android_host_out; android_tzdata_root += "/com.android.tzdata"; setenv("ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT", android_tzdata_root.c_str(), 1); } setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ":", 0); // Required by java.lang.System.<clinit>. } } void CommonArtTestImpl::SetUpAndroidDataDir(std::string& android_data) { if (IsHost()) { const char* tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tmpdir != nullptr && tmpdir[0] != 0) { android_data = tmpdir; } else { android_data = "/tmp"; } } else { // On target, we cannot use `/mnt/sdcard` because it is mounted `noexec`, // nor `/data/dalvik-cache` as it is not accessible on `user` builds. // Instead, use `/data/local/tmp`, which does not require any special // permission. android_data = "/data/local/tmp"; } android_data += "/art-data-XXXXXX"; if (mkdtemp(&android_data[0]) == nullptr) { PLOG(FATAL) << "mkdtemp(\"" << &android_data[0] << "\") failed"; } setenv("ANDROID_DATA", android_data.c_str(), 1); } void CommonArtTestImpl::SetUp() { // Some tests clear these and when running with --no_isolate this can cause // later tests to fail Locks::Init(); MemMap::Init(); SetUpAndroidRootEnvVars(); SetUpAndroidDataDir(android_data_); // Re-use the data temporary directory for /system_ext tests android_system_ext_.append(android_data_); android_system_ext_.append("/system_ext"); int mkdir_result = mkdir(android_system_ext_.c_str(), 0700); ASSERT_EQ(mkdir_result, 0); setenv("SYSTEM_EXT_ROOT", android_system_ext_.c_str(), 1); std::string system_ext_framework = android_system_ext_ + "/framework"; mkdir_result = mkdir(system_ext_framework.c_str(), 0700); ASSERT_EQ(mkdir_result, 0); dalvik_cache_.append(android_data_); dalvik_cache_.append("/dalvik-cache"); mkdir_result = mkdir(dalvik_cache_.c_str(), 0700); ASSERT_EQ(mkdir_result, 0); if (kIsDebugBuild) { static bool gSlowDebugTestFlag = false; RegisterRuntimeDebugFlag(&gSlowDebugTestFlag); SetRuntimeDebugFlagsEnabled(true); CHECK(gSlowDebugTestFlag); } } void CommonArtTestImpl::TearDownAndroidDataDir(const std::string& android_data, bool fail_on_error) { if (fail_on_error) { ASSERT_EQ(rmdir(android_data.c_str()), 0); } else { rmdir(android_data.c_str()); } } // Get prebuilt binary tool. // The paths need to be updated when Android prebuilts update. std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidTool(const char* name, InstructionSet) { #ifndef ART_CLANG_PATH UNUSED(name); LOG(FATAL) << "There are no prebuilt tools available."; UNREACHABLE(); #else std::string path = GetAndroidBuildTop() + ART_CLANG_PATH + "/bin/"; CHECK(OS::DirectoryExists(path.c_str())) << path; path += name; CHECK(OS::FileExists(path.c_str())) << path; return path; #endif } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetCoreArtLocation() { return GetCoreFileLocation("art"); } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetCoreOatLocation() { return GetCoreFileLocation("oat"); } std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> CommonArtTestImpl::LoadExpectSingleDexFile(const char* location) { std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files; std::string error_msg; MemMap::Init(); static constexpr bool kVerifyChecksum = true; std::string filename(IsHost() ? GetAndroidBuildTop() + location : location); ArtDexFileLoader dex_file_loader(filename.c_str(), std::string(location)); if (!dex_file_loader.Open(/* verify= */ true, kVerifyChecksum, &error_msg, &dex_files)) { LOG(FATAL) << "Could not open .dex file '" << filename << "': " << error_msg << "\n"; UNREACHABLE(); } CHECK_EQ(1U, dex_files.size()) << "Expected only one dex file in " << filename; return std::move(dex_files[0]); } void CommonArtTestImpl::ClearDirectory(const char* dirpath, bool recursive) { ASSERT_TRUE(dirpath != nullptr); DIR* dir = opendir(dirpath); ASSERT_TRUE(dir != nullptr); dirent* e; struct stat s; while ((e = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) { if ((strcmp(e->d_name, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(e->d_name, "..") == 0)) { continue; } std::string filename(dirpath); filename.push_back('/'); filename.append(e->d_name); int stat_result = lstat(filename.c_str(), &s); ASSERT_EQ(0, stat_result) << "unable to stat " << filename; if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { if (recursive) { ClearDirectory(filename.c_str()); int rmdir_result = rmdir(filename.c_str()); ASSERT_EQ(0, rmdir_result) << filename; } } else { int unlink_result = unlink(filename.c_str()); ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink_result) << filename; } } closedir(dir); } void CommonArtTestImpl::TearDown() { const char* android_data = getenv("ANDROID_DATA"); ASSERT_TRUE(android_data != nullptr); ClearDirectory(dalvik_cache_.c_str()); int rmdir_cache_result = rmdir(dalvik_cache_.c_str()); ASSERT_EQ(0, rmdir_cache_result); ClearDirectory(android_system_ext_.c_str(), true); rmdir_cache_result = rmdir(android_system_ext_.c_str()); ASSERT_EQ(0, rmdir_cache_result); TearDownAndroidDataDir(android_data_, true); dalvik_cache_.clear(); android_system_ext_.clear(); } std::vector<std::string> CommonArtTestImpl::GetLibCoreModuleNames() const { return art::testing::GetLibCoreModuleNames(); } std::vector<std::string> CommonArtTestImpl::GetLibCoreDexFileNames( const std::vector<std::string>& modules) const { return art::testing::GetLibCoreDexFileNames( kIsTargetBuild ? "" : GetHostBootClasspathInstallRoot(), modules); } std::vector<std::string> CommonArtTestImpl::GetLibCoreDexFileNames() const { std::vector<std::string> modules = GetLibCoreModuleNames(); return art::testing::GetLibCoreDexFileNames( kIsTargetBuild ? "" : GetHostBootClasspathInstallRoot(), modules); } std::vector<std::string> CommonArtTestImpl::GetLibCoreDexLocations( const std::vector<std::string>& modules) const { std::string prefix = ""; if (IsHost()) { std::string android_root = GetAndroidRoot(); std::string build_top = GetAndroidBuildTop(); CHECK(android_root.starts_with(build_top)) << " android_root=" << android_root << " build_top=" << build_top; prefix = android_root.substr(build_top.size()); } return art::testing::GetLibCoreDexFileNames(prefix, modules); } std::vector<std::string> CommonArtTestImpl::GetLibCoreDexLocations() const { std::vector<std::string> modules = GetLibCoreModuleNames(); return GetLibCoreDexLocations(modules); } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetClassPathOption(const char* option, const std::vector<std::string>& class_path) { return option + android::base::Join(class_path, ':'); } // Check that for target builds we have ART_TARGET_NATIVETEST_DIR set. #ifdef ART_TARGET #ifndef ART_TARGET_NATIVETEST_DIR #error "ART_TARGET_NATIVETEST_DIR not set." #endif // Wrap it as a string literal. #define ART_TARGET_NATIVETEST_DIR_STRING STRINGIFY(ART_TARGET_NATIVETEST_DIR) "/" #else #define ART_TARGET_NATIVETEST_DIR_STRING "" #endif std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetTestDexFileName(const char* name) const { CHECK(name != nullptr); // The needed jar files for gtest are located next to the gtest binary itself. std::string executable_dir = android::base::GetExecutableDirectory(); for (auto ext : {".jar", ".dex"}) { std::string path = executable_dir + "/art-gtest-jars-" + name + ext; if (OS::FileExists(path.c_str())) { return path; } } LOG(FATAL) << "Test file " << name << " not found"; UNREACHABLE(); } std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> CommonArtTestImpl::OpenDexFiles(const char* filename) { static constexpr bool kVerify = true; static constexpr bool kVerifyChecksum = true; std::string error_msg; ArtDexFileLoader dex_file_loader(filename); std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files; bool success = dex_file_loader.Open(kVerify, kVerifyChecksum, &error_msg, &dex_files); CHECK(success) << "Failed to open '" << filename << "': " << error_msg; for (auto& dex_file : dex_files) { CHECK(dex_file->IsReadOnly()); } return dex_files; } std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> CommonArtTestImpl::OpenDexFile(const char* filename) { std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files(OpenDexFiles(filename)); CHECK_EQ(dex_files.size(), 1u) << "Expected only one dex file"; return std::move(dex_files[0]); } std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> CommonArtTestImpl::OpenTestDexFiles( const char* name) { return OpenDexFiles(GetTestDexFileName(name).c_str()); } std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> CommonArtTestImpl::OpenTestDexFile(const char* name) { return OpenDexFile(GetTestDexFileName(name).c_str()); } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetImageDirectory() { if (IsHost()) { return GetHostBootClasspathInstallRoot() + "/apex/art_boot_images/javalib"; } // On device, the boot image is generated by `generate-boot-image`. // In a standalone test, the boot image is located next to the gtest binary itself. std::string path = android::base::GetExecutableDirectory() + "/art_boot_images"; if (OS::DirectoryExists(path.c_str())) { return path; } // In a chroot environment prepared by scripts, the boot image is located in a predefined // location on /system. path = "/system/framework/art_boot_images"; if (OS::DirectoryExists(path.c_str())) { return path; } // In art-target-gtest-chroot, the boot image is located in a predefined location on /data because // /system is a mount point that replicates the real one on device. path = "/data/local/tmp/art_boot_images"; if (OS::DirectoryExists(path.c_str())) { return path; } LOG(FATAL) << "Boot image not found"; UNREACHABLE(); } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetCoreFileLocation(const char* suffix) { CHECK(suffix != nullptr); return GetImageDirectory() + "/boot." + suffix; } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::CreateClassPath( const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>& dex_files) { CHECK(!dex_files.empty()); std::string classpath = dex_files[0]->GetLocation(); for (size_t i = 1; i < dex_files.size(); i++) { classpath += ":" + dex_files[i]->GetLocation(); } return classpath; } std::string CommonArtTestImpl::CreateClassPathWithChecksums( const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>& dex_files) { CHECK(!dex_files.empty()); uint32_t checksum = DexFileLoader::GetMultiDexChecksum(dex_files); return dex_files[0]->GetLocation() + "*" + std::to_string(checksum); } CommonArtTestImpl::ForkAndExecResult CommonArtTestImpl::ForkAndExec( const std::vector<std::string>& argv, const PostForkFn& post_fork, const OutputHandlerFn& handler) { ForkAndExecResult result; result.status_code = 0; result.stage = ForkAndExecResult::kLink; std::vector<const char*> c_args; c_args.reserve(argv.size() + 1); for (const std::string& str : argv) { c_args.push_back(str.c_str()); } c_args.push_back(nullptr); android::base::unique_fd link[2]; { int link_fd[2]; if (pipe(link_fd) == -1) { return result; } link[0].reset(link_fd[0]); link[1].reset(link_fd[1]); } result.stage = ForkAndExecResult::kFork; pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { return result; } if (pid == 0) { if (!post_fork()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed post-fork function"; exit(1); UNREACHABLE(); } // Redirect stdout and stderr. dup2(link[1].get(), STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(link[1].get(), STDERR_FILENO); link[0].reset(); link[1].reset(); execv(c_args[0], const_cast<char* const*>(c_args.data())); exit(1); UNREACHABLE(); } result.stage = ForkAndExecResult::kWaitpid; link[1].reset(); char buffer[128] = { 0 }; ssize_t bytes_read = 0; while (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(bytes_read = read(link[0].get(), buffer, 128)) > 0) { handler(buffer, bytes_read); } handler(buffer, 0u); // End with a virtual write of zero length to simplify clients. link[0].reset(); if (waitpid(pid, &result.status_code, 0) == -1) { return result; } result.stage = ForkAndExecResult::kFinished; return result; } CommonArtTestImpl::ForkAndExecResult CommonArtTestImpl::ForkAndExec( const std::vector<std::string>& argv, const PostForkFn& post_fork, std::string* output) { auto string_collect_fn = [output](char* buf, size_t len) { *output += std::string(buf, len); }; return ForkAndExec(argv, post_fork, string_collect_fn); } std::vector<pid_t> GetPidByName(const std::string& process_name) { std::vector<pid_t> results; for (pid_t pid : android::base::AllPids{}) { std::string cmdline; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(StringPrintf("/proc/%d/cmdline", pid), &cmdline)) { continue; } // Take the first argument. size_t pos = cmdline.find('\0'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { cmdline.resize(pos); } if (cmdline == process_name) { results.push_back(pid); } } return results; } } // namespace art