/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "message_queue.h" #include #include "common_runtime_test.h" #include "thread-current-inl.h" #include "runtime.h" namespace art HIDDEN { class MessageQueueTest : public CommonRuntimeTest { protected: MessageQueueTest() { this->use_boot_image_ = true; // Make the Runtime creation cheaper. } }; namespace { // Define some message types struct EmptyMessage {}; struct IntMessage { int value; }; struct OtherIntMessage { int other_value; }; struct TwoIntMessage { int value1; int value2; }; struct StringMessage { std::string message; }; using TestMessageQueue = MessageQueue; } // namespace TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SendReceiveTest) { TestMessageQueue queue; queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{}); ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative(queue.ReceiveMessage())); queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42}); ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative(queue.ReceiveMessage())); queue.SendMessage(OtherIntMessage{43}); ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative(queue.ReceiveMessage())); queue.SendMessage(TwoIntMessage{1, 2}); ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative(queue.ReceiveMessage())); queue.SendMessage(StringMessage{"Hello, World!"}); ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative(queue.ReceiveMessage())); } TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, TestTimeout) { TestMessageQueue queue; constexpr uint64_t kDuration = 500; const auto start = MilliTime(); queue.SetTimeout(kDuration); ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative(queue.ReceiveMessage())); const auto elapsed = MilliTime() - start; ASSERT_GT(elapsed, kDuration); } TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, TwoWayMessaging) { CHECK(Runtime::Current() != nullptr); // Runtime is needed by Mutex. TestMessageQueue queue1; TestMessageQueue queue2; std::thread thread{[&]() { // Tell the parent thread we are running. queue1.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{}); // Wait for a message from the parent thread. queue2.ReceiveMessage(); }}; queue1.ReceiveMessage(); queue2.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{}); thread.join(); } TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SwitchReceiveTest) { TestMessageQueue queue; queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{}); queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42}); queue.SendMessage(OtherIntMessage{43}); queue.SendMessage(TwoIntMessage{1, 2}); queue.SendMessage(StringMessage{"Hello, World!"}); queue.SetTimeout(500); bool empty_received = false; bool int_received = false; bool other_int_received = false; bool two_int_received = false; bool string_received = false; bool timeout_received = false; while (!(empty_received && int_received && other_int_received && two_int_received && string_received && timeout_received)) { queue.SwitchReceive( [&]([[maybe_unused]] const EmptyMessage& message) { ASSERT_FALSE(empty_received); empty_received = true; }, [&](const IntMessage& message) { ASSERT_FALSE(int_received); int_received = true; ASSERT_EQ(message.value, 42); }, [&](const OtherIntMessage& message) { ASSERT_FALSE(other_int_received); other_int_received = true; ASSERT_EQ(message.other_value, 43); }, // The timeout message is here to make sure the cases can go in any order [&]([[maybe_unused]] const TimeoutExpiredMessage& message) { ASSERT_FALSE(timeout_received); timeout_received = true; }, [&](const TwoIntMessage& message) { ASSERT_FALSE(two_int_received); two_int_received = true; ASSERT_EQ(message.value1, 1); ASSERT_EQ(message.value2, 2); }, [&](const StringMessage& message) { ASSERT_FALSE(string_received); string_received = true; ASSERT_EQ(message.message, "Hello, World!"); }); } } TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SwitchReceiveAutoTest) { TestMessageQueue queue; queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{}); queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42}); queue.SendMessage(OtherIntMessage{43}); queue.SendMessage(TwoIntMessage{1, 2}); queue.SendMessage(StringMessage{"Hello, World!"}); queue.SetTimeout(500); int pending_messages = 6; while (pending_messages > 0) { queue.SwitchReceive([&]([[maybe_unused]] auto message) { pending_messages--; }); } } TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SwitchReceivePartialAutoTest) { TestMessageQueue queue; queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{}); queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42}); queue.SendMessage(OtherIntMessage{43}); queue.SendMessage(TwoIntMessage{1, 2}); queue.SendMessage(StringMessage{"Hello, World!"}); queue.SetTimeout(500); bool running = true; while (running) { queue.SwitchReceive( [&](const StringMessage& message) { ASSERT_EQ(message.message, "Hello, World!"); running = false; }, [&]([[maybe_unused]] const auto& message) { const bool is_string{std::is_same()}; ASSERT_FALSE(is_string); }); } } TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SwitchReceiveReturn) { TestMessageQueue queue; queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{}); ASSERT_TRUE( queue.SwitchReceive([&]([[maybe_unused]] const EmptyMessage& message) { return true; }, [&]([[maybe_unused]] const auto& message) { return false; })); queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42}); ASSERT_FALSE( queue.SwitchReceive([&]([[maybe_unused]] const EmptyMessage& message) { return true; }, [&]([[maybe_unused]] const auto& message) { return false; })); } TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, ReceiveInOrder) { TestMessageQueue queue; std::vector messages{ EmptyMessage{}, IntMessage{42}, OtherIntMessage{43}, TwoIntMessage{1, 2}, StringMessage{"Hello, World!"}, }; // Send the messages for (const auto& message : messages) { queue.SendMessage(message); } queue.SetTimeout(500); // Receive the messages. Make sure they came in order, except for the TimeoutExpiredMessage, which // can come at any time. bool received_timeout = false; size_t i = 0; while (i < messages.size()) { auto message = queue.ReceiveMessage(); if (std::holds_alternative(message)) { ASSERT_FALSE(received_timeout); received_timeout = true; } else { ASSERT_EQ(message.index(), messages[i].index()); i++; } } if (!received_timeout) { // If we have not received the timeout yet, receive one more message and make sure it's the // timeout. ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative(queue.ReceiveMessage())); } } } // namespace art