/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "subtype_check.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "android-base/logging.h" namespace art HIDDEN { constexpr size_t BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[BitString::kCapacity]; constexpr size_t BitString::kCapacity; struct MockClass { explicit MockClass(MockClass* parent, size_t x = 0, size_t y = 0) { parent_ = parent; memset(&subtype_check_info_and_status_, 0u, sizeof(subtype_check_info_and_status_)); // Start the numbering at '1' to match the bitstring numbering. // A bitstring numbering never starts at '0' which just means 'no value'. x_ = 1; if (parent_ != nullptr) { if (parent_->GetMaxChild() != nullptr) { x_ = parent_->GetMaxChild()->x_ + 1u; } parent_->children_.push_back(this); if (parent_->path_to_root_ != "") { path_to_root_ = parent->path_to_root_ + ","; } path_to_root_ += std::to_string(x_); } else { path_to_root_ = ""; // root has no path. } y_ = y; UNUSED(x); } MockClass() : MockClass(nullptr) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of the SubtypeCheck::KlassT static interface. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MockClass* GetSuperClass() const { return parent_; } bool HasSuperClass() const { return GetSuperClass() != nullptr; } size_t Depth() const { if (parent_ == nullptr) { return 0u; } else { return parent_->Depth() + 1u; } } std::string PrettyClass() const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return path_to_root_; } int32_t GetField32Volatile(art::MemberOffset offset = art::MemberOffset(0u)) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { UNUSED(offset); int32_t field_32 = 0; memcpy(&field_32, &subtype_check_info_and_status_, sizeof(int32_t)); return field_32; } template <bool kTransactionActive> bool CasField32(art::MemberOffset offset, int32_t old_value, int32_t new_value, [[maybe_unused]] CASMode mode, [[maybe_unused]] std::memory_order memory_order) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { UNUSED(offset); if (old_value == GetField32Volatile(offset)) { memcpy(&subtype_check_info_and_status_, &new_value, sizeof(int32_t)); return true; } return false; } MemberOffset StatusOffset() const { return MemberOffset(0); // Doesn't matter. We ignore offset. } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convenience functions to make the testing easier /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t GetNumberOfChildren() const { return children_.size(); } MockClass* GetParent() const { return parent_; } MockClass* GetMaxChild() const { if (GetNumberOfChildren() > 0u) { return GetChild(GetNumberOfChildren() - 1); } return nullptr; } MockClass* GetChild(size_t idx) const { if (idx >= GetNumberOfChildren()) { return nullptr; } return children_[idx]; } // Traverse the sibling at "X" at each level. // Once we get to level==depth, return yourself. MockClass* FindChildAt(size_t x, size_t depth) { if (Depth() == depth) { return this; } else if (GetNumberOfChildren() > 0) { return GetChild(x)->FindChildAt(x, depth); } return nullptr; } template <typename T> MockClass* Visit(T visitor, bool recursive = true) { if (!visitor(this)) { return this; } if (!recursive) { return this; } for (MockClass* child : children_) { MockClass* visit_res = child->Visit(visitor); if (visit_res != nullptr) { return visit_res; } } return nullptr; } size_t GetX() const { return x_; } bool SlowIsSubtypeOf(const MockClass* target) const { DCHECK(target != nullptr); const MockClass* kls = this; while (kls != nullptr) { if (kls == target) { return true; } kls = kls->GetSuperClass(); } return false; } std::string ToDotGraph() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::endl; ss << "digraph MockClass {" << std::endl; ss << " node [fontname=\"Arial\"];" << std::endl; ToDotGraphImpl(ss); ss << "}" << std::endl; return ss.str(); } void ToDotGraphImpl(std::ostream& os) const { for (MockClass* child : children_) { os << " '" << path_to_root_ << "' -> '" << child->path_to_root_ << "';" << std::endl; child->ToDotGraphImpl(os); } } std::vector<MockClass*> children_; MockClass* parent_; SubtypeCheckBitsAndStatus subtype_check_info_and_status_; size_t x_; size_t y_; std::string path_to_root_; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MockClass& kls) { SubtypeCheckBits iod = kls.subtype_check_info_and_status_.subtype_check_info_; os << "MClass{D:" << kls.Depth() << ",W:" << kls.x_ << ", OF:" << (iod.overflow_ ? "true" : "false") << ", bitstring: " << iod.bitstring_ << ", mock_path: " << kls.path_to_root_ << "}"; return os; } struct MockSubtypeCheck { using SC = SubtypeCheck<MockClass*>; static MockSubtypeCheck Lookup(MockClass* klass) { MockSubtypeCheck mock; mock.klass_ = klass; return mock; } // Convenience functions to avoid using statics everywhere. // static(class, args...) -> instance.method(args...) SubtypeCheckInfo::State EnsureInitialized() REQUIRES(Locks::subtype_check_lock_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return SC::EnsureInitialized(klass_); } SubtypeCheckInfo::State EnsureAssigned() REQUIRES(Locks::subtype_check_lock_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return SC::EnsureAssigned(klass_); } SubtypeCheckInfo::State ForceUninitialize() REQUIRES(Locks::subtype_check_lock_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return SC::ForceUninitialize(klass_); } BitString::StorageType GetEncodedPathToRootForSource() const REQUIRES(Locks::subtype_check_lock_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return SC::GetEncodedPathToRootForSource(klass_); } BitString::StorageType GetEncodedPathToRootForTarget() const REQUIRES(Locks::subtype_check_lock_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return SC::GetEncodedPathToRootForTarget(klass_); } BitString::StorageType GetEncodedPathToRootMask() const REQUIRES(Locks::subtype_check_lock_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return SC::GetEncodedPathToRootMask(klass_); } SubtypeCheckInfo::Result IsSubtypeOf(const MockSubtypeCheck& target) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return SC::IsSubtypeOf(klass_, target.klass_); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MockSubtypeCheck& tree) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { os << "(MockSubtypeCheck io:"; SC::Dump(tree.klass_, os); os << ", class: " << tree.klass_->PrettyClass() << ")"; return os; } // Additional convenience functions. SubtypeCheckInfo::State GetState() const REQUIRES(Locks::subtype_check_lock_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { return SC::GetSubtypeCheckInfo(klass_).GetState(); } MockClass& GetClass() const { return *klass_; } private: MockClass* klass_; }; struct MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck() ACQUIRE(*Locks::subtype_check_lock_) {} ~MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck() RELEASE(*Locks::subtype_check_lock_) {} }; struct MockScopedLockMutator { MockScopedLockMutator() ACQUIRE_SHARED(*Locks::mutator_lock_) {} ~MockScopedLockMutator() RELEASE_SHARED(*Locks::mutator_lock_) {} }; struct SubtypeCheckTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { android::base::InitLogging(/*argv=*/nullptr); CreateRootedTree(BitString::kCapacity + 2u, BitString::kCapacity + 2u); } void TearDown() override { } void CreateRootedTree(size_t width, size_t height) { all_classes_.clear(); root_ = CreateClassFor(/*parent=*/nullptr, /*x=*/0, /*y=*/0); CreateTreeFor(root_, /*width=*/width, /*levels=*/height); } MockClass* CreateClassFor(MockClass* parent, size_t x, size_t y) { MockClass* kls = new MockClass(parent, x, y); all_classes_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<MockClass>(kls)); return kls; } void CreateTreeFor(MockClass* parent, size_t width, size_t levels) { DCHECK(parent != nullptr); if (levels == 0) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < width; ++i) { MockClass* child = CreateClassFor(parent, i, parent->y_ + 1); CreateTreeFor(child, width, levels - 1); } } MockClass* root_ = nullptr; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MockClass>> all_classes_; }; TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, LookupAllChildren) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; root_->Visit([&](MockClass* kls) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, SCTree::Lookup(kls).GetState()); return true; // Keep visiting. }); } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, LookupRoot) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; SCTree root = SCTree::Lookup(root_); EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, root.EnsureInitialized()); EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << root; } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureInitializedFirstLevel) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; SCTree root = SCTree::Lookup(root_); EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, root.EnsureInitialized()); ASSERT_LT(0u, root_->GetNumberOfChildren()); // Initialize root's children only. for (size_t i = 0; i < root_->GetNumberOfChildren(); ++i) { MockClass* child = root_->GetChild(i); SCTree child_tree = SCTree::Lookup(child); // Before: all unknown. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(child_tree)) << child_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child_tree.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << child_tree; // Transition. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, child_tree.EnsureInitialized()); // After: "src instanceof target" known, but "target instanceof src" unknown. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kSubtypeOf, child_tree.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << child_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(child_tree)) << child_tree; } } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureAssignedFirstLevel) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; SCTree root = SCTree::Lookup(root_); EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, root.EnsureInitialized()); ASSERT_LT(0u, root_->GetNumberOfChildren()); // Initialize root's children only. for (size_t i = 0; i < root_->GetNumberOfChildren(); ++i) { MockClass* child = root_->GetChild(i); SCTree child_tree = SCTree::Lookup(child); // Before: all unknown. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(child_tree)) << child_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child_tree.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << child_tree; // Transition. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, child_tree.EnsureAssigned()); // After: "src instanceof target" known, and "target instanceof src" known. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kSubtypeOf, child_tree.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << child_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kNotSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(child_tree)) << child_tree; } } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureInitializedSecondLevelWithPreassign) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; SCTree root = SCTree::Lookup(root_); EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, root.EnsureInitialized()); ASSERT_LT(0u, root_->GetNumberOfChildren()); // Initialize root's children. for (size_t i = 0; i < root_->GetNumberOfChildren(); ++i) { MockClass* child = root_->GetChild(i); SCTree child_tree = SCTree::Lookup(child); ASSERT_EQ(1u, child->Depth()); EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, child_tree.EnsureInitialized()) << *child; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, child_tree.EnsureAssigned()) << *child << ", root:" << *root_; for (size_t j = 0; j < child->GetNumberOfChildren(); ++j) { MockClass* child2 = child->GetChild(j); ASSERT_EQ(2u, child2->Depth()); SCTree child2_tree = SCTree::Lookup(child2); // Before: all unknown. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(child2_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child_tree.IsSubtypeOf(child2_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child2_tree.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child2_tree.IsSubtypeOf(child_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, child2_tree.GetState()) << *child2; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, child2_tree.EnsureInitialized()) << *child2; // After: src=child2_tree is known, otherwise unknown. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(child2_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child_tree.IsSubtypeOf(child2_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kSubtypeOf, child2_tree.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kSubtypeOf, child2_tree.IsSubtypeOf(child_tree)) << child2_tree; } // The child is "assigned" as a side-effect of initializing sub-children. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, child_tree.GetState()); } } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureInitializedSecondLevelDontPreassign) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; SCTree root = SCTree::Lookup(root_); EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, root.EnsureInitialized()); ASSERT_LT(0u, root_->GetNumberOfChildren()); // Initialize root's children only. for (size_t i = 0; i < root_->GetNumberOfChildren(); ++i) { MockClass* child = root_->GetChild(i); SCTree child_tree = SCTree::Lookup(child); ASSERT_EQ(1u, child->Depth()); for (size_t j = 0; j < child->GetNumberOfChildren(); ++j) { MockClass* child2 = child->GetChild(j); ASSERT_EQ(2u, child2->Depth()); SCTree child2_tree = SCTree::Lookup(child2); // Before: all unknown. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(child2_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child_tree.IsSubtypeOf(child2_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child2_tree.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child2_tree.IsSubtypeOf(child_tree)) << child2_tree; // Transition. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, child2_tree.GetState()) << *child2; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, child2_tree.EnsureInitialized()) << *child2; // After: src=child2_tree is known, otherwise unknown. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, root.IsSubtypeOf(child2_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, child_tree.IsSubtypeOf(child2_tree)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kSubtypeOf, child2_tree.IsSubtypeOf(root)) << child2_tree; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kSubtypeOf, child2_tree.IsSubtypeOf(child_tree)) << child2_tree; } // The child is "assigned" as a side-effect of initializing sub-children. EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, child_tree.GetState()); } } void ApplyTransition(MockSubtypeCheck sc_tree, SubtypeCheckInfo::State transition, SubtypeCheckInfo::State expected) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, sc_tree.GetState()) << sc_tree.GetClass(); if (transition == SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized) { EXPECT_EQ(expected, sc_tree.ForceUninitialize()) << sc_tree.GetClass(); } else if (transition == SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized) { EXPECT_EQ(expected, sc_tree.EnsureInitialized()) << sc_tree.GetClass(); } else if (transition == SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned) { EXPECT_EQ(expected, sc_tree.EnsureAssigned()) << sc_tree.GetClass(); } } enum MockSubtypeOfTransition { kNone, kUninitialized, kInitialized, kAssigned, }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MockSubtypeOfTransition& transition) { if (transition == MockSubtypeOfTransition::kUninitialized) { os << "kUninitialized"; } else if (transition == MockSubtypeOfTransition::kInitialized) { os << "kInitialized"; } else if (transition == MockSubtypeOfTransition::kAssigned) { os << "kAssigned"; } else { os << "kNone"; } return os; } SubtypeCheckInfo::State ApplyTransition(MockSubtypeCheck sc_tree, MockSubtypeOfTransition transition) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; if (transition == MockSubtypeOfTransition::kUninitialized) { return sc_tree.ForceUninitialize(); } else if (transition == MockSubtypeOfTransition::kInitialized) { return sc_tree.EnsureInitialized(); } else if (transition == MockSubtypeOfTransition::kAssigned) { return sc_tree.EnsureAssigned(); } return sc_tree.GetState(); } enum { kBeforeTransition = 0, kAfterTransition = 1, kAfterChildren = 2, }; const char* StringifyTransition(int x) { if (x == kBeforeTransition) { return "kBeforeTransition"; } else if (x == kAfterTransition) { return "kAfterTransition"; } else if (x == kAfterChildren) { return "kAfterChildren"; } return "<<Unknown>>"; } struct TransitionHistory { void Record(int transition_label, MockClass* kls) { ss_ << "<<<" << StringifyTransition(transition_label) << ">>>"; ss_ << "{Self}: " << *kls; if (kls->HasSuperClass()) { ss_ << "{Parent}: " << *(kls->GetSuperClass()); } ss_ << "================== "; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TransitionHistory& t) { os << t.ss_.str(); return os; } std::stringstream ss_; }; template <typename T, typename T2> void EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(MockClass* klass, size_t cur_depth, size_t total_depth, T2 transition_func, T expect_checks) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; SCTree sc_tree = SCTree::Lookup(klass); MockSubtypeOfTransition requested_transition = transition_func(klass); // FIXME: need to print before(self, parent) and after(self, parent) // to make any sense of what's going on. auto do_expect_checks = [&](int transition_label, TransitionHistory& transition_details) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; transition_details.Record(transition_label, klass); SCOPED_TRACE(transition_details); ASSERT_EQ(cur_depth, klass->Depth()); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(expect_checks(klass, transition_label, sc_tree.GetState(), requested_transition)); }; TransitionHistory transition_history; do_expect_checks(kBeforeTransition, transition_history); SubtypeCheckInfo::State state = ApplyTransition(sc_tree, requested_transition); UNUSED(state); do_expect_checks(kAfterTransition, transition_history); if (total_depth == cur_depth) { return; } // Initialize root's children only. for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->GetNumberOfChildren(); ++i) { MockClass* child = klass->GetChild(i); EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(child, cur_depth + 1u, total_depth, transition_func, expect_checks); } do_expect_checks(kAfterChildren, transition_history); } void EnsureStateChangedTestRecursive( MockClass* klass, size_t cur_depth, size_t total_depth, const std::vector<std::pair<SubtypeCheckInfo::State, SubtypeCheckInfo::State>>& transitions) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; ASSERT_EQ(cur_depth, klass->Depth()); ApplyTransition(SCTree::Lookup(klass), transitions[cur_depth].first, transitions[cur_depth].second); if (total_depth == cur_depth + 1) { return; } // Initialize root's children only. for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->GetNumberOfChildren(); ++i) { MockClass* child = klass->GetChild(i); EnsureStateChangedTestRecursive(child, cur_depth + 1u, total_depth, transitions); } } void EnsureStateChangedTest( MockClass* root, size_t depth, const std::vector<std::pair<SubtypeCheckInfo::State, SubtypeCheckInfo::State>>& transitions) { ASSERT_EQ(depth, transitions.size()); EnsureStateChangedTestRecursive(root, /*cur_depth=*/0u, depth, transitions); } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureInitialized_NoOverflow) { auto transitions = [](MockClass* kls) { UNUSED(kls); return MockSubtypeOfTransition::kInitialized; }; constexpr size_t kMaxDepthForThisTest = BitString::kCapacity; auto expected = [=](MockClass* kls, int expect_when, SubtypeCheckInfo::State actual_state, MockSubtypeOfTransition transition) { if (expect_when == kBeforeTransition) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, actual_state); return; } if (expect_when == kAfterTransition) { // After explicit transition has been completed. switch (kls->Depth()) { case 0: if (transition >= MockSubtypeOfTransition::kInitialized) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, actual_state); } break; default: if (transition >= MockSubtypeOfTransition::kInitialized) { if (transition == MockSubtypeOfTransition::kInitialized) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, actual_state); } else if (transition == MockSubtypeOfTransition::kAssigned) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, actual_state); } } break; } } if (expect_when == kAfterChildren) { if (transition >= MockSubtypeOfTransition::kInitialized) { ASSERT_NE(kls->Depth(), kMaxDepthForThisTest); EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, actual_state); } } }; // Initialize every level 0-3. // Intermediate levels become "assigned", max levels become initialized. EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(root_, 0u, kMaxDepthForThisTest, transitions, expected); auto transitions_uninitialize = [](MockClass* kls) { UNUSED(kls); return MockSubtypeOfTransition::kUninitialized; }; auto expected_uninitialize = [](MockClass* kls, int expect_when, SubtypeCheckInfo::State actual_state, MockSubtypeOfTransition transition) { UNUSED(kls); UNUSED(transition); if (expect_when >= kAfterTransition) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, actual_state); } }; // Uninitialize the entire tree after it was assigned. EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(root_, 0u, kMaxDepthForThisTest, transitions_uninitialize, expected_uninitialize); } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureAssigned_TooDeep) { auto transitions = [](MockClass* kls) { UNUSED(kls); return MockSubtypeOfTransition::kAssigned; }; constexpr size_t kMaxDepthForThisTest = BitString::kCapacity + 1u; auto expected = [=](MockClass* kls, int expect_when, SubtypeCheckInfo::State actual_state, MockSubtypeOfTransition transition) { UNUSED(transition); if (expect_when == kAfterTransition) { if (kls->Depth() > BitString::kCapacity) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, actual_state); } } }; // Assign every level 0-4. // We cannot assign 4th level, so it will overflow instead. EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(root_, 0u, kMaxDepthForThisTest, transitions, expected); } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureAssigned_TooDeep_OfTooDeep) { auto transitions = [](MockClass* kls) { UNUSED(kls); return MockSubtypeOfTransition::kAssigned; }; constexpr size_t kMaxDepthForThisTest = BitString::kCapacity + 2u; auto expected = [=](MockClass* kls, int expect_when, SubtypeCheckInfo::State actual_state, MockSubtypeOfTransition transition) { UNUSED(transition); if (expect_when == kAfterTransition) { if (kls->Depth() > BitString::kCapacity) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, actual_state); } } }; // Assign every level 0-5. // We cannot assign 4th level, so it will overflow instead. // In addition, level 5th cannot be assigned (parent is overflowed), so it will also fail. EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(root_, 0u, kMaxDepthForThisTest, transitions, expected); } constexpr size_t MaxWidthCutOff(size_t depth) { if (depth == 0) { return 1; } if (depth > BitString::kCapacity) { return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); } return MaxInt<size_t>(BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[depth - 1]); } // Either itself is too wide, or any of the parents were too wide. bool IsTooWide(MockClass* kls) { if (kls == nullptr || kls->Depth() == 0u) { // Root is never too wide. return false; } else { if (kls->GetX() >= MaxWidthCutOff(kls->Depth())) { return true; } } return IsTooWide(kls->GetParent()); } // Either itself is too deep, or any of the parents were too deep. bool IsTooDeep(MockClass* kls) { if (kls == nullptr || kls->Depth() == 0u) { // Root is never too deep. return false; } else { if (kls->Depth() > BitString::kCapacity) { return true; } } return false; } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureInitialized_TooWide) { auto transitions = [](MockClass* kls) { UNUSED(kls); return MockSubtypeOfTransition::kAssigned; }; // Pick the 2nd level because has the most narrow # of bits. constexpr size_t kTargetDepth = 2; constexpr size_t kMaxWidthCutOff = MaxWidthCutOff(kTargetDepth); constexpr size_t kMaxDepthForThisTest = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); auto expected = [=](MockClass* kls, int expect_when, SubtypeCheckInfo::State actual_state, MockSubtypeOfTransition transition) { UNUSED(transition); // Note: purposefuly ignore the too-deep children in the premade tree. if (expect_when == kAfterTransition && kls->Depth() <= BitString::kCapacity) { if (IsTooWide(kls)) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, actual_state); } else { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, actual_state); } } }; { // Create too-wide siblings at the kTargetDepth level. MockClass* child = root_->FindChildAt(/*x=*/0, kTargetDepth - 1u); CreateTreeFor(child, kMaxWidthCutOff*2, /*levels=*/1); ASSERT_LE(kMaxWidthCutOff*2, child->GetNumberOfChildren()); ASSERT_TRUE(IsTooWide(child->GetMaxChild())) << *(child->GetMaxChild()); // Leave the rest of the tree as the default. } // Try to assign every level // It will fail once it gets to the "too wide" siblings and cause overflows. EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(root_, 0u, kMaxDepthForThisTest, transitions, expected); } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureInitialized_TooWide_TooWide) { auto transitions = [](MockClass* kls) { UNUSED(kls); return MockSubtypeOfTransition::kAssigned; }; // Pick the 2nd level because has the most narrow # of bits. constexpr size_t kTargetDepth = 2; constexpr size_t kMaxWidthCutOff = MaxWidthCutOff(kTargetDepth); constexpr size_t kMaxWidthCutOffSub = MaxWidthCutOff(kTargetDepth+1u); constexpr size_t kMaxDepthForThisTest = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); auto expected = [=](MockClass* kls, int expect_when, SubtypeCheckInfo::State actual_state, MockSubtypeOfTransition transition) { UNUSED(transition); // Note: purposefuly ignore the too-deep children in the premade tree. if (expect_when == kAfterTransition && kls->Depth() <= BitString::kCapacity) { if (IsTooWide(kls)) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, actual_state); } else { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, actual_state); } } }; { // Create too-wide siblings at the kTargetDepth level. MockClass* child = root_->FindChildAt(/*x=*/0, kTargetDepth - 1); CreateTreeFor(child, kMaxWidthCutOff*2, /*levels=*/1); ASSERT_LE(kMaxWidthCutOff*2, child->GetNumberOfChildren()) << *child; ASSERT_TRUE(IsTooWide(child->GetMaxChild())) << *(child->GetMaxChild()); // Leave the rest of the tree as the default. // Create too-wide children for a too-wide parent. MockClass* child_subchild = child->FindChildAt(/*x=*/0, kTargetDepth); CreateTreeFor(child_subchild, kMaxWidthCutOffSub*2, /*levels=*/1); ASSERT_LE(kMaxWidthCutOffSub*2, child_subchild->GetNumberOfChildren()) << *child_subchild; ASSERT_TRUE(IsTooWide(child_subchild->GetMaxChild())) << *(child_subchild->GetMaxChild()); } // Try to assign every level // It will fail once it gets to the "too wide" siblings and cause overflows. // Furthermore, assigning any subtree whose ancestor is too wide will also fail. EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(root_, 0u, kMaxDepthForThisTest, transitions, expected); } void EnsureSubtypeOfCorrect(MockClass* a, MockClass* b) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; using SCTree = MockSubtypeCheck; auto IsAssigned = [](SCTree& tree) { MockScopedLockSubtypeCheck lock_a; MockScopedLockMutator lock_b; // This assumes that MockClass is always called with EnsureAssigned. EXPECT_NE(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, tree.GetState()); EXPECT_NE(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, tree.GetState()); // Use our own test checks, so we are actually testing different logic than the impl. return !(IsTooDeep(&tree.GetClass()) || IsTooWide(&tree.GetClass())); }; SCTree src_tree = SCTree::Lookup(a); SCTree target_tree = SCTree::Lookup(b); SCOPED_TRACE("class A"); SCOPED_TRACE(*a); SCOPED_TRACE("class B"); SCOPED_TRACE(*b); SubtypeCheckInfo::Result slow_result = a->SlowIsSubtypeOf(b) ? SubtypeCheckInfo::kSubtypeOf : SubtypeCheckInfo::kNotSubtypeOf; SubtypeCheckInfo::Result fast_result = src_tree.IsSubtypeOf(target_tree); // Target must be Assigned for this check to succeed. // Source is either Overflowed | Assigned (in this case). if (IsAssigned(src_tree) && IsAssigned(target_tree)) { ASSERT_EQ(slow_result, fast_result); } else if (IsAssigned(src_tree)) { // A is assigned. B is >= initialized. ASSERT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, fast_result); } else if (IsAssigned(target_tree)) { // B is assigned. A is >= initialized. ASSERT_EQ(slow_result, fast_result); } else { // Neither A,B are assigned. ASSERT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUnknownSubtypeOf, fast_result); } // Use asserts, not expects to immediately fail. // Otherwise the entire tree (very large) could potentially be broken. } void EnsureSubtypeOfRecursive(MockClass* kls_root) { MockScopedLockMutator mutator_lock_fake_; auto visit_func = [&](MockClass* kls) { kls->Visit([&](MockClass* inner_class) { EnsureSubtypeOfCorrect(kls, inner_class); EnsureSubtypeOfCorrect(inner_class, kls); if (::testing::Test::HasFatalFailure()) { return false; } return true; // Keep visiting. }); if (::testing::Test::HasFatalFailure()) { return false; } return true; // Keep visiting. }; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(kls_root->Visit(visit_func)); } TEST_F(SubtypeCheckTest, EnsureInitialized_TooWide_TooDeep) { auto transitions = [](MockClass* kls) { UNUSED(kls); return MockSubtypeOfTransition::kAssigned; }; // Pick the 2nd level because has the most narrow # of bits. constexpr size_t kTargetDepth = 2; constexpr size_t kTooDeepTargetDepth = BitString::kCapacity + 1; constexpr size_t kMaxWidthCutOff = MaxWidthCutOff(kTargetDepth); constexpr size_t kMaxDepthForThisTest = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); auto expected = [=](MockClass* kls, int expect_when, SubtypeCheckInfo::State actual_state, MockSubtypeOfTransition transition) { UNUSED(transition); if (expect_when == kAfterTransition) { if (IsTooDeep(kls)) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, actual_state); } else if (IsTooWide(kls)) { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, actual_state); } else { EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, actual_state); } } }; { // Create too-wide siblings at the kTargetDepth level. MockClass* child = root_->FindChildAt(/*x=*/0, kTargetDepth - 1u); CreateTreeFor(child, kMaxWidthCutOff*2, /*levels=*/1); ASSERT_LE(kMaxWidthCutOff*2, child->GetNumberOfChildren()); ASSERT_TRUE(IsTooWide(child->GetMaxChild())) << *(child->GetMaxChild()); // Leave the rest of the tree as the default. // Create too-deep children for a too-wide parent. MockClass* child_subchild = child->GetMaxChild(); ASSERT_TRUE(child_subchild != nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(0u, child_subchild->GetNumberOfChildren()) << *child_subchild; CreateTreeFor(child_subchild, /*width=*/1, /*levels=*/kTooDeepTargetDepth); MockClass* too_deep_child = child_subchild->FindChildAt(0, kTooDeepTargetDepth + 2); ASSERT_TRUE(too_deep_child != nullptr) << child_subchild->ToDotGraph(); ASSERT_TRUE(IsTooWide(too_deep_child)) << *(too_deep_child); ASSERT_TRUE(IsTooDeep(too_deep_child)) << *(too_deep_child); } // Try to assign every level // It will fail once it gets to the "too wide" siblings and cause overflows. EnsureStateChangedTestRecursiveGeneric(root_, 0u, kMaxDepthForThisTest, transitions, expected); // Check every class against every class for "x instanceof y". EnsureSubtypeOfRecursive(root_); } // TODO: add dcheck for child-parent invariants (e.g. child < parent.next) and death tests } // namespace art