Regression test for the combination of dex2oat using:
- jar with multidex
- vdex file where one dex file fails to fast verify (for example because of a
  boot classpath change)
- dex files being compiled individually

We used to crash in CompilerDriver::FastVerify, assuming that only FastVerify
can update the compiled_classes_ map. However, this isn't the case if one of the
dex file ended up needing full verification.

We need prebuilts of the .jar and .dm file as we rely on the bootclasspath to
change which isn't expressable in a run-test. So we locally modified
android.system.Int32Ref to inherit java.util.HashMap.

The code that was used to generate the prebuilts is as follows:

file in classes.dex:

import java.util.HashMap;
import android.system.Int32Ref;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try {;
      throw new Exception("Expected error");
    } catch (Error expected) {

class FailVerification extends Foo {

  public static void foo() {
    Int32Ref ref = new Int32Ref(42);

  public static void takeHashMap(HashMap m) {}

file in classes2.dex:

public class Foo {