/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <log/log.h> //#include <cutils/bitops.h> #include <cutils/sched_policy.h> #include <system/audio.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <pthread.h> #include PATH(APM_XSD_ENUMS_H_FILENAME) #include "util.h" #include "debug.h" namespace xsd { using namespace ::android::audio::policy::configuration::CPP_VERSION; } namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace audio { namespace CPP_VERSION { namespace implementation { namespace util { using ::android::hardware::audio::common::COMMON_TYPES_CPP_VERSION::AudioConfigBaseOptional; using ::android::hardware::audio::common::COMMON_TYPES_CPP_VERSION::AudioPortExtendedInfo; using ::android::hardware::audio::CORE_TYPES_CPP_VERSION::AudioMicrophoneDirectionality; namespace { const std::array<uint32_t, 8> kSupportedRatesHz = { 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000 }; bool checkSampleRateHz(uint32_t value, uint32_t &suggested) { for (const uint32_t supported : kSupportedRatesHz) { if (value <= supported) { suggested = supported; return value == supported; } } suggested = kSupportedRatesHz.back(); return FAILURE(false); } bool checkChannelMask(const bool isOut, const AudioChannelMask &value, AudioChannelMask &suggested) { switch (xsd::stringToAudioChannelMask(value)) { case xsd::AudioChannelMask::AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO: case xsd::AudioChannelMask::AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO: case xsd::AudioChannelMask::AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO: case xsd::AudioChannelMask::AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO: suggested = value; return true; default: suggested = toString(isOut ? xsd::AudioChannelMask::AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO : xsd::AudioChannelMask::AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO); return FAILURE(false); } } bool checkFormat(const AudioFormat &value, AudioFormat &suggested) { switch (xsd::stringToAudioFormat(value)) { case xsd::AudioFormat::AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT: suggested = value; return true; default: suggested = toString(xsd::AudioFormat::AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT); return FAILURE(false); } } size_t align(size_t v, size_t a) { return (v + a - 1) / a * a; } size_t getBufferSizeFrames(size_t duration_ms, size_t sample_rate, size_t extraAlignment) { // AudioFlinger requires the buffer to be aligned by 16 frames return align(sample_rate * duration_ms / 1000, 16 * extraAlignment); } } // namespace MicrophoneInfo getMicrophoneInfo() { MicrophoneInfo mic; mic.deviceId = "mic_goldfish"; mic.group = 0; mic.indexInTheGroup = 0; mic.sensitivity = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_SENSITIVITY_UNKNOWN; mic.maxSpl = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_SENSITIVITY_UNKNOWN; mic.minSpl = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_SENSITIVITY_UNKNOWN; mic.directionality = AudioMicrophoneDirectionality::UNKNOWN; mic.position.x = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_COORDINATE_UNKNOWN; mic.position.y = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_COORDINATE_UNKNOWN; mic.position.z = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_COORDINATE_UNKNOWN; mic.orientation.x = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_COORDINATE_UNKNOWN; mic.orientation.y = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_COORDINATE_UNKNOWN; mic.orientation.z = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_COORDINATE_UNKNOWN; return mic; } size_t countChannels(const AudioChannelMask &mask) { return xsd::getChannelCount(mask); } size_t getBytesPerSample(const AudioFormat &format) { if (format == "AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT") { return 2; } else { ALOGE("util::%s:%d unknown format, '%s'", __func__, __LINE__, format.c_str()); return 0; } } bool checkAudioConfig(const AudioConfig &cfg) { if (xsd::isUnknownAudioFormat(cfg.base.format) || xsd::isUnknownAudioChannelMask(cfg.base.channelMask)) { return false; } if (cfg.offloadInfo.getDiscriminator() == AudioConfig::OffloadInfo::hidl_discriminator::info) { if (const auto& info = cfg.offloadInfo.info(); xsd::isUnknownAudioFormat(info.base.format) || xsd::isUnknownAudioChannelMask(info.base.channelMask) || (!info.streamType.empty() && xsd::isUnknownAudioStreamType(info.streamType)) || xsd::isUnknownAudioUsage(info.usage)) { return false; } } return true; } bool checkAudioConfig(const bool isOut, size_t duration_ms, size_t extraAlignment, const AudioConfig &src, AudioConfig &suggested) { bool result = true; suggested = src; if (!checkSampleRateHz(src.base.sampleRateHz, suggested.base.sampleRateHz)) { result = false; } if (!checkChannelMask(isOut, src.base.channelMask, suggested.base.channelMask)) { result = false; } if (!checkFormat(src.base.format, suggested.base.format)) { result = false; } if (src.frameCount == 0) { suggested.frameCount = getBufferSizeFrames(duration_ms, src.base.sampleRateHz, extraAlignment); } return result; } bool checkAudioPortConfig(const AudioPortConfig &cfg) { if (cfg.base.format.getDiscriminator() == AudioConfigBaseOptional::Format::hidl_discriminator::value) { if (xsd::isUnknownAudioFormat(cfg.base.format.value())) { return false; } } if (cfg.base.channelMask.getDiscriminator() == AudioConfigBaseOptional::ChannelMask::hidl_discriminator::value) { if (xsd::isUnknownAudioChannelMask(cfg.base.channelMask.value())) { return false; } } if (cfg.gain.getDiscriminator() == AudioPortConfig::OptionalGain::hidl_discriminator::config) { for (const auto& gainMode : cfg.gain.config().mode) { if (xsd::isUnknownAudioGainMode(gainMode)) { return false; } } if (xsd::isUnknownAudioChannelMask(cfg.gain.config().channelMask)) { return false; } } switch (cfg.ext.getDiscriminator()) { case AudioPortExtendedInfo::hidl_discriminator::device: if (xsd::isUnknownAudioDevice(cfg.ext.device().deviceType)) { return false; } break; case AudioPortExtendedInfo::hidl_discriminator::mix: switch (cfg.ext.mix().useCase.getDiscriminator()) { case AudioPortExtendedInfo::AudioPortMixExt::UseCase::hidl_discriminator::stream: if (const auto& stream = cfg.ext.mix().useCase.stream(); !stream.empty() && xsd::isUnknownAudioStreamType(stream)) { return false; } break; case AudioPortExtendedInfo::AudioPortMixExt::UseCase::hidl_discriminator::source: if (xsd::isUnknownAudioSource(cfg.ext.mix().useCase.source())) { return false; } break; } break; default: break; } return true; } TimeSpec nsecs2TimeSpec(nsecs_t ns) { TimeSpec ts; ts.tvSec = ns2s(ns); ts.tvNSec = ns - s2ns(ts.tvSec); return ts; } bool setThreadPriority(const SchedPolicy policy, const int prio) { int e = set_sched_policy(0, policy); if (e < 0) { ALOGE("%s:%d set_sched_policy(%d) failed with %s (%d)", __func__, __LINE__, static_cast<int>(policy), strerror(-e), -e); return FAILURE(false); } if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, prio) < 0) { e = errno; ALOGE("%s:%d setpriority(%d) failed with %s (%d)", __func__, __LINE__, prio, strerror(-e), -e); return FAILURE(false); } return true; } } // namespace util } // namespace implementation } // namespace CPP_VERSION } // namespace audio } // namespace hardware } // namespace android