ELF@@/-A    i &*t3Failed to create allocate memory when creating application %s 0x%08llx kutf_dsprintfINVALID3Invalid arg:%s passed in unreg kprobe ../private/google-modules/gpu/mali_kbase/tests/kutf/kutf_resultset.c3Failed to create fixture %d when adding test %s kutf workq%s=0x%llxentryFailed to receive value named '%s'4%s="%s" kutf_mempool_destroy!!!Test skipped!!!3String value contains invalid characters in rest of received string '%s' 3NULL pointer passed to %s Failed to send str value named '%s': kmalloc failed, str_buf_sz=%zuU643Failed to create debugfs directory when adding test %s Pass (expected fatal occurred)kutf_kp_sample_handler3Failed to create debugfs file "run" when adding fixture 4%s has unknown type %d include/linux/thread_info.hkutf_destroy_result_settype3Failed to create debugfs file "type" when adding test %s WARNING: This test requires userdata 4%s=0x%llx 3Invalid arg:%s passed in reg kprobe 3Result allocation failed Fail (expected fail missing)Failed to send u64 value named '%s': Invalid value name3Unreachable, fix %s 3Failed to allocate memory when adding test %s application &new_context->output_sync4%s: Truncated dsprintf message %s kallsyms_lookup_namekutf_mempool_init3Failed to create debugfs directory when adding fixture 4User data truncated, read not long enough &new_context->userdata.input_waitq3Failed to create debugfs file "filters" when adding test %s /mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/83/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/gpu/mali_kbase/tests/kutf/kutf_suite.cPass (expected warn occurred)Fail (expected abort missing)\ "6%s %s 3Failed to create debugfs file "type" when creating application %s Failed to send u64 value named '%s': send returned %dtest_id3Failed to create debugfs file "type" when adding fixture 3%s: Bad format dsprintf format %s 3Invalid name part for received string '%s' 3Failed to allocate memory suite Test skipped3Failed to allocate memory when creating suite %s 3Failed to create debugfs direcotry when creating application %s Pass (expected fail occurred)KUTF: Start ignoring dmesg warnings 3Failed to allocate resultsetfiltersKUTF: Test marked as 'Expected Failure' not run.KUTF: Stop ignoring dmesg warnings 3Rest of received string was not a numeric value or quoted string value: '%s' /mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/83/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/gpu/mali_kbase/tests/kutf/kutf_kprobe.c3Failed to create result setPass (expected abort occurred)&pool->lockTest skipped: %s3%s: Unread results from test kutf_helper_receive_named_valFail (expected fatal missing)Failed to send str value named '%s': send returned %dexitkutf_mempool_alloc&set->waitqkutf_testsfixture Failed to send u64 value named '%s': snprintf() problem buffer size==%d ret=%dSTR../private/google-modules/gpu/mali_kbase/tests/kutf/kutf_helpers.c4Failed to copy data to user space buffer Expecting value named '%s' to be of type %s but got %stest 4%s is invalid runFail (expected warn missing)3End of string delimiter not found in rest of received string '%s' Named-value parse error when expecting value named '%s'Expecting to receive value named '%s' but got '%s'%d3Not enough space in user buffer for a single result3Failed to allocate test context3Characters remain after value of type %s: '%s' h0t\<(explicit pass)KUTF_RESULT_BENCHMARKKUTF_RESULT_SKIPKUTF_RESULT_UNKNOWNKUTF_RESULT_PASSKUTF_RESULT_DEBUGKUTF_RESULT_INFOKUTF_RESULT_WARNKUTF_RESULT_FAILKUTF_RESULT_FATALKUTF_RESULT_ABORT'void *(struct kutf_context *)''void (struct kutf_context *)''void (int, char **)''unsigned long (const char *)'?#`@Hh Th;҈_hY, T~҈`HȯT҈7(CTȓ҈7(C'TO'T(rHXHA(T~HGCmT(( ThHTH#TYhh`#THͺHua#TW(M(y(N- T(mT( !T(H|Hk T[hAT/҈h3 TҨ@Q(,T˖(hlTAH#T4覧(DlTa@HhT҈$ȇhVAT=Ҩ,THGC@THњ-THhpT;҈_hYThhT҈5(y(_,T(҈h3T=ҨL5^aT(~҈`HȯT_$ TH(T Vhh& THM(y(N@THh_h4 TҨ@Q(THHަqhH T4覧(D@ThlT|>Ҩ,@ T(!TE(Hhp TnGhoAT^҈5(y(_ Thț҈vhH;aTOEIF( ȓCT#:741.$( ȓT( ȓT( ȓ T ( ȓ T?T#_?#{@9qT{#_ )+ih8J @@*?#{@!B*{#_!?#{ WO@@u@`T ҶȊ" T@6"@( OCWB @{Ĩ#_!?#{WO@BR`@6RBOBWA{è#_!?#{ RR@`B!Bss* @{¨#_?#{WO<@s*`R u@6tV`BaR"R*OBWA{è#_`!?#{ T @{¨#_!?#{_WOA8 %C@"6h@97vAT*"Rh@97x!T5h Tv@ 6"@( h@9h7A8%C_ aTOFWE_D{C#_~@v¿x¿h¿?#{Oh*@2h*`BaR"ROA{¨#_?#{Oh*@yh*OA{¨#_?#{@ qlThR@ q`TaR{#_?#{O(`!hZh@ 1lT(hh@ 1 T!4h@ 1LTth@ 1TB!OA{¨#_?#{(B!X{#_?#{? @ 7@h4*{#_@(5?#{ @?kJT @?kT*{#_?#{KO A8%C>=#)^`b=h@qlTHRhh@ qTARA8%C_ TOJ{HK@#_?#{@qlTHR@ q`TAR{#_?#{@qlTR@q`TR{#_?#{KO A8%C>=#)^`b=h@ qlTRhh@qTRA8%C_ TOJ{HK@#_?#{@ qlTR@q`TR{#_?#hR#_?##_?#ըR#_?#ՈR#_?#R#_?#{@qlT(R@q`T!R{#_?#{@qlTR@qTBR{#_?#{og_WO A T Һ H @"_ @ ?TA]먃!T6"@( H`@z"? 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