ELF!@@/-MM%M%MMMM%%%%%@?$3 CPU NUM TIME:sys(alive) Value PC 6Support %s dbgc withwithoutwarn-count3cpu%u: gicr: is-enabled:%08x, is-pending:%08x 6Support using tick timer: %u 6%s: cpu%u: pmu_val:%#x, ehld_stat:%#x dis3ehld ipc can't set lockup count ehld_value_raw_hrtimer_fn3ehld: cpu%u's cs not found exynos-ehld3ehld ipc can't set the interval 6adv-tracer-ehld init successful. 3CPU%u is Early Hardlockup Detected Warning - counter:%#x %#016llx(%pS)en6adv-tracer-ehld set lockup count for %u times 3EHLD trace requires SJTAG authentication 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3ehld: fail device tree for ehld:%d 3CPU%u is Early Hardlockup Detected - counter:%#x, Caused by HW exynos_ehld_start_cpucs_basecpu%u: pmu_val:%#x, ehld_stat:%#x %sable @%s: cpu%u ehld running 3ehld ipc cannot enable setting exynos_ehld_hardlockup_handler6@%s: cpu%u hrtimer interval is abnormal: %u ../private/google-modules/soc/gs/drivers/soc/google/debug/exynos-ehld.c@%s: cpu%u ehld stopping 6ehld: disabled by module parameter: noehld=1 3ehld: fail init sysfs for ehld:%d 6%s: cpu%u is hardlockup by hardware(self)exynos_ehld_do_actioncpu%u6ehld: cpu%u, dbg_base:%#x 6adv-tracer-ehld set interval to %u ms 6Support dbgc warning count: %u 6adv-tracer-ehld set warning count for %u times 3@%s: cpu%u event make failed err: %ld exynos_ehld_stop_cpu6ehld: no cs_base addr in device tree dbgc3adv-tracer-ehld fail to register sysfs. 3ehld: fail setup for ehld:%d 3ehld ipc request fail(%d) 3 Exynos Early Lockup Detector Information @%s: cpu%u ehld running with hrtimer exynos-ehld:onlineraw_dump3 %03u %03d %015llu(%010llu.%03llu) %#015llx %s ehld@%s: cpu%u event make success 3@%s: cpu%u, dbgc is not enabled, re-start 3ehld: cpu%u's dbg base not found 3CPU%u is Early Hardlockup Detected - counter:%#x, Caused by SW 6%s: cpu%u: pmu_val:%#x sgi_base3ehld ipc cannot get enable interval6EHLD %sabled exynos-adv-tracer-ehldexynos_ehld_do_policy3@%s: cpu%u, HRTIMER is cancel supportehld_enable6Support dbgc interval:%u ms dbg-offset3ehld ipc can't set lockup warning count 6%s: cpu%u is hardlockup warningcpu%u: core_pmu:%#08x, dss_pmu:%#08x, ehld_stat:%#08x 3adv-tracer-ehld failed to init value 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @%s: cpu%u ehld running with tick-timer 3@%s: cpu%u, event state is not active: %d Watchdog detected hard HANG on cpu %u by EHLDuse-tick-timer6%s: cpu%u is hardlockup by software@%s: cpu%u hrtimer cancel noehldgoogle,exynos-ehld g@?#{og_WOCA8C***8Rs}@a@h@k)T*4*?7~@Tq T q`TqT#ܚZ* #ܚ{*#ܚ9*2*<R}@a@h@k T#jATjTjT****!RjT****!Rj`T**!**!R}@a@h@kIT***A8C@ !TOFWE_DgCoB{A#_@@*4$1?#{og_WO**qbTM3@ ) 47c(@ @;8`cw/}R4ҩ|i`c}ɛYwO47bXRbn@H4@46*** )Ce}7@%ؚ( 6 (kA4 (oAh4OEWD_CgBoA{ƨ#_7?(@RʙR;rr (@@R8r@(@ @_( J88  ]X|@:@ckË:(hX(@@cA@@*\o(@)R ?Ռ@*ԳTF?#{ *?*@; @{¨#_ g@?#{ O )8 s@qT @ ) B*@u@4@h4@qT?*@;  @R*OB @{è#_@*^?#{OA8*CqTM3h@ ) `BA8ՀBs*@@ rTC#A8C_ TOC{B#_@* g@?#{ Os}@a@h@kT*!ROB @{è#_4$1?#{ o g _ WOA8*C*@56}@@@k)T@}(@@@H@**@p q"TM3@ )  *bb9@qT"qT @`cË{@:(h!Tc!R{9 cRB}{@@cHO@jj@ct Cӊ)}ʛ?#{ `" @{¨#_֡r?#{WO )8 @qBT @ ) B*@@h4@4բȪ@q T?*@;@ 4HR`r~u@@_QrFrk@TE0? 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