WMDRBC:\Users\atreptow\Documents\Prince_Customer_Tuning\Google_Taiwan\KM4_CM4_TK4_EVT_Deliverable_240429\CM4\240429_Google_CM4_EVT_Formal-left.bin4Vp4h@ $)   F 19*L|o  Z ?   @ 1Z 1?j' 2  ' 2  '   B @2> 2; 3> GG(߆hOr! 1w1R],wR],,:B    + P Y  @ m   [ R w  +TR4 1 1 53 C3'  <rrr 2 U,qi ,  ,  2 Ńd ,y , , > ! m  > hx > | l> |l 6 2 Uqi, , , 2d,y ,  ,>!m>hx>| l >| l 7  367 18 <4 9;&:WpL7# [@| zrC  ;&i%q^5M ckio[! 8n] 4 qml/%bfh]R&W 3hK6~XWI+ebcT S I'd 11vd3= e9 B<  e: B=  e; B [8< C332 Y~e2Y Y~e Y>p3>?  bff2 Y~e2Y Y~e.Y ? 4 .m\(#.@ ӻ+  P م ?x/u Ans| 4Z'x0'1' 10 !/0! "0|L|L7305<#35=$ &{~P8~ T~~P9~ &~Ṕ9~ ?xم/u As|n Zx04'''   0 %@\ z'- %!?}  "t  @`)   ,  (RW 1&  1'   ' ' 1( 2 }]]|7rrɍ 2 pkJ|7rrɍ 2 }]]|7rrɍ 2 pkJ|7rrɍ2 }B]]IP 2 BpkJ:3 2 }B]]IP 2 BpkJ:3     64(  LE'ELE'L  @  1) ,@(,-j#A3fKy jfG.F#6AB*w@&#6@DCwE eE  B ?@B + D@(?\' ' 3P 1 ,  ? zDB-@'' 1. ?F*0 `O~ZB/  B0 Vl{ "amplifier_gain": 17.5, "amplifier_model": "CS35L41B", "client_name": "LabSuite", "client_tuning_name": "240429_Google_CM4_EVT_Formal", "client_version": "6.84.0", "feature_blocks": "Convert Q Format to Sample Left, Convert Q Format to Sample Right, Convert Q Format to Sample Voltage Left, Convert Q Format to Sample Current Left, Mix Left, Protect Lite Left, Equalizer Left, Convert Q Format to Sample Vpmon Left, Picl Left, Convert Sample to Q Format Left, Convert Sample to Q Format Left Cal, Output Power Monitor Left, Convert Q Format to Sample Voltage Right, Convert Q Format to Sample Current Right, Mix Right, Protect Lite Right, Equalizer Right, Convert Q Format to Sample Vpmon Right, Picl Right, Convert Sample to Q Format Right, Convert Sample to Q Format Right Cal, Output Power Monitor Right", "internal_buffer_size": 32, "mix_type": "crossfade", "platform": "halo", "platform_id": 1236, "project_id": "0x126840", "sample_rate": 48000, "signal_chain": "CS35L41B Stereo Superset", "signal_chain_version": "10.1", "snapshot_id": "0x240429", "tuning_id": "0x102000", "deploy_group": "left", "checksum": "1834739805" }