ELFXO@@}ppRjJ"P:&+5@Lwcd_cpe_lsm_config_lab_latency%s: %s size mismatch, phdr_size: 0x%x fw_size: 0x%zxcpe_tgt_wcd9335_voicetxwcd_cpe_cmd_lsm_open_txwcd_cpe_cmd_lsm_close_txcpe_send_msg_to_inboxcpe_tgt_wcd9335_write_mailboxcpe_tgt_wcd9335_read_mailbox&cpe_d.cpe_api_mutexwcd_cpe_get_cal_indexwcd_cpe_load_fwwcd_cpe_bus_vote_max_bwcpe_svc_ftm_testwcd_cpe_send_param_connectportwcd_cpe_lsm_set_portwcd_cpe_is_valid_portwcd_cpe_afe_port_startwcd_cpe_cmd_lsm_startcpe_svc_bootcpe_tgt_wcd9335_bootcpe_process_irq_intwcd_cpe_ssr_eventwcd_cpe_load_each_segmentcpe_svc_download_segmentcpe_notify_clientcpe_notify_cmi_clientcpe_svc_tgt_initwcd_cpe_sysfs_initwcd_cpe_debugfs_initwcd_cpe_cal_initwcd_cpe_init&core->ssr_entry.offline_poll_wait&x->waitcpe_svc_resetcpe_tgt_wcd9335_reset%s.mdtcpe_register_write_repeatwcd_cpe_clr_ready_statuscpe_ftm_test_statuswcd_cpe_setup_irqswcd_cpe_lsm_set_media_fmt_paramswcd_cpe_lsm_set_paramswcd_cpe_afe_set_paramswcd_cpe_validate_paramswcd_cpe_send_param_conf_levelswcd_cpe_enable_cpe_clkscodec callbackswcd_cpe_send_param_epd_thres%s%d%swcd_cpe_boot_ssrcmi_deregistercpe_svc_deregistercmi_registercpe_svc_registercpe_svc_core_cmi_handlercodec cpe handlercpe_ftm_test_triggerwcd_cpe_is_valid_elf_hdrcpe_wcd9335_get_mem_addrsvass_exception_irqsvass_engine_irqcpe_process_clk_change_reqwcd_cpe_lab_ch_setupcpe_command_cleanupwcd_cpe_afe_port_stopwcd_cpe_cmd_lsm_stopwcd_cpe_collect_ramdumpcpe_svc_ramdumpwcd_cpe_get_sfr_dump__cpe_svc_shutdownSVASS_Exceptioncpe_broadcast_notificationcpe_svc_route_notificationcpe_tgt_wcd9335_route_notificationwcd_cpe_is_valid_lsm_sessionwcd_cpe_dealloc_lsm_sessionwcd_cpe_alloc_lsm_sessionwcd_cpe_send_param_gain%s: set_param(connect_port) failed, rc %dn%s: set_param(lsm_gain) failed, rc %dn%s: set_param(operation_mode) failed, rc %dn%s: set_param(EPD Threshold) failed, rc %dnlsmwcd_cpe_dlkmwcd_cpe_send_custom_paramwcd_cpe_set_one_paramwcd_cpe_lsm_lab_controlcdc controlwcd_cpe_state_pollwcd_cpe_send_param_dereg_modelwcd_cpe_send_param_snd_modelwcd_cpe_lsm_dereg_snd_modelwcd_cpe_lsm_reg_snd_modelwcd_cpe_set_calwcd_cpe_send_lsm_calwcd_cpe_send_afe_calwcd_cpe_dealloc_calwcd_cpe_alloc_calwcd_cpe_ssr_workcpe_clk_plan_work&core->ssr_lock&core->session_lock&session->lsm_lock&t_info->msg_lock&afe_port_d->afe_lock&cpe_d.cpe_svc_lockwcd_cpe_cmi_lsm_callbackcpe_apiwcd_cpe_cmi_send_lsm_msgwcd_cpe_cmi_send_afe_msgcpe_process_send_msgcmi_send_msgcpe_process_incomingwcd_cpe_afe_cmd_port_cfgwcd_cpe_lsm_set_fmt_cfgcpe_svc_deinitializecpe_boot_initializecpe_svc_initializetrueUnvotewcd_cpe_voteVotecpe_register_writecpe_boot_completewcd_cpe_set_and_completewcd_cpe_is_online_statewcd_cpe_change_online_statecpe_change_statefalsefw_name_storecorewcd_cpeSVASS_Enginewcd_cpe_afe_port_resumefw_namewcd_cpe_get_core_handleramdump_enablewcd_cpe_enablewcd_cpe_load_fw_imagewcd_cpe_check_new_imageafewcd_cpe_send_param_opmodecpe_svc_set_debug_modecpe_tgt_wcd9335_set_debug_modewcd_cpe_afe_svc_cmd_modewcd_cpe_afe_port_suspendcpe_mt_process_cmdcpe_mt_validate_cmdcpe_is_command_validwcd_cpe_lsm_get_afe_out_port_idcpe_cmd_receivedcpe_cleanup_worker_threadcpe_create_worker_threadcpe_worker_threadcpe_send_cmd_to_threadcpe-worker-threadwcd_cpe_state_read%s.b%02d%s%d3%s: fail to sent acdb cal, err = %dcpe_svcwcd_cpe_cmd_lsm_shmem_deallocwcd_cpe_afe_shmem_deallocwcd_cpe_cmd_lsm_shmem_allocwcd_cpe_afe_shmem_alloccpe_deregister_genericcpe_register_genericcodectechpack/audio/asoc/codecs/wcd_cpe_services.ctechpack/audio/asoc/codecs/wcd_cpe_core.cwcd_cpe_lsm_eobwcd_cpe_svc_event_cbwcd_cpe_cmi_afe_cbwcd_cpe_lsm_set_dataCPE_EBUSYCPE_ENOMEMORYCPE_ENOTREADYCPE_EALREADYCPE_ERR_MAXCPE_ENOTEXISTCMI_CLIENTSSRINSTRUCTIONCPE_EVERSIONcpe_tgt_wcd9335_write_RAMcpe_tgt_wcd9335_read_RAMCPE_EBADPARAMCPE_ENOTIMPLCPE_EOKCPE_EPENDINGELFCPE_ECONTINUECPE_EIMMEDIATECPE_ENEEDMOREONLINEOFFLINECPE_EHANDLECPE_ENORESOURCECPE_EUNSUPPORTEDCPE_EABORTEDCPE_EPREEMPTEDCPE_EUNEXPECTEDCPE_ETERMINATEDCPE_EFAILEDCPE_AFE_CMD_SHARED_MEM_ALLOCCPE_EPANICDATAwcd_cpe_cmd_lsm_open_tx_v2%s: Failed to create CPE SSR status entry %s: Thread cleaned up successfully %s: Try open_tx without topology 3%s: cpe service is not ready 3%s: cpe service not ready send shared mem alloc msg to cpe inbox %s: sending message to cpe inbox %s: CPE SSR event,err_status = 0x%02x %s: client mask 0x%x not registered for event 0x%x %s: Invalid event 0x%x 3%s: unhandled event 0x%x %s invalid flags 0x%x %s: Module 0x%x Param 0x%x size %zu pld_size 0x%x %s: Module 0x%x, Param 0x%x size %zu pld_size 0x%x %s: command 0x%x, received response 0x%x %s: Firmware unchanged, fname = %s, ssr_type 0x%x %s: topology id not sent for app_type 0x%x 3%s: wrong param_type 0x%x 3%s: Invalid load_type 0x%x %s: Offline 0x%x %s: sending message with opcode 0x%x %s: event = 0x%x %s: ready_status = 0x%x %s: err_interrupt status = 0x%x %s: marking ready, status = 0x%x index = %d, vaddr = 0x%x, paddr = 0x%x, filesz = 0x%x, memsz = 0x%x, flags = 0x%x %s LSM shared mem addr = 0x%x %s AFE shared mem addr = 0x%x %s: reg = 0x%x, value = 0x%x %s: event = 0x%x, ssr_type = 0x%x %s: topology_id = 0x%x, acdb_id = 0x%x, app_type = 0x%x %s: start image dload, name = %s, load_type = 0x%x %s: completed %s, mem_handle = 0x%x %s: CPE booted, sfr_addr = %d, sfr_size = %zu %s: Ramdump devices not set up, size = %zu %s: reading SFR from CPE, size = %zu %s: Invalid msg size %u %s: Msg fits mailbox, size %u 3%s: wrong size %zu, start address %x, mem_type %u 3%s: Cannot obtain address, mem_type %u 3%s: Invalid addr %x for mem type %u %s: ready to online timed out, status = %u %s: enter, enable = %s, cpe_users = %u %s: leave, enable = %s, cpe_users = %u %s: cpe already enabled, users = %u %s: irq = %u %s: event payload, status = %u, size = %u %s: Send CMI message, size = %u 3%s: Invalid mem type = %u %s: enable = %u 3%s: error response, error code = %u %s: cmd = %u %s: port_id = %u %s: session_id = %u %s: wait for cpe offline timed out 3%s: command 0x%x send timed out 3%s: command (0x%x) send timed out 3%s: clk plan cmd timed out 3Invalid header creation request 3%s: Invalid event 3%s: private data is not present 3%s: Invalid mem segment %s: Message received, notifying client %s: ret (%d) from poll_wait %s: Wake-up Poll wait %s: CPE Poll wait %s: no conf levels to set %s: cpe inactive after %d attempts %s: msg send success, notifying clients %s: Message req CMI mem access 3%s: Error %d writing mailbox registers 3%s: No support for querying clk plans 3%s: Invalid params %s: Invalid codec callbacks %s: failed to initialize cpe services %s: Failed to fw_name sysfs entry to %s 3%s: Invalid handle to %s %s: fw changed to %s %s: Failed to create debugfs node %s 3%s: Invalid %s %s: Invalid params for codec %s %s: No params supplied for codec %s %s: cpe_sfr = %s %s: enable = %s %s: CPE initialized but not enabled, skip CPE ssr 3%s: Invalid data for interrupt handler 3%s: Invalid buffer 3%s: Failed to create header %s: Failed to request svass err irq %s: Failed to request svass engine irq %s: waiting for CPE bootup %s: received basic rsp 3%s: Invalid handle for cpe_info 3%s: Invalid thread info 3%s: no start notification %s: unhandled notification %s: Invalid lsm session %s: invalid session %s: Invalid session 3%s: param is null %s:Firmware too small 3%s: no memory for conf_level 3%s: failed to get lsm cal block 3%s: failed to get afe cal block %s: Failed to get LSM TOPOLOGY cal block 3%s: invalid handle or callback %s: %s cdc bus max bandwidth %s: Creating DRAM acces request msg %s: cpe service booting %s: boot complete %s: cpe service OFFLINE state %s: cpe services in INITIALIZED state %s: send basic response %s: %s lock release 3%s: invalid handle to core 3%s: Invalid handle to core %s: %s lock acquire %s: cpe segment type %s read from firmware %s: %u valid users on cpe %s: CPE bootup done %s CPE is now online %s: CPE is now offline 3%s: CPE is offline 3%s: no cpe users, mark as offline %s: CPE offline %s: MSG not sent, CPE offline %s: Too small MDT file %s: Not an ELF file 3%s: invalid payload/handle 3%s: Invalid core handle 3%s: invalid handle 3%s: Invalid handle 3%s: Invalid codec handle %s: hw info not available %s: codec callback not available %s: handle to core not available 3%s: No support for clk freq change 3%s: Invalid cpe buffer for message 3%s: Failed to queue message %s: Not a executable image 3%s: Invalid handle/command node %s: failed to register cpe service %s: Failed to create ramdump device %s: size=%zd %s: size = %zd %s: Failed to alloc memory for cpe dump, size = %zd firmware %s not found %s: cal_info for LSM_TOPOLOGY not found %s: No LSM cal to send %s: No AFE cal to send 3%s: failed to execute command 3%s: unhandled command %s: no memory for afe cal inband failed to send lsm_start cmd %s: failed to send lsm_stop cmd %s: failed to send dereg_snd_model cmd 3failed to send shmem_dealloc cmd %s: change state 0x%x offline_change 0x%x core->offline 0x%x, ret = %ld %s: fw mdt %s is invalid %s: cpe services initialized %s: session_id: %u, state: %d,%d, event received %s: transport msg received %s: unknown message received %s: core service message received %s: message queued %s: out of band custom params not supported 3%s: Codec type %d not supported 3%s: thread not created %s: session %d being deallocated %s: max allowed sessions already allocated 3%s: CPE error IRQ %u occurred %s: thread stopped 3%s: slim_write_repeat failed 3%s: lsm_set_params failed 3%s: cmd failed 6%s: CPE in debug mode, WDOG disabled 3%s: Incorrect information provided 3%s: invalid client or payload Failed to load segment %d, aborting img dload %s: no segments to load %s: Created new worker thread %s: Failed to set opmode, err=%d %s: Set_param(media_format) failed, err=%d %s: current state: %d,%d, new_state: %d,%d %s: skipped segment with index %d %s: CPE SSR with event %d %s: unhandled SSR event %d %s: send_param_connectport failed, err %d %s: send_param(%d) failed, err %d %s: Failed to reset CPE with error %d %s: CPE shutdown failed, error %d %s: process command return %d 3%s: Invalid destination %d %s: AFE shmem alloc fail %d %s: unhandled substate %d for state %d %s: unhandled state %d 3%s: invalid caltype %d 3%s: invalid cal_type %d 3%s: Invalid module %d %s: enter payload_size = %d Enable %d 3%s: Invalid command %d 3%s: invalid port_id %d %s: Invalid length %d, max allowed %d %s: lsm_shmem_dealloc cmd failed, rc %d %s: event = %d %s: notify clients, event = %d %s: Schedule ssr work, event = %d %s: param->result = %d 3%s: afe_shmem_alloc fail,ret = %d 3%s: cpe boot failed, status = %d 3%s: failed to ACK outbox, err = %d %s: failed to disable cdc port, err = %d %s: failed to enable cdc port, err = %d 3%s: Failed to boot, err = %d 3%s: Failed to write registers, err = %d 3%s: Failed to read registers, err = %d %s: Failed to add kobject %s, err = %d %s: Failed to dload new image %s, err = %d %s: Failed to re-dload image %s, err = %d 3%s: invalid params for header, err = %d %s: Failed to read CPE ramdump, err = %d %s: Failed to read cpe sfr_dump, err = %d %s: Failed to load instruction, err = %d 3%s: failed to load instruction section, err = %d %s: Failed to dload data section, err = %d %s: Fail to release codec clk, err = %d %s: failed to disable cdc clk, err = %d %s: failed to enable cdc clk, err = %d 3%s: failed to reset cpe, err = %d %s: Failed to un-vote cpe, err = %d %s: Failed to enable cpe, err = %d %s: fail to dump cpe ram to device, err = %d %s: failed to send open_tx cmd, err = %d %s: failed to send open_tx_v2 cmd, err = %d %s: failed to get port id, err = %d %s: CPE FTM test failed, err = %d %s: CPE calibration init failed, err = %d 3%s: lsm_set_conf_levels failed, err = %d %s: afe_port_config failed, err = %d %s: lsm_set_output_format_cfg failed, err = %d %s: CPE clk disable failed, err = %d %s: CPE disable failed, err = %d %s: CPE clk enable failed, err = %d %s: CPE enable failed, err = %d 3%s: cmd 0x%x send failed, err = %d 3%s: acdb lsm_params send failed, err = %d %s: custom params send failed, err = %d %s: afe acdb cal send failed, err = %d %s: eob send failed, err = %d %s: lsm close_tx cmd failed, err = %d %s: afe_port_start cmd failed, err = %d %s: afe_stop cmd failed, err = %d %s: afe_resume cmd failed, err = %d %s: afe_svc_mode cmd failed, err = %d %s: afe_suspend cmd failed, err = %d %s: cpe_clk_en() failed, err = %d 3%s: Invalid command %d, err = %d %s: fail to set lsm data, err = %d 3%s: Fail to restore the IRAM data, err = %d 3%s: Fail to backup CPE IRAM data, err = %d 3%s: Fail to write the WAITI data, err = %d 3%s: Fail to boot CPE, err = %d 3%s: CPE reset fail! err = %d %s: Failed to download %s, error = %d %s: CPE Reset failed, error = %d 3%s: lsm_set_params failed, error = %d %s: CPE IRQs setup failed, error = %d %s: Module = %d, Destination = %d %s: enter: size = %d 3%s: invalid command %d, state = %d 3%s: unhandled cpe cmd = %d 3%s: cmd validation fail, cmd = %d %s: callback not defined, default port_id = %d %s: enter, port_id = %d 3%s: invalid lsm session id = %d %s: Wrong session id %d max allowed = %d %s: Invalid parameters, rc = %d %s: lsm set params failed, rc = %d %s: lsm confidence levels failed, rc = %d 3%s: afe cal for listen failed, rc = %d %s: port_id: %d %s: lsm_shmem_alloc cmd send fail, %d %s: snd_model_deregister failed, %d %s: snd_model_register failed, %d 3%s: Failed LSM shared mem alloc 3%s: Failed AFE shared mem alloc 3%s: Invalid handle to codec 3%s: Invalid codec %s: Failed to disable lab %s: Failed to enable lab 3%s: CPE returned error[%s] %s: Failed to enable RCO %s: data is NULL 3%s: CPE core NULL 3%s: Core handle NULL 3%s: Error CPE core %pK %s: Failed to register LSM service with CMI %s: Failed to register AFE service with CMI %s: Failed to boot CPE %s: completed reading ramdump from CPE %s: Reading ramdump from CPE %s: Complete backing up IRAM data from CPE %s: Backing up IRAM data from CPE %s: invalid afe port (%u) %s: invalid session id (%u) %s: snd_info_register failed (%d) 3%s: msg opcode (0x%x) send failed (%d) 3%s: could not create cal type! %s: LSM_TOPOLOGY cal not allocated! 3%s: LSM cal not allocated! 3%s: cal_utils_set_cal failed, ret = %d, cal type = %d! 3%s: cal_utils_dealloc_block failed, ret = %d, cal 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