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Removewcd_mbhc_initialisewcd_mbhc_adc_detect_plug_typewcd_mbhc_adc_detect_anc_plug_typefsa4480-i2c-handlewcd_mbhc_set_keycodewcd_measure_adc_oncewcd_program_btn_thresholdqcom,msm-mbhc-usbc-audio-supportedwcd_mbhc_usb_c_event_changedwcd_mbhc_fw_readwcd_mbhc_get_plug_from_adcwcd_mbhc_clr_and_turnon_hph_padacwcd_mbhc_set_and_turnoff_hph_padactechpack/audio/asoc/codecs/wcd-mbhc-adc.ctechpack/audio/asoc/codecs/wcd-mbhc-v2.cusbWCD_EVENT_OCP_ONWCD_EVENT_PRE_HPHR_PA_ONWCD_EVENT_PRE_HPHL_PA_ONWCD_EVENT_POST_MICBIAS_2_ONWCD_EVENT_POST_DAPM_MICBIAS_2_ONWCD_EVENT_PRE_DAPM_MICBIAS_2_ONWCD_EVENT_PRE_MICBIAS_2_ONWCD_EVENT_OCP_OFFWCD_EVENT_POST_HPHR_PA_OFFWCD_EVENT_PRE_HPHR_PA_OFFWCD_EVENT_POST_HPHL_PA_OFFWCD_EVENT_PRE_HPHL_PA_OFFWCD_EVENT_POST_MICBIAS_2_OFFWCD_EVENT_POST_DAPM_MICBIAS_2_OFFWCD_EVENT_PRE_DAPM_MICBIAS_2_OFFWCD_EVENT_PRE_MICBIAS_2_OFFWCD_EVENT_INVALID%s: Switch level is low not special 6%s: btn %d, key_code %d, mask 0x%x %s: ADC result: 0x%x %s: leave hph_status %x %s: enter insertion %d hph_status %x %s: clear ocp status %x %s: reg_val = %x %s: Switch level is low %s: irq: %d, enable: %d, intr_status:%lu %s: Retry attempt %lu %s: mode = %lu 6%s: mbhc deinit in progess: ignore report %s: usb-c analog setup start %s: Disable electrical headset insertion interrupt Button pressed twice without release event 6%s: Reporting long button release event %s: exit %s: cable already reported, exit %s: calling usb_c_analog_init %s: cable is %s headset 6%s: Reporting btn press 6%s: This release is for fake btn press 6%s: Too short, ignore button press 6%s: Plug isn't headset, ignore button press 6%s: Swtich level changed, ignore button press %s: error while setting USBC ana gpios %s: Special headset detected in %d msecs %s: Enable micbias %s: gpio %s 6%s: enter %s: Enter %s: received HPHR OCP irq %s: received HPHL OCP irq %s: could not get USB psy info %s: setup mic trigger for further detection %s: set up elec removal detection %s: skipping USB c analog configuration %s: force PR_DUAL mode unsuccessful %s: force PR_SOURCE mode unsuccessful %s: MBHC Firmware read successful 3%s: Invalid MBHC cal data size use default cal 3%s: Cannot load MBHC firmware use default cal %s: using hwdep cal %s: queueing usbc_analog_work %s: switch did not work 3Failed to create new jack 3%s: Failed to create new jack %s: moisture present in jack %s: Canceling correct_plug_swch %s: US_EU gpio present,flip switch %s: scheduling correct_swch_plug %s ANC is off %s PA is off %s: leave %s: fake insertion irq, leave %s: %s in dt node is missing or false 6%s: Reporting btn release 6%s: Switch irq kicked in, ignore %s: using request_firmware %s:Attempt %d to request MBHC firmware %s: Acquiring BCL done 6%s: Report extension cable 6%s: cable is extension cable %s: missing %s in dt node %s: anc mic %sfound %s: fsa4480 i2c node not found %s: No Cross connection found 6%s: Headset with threshold found %s: plug type is %d found 4%s: failed to hold suspend %s: msec_val = %ld 6%s: headset is NOT actually removed %s: USB change event received %s: plug_type:0x%x already reported %s: verify if USB adapter is already inserted %s: BCL should have acquired %s: mbhc registers are not defined %s: required mbhc callbacks are not defined %s: callback fn micb_ctrl_thr_mic not defined 6%s: hs_detect_plug work not cancelled 3%s: hphr_adc_res adc measurement failed 3%s: hphl_adc_res adc measurement failed %s: power supply registration failed %s: button press is canceled %s: correct_plug_swch is canceled 3%s: Mic Bias is not enabled %s: Returning as Extension cable feature not enabled %s: usbc analog enabled %s: Cross connection identified 3%s: Interrupt mapping not provided %s: release of button press%d Wrong button number:%d %s: set btn%d key code:%d %s: Check for fake removal: output_mv %d %s: leave ret %d %s: Valid plug found, plug type %d wrk_cmpt %d btn_intr %d 3%s: Failed to set code for %d 3%s: Failed to register notifier %d 3%s: Failed to request irq %d %s: leave %d Unexpected current plug_type %d, plug_type %d %s: cross connection found, Plug type %d 3%s: Unknown detection logic type %d %s: Special headset found %d %s: supply mode %d, expected %d 3%s: Failed to request irq %d, ret = %d %s: setting GPIOs active = %d 6%s: adc_result: 0x%x, output_mv: %d 3%s: adc complete: %d, adc timeout: %d %s: retry, hphrocp_cnt: %d %s: retry, hphlocp_cnt: %d 6%s: Reporting long button press event, btn_result: %d 6%s: cable might be headset: %d 3%s: mbhc_micb_ctrl_thr_mic failed, ret: %d 6%s: vout_ctl: %d, micbias: %d %s: enter, cs_mb_en: %d %s: usbc_mode: %d; mode.intval: %d 6%s: Invalid current plug: %d %s: is_capture: %d 6%s: mbhc->current_plug: %d detection_type: %d %s: leave, plug type: %d %s: leave, micb_enable: %d %s: irq_type: %d, enable: %d %s: valid: %d, invalid: %d %s: stop requested: %d 6%s: adc complete: %d, adc timeout: %d output_mV: %d %s: Unable to read USB TYPEC_MODE: %d %s: Spl headset not found in 2 sec 3%s: NULL irq data 3%s: Bad wcd9xxx_spmi private data 3%s: Bad mbhc private data %s: Marking jack type as SND_JACK_LINEOUT %s: no qcom,msm-mbhc-moist-cfg in DT %s: HPHR ANC clear flag and enable ANC_EN %s: HPHL ANC clear flag and enable ANC_EN %s: PA was turned on by MBHC and not by DAPM 3%s: mbhc function pointer is NULL 3%s: mbhc is NULL %s: calibration data is NULL %s: Acquiring BCL %s: Release BCL %s ANC is on, setting ANC_OFF_ACK %s PA is on, setting PA_OFF_ACK %s: HPHR clear flag and enable PA %s: HPHL clear flag and enable PA 3%s: Failed to set code for btn-0 6%s: Reporting insertion %d(%x) 6%s: Reporting removal %d(%x) 6%s: Reporting removal (%x) %s: enter current_plug(%d) new_plug(%d) %s: event %s (%d) %s: Detected special HS (%d) 3Set btn key code error!!! r@ 1 ^ #   .  *__wcd_mbhc_jack_reportwcd_enable_curr_micbiaswcd_cancel_btn_workwcd_swch_level_removewcd_mbhc_get_impedancewcd_mbhc_hs_elec_irqwcd_mbhc_report_plugwcd_mbhc_elec_hs_report_unplugwcd_mbhc_find_plug_and_reportwcd_mbhc_get_button_maskwcd_mbhc_startwcd_mbhc_stopwcd_mbhc_initwcd_mbhc_deinitwcd_mbhc_adc_init4=@!&Ia')/T|2Mf(QRR[8bn!1)=(/99CIJOVWy-@ "%%||)),>S\ekppr FH]H^description=wcd MBHC v2 modulelicense=GPL v2vermagic=4.14.285-g5f00bf266851-ab8874763 SMP preempt mod_unload modversions aarch64name=mbhc_dlkmintree=Ydepends=wcd_core_dlkmAndroid (7284624, based on r416183b) clang version 12.0.5 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee)mbhc_dlkmx'module_layout~cancel_work_sync/ .queue_work_on;"power_supply_get_propertyEzImsm_cdc_pinctrl_select_active_state` msm_cdc_pinctrl_select_sleep_state!_ _dev_info=xpower_supply_set_propertydmemsetp7jiffies_to_msecsos63completemsleeplKTrequest_firmware__stack_chk_failkdelayed_work_timer_fn" ^init_timer_key7Tsnd_soc_card_jack_new __init_waitqueue_head __mutex_initg__stack_chk_guardRgpio_freeÁkpower_supply_unreg_notifierXUfsa4480_unreg_notifierxV9Hrelease_firmware;of_get_named_gpio_flags$__dynamic_dev_dbg bpower_supply_reg_notifier uqueue_delayed_work_onӅ3-system_wqs$jiffies_to_usecsVfsa4480_reg_notifier power_supply_get_by_name f]input_set_capability׮snd_jack_set_keyy,of_parse_phandle,Ԡof_property_read_variable_u32_array5of_find_property>լJmutex_unlocktest_and_clear_bite8^mutex_lockPjiffiesGusleep_range|clear_bit Mset_bitXUprintkEsnd_soc_readGgdcancel_delayed_work_sync&ԱD__dynamic_pr_debugsdev_err]^@snd_soc_update_bitsfgsnd_soc_jack_reportGNUro#Yu ('((LP(q (x(( )(@(6h(Y(|(@(h( (<(m((  tV( P(;x(m(((($ *K0(wX(( (((# (@ (` l!sH(( W$ W + "p' 'G Yxd0(p((H(p( (. 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