ELFz@@/, _lkdtm-no-usercopydumptestprovoke-crashinclude/linux/thread_info.hdrivers/misc/lkdtm_bugs.cdrivers/misc/lkdtm_heap.cdrivers/misc/lkdtm_core.cREFCOUNT_ADD_NOT_ZERO_OVERFLOWREFCOUNT_INC_NOT_ZERO_OVERFLOWREFCOUNT_ADD_OVERFLOWREFCOUNT_INC_OVERFLOWWRITE_RO_AFTER_INITDIRECTCORRUPT_USER_DSSOFTLOCKUPSPINLOCKUPHARDLOCKUPLOOPUSERCOPY_HEAP_FLAG_TOUSERCOPY_HEAP_SIZE_TOUSERCOPY_STACK_FRAME_TOWRITE_ROREFCOUNT_ADD_ZEROREFCOUNT_INC_ZEROREFCOUNT_DEC_ZEROWRITE_KERNEXCEPTIONOVERWRITE_ALLOCATIONUSERCOPY_HEAP_FLAG_FROMUSERCOPY_HEAP_SIZE_FROMUSERCOPY_STACK_FRAME_FROMACCESS_NULLEXEC_NULLUSERCOPY_KERNELCORRUPT_LIST_DELHUNG_TASKCORRUPT_STACKEXEC_STACKBUGCORRUPT_STACK_STRONGWARNINGREFCOUNT_TIMINGATOMIC_TIMINGSTACK_GUARD_PAGE_TRAILINGSTACK_GUARD_PAGE_LEADINGREFCOUNT_DEC_AND_TEST_NEGATIVEREFCOUNT_SUB_AND_TEST_NEGATIVEREFCOUNT_DEC_NEGATIVEUNALIGNED_LOAD_STORE_WRITEWRITE_BUDDY_AFTER_FREEREAD_BUDDY_AFTER_FREEWRITE_AFTER_FREEREAD_AFTER_FREEACCESS_USERSPACEEXEC_USERSPACEUSERCOPY_STACK_BEYONDREFCOUNT_DEC_AND_TEST_SATURATEDREFCOUNT_SUB_AND_TEST_SATURATEDREFCOUNT_ADD_NOT_ZERO_SATURATEDREFCOUNT_INC_NOT_ZERO_SATURATEDREFCOUNT_ADD_SATURATEDREFCOUNT_INC_SATURATEDREFCOUNT_DEC_SATURATEDCORRUPT_LIST_ADDEXEC_VMALLOCEXEC_KMALLOCPANICEXEC_DATAEXEC_RODATA4lkdtm: Failed to allocate user memory 4lkdtm: Failed to allocate kernel memory 6lkdtm: Attempting to read from freed memory 6lkdtm: Attempting bad read from freed memory 6lkdtm: good_stack: %px-%px 6lkdtm: bad_stack : %px-%px 6lkdtm: attempting ok execution at %px 6lkdtm: attempting bad execution at %px 6lkdtm: attempting bad ro_after_init write at %px 6lkdtm: attempting bad %zu byte write at %px 6lkdtm: attempting bad write at %px 6lkdtm: attempting bad rodata write at %px 6lkdtm: attempting bad read at %px 4lkdtm: Overflow detected: unsafely reset to max 4lkdtm: Zero detected: unsafely reset to max 4lkdtm: Saturation detected: unsafely reset to max 4lkdtm: Negative detected: unsafely reset to max 6lkdtm: Value in memory before free: %x 6lkdtm: attempting good refcount_add() without overflow 6lkdtm: attempting good refcount_inc() without overflow 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_add_not_zero() overflow 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_inc_not_zero() overflow 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_add() overflow 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_inc() overflow 3lkdtm: refcount: out of sync up/down cycle: %u 3lkdtm: atomic timing: out of sync up/down cycle: %u 6lkdtm: attempting bad copy_to_user from kernel text 6lkdtm: setting bad task size limit 4lkdtm: copy_to_user failed, but lacked Oops 4lkdtm: copy_from_user failed, but lacked Oops 6lkdtm: No crash points registered, enable through debugfs 4lkdtm: Failed to allocate buffers from caches 6lkdtm: Performing direct entry %s 3lkdtm: could not create crashpoint %s 6lkdtm: Invalid crashpoint %s 3lkdtm: Invalid crashpoint %s 6lkdtm: Couldn't register jprobe %s 3lkdtm: Need both cpoint_type and cpoint_name or neither 6lkdtm: Allocated memory %p-%p 6lkdtm: Attempting bad write to freed memory at %p 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_dec_and_test() below zero 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_sub_and_test() below zero 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_dec() below zero 3lkdtm: Fail: refcount went past zero 6lkdtm: Correctly stayed at zero 6lkdtm: Zero detected: stayed at zero 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_dec() to zero 6lkdtm: attempting safe refcount_add_not_zero() from zero 6lkdtm: attempting safe refcount_inc_not_zero() from zero 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_add() from zero 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_inc() from zero 4lkdtm: Weird: refcount_dec_and_test() reported zero 4lkdtm: Weird: refcount_sub_and_test() reported zero 4lkdtm: Weird: refcount_add_not_zero() reported zero 4lkdtm: Weird: refcount_inc_not_zero() reported zero 6lkdtm: attempting good list addition 6lkdtm: attempting corrupted list addition 6lkdtm: attempting good list removal 6lkdtm: attempting corrupted list removal 6lkdtm: attempting bad read from page below current stack 6lkdtm: attempting bad read from page above current stack 6lkdtm: attempting bad copy_to_user of distant stack 6lkdtm: attempting bad copy_from_user of distant stack 6lkdtm: attempting good copy_to_user of local stack 6lkdtm: attempting good copy_from_user of local stack 6lkdtm: attempting good copy_to_user of correct size 6lkdtm: attempting good copy_from_user of correct size 6lkdtm: attempting bad copy_to_user of too large size 6lkdtm: attempting bad copy_from_user of too large size 6lkdtm: refcount timing: done 6lkdtm: atomic timing: done 4lkdtm: Failed to allocate kernel cache 6lkdtm: Unable to allocate free page 6lkdtm: Attempting bad write to the buddy page after free 6lkdtm: Writing to the buddy page before free 6lkdtm: Good: zero detected 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_dec_and_test() from saturated 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_sub_and_test() from saturated 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_add_not_zero() from saturated 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_inc_not_zero() from saturated 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_inc() from saturated 6lkdtm: attempting bad refcount_dec() from saturated 6lkdtm: Saturation detected: still saturated 6lkdtm: Overflow detected: saturated 6lkdtm: Zero detected: saturated 6lkdtm: Negative detected: saturated 6lkdtm: Crash point unregistered 6lkdtm: Crash point %s of type %s registered 6lkdtm: Memory was not poisoned 6lkdtm: Buddy page was not poisoned 3lkdtm: creating root dir failed 4lkdtm: copy_to_user failed 6lkdtm: Fail: zero not detected, incremented to %d 3lkdtm: Fail: refcount wrapped to %d 3lkdtm: Fail: refcount went crazy: %d 6lkdtm: attempting good copy_to_user from kernel rodata 6lkdtm: attempting bad copy_to_user w/o SLAB_USERCOPY 6lkdtm: attempting bad copy_from_user w/o SLAB_USERCOPY 6lkdtm: attempting good copy_to_user with SLAB_USERCOPY 6lkdtm: attempting good copy_from_user with SLAB_USERCOPY 6lkdtm: %p was NOT written during init!? 3lkdtm: Fail: Zero not detected!? Available crash types: 4lkdtm: Still at zero: refcount_inc/add() must not inc-from-0 4lkdtm: Still at %d: refcount_inc/add() must not inc-from-0 6lkdtm: Unable to allocate val memory. 6lkdtm: Unable to allocate base memory. 6lkdtm: Hmm, didn't get the same memory range. 6lkdtm: Corrupted stack containing char array ... 6lkdtm: Corrupted stack containing union ... 6lkdtm: Memory correctly poisoned (%x) 6lkdtm: attempting good refcount_dec() 3lkdtm: Unknown crashtype '%s' 3lkdtm: Fail: refcount went past zero! 6lkdtm: do_overwritten wasn't overwritten! 3lkdtm: FAIL: accessed page after stack! 3lkdtm: FAIL: accessed page before stack! 3lkdtm: list_del() corruption not detected! 3lkdtm: list_add() corruption not detected! 4lkdtm: copy_to_user failed unexpectedly?! 4lkdtm: copy_from_user failed unexpectedly?! 3lkdtm: Overwrite did not happen, but no BUG?! Buffer overflow detected (%d < %lu)! recur_countcpoint_typecpoint_namecpoint_countUUThis is a test. @9qCT_@*^{C@  ) ɓ? 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