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ID: 0x%06X Malformed fimrware header Failed to read firmware revision WMDR Info: %s Unexpected target core type: 0x%02X cl_dsp_coreFailed to recognize firmware file WMFW Info: %s Failed to read algo. %d revision N/AFailed to read firmware ID ../google-modules/amplifiers/cs40l26/cl_dsp.cFailed to write coefficients %s too large: %d bytes Failed to get host buffer data Failed to get timestamp shift Maximum number of wavetable entries exceeded XMYMFirmware API Revision Incompatible with Core Fatal Host Buffer Error with code 0x%X Invalid algo. rev.: %d.%d.%d (0x%06X) Coeff. rev. 0x%06X mismatches 0x%06X, continuing.. Failed to get host buffer address Failed to read algo. %d YM_BASE Failed to set host buffer data: %d Failed to get host buffer data string %d Failed to set trace log status Failed to reset event logger Coefficient file is not word-aligned timestamp_shiftFailed to read number of algorithms Failed to read algo. %d ID Host Buffer Not Initialized No DSP control called %s for block 0x%X cl_dsp_coeff_initENABLEDFile format version 0x%02X is outdated cl_dspExceeded maximum read length: %d > 32 Loading memory (bytes): XM: %u, YM: %u, PM: %u, ZM: %u cl_dsp_coeff_handle_info_texthigh_watermark%08X Coefficient list is empty Target core 0x%02X is not compatible WMFWDSP control %s at 0x%X found in unexpected region Date: Unexpected block type : 0x%02X Failed to parse host buffer status Wavetable not supported by core driver Failed to write debugfs data EVENT_LOG_HEADERRead past end of memory chunk Failed to write to base 0x%X Failed to recognize coefficient file Control %s at 0x%08X with parent ID = 0x%X log_dataFailed to read list terminator API Revision 0x%06X is not compatible Failed to read algo. %d XM_SIZE Failed to allocate buffer data space PM Runtime Resume Failed Invalid trace log write: %u Failed to read algo. %d XM_BASE Failed to read algo. %d YM_SIZE Failed to get raw host buffer data description=Cirrus Logic DSP Firmware Driverauthor=Fred Treven, Cirrus Logic Inc, license=GPLversion=4.0.1description=CL DSP Debugfs Driverauthor=Fred Treven, Cirrus Logic Inc. license=GPLvermagic=5.10.209-android13-4-g92e94fca2f15-ab12318583 SMP preempt mod_unload modversions aarch64name=cl_dsp_coredepends=srcversion=98F7B29E85341620A3ABF07scmversion=ga1e01eb4bca3oLinuxcl_dsp_corelumodule_layout /ikstrtouintfGOsimple_write_to_buffer+m__pm_runtime_suspendo6nktime_get_mono_fast_nsڗ,__pm_runtime_resumeREsimple_openݷasimple_read_from_buffer@+.strncatnJnesnprintfIbdebugfs_remove 6 debugfs_create_u32Qmdebugfs_create_filexwdebugfs_create_dirtkmem_cache_alloc_tracecgkmalloc_cachescregmap_writeRregmap_bulk_read-kreallocqug+regmap_raw_read_Ddevm_kfreeUrS__list_del_entry_valid`Ϙstrlenh__list_add_valid__hwasan_store2_noabort/ regmap_read.ێ&_dev_info__hwasan_storeN_noabort.3odevm_kmalloc9dstrscpy`1 _dev_warnP'6__dynamic_dev_dbgnuzkvfree zkfreeE:#__kmallocYkvmalloc_node; __hwasan_loadN_noabortTzD__hwasan_load2_noabortZstrncmpwregmap_raw_write__hwasan_store1_noabort__stack_chk_failYP_dev_err~)Hmemcpys}=F__hwasan_load1_noaborth'J__hwasan_load8_noabortt_A__hwasan_load4_noabort__hwasan_store4_noabort\__hwasan_store8_noabort1[__sanitizer_cov_trace_pcGNUHx࿦+ozGNU$,8HT`(4DLXhx$4DPh08<DLXdhpt(8DP`lx(8DP`p ,4Xh|  ,8HLdt     $ 0 @ H L T \ h p t |      $ , 4 <       $ 4 X ` l        , < P l      ( d t      8\p8Tt4<DLd (4@DHPTXdhpt|ee TX\htdp(<LXht(4@T`lx$0HXht8HT`ltururVV $D,D008<DHltdt99--xx  ,@'H'LTh H(HDlx$@H\lx \h| ,8L`t  $ 4 H T h |        !! !8!@!P!\!l!t!x!P!P!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""$"4"8"x"""""# #<#X#x#######$ $,$D$L$T$d$p$$$$$$$$$$$$%8%H%X%d%p%|%%8%%8%%%%%%% &,&8&D&T&X&0`&0d&l&p&x&&&U&U&&_&_&& & &&&&&L&L&&+ &+ &' 'E'E' '('`,'`4'|''''1'1'''(( (((8(H(T(d(p((((((())),)8)D)))))))))***$*0*@*L*T*d*l*x**********,+4+@+P+d+++++++++ ,$,4,@,P,l,,,,,,,,,- -,-8-@-D-L-T-`-d-ql-qp------L -L -..4.l.t...... // /$/L ,/L 0/8/l/|/////////0 0,0X0\0d0l0p0t0|00000001$1(1m01m81x11111818111111122 2,242@2P2T2pX2<\2pd2<t2|222222 2 2222223 3(343D3T3p3333333344,4H4d4l4p4}x4}4444)4)444555L 5L (505<5@5H5L5T5p5555555566 686@68H68P6`6p6|666666666777$7,7D7P7X7777777$8,888D8\8`8h8x8888888888899 9(949@9L9X99999999999d9d9: :::2$:2(:0:t:|:::::::::;$;(;0;@;L;\;l;|;;;~;~;;;;;;;;< << <0<8<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<m=m === =(=h=p=|==========> >> >,>4>L>X>d>l>x>>>>>>>>????(?,?%4?%8?D?P?\?`?2h?2l?t?,480<$ @( 1{Vlpt >TX-\`dFhHLP <@lDx|$(,048~~(~@%~`%`!_8!@HPAndroid (8508608, based on r450784e) clang version 14.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project 4c603efb0cca074e9238af8b4106c30add4418f6)W\]^_`abcdefghilmnQU<>@[ACBHJ!&'(+,a h<p~5~7~7~4: ~,=0, f  & 4q 15  I 8Q { q  0 Vb n < l `$  )l l *  K C  >      - ;Th T  F~ `q`DL  l HH @P  r = \ . t   l <b <k K> 8 l@" : 88 D% h - ' -? l x4 b ( f  x&x    $ $I P  q0 0 * 8. 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