ELFC@@+)            00 048<@DPTX\`dhl + 0`it2Xcam_cdm_soc_load_dt_privatenum-hw-cdm6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Dump overshoot offset %zu size %zu 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Invalid CMD: 0x%x buf 0x%x dt_num_supported_clients=%dmsm_cam_cdm_intfExit client cb cookie=%dcam_cdm_put_client_refcount6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d write failed for cnt=%d:%d len %u 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW current AHB base=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid available slots %d:%d:%d CDM HW is ready for data6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Write failed to disable BL done irq 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Hw bl write failed %d:%d msm_cam_cdm6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d DMI Looking for HW id of %s count:%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump scratch3=%x cam_hw_cdm_submit_gen_irq6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Cannot commit the genirq BL with tag tag=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get genirq cmd space rc=%d cam_hw_cdm_initcam_cdm_util_dump_cmd_bufcam_cdm_get_client_refcount6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid CDM client is already streamed Off &client->lock6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW reset not supported for handle =%x cam-cdm-intfBL done irq enabled =%dcam_hw_cdm_commit_bl_write6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Write CDM HW IRQ Clear 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW reset Wait failed rc=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to read CDM HW Version 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Page fault iova addr %pK techpack/camera/drivers/cam_cdm/cam_cdm_core_common.ccam_cdm_util_dump_buff_indirect6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d buffer size %d is not sufficient for count%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM intf mgr get refcount failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d hw stop failed handle=%x cam_cdm_get_opsFound client slot %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid CDM cmd %d arg size=%x Trying to acquire client=%s in hw idx=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get virtual core data for type=%d idx=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump scratch5=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW AHB dump not enable write BL success for cnt=%d with tag=%d total_cnt=%dtype %d index %dCDM Hw Id compatible =%sCDM intf mgr get refcount=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to identify associated hw id Calling client=%s cb cookie=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump scratch6=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW core status=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW current BL len=%d tag=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Sanity check failed for %d:%d cam_hw_cdm_deinit6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d cpas-cdm get iommu handle failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Got SWI DMI cmd =%d for invalid hw %s6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Write CDM HW core enable 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to write CDM base to BL base cam_hw_cdm_bl_write6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d bl_tag invalid =%d CDM_START_IRQ6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d wait for bl fifo failed %d:%d Enable soc done6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Write CDM HW reset CDM Init success6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM accessing invalid reg=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Get ioremap change base failed %x cam_cdm_acquirecam_cdm_find_request_by_bl_tag6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid client %pK hdl=%x stream OFF CDM Invalid %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid node for inline irq cam_hw_cdm_enable_core6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW BL FIFO readback not enable cam_hw_cdm_workIRQ status=0x%xE: b=%pK reg=%x off=%x val=%xcam_cdm_util_dump_reg_random_cmd_v26CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d invalid base address 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d invalid reg_count %d cmd_buf_size %d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d hw idx %d doesn't have start ops cam_cdm_detect_hang_errorhw_index:%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM Version=%x not supported in util cam_cdm_cpas_cb6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM Client refcount not zero %d hdl=%x vaddr=%pK offset=%d cmdlen=%d:%zuqcom,cam_virtual_cdm6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid node=%pK %d cpas-cdm06CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to retrieve the CDM dt properties Number of HW cdm supported =%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid CMD: 0x%x put_cdm_mgr_refcount6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d hw start failed handle=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d only CAM_CDM_VIRTUAL/CAM_CDM_HW_ANY is supported Looking for HW id of =%s and index=%dcam_virtual_cdm_submit_blNow commit the BL nothing for virtual6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d AHB dump reglastdata=%x CDM write BL last cmd tag=%x total=%d cookie=%dCDM_DONEinline IRQ data=0x%x6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CPAS stop failed E: b=%pK blen=%d reg=%x off=%x6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Invalid args 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d hw idx %d doesn't have submit ops 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d hw idx %d doesn't have stop ops 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d hw release failed for handle=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d idx %d doesn't have acquire ops 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Refcount put when zero CDM HW init first timestream OFF CDM %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Disable BL done irq failed CDM HW BL done IRQcam_hw_cdm_release_genirq_mem6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Virtual CDM CPAS registration failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get hw private data for type=%d idx=%d cam_cdm_write_hw_reg6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d REG_RAND: COUNT: %u cam_cdm_util_dump_reg_random_cmd6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM hw release failed for handle=%x write BL success for cnt=%d with tag=%dCDM_DONE_IRQ6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to set cam he version for hw 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid reg=%d cam_cdm_util_dump_cmd_bufs_v26CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d DATA_%d: 0x%X 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Buff Indirect cam_cdm_util_dump_change_base_cmd6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d client id given handle=%x invalid cam_hw_cdm_dump_scratch_registors6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW BL Wait timed out failed 6requested BL more than max size, cnt=%d max=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid token 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d CHANGE_BASE: 0x%X cam_cdm_reset_hwCDM HW already ON count=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid CDM cmd %d size=%x for handle=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Write CDM HW core debug 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Hw bl hw_iova is invalid %d:%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to retrieve the CDM id table 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d REG_CONT: COUNT: %u OFFSET: 0x%X 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d OFFSET_%d: 0x%X DATA_%d: 0x%X cam_cdm_util_cmd_buf_writecam_cdm_submit_blscam_cdm_intf_removeAcquired client=%s in hwidx=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW current BL base=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Cannot commit the BL %d tag=%d Got payload=%dcpas-cdm6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d HW CDM Interface registration failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Release iommu secure hdl failed get_cdm_mgr_refcountclient name:%scam_virtual_cdm_work6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Virtual CDM Interface de-registration failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump scratch7=%x cam_hw_cdm_irqCDM HW reset done IRQ6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to read CDM family Version 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get dev private data 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM hw acquire failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to read CDM HW IRQ status Waiting for CDM HW resetdoneCPAS registration successful handle=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Hw open count invalid type=%d idx=%d cnt=%d cam_cdm_util_reg_cont_write6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM intf mgr not probed yet 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM acquire failed for id=%d name=%s, idx=%d cam_cdm_stream_ops_internalcam_cdm_process_cmd6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW intf command not valid =%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Enable BL done irq failed BL done irq disable =%dBL commit success BL %d tag=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to request platform resource X b=%pK reg=%x off=%x val=%x6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid count of client names count=%d cdm-client-names[%d] = %scam_cdm_stream_off6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d hw idx %d doesn't have release ops cam_cdm_intf_register_hw_cdm6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Valid node present in index=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid CDM client is already streamed ON CDM Deinit nowcam_virtual_cdm_probe6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d BL(%d) base addr =%x cam_hw_cdm_submit_bl6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to read CDM HW IRQ data qcom,cam170-cpas-cdm0E: b=%pK reg=%x off=%x6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d PERF_CTRL cam_cdm_stream_oncam_cdm_set_cam_hw_versionCDM HW Gen/inline IRQ with data=%x6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW Debug status reg=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Write CDM HW IRQ mask cam_hw_cdm_probe6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Deinit CDM HW cam_cdm_get_ioremap_from_basecam_hw_version=%x:%x:%x supportedClient stream off success =%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM request cb without registering cb 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Sanity check failed for cmd_count=%d cnt=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Overflow Error IRQ cam_hw_cdm_alloc_genirq_mem6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d disable platform failed &cdm_hw->hw_mutex6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get CDM HW name for %s 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CPAS start failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Release platform resource failed cdm-client-names6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Reading cdm-client-names failed CDM intf mgr put refcount=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Virtual CDM remove failed CPAS error callback type=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Genirqalloc failed cam_hw_cdm_bl_fifo_pending_bl_rb6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump scratch1=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d AHB dump reglastaddr=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d BL(%d) len=%d tag=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW default dump 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to read CDM IRQ mask 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get dt properties 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CPAS unregister failed cam_hw_cdm_removeCDM_REG_RANDOM:cam_cdm_util_dump_wait_event_cmd6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d invalid CDM_SWD_DMI length %d cam_cdm_util_swd_dmi_write6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d cdm manger refcount not zero %d 4------------[ cut here ]------------ CDM HW Deinit now6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Genirq release fail 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Deinit failed in streamoff 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid CDM needs to be streamed ON first 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Only mem hdl/Kernel va type is supported %d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get virtual private data for type=%d idx=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Sanity check failed for hdl=%x len=%zu:%d Got irq6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d NULL payload Looking for Iommu handle of %scam_cdm_intf_deregister_hw_cdmCDM init first time6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump scratch4=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to write CDM BL len 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Init CDM HW cam_hw_cdm_iommu_fault_handler6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get hw core data for type=%d idx=%d cam_cdm_util_dump_dmi_cmd6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d GEN_IRQ 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d invalid base addr and data length %d %pK CDM client put refcount=%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump scratch0=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Write CDM HW core disable 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW irq set reg=%x cam_hw_cdm_enable_bl_done_irq6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Write failed to enable BL done irq 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Cannot read the current BL depth 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d In error state cnt=%d total cnt=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Only mem hdl/hw va type is supported %d CDM Hw version read success family =%x hw =%x6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Deinit failed for hw techpack/camera/drivers/cam_cdm/cam_cdm_intf.c6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d unsupported cdm_cmd_type type 0%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d hw submit bl failed for handle=%x Virtual CDM HW init first time6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Not enough buffer 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to read CDM pending BL's 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump core en=%x cam_hw_cdm_dump_core_debug_registers6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW current pending BL=%x BL slot available_cnt=%d requested=%d6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Dump buffer exhaust remain %zu min %u CDM_REG_CONT:cam_cdm_util_dump_reg_cont_cmdcam_cdm_get_iommu_handlecam_cdm_notify_clientsCDM%d registered to intf successful6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d dump scratch2=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to write CDM commit BL 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM hw bl write failed for gen irq bltag=%d CDM_START6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid irq received 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to util ops for hw Num supported cdm_client = %dcam_cdm_util_dump_gen_irq_cmdIn loop %d ioremap for %x addr=%xget_cdm_index_by_id6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM registration failed type=%d count=%d &cdm_mgr.nodes[i].lockCDM Intf probe done6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Fail to client slots, client=%s in hw idx=%d Now commit the BL6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to queue work for irq=0x%x 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d workqueue got delayed, work_record :%u 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d WAIT_EVENT Got ioremap for %x addr=%pKcam_cdm_find_free_client_slot6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d No cb registered for client hdl=%x cam_hw_cdm_wait_for_bl_fifo6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Not enough buffer cmd offset: %u cmd length: %u 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d AHB Error IRQ 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to put genirq cmd space for hw &x->waitcam_cdm_util_reg_random_writecam_cdm_intf_probe6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM Notify called with NULL hw info CDM client get refcount=%dVirtual CDM HW Deinit6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid ops for virtual cdm cam_hw_cdm_disable_core_dbg6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW irq status=%x CDM Deinit successcam_cdm_util_dump_reg_cont_cmd_v2cam_cdm_release6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM Deregistration failed type=%d index=%d cam_hw_cdm_hang_detect6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d cam_hw_version=%x:%x:%x not supported 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Could not find the bl request for tag=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d No more client slots 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW init failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to load CDM dt private data 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Virtual CDM Interface registration failed Got the HW VAcam_cdm_read_hw_reg6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid mapped region %d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Accessing invalid region %d:%d cam_hw_cdm_soc_get_dt_propertiescam_cdm_intf_mgr_soc_get_dt_propertiescam_cdm_util_dump_perf_ctrl_cmdcmd data=%xreg random: offset %pK, value 0x%x6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid req bl cmd addr type=%d cam_virtual_cdm_removecam_hw_cdm_enable_core_dbg6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW BL FIFO dump with loop count=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d CDM HW core cfg=%x 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to Write CDM HW IRQ cmd 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid command IRQ, Need HW reset 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Enable platform failed CDM%d probe successful:hqcom,cam-cdm-intfqcom,cam170-cpas-cdm0(hOMT(҈ZTH΄҈HhP,THhO THHdTҨ(hET(( TҨ# T(( TȘ҈(HHT HԩHTTҨh TH҈ZT Ȩ@TT谱hHcATPt(- TPt(TSuYCT=ҨL5^ T( ȓ CThh΄҈HhP T*ȁ(b@ THJ TzҨ# T葐U` T҈$ȇhV!TeTҨh` T]ȱȒ T[hTPHDhhH Tf҈{(ETA>( ȓT 1.( ȓCTA_ ( ȓT( ȓ #T?T_֠@9qCT_@*^{ _WOD*@@@9}* @iyc RBR**@c R @Riy*@ @?kT @?kT!5 RODWC_B @{Ũ^__ @iy T!4 RBR@* @!c RiyR** RBR*^{_WOD*@7}Ȇ@@** @!iwc RB R**Ȇ@ @?kT @?kT!54R*OCWB_A{Ĩ^__ @iw?T!4 R4RȆ@ @B Riw*** R4RB R*^{ _WOA!**`!c R R5Rh@qTu94*9Av5"#R*@* RR*V7h@kT*  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