ELF@@" 4 Can't find vbus-supply WIRLESS_SRC_CAP_VOTERRdset vconn: %ssrc_cap current set to %d mA%s: invalid data object len %zu pdopmicupdate_vbus_locked: turned off %s vbus ret = %dunable to set extcon usb polarity prop [%s], ret=%dunable to set POWER_ROLE to %d, ret=%ddefault src_cap%s: RX message pending SWITCH_SRC_CAPLIMIT_SRC_CAP_VOTERpd tx type [%s], pdphy ret [%d], status [%s]PR_SRCCouldn't find USB_ICL votable, deferring probe5V3Apd tx header [%#x], type [%s], pdphy ret [%d], status [%s]Rp-defPR_SWAP = %d%s: cc1=%s, cc2=%svbususb_limit_source_enableunable to set hard reset status to %s, ret=%dpd rx header [%#x]pd->vbus_output: %c pd->external_vbus: %c low_power:%cAPSD is done now, update pending usb data roleDR_DFPPR_SINKyesonset voltage failed for vdd_pdphy:%d Unable to disable vdd_pdphy:%d %sCan't find connector node. error rerunning election of DISABLE_POWER_ROLE_SWITCH, ret=%dmax_ma=%d, mv=%dunvote apsd_disable fail, ret %derror: queueing ext_vbus_work failedCould not get wireless power_supply, deferring probeCouldn't find APSD_DISABLE votable, deferring probeDEFAULT_SRC_CAP_VOTERCannot set POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_PD_ACTIVE Unable to read PE_START, ret=%dunable to turn off extcon usb host, ret=%dunable to set extcon usb typec med high current, ret=%dSINK_AUDIO_ADAPTERcloseCouldn't update src cap %dandroidboot.mode=chargingtestwirelessNSINKfalseunable to unvote DISABLE_POWER_ROLE_SWITCH, ret=%dUnable to set (0) voltage for vdd_pdphy:%d %u Unable to read TYPE, ret=%dHOSTset usb_data_role: power [%s], data [%s], apsd_done [%s], attached [%s], comm [%s]DR_UFPupdate_vbus_lockedqpnp-pdphygoogle,maxpower-switchSOPunable to turn on extcon [%s], ret=%dCC1set pd_phy_header: %s, %sunvote usb_icl fail, ret %dset vbus: %s, apsd: %s, icl: %dtcpm_set_cc%s: %stcpm_get_vbuspdphy_msg_rx_irqusbpdusb_limit_sink_enable %u (%u uA)received unsupported signal: %dFalseUNKNOWNPR_NONEqueued work EXT_VBUS_%sUnable to enable vdd_pdphy:%d msg-rx-discardedgoogle,fixed_pdo_5V3Ausb_limit_sink_currentHVDCP3set Rp to %sunable to vote DISABLE_POWER_ROLE_SWITCH to %s, ret=%dwrite failed: addr=0x%04x, ret=%d pd_phy_closegoogle,ext_vbus-supportedunknown pd tx typewireless supply changedunable to turn off extcon usb device, ret=%dSOURCE_HIGHRP_HIGH_HIGHDCPext_vbus_work_cancelled: %schargingtestext-vbusCouldn't register ext_boost notifier APSD_DISABLETCPM_DISABLE_CC_VOTERUnable to create device attr[%d] ret:%d:CABLE_RESETSINK_POWERED_CABLESOURCE_MEDIUMDAM_MEDIUMNON_COMPLIANTRP_STD_STDPDDR_NONEnoset POWER_ROLE to CC_OPENbulk write failed: addr=0x%04x, ret=%d Unable to get %s irq queue pd tx type [%s]SOP_DEBUG_PRIMESOP_DEBUG_PRIME_PRIMEheader len %d != len %ldpsy_changed: swiched to external vbusNONEunable to set PR_SWAP to %d, ret=%dunable to %s pd_phy, ret=%dOFFUnable to request %s irq: %d &pd->lockandroidboot.mode=chargerUSB_ICLCouldn't find DISABLE_POWER_ROLE_SWITCH votable, deferring probeOTG_ICL_VOTERsource-pdostrue3unable to disable vconn DISCARDEDupdate_vbus_locked: unable to turn off %s vbus ret = %dclearcc1: %s -> %s, cc2: %s -> %sAPSD is not done, delay update usb data rolesig-txUnable to read TYPEC_MODE, ret=%dunable to %s FASTROLESWAP, ret=%dSDPCDPHVDCP2pd_phy already %svote usb_icl 0 fail, ret %d%s: vbus_output: %c wireless_online: %c%s: invalid cc %spd_phy_openenabledCould not get USB power_supply, deferring probeDISABLE_POWER_ROLE_SWITCH%d FAILEDSkipping update as PE_START not set yethostusb extcon: cc [%s], host [%s], usb [%s]unable to set POWER_ROLE to PR_DUAL, ret=%dstart toggling, cc is %sunable to set pd current max to %d, ret=%dunable to set Rp, ret=%dfailed to get reg base address ret = %d vdd-pdphyLIMIT_USB_VOTERCannot set limit sink current, ret %d Rp-1.5unable to set pd capable to %s, ret=%dDEVICE%s: RX message arrived &pdphy->tx_waitqpsy notifier register failed HARD_RESETsetRaunable to set frame filter %d: ret=%dapsd not disabled, icl = %dskipping update value changed: %c vbus_output: %cext_boost disabledpdphy_sig_rx_irq_thread3unable to disable vbus invalid message received, len=%ldsupply changed sleeping for 20mecvote apsd_disable fail, ret %dONalternative src_cappd_phy_writedrivers/usb/pd/pd_engine.cchargerextcon allocation failed failed to register extcon deviceFlushed ext vbus delayed work: %sgoog,wlc-supportedusbcfg.suzyq=enabledCan't find vconn-supply tcpm port register failed type [%s], pe_start [%s], vbus_present [%s], mode [%s], orientation [%s], cc1 [%s], cc2 [%s], external_vbus_update [%s], wireless_online [%s]deviceRp-3.0POWERED_CABLE_ONLYDAM_DEFAULTqueue pd tx header [%#x], type [%s]off%s: already opened Couldn't get parent's regmap msg-rxCouldn't create SWITCH_SRC_CAP votable (%d), deferring probeYTrueusb suspend %dunable to set suspend flag to %d, ret=%dunable to set max voltage to %d, ret=%d%s: invalid size %d received pd hard resetexternalSOURCE_DEFAULTSOURCEread failed: addr=0x%04x, ret=%d %s: not opened regupdate_vbus_locked: unable to turn on %s vbus ret = %dtogglingdisabledopenext_boost enabledmsg-tx-failedSOP_PRIME_PRIMEunable to set pd_phy_header: %s, %s, ret=%d3%s: pdphy not found msg-tx-discardedCannot unvote for sink current, ret %d UNDEFINEDUnable to read wireless online property, ret=%dRP_MED_MEDUnable to set (0) HPM of vdd_pdphy unable to get vdd-pdphy spurious irq #%d received usbpd%dvbus present: %s -> %sunable to set extcon usb ss prop, ret=%dOPENCC2BIST_MODE_2%s:unsupported frame type %d vconnworkqueue creation failed usbUnable to read TYPEC_CC_ORIENTATION, ret=%dSINK_DEBUG_ACCESSORYclosedUnable to set HPM of vdd_pdphy:%d sig-rxCan't find ext-vbus-supply connectorusb_limit_sink_enableSOP_PRIMEupdate_vbus_locked: turned on %s vbus ret = %dDAM_HIGHskipping update as wireless charger online%s: failed ret %d usbpd_create failed: %ld OTG_DISABLE_APSD_VOTERSUCCESSUnable to read ONLINE, ret=%dunsupported pd type: %s%s pd_phyunable to turn %s vconn, ret=%dtcpm_get_ccset POWER_ROLE to %dPD is capable, don't operate ext_vbuspd_phy_signalmsg-tx,qcom,qpnp-pdphy҈$ȇhV Th%҈l(, T=҈Th8҈ȭ2()T8҈ȭ2()'TAq('T(Hhp!.Tu҈(mTȑU T襲<T襲<#T H޵(s`#Tz(7WA)TSh Hoȵ- T(rmT((r` T[h TH( !%T2qHܴ: TH(h,T(HtTΟۨ(!Tߎ҈(lT҈$ȇhVTȴh !TҨ#T҈(Th:hTՓҨHhT%҈l(@TԍhhHTȭt(,TqHܴ:T(P҈AT(=҈Tt脩aT葐UT2H#Th HoȵTݖ([{(lTh(hTHh%T`ߎ҈( Th3 TsҨ# T((, Td֓ҨHh Tc! 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