ELF8 @@:8  k  k n j m DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DD DD DD DDDD  DDDDD@D@D@D@D@D@D`D @D @D@D@D@DD@D@DDDDDDDDD D DDD D D DDDDD  3 USEP6_RXEP1_TXHW_SOURCEEP3 TX MixerI2S_1_RX Playback3alsa: %s: invalid arg count %daudio_playback1audio_hifiin6alsa: %s: snd_type=%x, codec_param=%x AoC Headphone Mixer ASP ModeUSB Playback BWMIC HW Gain At Lower Power Mode (cB)A2DP Encoder ParametersSpatialA2DP_RAW6mic source set: %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in set incall capture stream %d state as %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in set incall playback stream %d state as %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in aoc set usb feedback endpoint 3alsa: ERR:%d in compr offload linear gain set 3alsa: ERR:%d modem input stop fail 6alsa: voip call mic input: %d 3alsa: ERR:%d Telephony modem start fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in AoC Set Chirp Parameter, key: %d 5alsa: alsa-aoc cmd [%s] id %#06x, size %zu, cntr %d 3alsa: alsa-aoc ERR: ring full - cmd id %#06x aoc_audio_capture_triggerAoC NoHostERR: interrupted whilst waiting for lock ERR:%d fail in pcm buffer allocation EP2_RXHAPTIC_NoHost_RXBT_RXservices %d: %s vs. %s 3alsa: ERR:%d in preparing phonecall 3alsa: ERR: fail to alloc service for decoder_eofFT AEC Reference SourcePlayback6alsa: %s: get incall playback stream %d state %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio dsp mode set: val=%ld 3alsa: ERR:%d in aoc set usb offload fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in mel enable 6alsa: sidetone: %s 3alsa: ERR:%d Telephony modem stop fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in registering aoc pcm drv alsa_voip_period_workEP4_RXEP5 PlaybackNoHost1_TXINCALL_RX MixerHAPTIC_RX Mixeraudio_raw3alsa: ERR: fail to init aoc voip driver 3alsa: ERR: fail in phone call tearing down 3alsa: ERR:%d fail in registering aoc compr drv 3alsa: ERR: no memory for %sUSB Config To AoCUSB Capture FORMAT v2AoC Headphone Sink Channel BitmapIncall Mic MuteSidetone Biquad0Compress Offload Volume3ERR:%d lvm enable get fail 3ERR:%d sidetone EQ biquad %d fail to get parameter aoc_buildin_mic_broken_get6alsa: %s: voip still needs %d 3alsa: WARN: setting CHRE PDM gain is not supported 3alsa: ERR:%d modem input stop fail! aoc_set_usb_mem_configI2S_1_TXEP2 PlaybackIMSV_RXHAPTIC_RXEP1 TX MixerI2S_1_TX Capture3alsa: ERR: %s can't free audio service audio_playback5audio_voip_rxsnd_audiocodec_to_aoc_decoderBUILDIN MIC POWER STATEIncall Playback Stream0MIC0MIC HW Gain At High Power Mode (cB)DP_48K_16BIT_2CHActive3ERR:%d sidetone config fail to set param %d Load3alsa: ERR:%d in get mic clock frequency 3alsa: WARN:hotword is not supported on this device 3alsa: ERR:%d in source on 3alsa: ERR:%d in incall capture start on 3alsa: ERR: inconsistent write/read pointers, avail = %d, towrite = %u ERR: no data in diaplayport read Wait more dp buffer to start. avail = %zu, threshold = %zu start3alsa: ERR in mic input source for voice call, mic source=%d 3%s: fail to register aoc pcm comp %dI2S_1_RX MixerEP2 TX MixerEP7 PBEP5 CAP3alsa: %s has been allocated %d remove service %s 3alsa: ERR in pcm prepare: AoC service not available 3alsa: %s: failed to get playback samples USB Playback BW v2Voice Call Mic SourceIncall Capture Stream2CHRE SRC PDM Gain (cB)3ERR:%d builtin mic process mode set to %d fail3ERR:%d fail to update aoc usb config! EnableDL3alsa: ERR:%d in volume set 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio capture mic input setup start 3alsa: ERR: %d in set builtin_mic_process_mode! 3alsa: Err:%d in aoc set usb config! aoc_audio_capture_runtime_trigger3alsa: ERR:%d in incall mic gain set 6alsa: stop phone call - dev %d output6alsa: %s: reset previous sink id %d6alsa: open telephony sink id: %d - %d 3pcm_lib_malloc failed to allocated pages for buffers 4alsa: incall/hifi period work busy count = %d ERR:%d fail to STOP stream aoc_alsa_usb_callback_unregisterEP2 CaptureNoHost1_RXTDM_1_RXTDM_0_RX PlaybackINTERNAL_MIC_US_TX Captureaudio_playback63alsa: ERR: fail to alloc alsa_stream for %s3alsa: ERR:%d fail to send audio to aoc 3alsa: ERR: fail to flush compress offload buffer BUILDIN MIC ID CAPTURE LISTUSB Capture CH v2USB Config To AoC v2Incall Playback0 Mic ChannelSidetone EQ Stage NumberIdleTelephony_APMG3UnconfiguredUSB3ERR:%d hotword_tap %s fail BT3MIC6alsa: %s, side tone- vol:%d, Eq num stage: %d, mic:%d 3alsa: ERR:%d in incall mute get 3alsa: ERR: Eraser AEC ref source wrong %ld, fall back to default!3alsa: ERR:%d modem input start fail aoc_voipcall_path_close3aoc_us_record_filter_runtime_controlgoogle-aoc-snd-voip3alsa: ERR: fail to alloc workqueue for %s6%s card%d disconnectedNoHost1 Captureaoc_path_putEP1 PBaudio_incall_cap_2audio_hifioutaudio_ultrasonicinvalid dev %s3alsa: ERR:%d fail to get audio from aoc google-aoc-snd-voice3alsa: ERR: failed to stop the stream Audio Sink 1 Processing StateSidetone Biquad4ULmic3ERR:%d sidetone %s fail 3ERR:%d compr offload linear gain set fail 3ERR:%d mel rs2 get fail audio_output_control3alsa: ERR:%d in get mic state 6alsa: %s: set incall capture stream %d state as %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in decoder ref get 6alsa: voice call mic input: %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in AoC Set CHRE AEC gain 3alsa: ERR: NULL alsa_stream->substream pointer ../private/google-modules/aoc/alsa/aoc_alsa_pcm.cinclude/linux/thread_info.hEP7EP5 Capture3alsa: Error registering aoc path %d . INTERNAL_MIC_TX CaptureEP2 CAP3alsa: pcm open err=%d 3alsa: ERR: fail to get audio playback samples LVM EnableEnable CCA ON VOIPDP_48K_32BIT_2CHDisable3ERR:%d incall mic gain set to %d fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in get current mic hw gain 6alsa: sink_state:%d - %d 3alsa: ERR: %d bytes not copied to user space 3alsa: ERR:%d capture audio param set fails 6alsa: Open phone call path - src:%d, dst:%d 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio us capture mic input stop 3alsa: No valid capture stream to inject EP3INCALL_TXEP6_TXDP_DMA_RXI2S_0_RX MixerNoHost1 PBbe_shutdown%s3alsa: ERR in resetting the DRAM ring buffer writer pointer 3alsa: ERR: %d fail in pcm buffer allocation 6alsa: sink state set :%d - %d STARTERR: overrun in displayport read. avail = %zu, toread = %zu 3alsa: ERR:%d flush compress offload buffer fail! 6alsa: bitrate = %x 6%s card %u device %u, direction %u../private/google-modules/aoc/alsa/aoc_alsa_incall.cI2S_2_TXEP3 PlaybackHAPTIC NoHost Playbackgoogle-aoc-pathbe_prepare5alsa: The hr_timer was still in use... 3alsa: ERR:%d fail to STOP stream 3alsa: ERR:%d failed to write to buffer Aoc MixerPCM Playback VolumeUSB ModeUSB Playback SRSidetone EnableAoC Chirp ModeCHRE SRC AEC Gain (cB)ASP_BYPASS3ERR:%d mel rs2 set %ld fail audio_input_control3alsa: ERR:%d in get voice capture stream %d state aoc_incall_playback_enable_set3alsa: ERR:%d in audio input mic record start/stop disable6alsa: phone call audio NOT enabled 3alsa: ERR:%d Telephony Downlink unbind fail alsa-aoc :mem aoc_record_filter_runtime_control3alsa: ERR:%d in capture trigger 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio capture inject stop 3alsa: ERR:%d in playback set parameters2 6alsa: %s: disable mic - %d 6alsa: %s: expect_sink %d and sink %d is not matched google-aoc-snd-nohost5alsa: Start voip call usb_audio_offload_connect6%s sync ep # %d context is null EP8_RXEP4 CaptureEP6 TX Mixer3alsa: %s: fail to add ctrls %dINCALL_TX Captureaudio_incall_pb_2services number %d vs. reg number %d 3alsa: ERR: fail to init aoc voice 3alsa: ERR: fail to init aoc incall driver Compress Offload Gain (L and R)RESERVED_0ERASER3ERR:%d incall playback mic source get fail for ring %d 3ERR:%d sidetone EQ biquad %d fail to set parameter 3alsa: ERR:%d in get mic dc blocker state 3alsa: ERR:%d in set sidetone eq param 3alsa: Error in get aoc dsp state ! enable3alsa: ERR=%d, sidetone %s fail in source(%d) on/off 3alsa: ERR:%d in set compress offload codec cmd reply 3alsa: ERR:%d %s: src:%d - sink:%d! offERR:%d fail to alloc service for %sfail to register aoc pcm comp %dEP3 CaptureTDM_1_RX Mixer4alsa: %s: ret %d fail to set mixer for ep %u hw 0x%x enable %dBT_TX CaptureEP6 CAPaudio_voip_txaudio_incall_cap_15alsa: overflow in Tx/Rx: %lu - %lu - %d times BUILDIN MIC Broken StateAoC Modem Downlink ASRC ModeBT ModeMIC1Voice Call Rx VolumeMel Processor RS2RESERVED_23ERR: incorrect index for USB config in %s No MIC6Tried to set incall mic gain while mic was muted, deferring.3alsa: ERR:%d invalid param for sidetone cfg aoc_incall_capture_enable_get6alsa: incall playback stream %d: mic channel :%d set 6alsa: %s: on %d idx %d3alsa: ERR:%d in hotword tap %s 3alsa: ERR:%d in capture stop 6alsa: Open voip call path - src:%d, dst:%d 3alsa: ERR:%d in set compress offload codec 3alsa: ERR:%d in set aoc compress offload in partial drain state unbind3alsa: ERR:%d in playback set parameters 6alsa: codecType = %x overflow in Tx/Rx: %ld - %ld - %d times 4alsa: voip period work busy count = %d I2S_0_RX3alsa: %s: invalid idx hw_idx 0x%xaoc_capture_eps_trigger/mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/86/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/aoc/alsa/aoc_alsa_drv.caudio_playback4ultrasonic_capturegoogle-aoc-snd-compr3alsa: fail to prepare compress offload buffer: %s3alsa: %s: no active compress offload stream pointer USB Bus ID v2USB Dev ID v2Mic Spatial Module EnableIncall Capture Stream1Sidetone Biquad2ASP_GROUND3ERR:%d mic record gain get fail 3Unknown CHRE gain path: %d6alsa: mic_input_source = %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in set mic dc blocker state as %d 6alsa: %s: set incall playback stream %d state as %d 3alsa: Err:%d in get aoc sink %d channel bitmap! 3alsa: Error in get aoc sink processing state ! aoc_phonecall_path_open6alsa: voice call sink: %d 6alsa: stop voip call - dev %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in usb hifi capture start on 6alsa: %s: same mic source %d 6alsa: open telephony mic: %d - %d google-aoc-snd-incallERR:%d fail to reigster aoc pcm comp ERR:%d in preparing voip call /mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/86/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/aoc/alsa/aoc_alsa_usb.c../private/google-modules/aoc/alsa/aoc_alsa_ctl.cEP8ERASER_TXEP5_TX6alsa: %s: set ep %u hw_id 0x%x enable %d chip %p3alsa: %s: fail to reg routes %daudio_immersiveAoC COMPRBUILTIN MIC Process ModeUSB Playback EP ID v2Mel Processor EnableAoC Chirp Gain (cB)ESCOA2DP_ENC_AACBLE_ENC_LC33ERR:%d fail to update aoc usb config v2! 3ERR:%d invalid ft aec ref source Off3ERR:%d sidetone config fail to get param %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in set mic hw gain 6alsa: %s, sidetone- vol:%d, Eq num stage: %d, mic:%d 3alsa: Error in get builtin_mic_process_mode! 6alsa: Set audio dsp mode: %ld use default start threshold 6alsa: %s: voip already votes %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio parameter get- block:%d,component:%d,key:%d 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio capture inject start 3alsa: ERR:%d in volume setting 5alsa: Failed to set %d VoIP Rx params 3%s: cb_func register failEP5_RXEP8 PlaybackI2S_1_RXaoc_path_getI2S_0_TX Captureaudio_hapticsalsa wait %s done 3alsa: ERR: %d fail to reigster aoc pcm comp 3alsa: ERR: unsupport codec %x 4alsa: invalid key %d USB Capture BWIncall Sink MuteDecoder Reference EnableRESERVED_13ERR:%d set voice call playback stream %d fail aoc_sidetone_cfg_get3alsa: ERR:%d in mel rs2 get 3alsa: ERR:%d audio capture mic input stop fail! 3alsa: ERR: AEC ref source wrong %d!6alsa: peerMTU = %x aoc_alsa_usb_callback_registerEP6TDM_1_TXEP4_TXUSB_RXNoHost1 TX MixerI2S_2_RX Playbackaoc_alsainvalid ref %d for %s Audio DSP ModeUSB Playback SR v2USB DeviceTelephony6alsa: %s: sidetone eq %d - %d params Enabled3alsa: ERR: overrun in audio capture. avail = %d, toread = %d aoc_voipcall_path_openinputaoc_audio_capture_spatial_module_trigger3alsa: ERR:%d in audio parameter set- block:%d,component:%d,key:%d,val:%d 3alsa: ERR:%d in aoc mmap capture start/stop 3alsa: ERR:%d in android aec capture stop ERR:%d fail to START stream DEFAULT_MIC_IDSINK_IDSHW_SINK3alsa: %s: invalid idx hw_idx 0x%x ep_idx %x5alsa: %s supports interrupt-driven 3alsa: ERR:%d failed to init aoc compress offload alsa_pcm_period_work_%d3alsa: ERR: interrupted while waiting for lock USB Dev IDUSB Capture EP IDUSB Capture CHIncall Capture Stream0Incall Playback1 Mic ChannelVoice PCM Stream Wait Time in MSecUL_DLsink3ERR:%d %s CCA fail 6alsa: incall playback stream %d: mic channel get :%d 3alsa: ERR: fail in muting mic in voice call 3alsa: ERR:%d in mic loopback aoc_phonecall_path_close3alsa: ERR:%d Telephony voip start fail 3alsa: alsa-aoc ERR:%#x - cmd [%s] id %#06x 6alsa: %s: telephony_curr_sink - %d INTERNAL_MIC_TXEP4 PlaybackI2S_2_RX MixerEP2 PBaudio_capture23alsa: %s: no active substream pointer 3alsa: failed to STOP alsa device (%d) 5alsa: alsa compr offload close AoC Speaker Mixer ASP ModeUSB Playback EP IDSCO3alsa: ERR:%d in incall playback stream %d: mic channel set as %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in in mic record gain get 3alsa: ERR:%d mmap record gain set 3alsa: ERR: %d bytes not read from user space 6alsa: %s: voice already votes %d 6alsa: %s: voice still needs %d aoc_compr_offload_setup3alsa: ERR:%d in audio control simple cmd:%d sent 6alsa: %s: port 0x%x runtime %d3alsa: ERR:%d in aoc raw capture start/stop 3alsa: ERR:%d in android aec capture start 5alsa: Modem mic input source: %d, aec ref source: %d 6alsa: params[%d] = %x 3alsa: ERR: NULL deepbuffer aoc service pointer ERR: interrupted while waiting for lock 3alsa: ERR: fail in voip call tearing down TDM_0_TXEP4 TX MixerI2S_0_RX PlaybackDP_DMA NoHost PB3alsa: ERR: fail to init aoc path 5alsa: Start voice call 3alsa: ERR: NULL compress offload stream pointer 3alsa: ERR: decoder_eof ring buffer flush fail MIC DC BlockerIN_CALL_MUSICDisabled3alsa: ERR:%d in capture start 6alsa: %s type=%d format=%d sr=%d chan=%d 3alsa: ERR:%d in compress offload close 3alsa: ERR: mmap capture channel number %d (only mono or stereo allowed) 6alsa: %s: %d3alsa: ERR: idx %d over capture_param_set maximum 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio capture mic prepare 3alsa: ERR: NULL aoc service pointer ERR: fail to alloc alsa_stream for %sEP6 PlaybackVOIP_TXVOIP TX Mixeraoc_path_initBT_RX PlaybackTDM_0_TX Capture4alsa: idx(%d): buffer_cnt %ld, prev_buffer_cnt %ld, pos_delta = %d 5alsa: overflow in Tx/Rx: %ld - %ld - %d times 3alsa: ERR:%d fail to START stream 5alsa: Stop voice call 3alsa: ERR:%d fail to reigster aoc pcm comp AoC BT Mixer ASP ModeAoC Modem Sink Channel BitmapMIC2PCM Stream Wait Time in MSecGapless Offload EnableAoC Chirp Interval3ERR: %d incorrect index for USB config 3ERR:%d in Eraser aec ref source set 3ERR:%d mmap record gain set to %d fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio capture mic input stop 3alsa: ERR:%d in get incall music stream %d mic channel 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio capture eraser %s 4alsa: invalid metadata 3alsa: ERR:%d compress offload partial drain! 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio us capture mic input setup start 3alsa: ERR:%d modem input start fail! aoc_telephony_sink_closeaoc_nohost_probepcm device open (%d) 3%s no device connected (card %u device %u, direction %u)VOIPDP_DMA NoHost PlaybackINCALL_RXBT_RX MixerDP_DMA_RX PlaybackERASER_TX CaptureEP4 CAP6alsa: %s: dai %s id 0x%xaudio_capture0audio_playback03alsa: ERR:%d fail in pcm buffer allocation 5alsa: alsa compr offload open (%d) aoc_compr_reset_handlerUSB Playback FORMAT v2USB Playback CH v2Audio Sink 3 Processing StateMIC3MIC Record Soft Gain (dB)CCA Module LoadAmbient3ERR:%d get incall capture stream %d fail 3ERR:%d compr offload linear gain get fail 3alsa: ERR in mic input source for audio capture mic source=%d aoc_sidetone_eq_setaudio_displayport3alsa: ERR:%d Telephony voip stop fail 6alsa: send metadata, padding %d, delay %d 3alsa: WARN: setting CHRE AEC gain is not supported 3alsa: ERR:%d audio capture mic input start fail! 6alsa: %s: use default mic source: %d - %d 3alsa: ERR: capture ring buffer flush fail ERR:%d fail to send audio to aoc DEFAULT_SINK_IDEP1EP3_RX3alsa: %s: fail to reigster aoc path compon %dUSB_RX PlaybackTDM_1_TX Capture3alsa: fail to xlate 0x%xNoHost1 CAPaudio_incall_pb_14alsa: period work busy count = %d 3alsa: ERR:%d fail to alloc service for %s6alsa: compress offload ring buffer is depleted PCM Playback SwitchUSB Capture BW v2USB CardUSB DirectionAudio Sink 0 Processing StateAudio Capture Eraser EnableSidetone Biquad3Displayport Audio Start ThresholdESCO_LC3Bypassaoc_sidetone_cfg_setaoc_incall_playback_enable_get3alsa: Err:%d in aoc set usb config v2! 3alsa: ERR:%d in incall playback start on 3alsa: ERR: %d bytes not read from ring buffer 6alsa: close phone call path - src:%d, dst:%d 3alsa: ERR:%d in capture parameter setup stream (%d) 5alsa: Stop voip call ERR:%d fail to get audio from aoc usb_audio_offload_disconnectUSB_TXUS_RXTDM_0_RX MixerTDM_1_RX PlaybackEP3 CAP/mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/86/execroot/__main__/aosp/include/linux/poll.haudio_playback2alsa wait %s 3alsa: ERR:%d decoder setup fail 3alsa: %s: Unsupported audio codec %d BUILDIN US MIC ID CAPTURE LISTUSB Capture SR v2AoC Speaker Sink Channel BitmapMIC HW Gain (cB)VOIP Rx VolumeASP_ONBLE_CONVERSATIONusb_cfg_v2_ctl_get3ERR:%d set voice call capture stream %d fail 6alsa: %s: get voice call capture stream %d state %d 3alsa: ERR:%d mmap mic record gain get 3alsa: ERR:%d in source off 4alsa: %s: invalid dst %d 3alsa: ERR:%d aoc compr reset gain ramp fail aoc_telephony_mic_closeEP1 CAP&aoc_audio_state_wait_headaudio_playback3audio_android_aecgoogle-aoc-snd-pcmUSB Capture SRVoice Call Audio EnableMIC Clock RateSidetone Volume3ERR:%d capture eraser %s fail Unload3alsa: ERR:%d in dsp mode, block=%d, component=%d, key=%d, val=%d STOP3alsa: ERR:%d in AoC Set CHRE PDM gain 3alsa: ERR:%d in usb hifi playback start on aoc_audio_capture_set_params6alsa: close telephony mic - %d INTERNAL_MIC_US_TXEP1_RXNoHost1 PlaybackI2S_2_RX3alsa: ERR: %s ref = %d abnormal 3alsa: ERR:fail to init aoc pcm 3alsa: ERR: fail to stop alsa stream 3alsa: Failed to START alsa device (%d) 3alsa: ERR: %d failed to send metadata Audio Sink 2 Processing StateHotword Tap EnableSidetone Selected MicAoC Chirp EnableASP_OFFRecord3ERR:%d incall playback mic source set fail for ring %d: mic %d 3alsa: ERR:%d in get sidetone eq param 3alsa: ERR:%d in getting compress offload io-sample number 3alsa: ERR:%d audio us capture mic input stop fail! 3alsa: ERR: raw capture channel number %d (only mono or stereo allowed) 3alsa: ERR:%d modem/voip start or stop fail! alsa_incall_period_workERR: fail to stop alsa stream 3%s subs not foundEP5EP1 PlaybackHIFI_RXRAW_RXEP3_TXEP6 CaptureEP5 TX Mixer3alsa: %s: fail to reg new ctrls %dHAPTIC NoHost PBalsa-aoc communication is ready! 3alsa: ERR: %d in registering aoc voice drv 3alsa: ERR: interrupted whilst waiting for lock decoder_eofAoC Modem Mixer ASP ModeAoC BT Sink Channel Bitmap3ERR: incorrect index for USB config v2 in %s 3alsa: ERR:%d in set mic state 3alsa: ERR:%d in get voice playback stream %d state 3alsa: Err: sink id %d not exists! 3alsa: ERR:%d in decoder ref set 3alsa: ERR:%d aoc_compr_resume fail 3alsa: ERR:%d audio us capture mic input start fail! 3alsa: ERR:%d in spatial module trigger IMSVI2S_0_TXEP7_RXHAPTIC_RX PlaybackI2S_2_TX CaptureEP5 PBEP6 PBaudio_capture1Audio DSP State3ERR: %d incorrect index for USB config v2 USB_MIC3ERR:%d incall mic gain set to %ddB fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in getting audio dsp mode3alsa: ERR:%d in lvm get flush dp data failed 6alsa: close voip call path - src:%d, dst:%d aoc_audio_close3alsa: ERR:%d in AoC Set CHRE timeout aoc_audio_control3alsa: ERR: no memory! 6alsa: close telephony sink: %d - %d 3error registering aoc nohost drv %d 6%s usb callback register../private/google-modules/aoc/alsa/aoc_alsa_voip.cEP2HIFIEP7 PlaybackVOIP_RX5alsa: Default sink: %daoc_cmp_probeUSB_TX Captureaudio_capture3audio_incall_pb_0audio_incall_cap_0audio_capture_inject3alsa: ERR: not enough memory allocated for compress offload aoc_compr_pointerUSB Playback CHAudio Sink 4 Processing StateEraser AEC Reference SourceIncall Mic Gain (dB)A2DP_ENC_SBCA2DP_ENC_OPUSSPEAKER3alsa: ERR:%d in getting dsp mode, block=%d, component=%d, key=%d 5alsa: Eraser AEC ref source set as %ld 3alsa: ERR:%d in eraser aec ref source set! 6alsa: compress offload decoder de-inited 3alsa: ERR:%d aoc_compr_pause fail stop3alsa: ERR:%d in audio raw capture %s bind6alsa: %s: ignore capture set param 0x%llu3alsa: ERR:%d in audio us capture mic prepare 6%s card%d connected6%s call aoc_alsa_usb_callback_register() first, skipNoHost1BT_TXEP2_TXTDM_0_RX6alsa: %saoc_of_xlate_dai_name3alsa: ERR:%d in setting pcm hw params AoC VOICE3alsa: ERR: NULL compress offload aoc service pointer aoc_compr_get_codec_capsAoC USB Sink Channel BitmapMmap Record GainCHRE SRC AEC Timeout in MSecESCO_SWBA2DP_ENC_LC33ERR:%d get incall playback stream %d fail 3ERR:%d lvm %s fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in mel rs2 set 3alsa: ERR=%d, sidestone %s fail in binding src:%d - dest:%d 6alsa: voip call audio NOT enabled 6alsa: compress offload partial drain ALSA command timeout %#06x3alsa: alsa-aoc ERR:timeout - cmd [%s] id %#06x 3alsa: ERR:%d in usb hifi playback stop on 3alsa: ERR:%d in usb hifi capture stop on aoc_telephony_mic_open3%s data ep # %d context is null 3error registering aoc dp drv %d google-aoc-snd-dpfail to allocate audio_displayport service DP_DMA_NoHost_RX&path_mutexINCALL_RX PlaybackEP3 PB5alsa: %s free interrupt handler &service_lists[i].wait_headinvalid dev %s aoc_pcm_reset_handlerUSB Capture EP ID v2Audio Capture Mic SourceVoice Call Mic MuteIncall Playback Stream1Sidetone Biquad13ERR:%d mmap record gain get fail aoc_sidetone_eq_get6alsa: get asp mode: block=%d, component=%d, key=%d 3alsa: ERR:%d in aoc compr reset gain ERR: %zu bytes not read from ring buffer 3alsa: ERR:%d Telephony Downlink bind fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in playback source %s on3alsa: [CAP_INJ] channels and active mic mismatch %d vs %d EP4RAWaoc_path_probeAoC Pathaudio_hotword_tap3alsa: ERR: fail to init aoc nohost driver 3alsa: ERR: fail to init aoc dp driver ERR: in advancing pcm playback writer ptr US Record Enable3WARN:hotword is not supported on this device DefaultBuiltin_MIC3ERR:%d mic record gain set to %d fail aoc_incall_capture_enable_set3alsa: ERR:%d in mic record gain set 3alsa: ERR:%d %s 3alsa: ERR:%d in lvm set 3alsa: ERR:%d playback audio param set fails 6alsa: %s: record stop 6alsa: %s: src:%d - sink:%d! 3alsa: ERR: wrong channel number %u for capture 3alsa: ERR:%d in capture parameter2 setup 6alsa: %s: expect_mic %d and mic %d is not matched AoC PCM6%s usb callback unregisterAoC DPMIC LOOPBACKEP1 CaptureUSB_RX MixerEP4 PBEP8 PB3alsa: ERR: fail to alloc service for %sAoC USB Mixer ASP ModeUSB Memory ConfigRawusb_cfg_ctl_getBT_MIC3ERR:%d incall %s mute get fail 3ERR:%d set:%d mel fail 3alsa: ERR:%d in set sidetone params 6alsa: set asp mode: block=%d, component=%d, key=%d, val=%d 3alsa: ERR: unwritten data - %d bytes 3alsa: ERR: couldn't set controls for stream %d 3alsa: ERR:%d set enc parameter failed 3alsa: ERR:%d in ultra sonic record %s control 3alsa: ERR:%d in audio mmap capture %s aoc_telephony_sink_open5alsa: Failed to set %d Hifi/Incall params D$2DDA9? 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x.1039$x.39.compoundliteral.39$x.929$x.829aoc_pcm_component.829$x.729$d.1629$x.629$d.1529$x.529$d.1429$x.429$d.1329$d.329$x.1229$d.229$x.1129$x.129$x.1029.compoundliteral.29$d.29$x.919$x.819$d.719.Ltmp619$d.1619$x.619$d.1519$d.519$d.1419$d.419__UNIQUE_ID_alias319$d.1319$x.319.compoundliteral.191.319$x.1219$x.219$d.1119$x.119$x.1019.compoundliteral.19$d.19$x.909$x.809$d.709$d.1609$x.609$d.1509$d.509$d.1409$x.409__UNIQUE_ID_alias309$x.309$x.1209$d.209$d.1109$x.109snd_aoc_pcm_open.109.compoundliteral.109$x.1009.compoundliteral.9$d.9_note_8$x.998$x.898$d.798$d.1698$x.698$d.1598$d.598$d.1498$x.498$d.1398$x.398$x.1298$x.298.compoundliteral.152.298$x.1198$x.198.compoundliteral.198$x.1098$x.98.compoundliteral.98$x.988$d.888snd_aoc_pcm_close.788$d.788$x.688$d.1588$d.588$d.1488$x.488$d.1388$x.388$x.1288$d.288.compoundliteral.134.288$d.1188.compoundliteral.188$d.188$x.1088$x.88.compoundliteral.88$x.978$d.878$d.778$d.1678$x.678$d.1578$d.578$d.1478$x.478$d.1378$x.378$x.1278$d.278.compoundliteral.124.278$x.1178$x.178.compoundliteral.178$x.1078$x.78.compoundliteral.78$x.968$d.868$d.768$d.1668$x.668$d.1568$d.568$d.1468$x.468$d.1368$x.368$x.1268$x.268.compoundliteral.112.268$x.1168$x.168.compoundliteral.168$x.1068$x.68.compoundliteral.68$x.958$d.858$x.758$d.1658$d.658$d.1558$d.558$d.1458$d.458$d.1358$d.358$x.1258$x.258.compoundliteral.89.258$x.1158.compoundliteral.158$d.158$d.1058$x.58.compoundliteral.58$x.948$d.848$d.748$d.1648$d.648$d.1548$d.548$d.1448$x.448$d.1348$x.348$x.1248$d.248.compoundliteral.64.248$x.1148$x.148.compoundliteral.148$x.1048$x.48.compoundliteral.48$x.938snd_aoc_pcm_prepare.838$d.838$x.738$d.1638$d.638$d.1538$d.538$d.1438$x.438$d.1338$d.338$x.1238$x.238.compoundliteral.54.238$x.1138$x.138.compoundliteral.138$x.1038$x.38.compoundliteral.38$x.928$d.828$x.728$d.1628$d.628$d.1528$d.528$d.1428$x.428$d.1328$x.328$x.1228$x.228.compoundliteral.44.228$x.1128$x.128.compoundliteral.128$d.1028$x.28.compoundliteral.28.Ltmp18$x.918$d.818$x.718$d.1618$d.618$d.1518$x.518$d.1418$x.418__UNIQUE_ID_alias318$d.1318$x.318.compoundliteral.189.318$x.1218$d.218.compoundliteral.34.218$x.1118$x.118.compoundliteral.118$d.1018$d.18$x.908$d.808$x.708$d.1608$d.608$d.1508$x.508$d.1408$x.408__UNIQUE_ID_alias308$d.1308$x.308.compoundliteral.172.308$x.1208$x.208.compoundliteral.208$x.1108$x.108aoc_pcm_new.108.compoundliteral.108$d.1008aoc_alsa_init.__key.8$d.8$d.997$d.897$x.797$d.1697$d.697$d.1597$x.597$d.1497$d.497$d.1397$d.397$x.1297$x.297.compoundliteral.150.297$d.1197$x.197.compoundliteral.197$x.1097$x.97.compoundliteral.97$d.987$x.887$x.787snd_aoc_pcm_open.787$d.687$d.1587$x.587$d.1487$d.487$d.1387$d.387$x.1287$x.287$x.1187$x.187.compoundliteral.187$x.1087$x.87.compoundliteral.87$d.977$x.877$x.777$d.1677$d.677$d.1577$x.577$d.1477$d.477$d.1377$d.377$x.1277$x.277$d.1177$x.177.compoundliteral.177$x.1077$x.77.compoundliteral.77$d.967$x.867$x.767$d.1667$d.667$d.1567$x.567$d.1467$x.467$d.1367$x.367$x.1267$x.267.compoundliteral.110.267$x.1167$x.167.compoundliteral.167$x.1067$x.67.compoundliteral.67$d.957$x.857$x.757$d.1657$x.657$d.1557$x.557$d.1457$x.457$d.1357$x.357$x.1257$x.257.compoundliteral.87.257$d.1157$x.157.compoundliteral.157$x.1057.compoundliteral.57$d.57$d.947$x.847$x.747$d.1647$x.647$d.1547$x.547$d.1447$x.447$d.1347$d.347$x.1247$x.247$d.1147.compoundliteral.147$d.147$d.1047$x.47.compoundliteral.47$d.937$x.837snd_aoc_pcm_hw_free.837$x.737$d.1637$x.637$d.1537$x.537$d.1437$x.437$d.1337$x.337$x.1237$d.237$d.1137$x.137.compoundliteral.137$x.1037$x.37.compoundliteral.37$d.927$x.827aoc_pcm_probe.827$x.727$d.1627$x.627$d.1527$x.527$d.1427$x.427$d.1327$d.327$x.1227$d.227$x.1127$x.127$x.1027.compoundliteral.27$d.27$d.917$x.817$d.717$d.1617$x.617$d.1517$d.517$d.1417$d.417__UNIQUE_ID_alias317$d.1317$d.317.compoundliteral.186.317$d.1217$x.217$x.1117$x.117$x.1017.compoundliteral.17$d.17$d.907$x.807$d.707$d.1607$x.607$d.1507$x.507$d.1407$x.407__UNIQUE_ID_alias307$d.1307$x.307.compoundliteral.170.307$x.1207.compoundliteral.207$d.207$x.1107.compoundliteral.107$d.107$x.1007$d.7$x.996$x.896$d.796$d.1696$x.696$d.1596$d.596$d.1496$x.496$d.1396$x.396$x.1296$x.296.compoundliteral.148.296$x.1196.compoundliteral.196$d.196$d.1096$x.96.compoundliteral.96$x.986$d.886aoc_pcm_new.786$d.786$x.686$d.1586$d.586$d.1486$x.486$d.1386$x.386$x.1286$d.286.compoundliteral.132.286$x.1186.compoundliteral.186$d.186$d.1086$x.86.compoundliteral.86$x.976$d.876$d.776$d.1676$x.676$d.1576$d.576$d.1476$x.476$d.1376$x.376$x.1276$d.276.compoundliteral.122.276$x.1176$x.176.compoundliteral.176$d.1076$x.76.compoundliteral.76$x.966$d.866$d.766$d.1666$x.666$d.1566$d.566$d.1466$x.466$d.1366$x.366$x.1266$d.266.compoundliteral.108.266$x.1166$x.166.compoundliteral.166$d.1066$x.66.compoundliteral.66$x.956$d.856$d.756$d.1656$d.656$d.1556$d.556$d.1456$d.456$d.1356$x.356$x.1256$d.256.compoundliteral.85.256$x.1156.compoundliteral.156$d.156$d.1056$x.56.compoundliteral.56$x.946$d.846$x.746$d.1646$d.646$d.1546$d.546$d.1446$x.446$d.1346$x.346$x.1246$d.246.compoundliteral.62.246$x.1146$x.146.compoundliteral.146$x.1046.compoundliteral.46$d.46$x.936snd_aoc_pcm_hw_params.836$d.836$d.736$d.1636$d.636$d.1536$d.536$d.1436$x.436$d.1336$d.336$d.1236$x.236.compoundliteral.52.236$x.1136$x.136.compoundliteral.136$d.1036$x.36.compoundliteral.36$x.926$d.826$x.726$d.1626$d.626$d.1526$d.526$d.1426$d.426$d.1326$x.326$d.1226$x.226.compoundliteral.42.226$d.1126$x.126.compoundliteral.126$d.1026.compoundliteral.26$d.26$x.916$d.816$x.716$d.1616$d.616$d.1516$x.516$d.1416$x.416__UNIQUE_ID_alias316$d.1316$x.316.compoundliteral.184.316$x.1216$x.216.compoundliteral.32.216$d.1116$x.116.compoundliteral.116$d.1016$d.16$x.906$d.806$x.706$d.1606$d.606$d.1506$x.506$d.1406$x.406__UNIQUE_ID_alias306$d.1306$x.306.compoundliteral.168.306$x.1206$x.206.compoundliteral.206$d.1106$x.106.compoundliteral.106$d.1006.compoundliteral.6$d.6$d.995$d.895$x.795snd_aoc_pcm_copy_user.795$d.1695$x.695$d.1595$x.595$d.1495$d.495$d.1395$d.395$x.1295$x.295.compoundliteral.146.295$x.1195$x.195.compoundliteral.195$x.1095$x.95.compoundliteral.95$d.985$x.885$x.785$d.1685$x.685$d.1585$x.585$d.1485$x.485__UNIQUE_ID_license385$d.1385$d.385$x.1285$x.285$x.1185$x.185.compoundliteral.185$x.1085$x.85.compoundliteral.85$d.975$x.875$x.775$d.1675$x.675$d.1575$x.575$d.1475$d.475$d.1375$d.375$x.1275$x.275$x.1175$x.175.compoundliteral.175$x.1075$x.75.compoundliteral.75$d.965$x.865$x.765$d.1665$x.665$d.1565$x.565$d.1465$x.465$d.1365$d.365$x.1265$x.265.compoundliteral.106.265$x.1165.compoundliteral.165$d.165$x.1065$x.65.compoundliteral.65$d.955$x.855$x.755$d.1655$x.655$d.1555$x.555$d.1455$x.455$d.1355$x.355$x.1255$x.255.compoundliteral.83.255$x.1155$x.155.compoundliteral.155$x.1055$x.55.compoundliteral.55.Ltmp45$d.945$x.845$d.745$d.1645$x.645$d.1545$x.545$d.1445$x.445$d.1345$x.345$x.1245$x.245$x.1145.compoundliteral.145$d.145$d.1045$x.45.compoundliteral.45$d.935$x.835snd_aoc_pcm_lib_ioctl.835$x.735.Ltmp635$d.1635$x.635$d.1535$x.535$d.1435$d.435$d.1335$x.335$x.1235$d.235$x.1135$x.135$x.1035$x.35.compoundliteral.35$d.925$x.825aoc_pcm_drv.825$d.725$d.1625$x.625$d.1525$x.525$d.1425$x.425$d.1325$d.325$x.1225$d.225$x.1125$d.125$x.1025.compoundliteral.25$d.25.Ltmp15$d.915$x.815$x.715$d.1615$x.615$d.1515$d.515$d.1415$d.415__UNIQUE_ID_alias315$d.1315$d.315.compoundliteral.182.315$d.1215$x.215$x.1115$x.115.compoundliteral.115$x.1015.compoundliteral.15$d.15$d.905$x.805$x.705$d.1605$x.605$d.1505$d.505$d.1405$x.405__UNIQUE_ID_alias305$d.1305$x.305.compoundliteral.166.305$x.1205.compoundliteral.205$d.205$x.1105$x.105aoc_pcm_component.105.compoundliteral.105$x.1005$d.5$x.994$x.894$x.794snd_aoc_pcm_pointer.794$d.1694$d.694$d.1594$x.594$d.1494$x.494$d.1394$x.394$x.1294$d.294.compoundliteral.144.294$x.1194.compoundliteral.194$d.194$d.1094$x.94.compoundliteral.94$x.984$x.884$x.784$d.1684$d.684$d.1584$x.584$d.1484$x.484__UNIQUE_ID_author384$d.1384$x.384$x.1284$d.284.compoundliteral.130.284$x.1184$x.184.compoundliteral.184$d.1084$x.84.compoundliteral.84$x.974$x.874$x.774$d.1674$d.674$d.1574$x.574$d.1474$x.474$d.1374$x.374$x.1274$x.274.compoundliteral.120.274$x.1174$x.174.compoundliteral.174$d.1074$x.74.compoundliteral.74__sw_hweight64ktime_get_real_ts64$x.964$x.864$x.764$d.1664$x.664$d.1564$x.564$d.1464$x.464$d.1364$x.364$x.1264$d.264.compoundliteral.104.264$d.1164$x.164.compoundliteral.164$d.1064$x.64.compoundliteral.64$x.954$x.854$d.754$d.1654$x.654$d.1554$x.554$d.1454$x.454$d.1354$d.354$x.1254$d.254.compoundliteral.81.254$d.1154.compoundliteral.154$d.154$d.1054$x.54.compoundliteral.54$x.944$x.844$x.744$d.1644$x.644$d.1544$x.544$d.1444$x.444$d.1344$d.344$x.1244$x.244.compoundliteral.60.244$d.1144.compoundliteral.144$d.144$x.1044.compoundliteral.44$d.44$x.934$x.834snd_aoc_pcm_close.834$d.734$d.1634$x.634.Ltmp534$d.1534$d.534$d.1434$x.434$d.1334$x.334$x.1234$x.234.compoundliteral.50.234$d.1134$x.134.compoundliteral.134$d.1034$x.34.compoundliteral.34$x.924$x.824$x.724$d.1624$x.624$d.1524$x.524$d.1424$d.424$d.1324$x.324.compoundliteral.201.324$d.1224$x.224.compoundliteral.40.224$d.1124$x.124aoc_pcm_hrtimer_irq_handler.124.compoundliteral.124$d.1024.compoundliteral.24$d.24$x.914$x.814$d.714$d.1614$x.614$d.1514$x.514$d.1414$x.414__UNIQUE_ID_alias314$d.1314$x.314.compoundliteral.180.314$x.1214$x.214$d.1114$x.114.compoundliteral.114$d.1014$d.14$x.904$x.804$d.704$d.1604$x.604$d.1504$x.504$d.1404$x.404__UNIQUE_ID_alias304$d.1304$x.304.compoundliteral.164.304$d.1204$x.204.compoundliteral.204$d.1104$x.104.compoundliteral.104$x.1004.compoundliteral.4$d.4$d.993$x.893snd_aoc_pcm_trigger.793$d.793$d.1693$x.693$d.1593$d.593$d.1493$d.493$d.1393$x.393$x.1293$x.293.compoundliteral.142.293$x.1193$x.193.compoundliteral.193$x.1093$x.93.compoundliteral.93$d.983$d.883aoc_pcm_component.783$d.783$d.1683$x.683$d.1583$d.583$d.1483$d.483__UNIQUE_ID_description383$d.1383$x.383$x.1283$x.283$x.1183$x.183.compoundliteral.183$x.1083$x.83.compoundliteral.83$d.973$d.873$x.773$d.1673$x.673$d.1573$d.573$d.1473$x.473$d.1373$x.373$x.1273$x.273$x.1173$x.173$x.1073$x.73.compoundliteral.73$d.963$d.863$d.763$d.1663$d.663$d.1563$d.563$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