/* ** ** Copyright 2022, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::sounddose::ISoundDose; class IMelReporterCallback : public virtual RefBase { public: IMelReporterCallback() {}; virtual ~IMelReporterCallback() {}; virtual void stopMelComputationForDeviceId(audio_port_handle_t deviceId) = 0; virtual void startMelComputationForDeviceId(audio_port_handle_t deviceId) = 0; virtual void applyAllAudioPatches() = 0; }; class SoundDoseManager : public audio_utils::MelProcessor::MelCallback { public: /** CSD is computed with a rolling window of 7 days. */ static constexpr int64_t kCsdWindowSeconds = 604800; // 60s * 60m * 24h * 7d /** Default RS2 upper bound in dBA as defined in IEC 62368-1 3rd edition. */ static constexpr float kDefaultRs2UpperBound = 100.f; explicit SoundDoseManager(const sp& melReporterCallback) : mMelReporterCallback(melReporterCallback), mMelAggregator(sp::make(kCsdWindowSeconds)), mRs2UpperBound(kDefaultRs2UpperBound) {}; // Used only for testing SoundDoseManager(const sp& melReporterCallback, const sp& melAggregator) : mMelReporterCallback(melReporterCallback), mMelAggregator(melAggregator), mRs2UpperBound(kDefaultRs2UpperBound) {}; /** * \brief Creates or gets the MelProcessor assigned to the streamHandle * * \param deviceId id for the devices where the stream is active. * \param streamHandle handle to the stream * \param sampleRate sample rate for the processor * \param channelCount number of channels to be processed. * \param format format of the input samples. * * \return MelProcessor assigned to the stream and device id. */ sp getOrCreateProcessorForDevice(audio_port_handle_t deviceId, audio_io_handle_t streamHandle, uint32_t sampleRate, size_t channelCount, audio_format_t format); /** * \brief Removes stream processor when MEL computation is not needed anymore * * \param streamHandle handle to the stream */ void removeStreamProcessor(audio_io_handle_t streamHandle); /** * Sets the output RS2 upper bound for momentary exposure warnings. Must not be * higher than 100dBA and not lower than 80dBA. * * \param rs2Value value to use for momentary exposure */ void setOutputRs2UpperBound(float rs2Value); /** * \brief Registers the interface for passing callbacks to the AudioService and gets * the ISoundDose interface. * * \returns the sound dose binder to send commands to the SoundDoseManager **/ sp getSoundDoseInterface(const sp& callback); /** * Sets the HAL sound dose interface for a specific module to use for the MEL computation. * * @return true if setting the HAL sound dose value was successful, false otherwise. */ bool setHalSoundDoseInterface(const std::string &module, const std::shared_ptr &halSoundDose); /** Reset all the stored HAL sound dose interface. */ void resetHalSoundDoseInterfaces(); /** Returns the cached audio port id from the active devices. */ audio_port_handle_t getIdForAudioDevice( const aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDevice& audioDevice) const; /** Caches mapping between address, device port id and device type. */ void mapAddressToDeviceId(const AudioDeviceTypeAddr& adt, const audio_port_handle_t deviceId); /** Clear all map entries with passed audio_port_handle_t. */ void clearMapDeviceIdEntries(audio_port_handle_t deviceId); /** Returns true if CSD is enabled. */ bool isCsdEnabled(); void initCachedAudioDeviceCategories( const std::vector& deviceCategories); void setAudioDeviceCategory( const media::ISoundDose::AudioDeviceCategory& audioDevice); /** * Returns true if the type can compute CSD. For bluetooth devices we rely on whether we * categorized the address as headphones/headsets, only in this case we return true. */ bool shouldComputeCsdForDeviceWithAddress(const audio_devices_t type, const std::string& deviceAddress); /** Returns true for all device types which could support CSD computation. */ bool shouldComputeCsdForDeviceType(audio_devices_t device); std::string dump() const; // used for testing only size_t getCachedMelRecordsSize() const; bool isFrameworkMelForced() const; bool isComputeCsdForcedOnAllDevices() const; /** Method for converting from audio_utils::CsdRecord to media::SoundDoseRecord. */ static media::SoundDoseRecord csdRecordToSoundDoseRecord(const audio_utils::CsdRecord& legacy); // ------ Override audio_utils::MelProcessor::MelCallback ------ void onNewMelValues(const std::vector& mels, size_t offset, size_t length, audio_port_handle_t deviceId, bool attenuated) const override; void onMomentaryExposure(float currentMel, audio_port_handle_t deviceId) const override; void resetReferencesForTest(); private: class SoundDose : public media::BnSoundDose, public IBinder::DeathRecipient { public: SoundDose(SoundDoseManager* manager, const sp& callback) : mSoundDoseManager(manager), mSoundDoseCallback(callback) {} /** IBinder::DeathRecipient. Listen to the death of ISoundDoseCallback. */ void binderDied(const wp& who) override; /** BnSoundDose override */ binder::Status setOutputRs2UpperBound(float value) override; binder::Status resetCsd(float currentCsd, const std::vector& records) override; binder::Status updateAttenuation(float attenuationDB, int device) override; binder::Status getOutputRs2UpperBound(float* value) override; binder::Status setCsdEnabled(bool enabled) override; binder::Status initCachedAudioDeviceCategories( const std::vector &btDeviceCategories) override; binder::Status setAudioDeviceCategory( const media::ISoundDose::AudioDeviceCategory& btAudioDevice) override; binder::Status getCsd(float* value) override; binder::Status forceUseFrameworkMel(bool useFrameworkMel) override; binder::Status forceComputeCsdOnAllDevices(bool computeCsdOnAllDevices) override; binder::Status isSoundDoseHalSupported(bool* value) override; wp mSoundDoseManager; const sp mSoundDoseCallback; }; class HalSoundDoseCallback : public ISoundDose::BnHalSoundDoseCallback { public: explicit HalSoundDoseCallback(SoundDoseManager* manager) : mSoundDoseManager(manager) {} ndk::ScopedAStatus onMomentaryExposureWarning( float in_currentDbA, const aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDevice& in_audioDevice) override; ndk::ScopedAStatus onNewMelValues( const ISoundDose::IHalSoundDoseCallback::MelRecord& in_melRecord, const aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDevice& in_audioDevice) override; wp mSoundDoseManager; std::mutex mCbLock; }; void resetSoundDose(); void resetCsd(float currentCsd, const std::vector& records); sp getSoundDoseCallback() const; float getAttenuationForDeviceId(audio_port_handle_t id) const; void updateAttenuation(float attenuationDB, audio_devices_t deviceType); void setCsdEnabled(bool enabled); void setUseFrameworkMel(bool useFrameworkMel); void setComputeCsdOnAllDevices(bool computeCsdOnAllDevices); bool isSoundDoseHalSupported() const; /** * Returns true if there is one active HAL sound dose interface or null if internal MEL * computation is used. **/ bool useHalSoundDose() const; mutable std::mutex mLock; sp mMelReporterCallback; // no need for lock since MelAggregator is thread-safe const sp mMelAggregator; std::unordered_map> mActiveProcessors GUARDED_BY(mLock); // map active device address and type to device id, used also for managing the pause/resume // logic for deviceId's that should not report MEL values (e.g.: do not have an active MUSIC // or GAME stream). std::map mActiveDevices GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::unordered_map mActiveDeviceTypes GUARDED_BY(mLock); struct bt_device_type_hash { std::size_t operator() (const std::pair &deviceType) const { return std::hash()(deviceType.first) ^ std::hash()(deviceType.second); } }; // storing the BT cached information as received from the java side // see SoundDoseManager::setCachedAudioDeviceCategories std::unordered_map, bool, bt_device_type_hash> mBluetoothDevicesWithCsd GUARDED_BY(mLock); float mRs2UpperBound GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::unordered_map mMelAttenuationDB GUARDED_BY(mLock); sp mSoundDose GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::unordered_map> mHalSoundDose GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::shared_ptr mHalSoundDoseCallback GUARDED_BY(mLock); bool mUseFrameworkMel GUARDED_BY(mLock) = false; bool mComputeCsdOnAllDevices GUARDED_BY(mLock) = false; bool mEnabledCsd GUARDED_BY(mLock) = true; }; } // namespace android